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Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209276


INTRODUCCIÓN: en 2021 el proyecto CONÓCEME: comprende el medicamento/descubre al farmacéutico, va dirigido también a estudiantes de 4º o 3º Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) con el fin de llegar a todos los adolescentes.OBJETIVOS: evaluar la diferencia de aprendizaje de las nociones básicas del uso adecuado del medicamento entre estudiantes de 1º bachillerato, 4º y 3º ESO. Impartir la intervención educativa (IE) como una actividad complementaria en el programa educativo para inculcar buenos hábitos desde la adolescencia con la finalidad de conseguir un uso responsable del medicamento a medio y largo plazo. Evaluar el grado de satisfacción con la actividad de los estudiantes participantes.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo, multicéntrico, realizado en las dos provincias canarias durante 2021/2022. Se realizaron formaciones específicas a los farmacéuticos comunitarios (FC) que impartieron las IE informándoles sobre el proyecto y proporcionándoles la documentación asociada, con la finalidad de conseguir intervenciones lo más homogéneas posibles en todas las provincias. La actividad fue impartida por uno o dos FC en dos sesiones. Después de cada IE los estudiantes resolvieron cinco ejercicios en la plataforma del proyecto. Tras los ejercicios rellenaron una encuesta de satisfacción. RESULTADOS: a fecha 11/03/2022, participaron 9 centros educativos, 6 en Santa Cruz de Tenerife y 3 en Las Palmas. Participaron 393 estudiantes, 246 de 1º bach, 75 de 4º ESO y 72 de 3º ESO. Colaboraron 13 FC impartiendo la IE en 19 aulas, 12_1ºbach, 3_4ºESO y 4_3ºESO. (AU)

Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Pharmacy , Educational Personnel , Students , Health Education
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209278


JUSTIFICACIÓN: el proyecto CONÓCEME está dirigido a alumnos de 4º y 3º ESO y 1º Bachillerato con el objetivo de transmitir conocimientos generales sobre el uso correcto del medicamento y visibilizar las funciones profesionales del farmacéutico comunitario (FC). Habitualmente las intervenciones educativas (IE) son impartidas en los centros educativos por FC de forma presencial, sin embargo, la irrupción de la pandemia ha complicado estos años el acceso de personal externo. Para avanzar en el proyecto se contempla la opción de utilizar las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. OBJETIVOS: comparar el porcentaje medio de aciertos en los ejercicios y el grado de satisfacción con la actividad de los estudiantes en función de la modalidad de la IE, online o presencial.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo, multicéntrico, centrado en una muestra de estudiantes de 4ºESO de Cantabria durante 2021/2022. En todos los centros la IE fue impartida por dos FC en dos sesiones de 50 minutos espaciadas 7 días. En ambas sesiones, después de la IE los alumnos resolvieron cinco ejercicios en la plataforma del proyecto. En la segunda, tras los ejercicios rellenaron una encuesta de satisfacción. RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN: a fecha 11/03/2022, participaron 8 centros, 730 alumnos y 13 FC. La muestra de estudio se centró en 389 estudiantes de 4ºESO de 7 centros, ubicados 2 en Santander y 5 en diferentes poblaciones, 4 del total de titularidad pública. El análisis de resultados se aplicó a las aulas que habían completado las dos sesiones. Se dividieron en dos grupos en función de la modalidad de la IE online (GO) con 4 aulas y 59 estudiantes, o presencial (GP) con 11 y 231 respectivamente. El porcentaje medio de aciertos en los ejercicios resultó: GO 46,25%(DE:12.05) y GP 59,67%(DE:9.40). (AU)

Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Pharmacy , Educational Personnel , Students , Health Education
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209279


