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Infect Dis Rep ; 15(6): 795-805, 2023 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38131884


A large number of monkeypox (MPOX) cases have been reported in Europe and North America in 2022, and a new outbreak of this disease was declared. We describe a case of a patient with probable monkeypox during the height of this epidemic in Poland. The patient's symptoms resolved within two weeks, but over the next two months, he developed community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization and, subsequently, non-specific pleuritis. The simultaneous occurrence of such severe infections in a previously healthy young man is not typical and suggests a potential underlying cause. We believe the potential association of these diseases with probable monkeypox virus infection is very likely. Cases of monkeypox pneumonia, both viral and secondary bacterial, have already been reported in the literature. Cases of viral pleuritis in the course of MPOX in animals have also been described; however, to our knowledge, no similar cases have been described in humans to date. Our case indicates that it is important to monitor patients after MPOX in order to respond promptly to potentially life-threatening but, as of yet, not fully understood complications.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27933149


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in the UK. Therefore, timely VTE risk assessment is essential in all obstetrics patients. The Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework set a target for trusts to complete a VTE risk assessment within 24 hours of admission for 95% of patients. A combination of factors, including lack of integration between multiple IT systems, means that this CQUIN target is currently not being met for obstetric patients in the Hospital Birth Centre at Guys and St Thomas' NHS Trust. This project aims to increase staff awareness of this issue and educate them regarding the correct procedure for VTE assessment. Trialled methods included reminders at staff handovers, use of magnets on the patient whiteboard, posters and stickers displayed around the unit and a loyalty card scheme as incentive to complete assessments. Initial average completion rate was 20.7%, which increased to 67.5% after the first plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycle with a slight drop to 65.7% after the second cycle. Completion rates increased to 92.3% on the last day of the third PDSA cycle. Although we did not reach the 95% target, we have raised awareness of the importance of recording VTE assessment on electronic systems, and hope we have created sustainable change.