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Eat Behav ; 52: 101827, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38007887


Weight-related abuse is defined as verbal or physical maltreatment specific to one's weight. The Weight-Related Abuse Questionnaire (WRAQ) is an instrument specifically designed to measure weight-related abuse. The main goal of this research was to study the factor structure and measurement invariance of the Spanish version of the WRAQ in a non-clinical and a clinical sample. The clinical sample included 150 participants with obesity (60 % women) from the Hospital de Valme (Sevilla, Spain). The non-clinical sample included 301 students (79 % women) from the Spanish Open University (UNED). Scales to measure weight self-stigma and fear of gaining weight were used to analyze the convergent validity of the WRAQ. A confirmatory factor analysis showed that a two-factor model (verbal and physical abuse) was an acceptable fit for the data in both the clinical and non-clinical samples. Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed scalar measurement invariance by sample and gender. Cronbach's alpha coefficients and composite reliability for both samples were found to be good, with values ranging from 0.83 to 0.96. Fear of gaining weight was correlated to verbal (r = 0.36, p < .01) and physical (r = 0.12, p < .05) abuse, and weight self-stigma was also related to physical (r = 0.21, p < .01) and verbal (r = 0.41, p < .01) abuse. These results suggest that the WRAQ can be used in clinical and non-clinical samples to assess verbal and physical abuse in both men and women.

Obesity , Phobic Disorders , Weight Gain , Male , Humans , Female , Reproducibility of Results , Psychometrics/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires
J. negat. no posit. results ; 8(1): 486-506, Jun 7, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220012


Introducción: Los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) son un conjunto de enfermedades psiquiátricas que se presentan através de un comportamiento alimentario gravemente alterado así como por pensamientos y emociones asociados. En este estudio semiden variables neuropsicológicas y emocionales así como el comportamiento alimentario en una muestra de individuos con TCA eindividuos sanos. Material y métodos: La muestra se encuentra formada por 88 participantes de sexo femenino, 39 de ellas con diagnóstico de TCA(grupo TCA, GTCA), y 49 sin TCA (grupo control, GCTRL) con una edad comprendida entre los 13 y 25 años. Se han empleadopruebas como el DEX o el EDI-3 para evaluar variables como la impulsividad y el comportamiento alimentario entre otras.Resultados y discusión: El GTCA mostró una obsesión por la delgadez (p<0,034) e insatisfacción corporal (p<0,02) superior alGCTRL así como una menor velocidad de procesamiento. En las variables emocionales, se observó un mayor grado depresivo yestado apático. Pacientes con un IMC menor a 18,5 presentaron mayores niveles de ansiedad, menor coherencia central y mayorestado depresivo. El análisis de correlaciones mostró que a mayor nivel de depresión, mayor apatía e impulsividad así comoalteraciones en el comportamiento alimentario, memoria, atención y flexibilidad cognitiva. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con TCA presentan estados emocionales más vulnerables donde destacan la depresión, la apatía y laimpulsividad. La coordinación motora, velocidad de procesamiento y el procesamiento visoespacial se han correlacionado también conpeores resultados cuanto mayores fueran los estad.(AU)

Introduction: Eating disorders (TEA) are a set of psychiatric illnesses that occur through severely altered eating behaviour as well asassociated thoughts and emotions. In this study, neuropsychological and emotional variables are measured, as well as eating behaviourin a sample of individuals with eating disorders and healthy individuals. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 88 female participants, 39 of them with eating disorders (TEA group, GTCA), and 49without eating disorders (control group, GCTRL) with an age between 13 and 25 years. It has been used test such as DEX or EDI-3 toevaluate variables such as impulsivity and eating behaviour, among others.Results and discussion: The GTCA showed an obsession with thinness (p<0.034) and body dissatisfaction (p<0.02) higher than theGCTRL as well as a lower processing speed. In emotional variables, a higher degree of depression and apathetic state were observed. Patients with a BMI less than 18.5 presented higher levels of anxiety, lower central coherence and greater depressive state, so that thelower the weight, the worse the results. The correlation analysis showed that higher the level of depression, the higher the apathy andimpulsivity, as well as alterations in eating behaviour, memory, attention and cognitive flexibility. Conclusions: Patients with eating disorders present more vulnerable emotional states where depression, apathy and impulsivenessstand out. Motor coordination, processing speed and visuospatial processing have also been correlated with worse results the greaterthe depressive states and impulsivity.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Thinness , Body Image , Anorexia Nervosa , Bulimia Nervosa , Neuropsychology , Mental Health
J. negat. no posit. results ; 8(1): 470-485, Jun 7, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220016