OBJETIVOS: evaluar la diferencia de aprendizaje de las nociones básicas del uso adecuado del medicamento entre los estudiantes de los cursos 1º bachillerato, 4º y 3º ESO. Evaluar el grado de satisfacción con la actividad educativa de estudiantes y docentes. Conocer la percepción de los farmacéuticos comunitarios (FC) sobre el desarrollo del proyecto.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo, multicéntrico, centrado en una muestra de estudiantes de 1º bachillerato, 4º y 3º ESO de las cuatro provincias gallegas durante 2021/2022. Se realizaron formaciones específicas a los FC que impartieron las intervenciones educativas (IE) informándoles sobre el proyecto y proporcionándoles la documentación, con la finalidad de conseguir intervenciones lo más homogéneas posibles en todas las provincias. La actividad fue impartida por uno o dos FC en dos sesiones, tras las cuales, los estudiantes resolvieron cinco ejercicios en la plataforma del proyecto. En la segunda, además rellenaron una encuesta de satisfacción. Al docente se pasó la encuesta de satisfacción vía email.RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN: a fecha 11/03/2022, participaron 28 centros, 13 A Coruña, 1 Lugo, 6 Orense y 8 Pontevedra. Participaron 1.633 estudiantes, 653_1ºbach, 963_4ºESO y 17_3ºESO. Colaboraron 52 FC impartiendo la IE en 58 aulas, 22_1º bach, 34_4ºESO y 2_3ºESO. El porcentaje medio de aciertos en los ejercicios resultó 52,81% (DE:15.11). Por cursos, 1ºbach_58,92%(DE:14.80), 4ºESO_49,14%(DE:14.13) y 3ºESO_41,80%(DE:13.29). En cuanto a la satisfacción con la actividad educativa, el 90,8% de los estudiantes la consideró interesante/muy interesante y el 92,3% de los docentes se mostró satisfecho/muy satisfecho. (AU)

Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Pharmacy , Educational Personnel , Students , Health Education
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209320


INTRODUCCIÓN: la erupción del Volcán de Cumbre Vieja en La Palma. "Este desastre natural ha acarreado a lo largo de tres meses de actividad la muerte de una persona, el desplazamiento de más de 7.000 en una comunidad de algo más de 80.000 residentes, la desaparición de más de 1.200 edificaciones que incluyen viviendas, empresas, colegios, iglesias y hasta cementerios, más de 1.000 hectáreas de terreno de cultivo y la destrucción o deterioro de infraestructuras vitales como carreteras, conducciones eléctricas e hidrológicas. El día a día se ha acompañado de terremotos cotidianos, el rugido y el tremor volcánico, la emisión por el cráter de gases tóxicos, cenizas y piroclastos y el progreso arrasador de la lava incandescente a través de distintas coladas. Evidentemente, esta situación de indefensión y sufrimiento puede originar consecuencias en la salud mental de los afectados, especialmente aquellos más vulnerables como personas con patologías previas, escaso apoyo social o que han sufrido un daño más significativo, tal como se ha visto en otras catástrofes, con la previsible aparición, más o menos diferida, de trastornos como el estrés postraumático, la ansiedad, la depresión o el aumento en el consumo de alcohol y sustancias”.OBJETIVOS: poner de manifiesto, a través de la presencia de los farmacéuticos comunitarios (FC) de Canarias y la acción profesional en las áreas de salud de la carpa, el compromiso de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Clínica, Familiar y Comunitaria (SEFAC) con la población afectada en la Isla de La Palma con motivo de la erupción del Volcán de Cumbre Vieja del pasado 19 de septiembre de 2021. Ofrecer servicios de educación sanitaria sobre los trastornos de salud derivados de la erupción más prevalentes detectados en las farmacias comunitarias de la isla a través de la labor humanística de escucha, apoyo y motivación del FC como profesional sanitario. (AU)

Humans , Pharmacists , Toxic Gases , Mental Health , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Alcohol Drinking , Health Education
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209544


