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Cureus ; 14(11): e31437, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36523741


Hypertension is the most common modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In the last two decades, the guidelines have evolved tremendously from areas with no recommendations for screening or treatment to targeted recommendations for some at-risk groups. We sought to go through the literature that provided guidelines for the management of hypertension at any point in time over the last 22 years from 2000 to 2022. We searched four databases: PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and Cochrane, using specified search terms. The keywords used were "hypertension" and "guidelines." We combined them using the Boolean operators (AND, OR) and searched for articles. A total of 2461 publications were initially identified; 348 publications were excluded after screening for full-text availability. The full-text articles were further filtered based on title and abstract screening. Following this, a total of 1443 articles were excluded. The remaining 670 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. Of the 670 full-text articles, 480 were excluded based on exclusion criteria, and following the full-text article screening, 190 articles met the final inclusion criteria. Most of these guideline evolutions concerned establishing and adjusting thresholds for the subgroups of the elderly population and patients with diabetic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, and stroke. Furthermore, the medications of choice are now guided by the stage of disease, presence or absence of comorbidities, and other relevant information, as opposed to ethnicity, which was previously a heavy yardstick for medication choice.

Cureus ; 14(10): e30040, 2022 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36381856


Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is a rare hereditary structural heart disease, with various phenotypes, which mostly affects the right ventricle of the heart, resulting in fibrofatty replacement of the heart muscles and a proclivity to create spontaneous malignant cardiac arrhythmias that may lead to sudden death. Most previous reports were noted on young people. We report a case of its biventricular phenotype in a 61-year-old heavy truck driver who has a current medical history of diabetes mellitus and smoking and was incidentally diagnosed based on the Padua criteria after presenting to the hospital with complaints of lightheadedness and syncope. He eventually had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, hence preventing death. We were able to correctly diagnose the case and prevent sudden cardiac death by instituting the necessary management.

Cureus ; 14(7): e26483, 2022 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35919218


Giant cell arteritis (GCA), also known as temporal arteritis (TA), is a systemic autoimmune inflammation of medium and large arteries. It is the most common vasculitis affecting adults older than 50, with an incidence of 20/100,000 and an average age of onset of 70. Typically, patients initially present with new-onset headaches, visual changes and disturbances, jaw claudication, arthralgias, and tender or swollen temporal or occipital arteries. Our patient is a 73-year-old male who presented to the emergency room with 10 days of bilateral headache radiating to the occipital area associated with fevers, persistent chills, generalized weakness, and a headache described as constant, dull, 9 out of 10 pain, and minor pain with neck flexion. Lab work revealed an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP). The patient had tender palpation to his temples and due to a high suspicion of giant cell arteritis, he was started on high-dose steroids with rapid relief of his symptoms. Biopsy showed evidence of active non-granulomatous vasculitis and confirmed bilateral temporal arteritis within the context of the clinical setting. GCA patients are more likely to be women and typically present with unilateral headache (66% of GCA), jaw claudication (50%), fevers (50%), and transient visual loss (16-54%). Here, we describe a 73-year-old male with a past medical history of cerebral vascular accident (CVA), diabetes, and cancer that presented with 10 days of bilateral headaches and fevers. Unlike the usual presentation, our patient denied any vision and joint pain changes, and the temporal arteries were not stiff to palpation. This patient presentation is unique to previous reports in the limited display of symptoms and absence of the most commonly associated manifestations. Although his presentation supported GCA, the features of elevated ESR and CRP, headache, and fever were too general to diagnose GCA exclusively, and his additional symptoms of rhinorrhea and sinus pain more likely supported infection. Our case indicates the importance of maintaining a high index of clinical suspicion for GCA in the elderly population presenting with headaches and elevated ESR and CRP. GCA, also known as temporal arteritis (TA), is a systemic autoimmune inflammation of medium and large arteries. Typically, patients initially present with new-onset headaches, visual changes and disturbances, jaw claudication, arthralgias, and tender or swollen temporal or occipital arteries. Diagnosis requires high clinical suspicion, and treatment revolves around high doses of steroids.