Objetivos: Este trabajo pretende analizar los consensos actuales acerca de cuándo se establece la finalización del tratamientodietético-nutricional de los TCA, así como qué requisitos se han de cumplir, en el contexto de un tratamiento multidisciplinar. Métodos: Para la elaboración de este trabajo se han consultado fuentes secundarias de información tales como las bases de datoselectrónicas PubMed, SciELO, y Dialnet Plus, en las que hemos introducido diferentes descriptores relacionados con nuestros objetivosy hemos seleccionado nuestros criterios de inclusión, recopilando un total de 20 artículos para su análisis. Resultados: La realidad actual de la recuperación de los TCA se entiende como una restauración del peso y la composición corporalexistiendo escasa evidencia sobre cómo han de ser las intervenciones dietéticas necesarias para mejorar la salud y la alimentación delas personas con trastornos alimentarios. Conclusiones: Uno de los motivos principales parece ser la escasez de estudios sobre la relación entre el comportamiento alimentariode los pacientes que recuperaron el peso, y sus resultados a largo plazo; por lo que parece necesario definir un protocolo dietético derecuperación cualitativo, a largo plazo, y con una menor probabilidad de recaídas.(AU)

Objective: This piece of work pretends to analyze the current consensus about when the completion of the dietary-nutritional treatmentof eating disorders is established, as well as what requirements must be met, in the context of a multidisciplinary treatment. Methods: For the elaboration of this work, secondary sources of information have been consulted, such as the electronic databasesPubMed, SciELO, and Dialnet Plus, in which we have introduced different descriptors related to our objectives and we have selectedour inclusion criteria, compiling a total of 20 articles for analysis. Results: The current reality of recovery from eating disorders is understood as a restoration of weight and body composition, with littleevidence on what the necessary dietary interventions should be like to improve the health and nutrition of people with eating disorders. Conclusions: One of the main reasons seems to be the scarcity of studies on the relationship between the eating behavior of patientswho regained weight, and their long-term results; Therefore, it seems necessary to define a long-term, qualitative recovery dietaryprotocol with a lower probability of relapse.(AU)

Humans , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Recurrence , Food and Nutrition Education , Diet, Healthy , Body Composition , 52503
J. negat. no posit. results ; 7(4): 409-424, Oct-Dic. 2022. mapas, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-216542


Fray Andrés de Urdaneta recibe la orden, en 1558, de preparar el Tornaviaje, es decir, hallar una ruta de retorno que permita conectar por mar el virreinato de Nueva España y las islas del Sudeste Asiático de forma estable, un paso imprescindible para el establecimiento de bases permanentes y de comercio en Asia. Lo primero que hace es sugerir al rey Felipe II una excusa para ir allí por “razonas humanitarias”, pues sabe de la dudosa legalidad del viaje de acuerdo a los términos del Tratado de Tordesillas. A continuación, aborda los problemas de logística. Como conocía bien la costa de Jalisco, propone el puerto de Acapulco como terminal americana. Continuaría redactando un informe para Luis de Velasco, pero cuyo destinatario final era Felipe II, en el que explica las razones por las que el viaje debe hacerse desde México, y no directamente desde la península, dada la dificultad que suponía tener que atravesar el estrecho de Magallanes y las grandes distancias.(AU)

Fray Andrés de Urdaneta receives the order, in 1558, to prepare the “Tornaviaje”, that is to say, to find a return route that allows to connect by sea the viceroyalty of New Spain and the islands of Southeast Asia in a stable way, an essential step for the establishment of permanent bases and commerce in Asia. The first thing he does is to suggest to King Philip II an excuse to go there for "humanitarian reasons", since he knows of the dubious legality of the trip according to the terms of the Treaty of Tordesillas. He then addresses the logistical problems. As he knew the coast of Jalisco well, he proposes the port of Acapulco as the American terminal. He would go on to write a report for Luis de Velasco, but whose final addressee was Philip II, in which he explains the reasons why the voyage should be made from Mexico, and not directly from the peninsula, given the difficulty of having to cross the Strait of Magellan and the great distances involved.(AU)

Humans , Male , Science , Pacific Ocean , Scurvy , Scientific Domains , Organization and Administration , Ciguatera Poisoning , Spain , Asia, Eastern
Eat Weight Disord ; 27(8): 3685-3693, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36434471


PURPOSE: Weight self-stigma may be defined as a self-devaluation due to one's identification with the group of people with obesity. The Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire (WSSQ) is an instrument specifically designed to measure weight self-stigma in populations with overweight or obesity. The objective of this study was to adapt the WSSQ to the Spanish population (S-WSSQ) following the guidelines for cross-cultural adaptations. METHODS: The sample comprised 165 participants with obesity seeking weight loss treatment (65% women) at the "Hospital de Valme" (Seville, Spain). Scales to measure life satisfaction, self-esteem, positive and negative affect, and antifat attitudes were used to analyze the convergent and divergent validity of the S-WSSQ. RESULTS: A confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate values of the goodness of fit indexes of a two-factor model (χ2/df = 2.01 CFI = 0.92, IFI = 0.92, SRMR = 0.08, RMSEA = 0.078), replicating the structure found by the original authors. Cronbach's alphas of the two factors were 0.76 (self-devaluation) and 0.77 (fear of enacted stigma). Composite Reliability values were 0.72 (self-devaluation) and 0.76 (fear of enacted stigma). Self-devaluation and fear of enacted stigma were negatively related to self-esteem, and positive affect, and positively related to negative affect and antifat attitudes. Finally, life satisfaction was negatively correlated to fear of enacted stigma. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these results, it is concluded that the S-WSSQ has good psychometric properties and might be used by the Spanish-speaking scientific community to measure weight self-stigma. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level V, descriptive study.