JUSTIFICACIÓN: los agonistas del receptor del GLP-1 (aGLP-1) son un grupo de fármacos que reducen significativamente la hemoglobina glicosilada sin riesgo de hipoglucemias. Este grupo terapéutico tiene efectos multifactoriales más allá del control de la glucemia: disminuye el vaciamiento gástrico, aumenta la cardioprotección, etc. Una dispensación adecuada ayuda a mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento.OBJETIVOS: analizar el impacto del taller de intervención en la dispensación de los análogos de GLP-1 inyectables a través de unas preguntas de evaluación.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: se realizó el taller “Intervención en la dispensación de análogos de GLP-1 inyectables” en las diferentes sedes de SEFAC desde septiembre a diciembre del 2021. Para la elaboración del taller se siguió el siguiente procedimiento: Se seleccionaron 4 farmacéuticos expertos en el tema y miembros del grupo de diabetes de SEFAC para la creación del taller. La estructura a seguir fue: 10 minutos teoría, 20 minutos rol play y 10 minutos preguntas. Creación del taller y preguntas de evaluación, revisión por pares del material por comité científico de SEFAC y el comité médico del laboratorio patrocinador. Formación de los ponentes de las diferentes sedes de SEFAC a través de una sesión formativa de 2 horas vía zoom.Desarrollo del taller, realizando las MISMAS preguntas de evaluación antes y después del taller.RESULTADOS: 773 encuestas realizadas en las 15 sedes de SEFAC: 407 encuestas antes del taller y 366 después. El porcentaje de respuestas correctas fue de 50,0% antes y 64,3% después. (AU)

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypoglycemia , Blood Glucose , Pharmacists , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209545


INTRODUCCIÓN/JUSTIFICACIÓN: los errores en la técnica de inyección son uno de los motivos de falta de efectividad en los pacientes que utilizan insulina. No existen en nuestro ámbito cuestionarios que evalúen que el proceso se realiza adecuadamente.OBJETIVO: diseñar y validar un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre el uso correcto de los inyectables de insulina en pacientes con diabetes para su utilización en las farmacias comunitarias españolas.MÉTODOS: Diseño del estudio: Estudio observacional transversal a realizar en 20 farmacias comunitarias españolas durante el primer semestre de 2022. Criterios de inclusión: Pacientes con diabetes, mayores de edad, en tratamiento con insulina y consienta participar. Diseño del cuestionario: Se parte del cuestionario JH-inyectables, ya utilizado en diversos estudios. Tras un proceso de conceptualización y revisión bibliográfica, un grupo nominal de farmacéuticos comunitarios lo revisará y pilotará para concretar los ítems más apropiados. Propiedades y estadísticos utilizados. Validación de contenido y criterio: Valoración por un grupo multidisciplinar de expertos en atención a pacientes con diabetes mediante un cuestionario de evaluación ad-hoc (escala Likert de 1-5).Fiabilidad: Mediante el índice de consistencia interna (alfa de Crombach) y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). Reproducibilidad (test/retest): Se compararán los resultados de la administración del cuestionario dos veces con separación de 2 semanas a un mismo grupo de pacientes usuarios de insulina. Se calcularán las correlaciones de Pearson y de Spearman-B. Para ello se solicitará la colaboración de 20 farmacéuticos miembros del Grupo de Diabetes de SEFAC. Tamaño muestral: Se calculó en 168 sujetos (IC del 95% y precisión del 5%), que se seleccionarán mediante muestreo aleatorio, para lo que se asignará un número de pacientes a cada farmacéutico colaborador. (AU)

Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Insulin , Patients , Pharmacies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Bol. pediatr ; 56(236): 125-133, 2016. mapas, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-155802


