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Eur J Dev Res ; 35(3): 656-683, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35603007


Responding effectively to climate crisis requires strong science-policy links to be put in place. Past research on the research-policy interface indicates longstanding challenges that have become more acute in the case of climate science, since this requires multi-disciplinary approaches and faces distinctive political challenges in linking knowledge with policy. What can be learned from the experiences of university-based researchers seeking to influence policy as they try to operate in the brokering space? With this in mind, an empirical study was designed to capture the detailed views and experiences of forty researchers in four universities across four countries-Bangladesh, Germany, Uganda and UK. It found a wide range of different researcher attitudes to policy engagement, diverse methods of engaging, a preference for working with government and civil society over private sector policy actors, and a perceived need for more university support. The findings suggest a need to rethink conditions for engagement to create spaces for knowledge exchange and cooperation that can contribute to policies for societal transformation. More attention also needs to be paid to interdisciplinary research approaches, improving research connections with private sector actors, and strengthening university research links with local communities. Finally, the position of university based researchers in the Global South will require strengthening to improve North-South knowledge exchange, capacity development, and incentives for policy engagement.

Afin de répondre efficacement à la crise climatique, il est nécessaire de mettre en place des liens solides entre la science et la politique. Les recherches antérieures sur l'interface recherche-politique indiquent des défis de longue date qui sont devenus plus aigus en ce qui concerne la science du climat, car cela nécessite d'adopter des approches pluridisciplinaires et de faire face à des défis politiques bien distincts pour faire le lien entre les connaissances et les politiques. Que peut-on apprendre des expériences des chercheurs et chercheuses universitaires qui cherchent à influencer les politiques tout en essayant d'entrer en négociation ? Dans cette optique, une étude empirique a été conçue pour recueillir les points de vue et les expériences détaillés de quarante chercheur·euse·s de quatre universités réparties dans quatre pays - le Bangladesh, l'Allemagne, l'Ouganda et le Royaume-Uni. L'étude a détecté un large éventail d'attitudes différentes des chercheur·euse·s à l'égard de l'engagement politique, diverses méthodes d'engagement, une préférence pour le travail avec le gouvernement et la société civile par rapport aux acteurs politiques du secteur privé, et un besoin perçu de plus de soutien universitaire. Les résultats suggèrent la nécessité de repenser les conditions d'engagement afin de créer des espaces d'échange de connaissances et de coopération qui peuvent contribuer aux politiques de transformation sociétale. Il faut également accorder une plus grande attention aux approches de recherche interdisciplinaires, à l'amélioration des liens entre la recherche et les acteurs du secteur privé et au renforcement des liens entre la recherche universitaire et les communautés locales. Enfin, la position des chercheur·euse·s universitaires dans les pays du Sud devra être renforcée pour améliorer l'échange de connaissances Nord-Sud, le développement des capacités et la motivation à l'engagement politique.

Sci Total Environ ; 650(Pt 1): 132-143, 2019 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30196213


We aimed to assess the long-term (1973-2014) and short-term (pre- and post-monsoon) quantities, values and changes of freshwater ecosystem services (FES) in the wetland areas of Southern Bangladesh using land cover change as a proxy indicator. Bangladesh is a sub-tropical country that receives >80% of its annual rainfall during the monsoon and post-monsoon periods, between the months of June and November. Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the monsoon and post-monsoon rainfalls significantly contribute to altering the local land cover, and consequently change the FES. Our multi-stage methodology, among others, included; (i) participatory FES identification (ii) long-term and seasonal land cover analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS, and (iii) assessing FES quantities and values using an expert-developed FES Matrix. The results identified 14 major FES; seven provisioning, six regulating and one cultural service. The results showed that over the last 40 years, significant land cover transformations occurred in the study area e.g. increase of agricultural land, rural vegetation with settlement (RVS) in exchange of wetlands, along with significant seasonal variations include increase of wetland in the post-monsoon seasons and agricultural land in the pre-monsoon seasons. Such changes contributed to the decrease of total long-term FES quantities and economic values including a significant reduction of regulating and provisioning services. Post-monsoon seasons experienced increased quantities of regulating services (e.g. soil fertility, water purification and biodiversity), mainly as a result of additional rainfall, although its overall quantities considerably decreased over the long-term. The results of the study highlighted the importance of prudent land management policies at rural scales for better ecosystem services and conservation.