El virus Zika es un arbovirus transmitido por la picadura del mosquito hembra del género Aedes, predominando la especie Aedes Albopictus en la zona mediterránea. La principal forma de transmisión es a través de vectores, pero el virus ha sido aislado en diversos fluidos orgánicos, describiéndose casos de transmisión vertical, sexual y mediante derivados hemáticos. La posible transmisión a través de la lactancia materna todavía se desconoce. El virus Zika ha presentado una gran expansión en el último año, reconociéndose a día de hoy transmisión autóctona en 33 países de las Américas, por lo que el 1 de febrero de 2016 la OMS declara la infección por virus Zika emergencia de salud pública global ante la gran cantidad de casos notificados y a las posibles complicaciones derivadas de su infección en el ser humano. Tras la infección por el virus, solo el 25% de las personas afectadas presentarán sintomatología tras un periodo de incubación que oscila entre 3 y 12 días, desarrollando un cuadro banal con fiebre, dolores articulares, hiperemia conjuntival y exantema generalizado. Por el momento no hay tratamiento específico antiviral ni vacuna, por lo que el tratamiento es sintomático con antitérmicos, reposo y líquidos. La importancia radica en el aumento de casos de microcefalia y síndromes neurológicos detectados coincidentes en el tiempo con el brote de infección por virus Zika, lo que ha hecho sonar las alarmas de las autoridades de salud pública. En España, el Ministerio de Sanidad define el riesgo de transmisión autóctona del virus como un riesgo real, en base al análisis de diversos factores. En la actualidad hay un resurgimiento de los arbovirus, necesitando más estudios con los que podamos comprender el comportamiento de estos, y poder desarrollar estrategias de salud pública adecuadas, y vacunas y antirretrovirales efectivos

Zika virus is an arbovirus transmitted by the bite of female Aedes mosquito genus, species Aedes albopictus is the predominant in the Mediterranean region. Transmission is mainly through vectors, but the virus has been isolated in various organic fluids. Cases of vertical, sexual transmission and via blood products have been described. The possible transmission through breastfeeding is still unknown. Zika virus has presented a major expansion in the last year, up today autochthonous transmission has been recognized in 33 countries in the Americas, therefore on February 1, 2016, the WHO declared virus Zika as a global public health emergency, because of the large number of cases reported and possible complications derived from their infection in humans. After infection by the virus, only 25% of the affected present symptoms after an incubation period between 3 and 12 days, developing banal clinical manifestations such as fever, joint pain, conjunctival hyperemia and generalized rash. At the moment there is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment. Management is symptomatic with antipyretic, rest and fluids. The increasing of microcephaly and neurological syndromes during the outbreak of Zika virus infection, has warned the public health authorities. The risk of autochthonous transmission in Spain is defined by the Ministry of Health as a real risk, based on the analysis of several factors. Nowadays there is a resurgence of arboviruses. More studies are needed to understand their behavior and to develop appropriate public health strategies, effective vaccines and antiretroviral therapies. Key words: Infection; Microcephaly; Update; Zika virus

Humans , Zika Virus/pathogenicity , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Microcephaly/epidemiology , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Viral Vaccines
EMBO J ; 20(4): 672-82, 2001 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11179212


Metastasis is a frequent and lethal complication of cancer. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) is a recently described lymphangiogenic factor. Increased expression of VEGF-C in primary tumours correlates with dissemination of tumour cells to regional lymph nodes. However, a direct role for VEGF-C in tumour lymphangiogenesis and subsequent metastasis has yet to be demonstrated. Here we report the establishment of transgenic mice in which VEGF-C expression, driven by the rat insulin promoter (Rip), is targeted to beta-cells of the endocrine pancreas. In contrast to wild-type mice, which lack peri-insular lymphatics, RipVEGF-C transgenics develop an extensive network of lymphatics around the islets of Langerhans. These mice were crossed with Rip1Tag2 mice, which develop pancreatic beta-cell tumours that are neither lymphangiogenic nor metastatic. Double-transgenic mice formed tumours surrounded by well developed lymphatics, which frequently contained tumour cell masses of beta-cell origin. These mice frequently developed pancreatic lymph node metastases. Our findings demonstrate that VEGF-C-induced lymphangiogenesis mediates tumour cell dissemination and the formation of lymph node metastases.

Endothelial Growth Factors/physiology , Lymphatic System/growth & development , Neoplasm Metastasis , Animals , DNA, Complementary , Endothelial Growth Factors/genetics , Humans , Immunohistochemistry , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Pancreas/ultrastructure , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C
J Clin Invest ; 106(2): 235-43, 2000 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10903339


Proper insulin secretion requires the coordinated functioning of the numerous beta cells that form pancreatic islets. This coordination depends on a network of communication mechanisms whereby beta cells interact with extracellular signals and adjacent cells via connexin channels. To assess whether connexin-dependent communication plays a role in vivo, we have developed transgenic mice in which connexin 32 (Cx32), one of the vertebrate connexins found in the pancreas, is expressed in beta cells. We show that the altered beta-cell coupling that results from this expression causes reduced insulin secretion in response to physiologically relevant concentrations of glucose and abnormal tolerance to the sugar. These alterations were observed in spite of normal numbers of islets, increased insulin content, and preserved secretory response to glucose by individual beta cells. Moreover, glucose-stimulated islets showed improved electrical synchronization of these cells and increased cytosolic levels of Ca(2+). The results show that connexins contribute to the control of beta cells in vivo and that their excess is detrimental for insulin secretion.

Connexins/biosynthesis , Glucose/pharmacology , Insulin/metabolism , Intercellular Junctions/physiology , Islets of Langerhans/physiology , Animals , Calcium Signaling , Cell Communication , Connexins/genetics , Insulin Secretion , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Gap Junction beta-1 Protein
Genes Dev ; 12(16): 2535-48, 1998 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9716406


The mechanisms responsible for translational silencing of certain mRNAs in growing oocytes, and for their awakening during meiotic maturation, are not completely elucidated. We show that binding of a approximately 80-kD protein to a UA-rich element in the 3' UTR of tissue-type plasminogen activator mRNA, a mouse oocyte mRNA that is translated during meiotic maturation, silences the mRNA in primary oocytes. Translation can be triggered by injecting a competitor transcript that displaces this silencing factor, without elongation of a pre-existing short poly(A) tail, the presence of which is mandatory. During meiotic maturation, cytoplasmic polyadenylation is necessary to maintain a poly(A) tail, but the determining event for translational activation appears to be the modification or displacement of the silencing factor.

Oocytes/physiology , Protein Biosynthesis , RNA, Messenger/physiology , Animals , Binding, Competitive , Cells, Cultured , Cytoplasm/metabolism , Meiosis/genetics , Mice , Oogenesis/genetics , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/genetics , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/metabolism
J Clin Invest ; 100(5): 1098-106, 1997 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9276726


Targeted disruption of mouse beta3-adrenoceptor was generated by homologous recombination, and validated by an acute in vivo study showing a complete lack of effect of the beta3-adrenoceptor agonist CL 316,243 on the metabolic rate of homozygous null (-/-) mice. In brown adipose tissue, beta3-adrenoceptor disruption induced a 66% decrease (P < 0.005) in beta1-adrenoceptor mRNA level, whereas leptin mRNA remained unchanged. Chronic energy balance studies in chow-fed mice showed that in -/- mice, body fat accumulation was favored (+41%, P < 0.01), with a slight increase in food intake (+6%, NS). These effects were accentuated by high fat feeding: -/- mice showed increased total body fat (+56%, P < 0.025) and food intake (+12%, P < 0.01), and a decrease in the fat-free dry mass (-10%, P < 0.05), which reflects a reduction in body protein content. Circulating leptin levels were not different in -/- and control mice regardless of diet. The significant shift to the right in the positive correlation between circulating leptin and percentage of body fat in high fat-fed -/- mice suggests that the threshold of body fat content inducing leptin secretion is higher in -/- than in control mice. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that beta3-adrenoceptor disruption creates conditions which predispose to the development of obesity.

Body Composition , Proteins/physiology , Receptors, Adrenergic, beta/physiology , Adipose Tissue/physiology , Animals , Blotting, Northern , Body Temperature Regulation , Cells, Cultured , Dietary Fats/administration & dosage , Energy Metabolism , Leptin , Male , Mice , Proteins/analysis , Receptors, Adrenergic, beta/genetics , Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-1/physiology , Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-3 , Receptors, Leptin
Mol Cell Biol ; 17(4): 1759-67, 1997 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9121423


In mouse oocytes, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) mRNA is under translational control. The newly transcribed mRNA undergoes deadenylation and translational silencing in growing oocytes, while readenylation and translation occur during meiotic maturation. To localize regulatory elements controlling tPA mRNA expression, we identified regions of the endogenous transcript protected from hybridization with injected antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. Most of the targeted sequences in either the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR), coding region, or 3'UTR were accessible to hybridization, as revealed by inhibition of tPA synthesis and by RNase protection. Two protected regions were identified in the 3'UTR of tPA mRNA in primary oocytes: the adenylation control element (ACE) and the AAUAAA polyadenylation signal. These sequences were previously shown to be involved in the translational control of injected reporter transcripts. During the first hour of meiotic maturation, part of the ACE and the AAUAAA hexanucleotide became accessible to hybridization, suggesting a partial unmasking of the 3'UTR of this mRNA before it becomes translationally competent. Our results demonstrate that in vivo antisense oligodeoxynucleotide mapping can reveal the dynamics of regulatory features of a native mRNA in the context of the intact cell. They suggest that specific regions in the 3'UTR of tPA mRNA function as cis-acting masking determinants involved in the silencing of tPA mRNA in primary oocytes.

Oligonucleotides, Antisense/genetics , Oocytes/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/genetics , Animals , Base Sequence , Female , Gene Expression Regulation/drug effects , Meiosis/drug effects , Meiosis/genetics , Mice , Molecular Sequence Data , Oligonucleotides, Antisense/pharmacology , Oocytes/drug effects , Oocytes/growth & development , Protein Biosynthesis/drug effects , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/biosynthesis , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/genetics
Biochem Biophys Res Commun ; 217(3): 1279-86, 1995 Dec 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8554587


We have generated transgenic mice overexpressing TGF-beta 1 in pancreatic beta cells. This resulted in massive fibrosis of the pancreas; in adult mice, most of the acini were replaced by fibrotic and adipose tissues. A conspicuous disorganization of the islets of Langerhans was also observed; however, the number of beta cells was not decreased and the mice were normoglycemic. Backcrossing to transgenic mice overexpressing TNF-alpha in their islet beta cells (which also remain normoglycemic, (1)) yielded double transgenics, most of which became diabetic by the age of 4 months; histological analysis revealed a dramatic decrease in insulin-containing beta cells.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/etiology , Pancreatitis/etiology , Transforming Growth Factor beta/metabolism , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Amylases/metabolism , Animals , Base Sequence , Chronic Disease , DNA Primers/chemistry , Insulin/metabolism , Islets of Langerhans/metabolism , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Molecular Sequence Data , Pancreas/metabolism
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 91(26): 12999-3003, 1994 Dec 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7809163


Ontogenic relationships between the different types of endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans were explored by generating transgenic mouse embryos in which cells transcribing the glucagon, insulin, or pancreatic polypeptide genes were destroyed through the promoter-targeted expression of the diphtheria toxin A chain. Embryos lacking glucagon- or insulin-containing cells did not exhibit alterations in the development of the nontargeted islet cell types, whereas embryos lacking pancreatic polypeptide gene-expressing cells also lacked pancreatic insulin- and somatostatin-containing cells. These results show that neither glucagon nor insulin gene-expressing cells are essential for the differentiation of the other islet endocrine-cell types. These results also suggest that pancreatic polypeptide gene-expressing cells are indispensable for the differentiation of islet beta and delta cells because the former produce a necessary paracrine or endocrine factor and/or operate through a cell-lineage relationship.

Islets of Langerhans/cytology , Animals , Cell Death , Diphtheria Toxin/administration & dosage , Glucagon/genetics , Insulin/genetics , Islets of Langerhans/embryology , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Pancreatic Polypeptide/genetics , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Somatostatin/metabolism
Development ; 120(12): 3451-62, 1994 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7821214


Pancreatic rudiments from E12.5 mouse embryos undergo extensive development and differentiation when cultured in three-dimensional gels of extracellular matrix proteins for up to 12 days. Whereas collagen gels promote the formation of numerous exocrine acini and relatively small clusters of endocrine cells, in basement membrane (EHS) matrices the development of endocrine cells is dramatically favoured over that of acinar tissue. Buds embedded in a collagen gel contiguous to an EHS gel also fail to develop acini, suggesting the involvement of diffusible factor(s). Addition of cytokines to cultures of pancreatic buds in collagen gels modifies the relative proportions of the epithelial components of the gland. In the presence of EGF the proportion of the tissue occupied by ducts overrides that of acinar structures, whereas the endocrine portion of the tissue is not significantly modified. TGF-beta 1 partially mimicks the effect of EHS matrix in inhibiting the development of acinar tissue without decreasing the amount of ducts and mesenchyme; TGF-beta 1 also promotes the development of endocrine cells, in particular of insulin-containing beta cells and of cells expressing genes of the PP-fold family. These results show that cytokines can modulate the development of the pancreas and suggest a role for TGF-beta 1 in regulating the balance between the acinar and endocrine portions of the gland in vivo. More generally, they are compatible with the notion that, during organogenesis, cytokines act as paracrine factors responsible for the development and maintenance of appropriate proportions of different tissue constituents.

Extracellular Matrix/physiology , Pancreas/embryology , Transforming Growth Factor beta/physiology , Animals , Apoptosis/physiology , Base Sequence , Cell Differentiation/physiology , Collagen , DNA Primers , Epidermal Growth Factor/physiology , Immunohistochemistry , Islets of Langerhans/embryology , Islets of Langerhans/ultrastructure , Mice , Mice, Inbred Strains , Microscopy, Electron , Molecular Sequence Data , Morphogenesis , Organ Culture Techniques , Pancreas/ultrastructure , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Transforming Growth Factor beta/genetics
Diabetologia ; 37(12): 1277-9, 1994 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7534735


While transgenic mice expressing tumour necrosis factor-alpha under the control of the beta-cell-specific insulin promoter display a marked lymphocytic infiltration of the islets, they never develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). In striking contrast, "double" transgenic mice whose beta cells express both tumour necrosis factor-alpha as well as the co-stimulatory B7-1 molecule all develop IDDM at an early age. Furthermore, administration of anti-CD8 but not anti-CD4 immunoglobulins prevents diabetes onset. These results indicate that while tumour necrosis factor-alpha induced lymphocytic infiltration is not sufficient to effect beta-cell destruction, locally co-stimulated islet-infiltrating CD8+ T lymphocytes could play a critical role in the development of IDDM.

Autoimmune Diseases/immunology , B7-1 Antigen/biosynthesis , CD4 Antigens/immunology , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , CD8 Antigens/immunology , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/immunology , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/biosynthesis , Animals , Autoimmune Diseases/prevention & control , B7-1 Antigen/immunology , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/prevention & control , Female , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/pharmacology , Islets of Langerhans/immunology , Male , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/immunology
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 91(8): 3309-13, 1994 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8159744


In vitro, the overexpression of the bcl-2 protooncogene in cultured neurons has been shown to prevent apoptosis induced by neurotrophic factor deprivation. We have generated transgenic mice overexpressing the Bcl-2 protein in neurons, including motoneurons of the facial nucleus. We have tested whether Bcl-2 could protect these motoneurons from experimentally induced cell death in new born mice. To address this question, we performed unilateral lesion of the facial nerve of wild-type and transgenic 2-day-old mice. In wild-type mice, the lesioned nerve and the corresponding motoneuron cell bodies in the facial nucleus underwent rapid degeneration. In contrast, in transgenic mice, facial motoneurons survived axotomy. Not only their cell bodies but also their axons were protected up to the lesion site. These results demonstrate that in vivo Bcl-2 protects neonatal motoneurons from degeneration after axonal injury. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which Bcl-2 prevents neuronal cell death in vivo could lead to the development of strategies for the treatment of motoneuron degenerative diseases.

Facial Nerve/cytology , Motor Neurons/cytology , Proto-Oncogene Proteins/metabolism , Animals , Animals, Newborn , Cell Death , Mice , Mice, Transgenic , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2
Kidney Int ; 45(2): 500-8, 1994 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8164438


Recent investigations have shown that in the murine kidney urokinase (uPA) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) are synthesized and released in urine by tubular epithelial cells, raising the possibility that plasminogen activators (PAs) may be involved in the maintenance of patency and fluidity in renal tubules. To further investigate the contribution of the PA system in renal pathology, we have determined the effects of LPS on the renal production of PAs: we localized PA-catalyzed proteolysis by zymographic analysis of tissue sections and studied the accumulation of mRNAs for PAs and their inhibitors (PAI-1 and PAI-2) by in situ hybridization. Both a single and two injections of LPS induced a dramatic reduction in urinary and renal uPA enzymatic activity; this decrease in catalytic activity was attributable to a reduction in uPA mRNA levels in both proximal and distal tubules. By contrast, we noticed a marked increase of tPA mRNA content in glomerular cells which was not accompanied by a concomitant increase in tPA-mediated proteolytic activity. In addition, a major up-regulation in PAI-1 mRNA levels was observed throughout the kidney, while PAI-2 mRNA was not detectable in the kidneys of control or LPS-injected animals. Our investigations document the profound alterations of the PA/PAI balance in renal tissue following in vivo LPS administration. They suggest that imbalanced extracellular proteolysis might participate in the alterations of kidney function observed in septic shock.

Extracellular Space/metabolism , Kidney/metabolism , Lipopolysaccharides/pharmacology , Peptide Hydrolases/metabolism , Animals , Female , Kidney/enzymology , Male , Mice , Mice, Inbred Strains , Plasminogen Inactivators/genetics , Plasminogen Inactivators/metabolism , Plasminogen Inactivators/urine , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Tissue Distribution , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/genetics , Tissue Plasminogen Activator/metabolism , Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator/genetics , Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator/metabolism
J Exp Med ; 178(4): 1189-97, 1993 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8376928


Males from the BXSB murine strain (H-2b) spontaneously develop an autoimmune syndrome with features of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which results in part from the action of a mutant gene (Yaa) located on the Y chromosome. Like other H-2b mice, the BXSB strain does not express the class II major histocompatibility complex antigen, I-E. Here we report that the expression of I-E (E alpha dE beta b) in BXSB males bearing an E alpha d transgene prevents hypergammaglobulinemia, autoantibody production, and subsequent autoimmune glomerulonephritis. These transgenic mice bear on the majority of their B cells not only I-E molecules, but also an I-E alpha chain-derived peptide presented by a higher number of I-Ab molecules, as recognized by the Y-Ae monoclonal antibody. The I-E+ B cells appear less activated in vivo than the I-E- B cells, a minor population. This limited activation of the I-E+ B cells does not reflect a functional deficiency of this cell population, since it can be stimulated to IgM production in vitro by lipopolysaccharides at an even higher level than the I-E- B cell population. The development of the autoimmune syndrome in the transgenic and nontransgenic bone marrow chimeric mice argues against the possibility that the induction of regulatory T cells or clonal deletion of potential autoreactive T cells as a result of I-E expression is a mechanism of the protection conferred by the E alpha d transgene. We propose a novel mechanism by which the E alpha d transgene protects BXSB mice against SLE: overexpression of I-E alpha chains results in the generation of excessive amounts of a peptide displaying a high affinity to the I-Ab molecule, thereby competing with pathogenic autoantigen-derived peptides for presentation by B lymphocytes and preventing their excessive stimulation.

Autoimmunity , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/physiology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/prevention & control , Animals , Cells, Cultured , Female , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/genetics , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/genetics , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/immunology , Male , Mice , Mice, Inbred Strains , Mice, Transgenic