Obesity , Weight Loss , Humans , Female , Male , Body Weight , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Obesity/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires
J. negat. no posit. results ; 7(2): 126-159, Abr-Jun 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209548


Introducción: En la sociedad actual, la publicidad, las redes sociales, los medios de comunicación bombardean a los usuarios con mensajes que recuerdan cuán importante es mantener una vida saludable para conseguir el cuerpo perfecto. La creciente preocupación por estilos de vida saludables, la presión social para adelgazar; la necesidad de ser aceptado y la preocupación por un ideal estético delgado asociado al éxito social, familiar y profesional podrían ser factores que explicaran esta mayor vulnerabilidad fisiológica a presentar un TCA. Este tipo de enfermedades tienen una etiología multifactorial, es por ello importante centrarnos en corregir estos factores modificables con intervenciones preventivas, tratando patrones de ideales estéticos y culturales, autoestima y autoconcepto, y prácticas dietéticas saludables. Objetivo: El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo disminuir la incidencia de problemas relacionados con la conducta alimentaria en los alumnos y alumnas de un centro educativo. Método: Se realizó un diseño piloto. Primero se estudió la evidencia científica existente, relacionada con los estudios de prevención y se diseñó el programa que se pondría en práctica en un grupo minoritario de alumnos de primaria. Si los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, el programa de prevención se extrapolará a todas las clases de sexto de primaria del centro educativo. Resultados: Los resultados exponen una idea distinta de un programa de prevención. Conclusiones: Algunos de los temas tratados en este programa son comunes en todos los programas de prevención, ya que se ha estudiado cuáles son los factores de riesgo característicos de estas enfermedades y por tanto los que hay que trabajar de forma más directa (como pueden ser autoestima y autoconcepto, habilidades sociales, términos teóricos de las enfermedades, alimentación saludable, etc) pero en esta propuesta se pretende actualizar información, y trabajar de una manera diferente.(AU)

Introduction: We live in a society where advertising, social networks, the media bombard us with messages that remind us how important it is to maintain a healthy life to achieve the perfect body. The growing concern for healthy lifestyles, social pressure to lose weight, the need to be accepted and the concern for a slim aesthetic ideal associated with social, family and professional success could be factors that explain this greater physiological vulnerability to present an ED. This type of disease has a multifactorial etiology, it is therefore important to focus on correcting these modifiable factors with preventive interventions, treating patterns of aesthetic and cultural ideals, self-esteem and self-concept, and healthy dietary practices. Aim: The main objective of this work is to reduce the incidence of problems related to eating behavior in students of an educational center. Method: The design was a pilot design. First, the existing scientific evidence related to prevention studies was studied and the program was designed, which will be put into practice in a minority group. If the results obtained are satisfactory, the prevention program will be extrapolated to all sixth grade classes of the educational center. Results: The results expose a different idea of a prevention program. Conclusions: Some of the topics covered in this program are common in all prevention programs, since it has been studied which are the characteristic risk factors of these diseases and therefore those that must be worked on more directly (such as self-esteem and self-concept, social skills, theoretical terms of diseases, healthy eating ...) but in this work proposal it is intended to update information, and in a different way.(AU)

Humans , Child , Students , Feeding and Eating Disorders/diagnosis , Feeding and Eating Disorders/prevention & control , Healthy Lifestyle , Feeding Behavior , Education, Primary and Secondary , Self Concept , Child Health , Pilot Projects , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Andorra
J. negat. no posit. results ; 7(1): 28-63, Ene-Mar. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209208


Antecedentes: El ciclo reproductor femenino - que implica interacciones entre el cerebro, el útero y los ovarios - está constituido por la fase folicular o proliferativa (también denominada pre-ovulatoria), posteriormente, tiene lugar la ovulación, tras ella comienza la fase lútea o secretora y, por último, tiene lugar la fase menstrual. Durante el ciclo menstrual la mujer experimenta cambios hormonales que pueden provocarle síntomas físicos, psicológicos y comportamentales como cambios en el apetito, pudiendo afectarle así a su ingesta alimentaria. Un fenómeno observado durante la menstruación es el food craving, definido como una necesidad irresistible de consumir comida (“ansia”), siendo predominante desear consumir alimentos procesados durante la fase premenstrual, conducta que, también se asocia a un estado de ánimo negativo. No obstante, numerosos y diversos patrones alimentarios, así como también fluctuaciones en el estado emocional, se han observado en la mujer durante las diversas fases del ciclo menstrual. Por ello, es necesario una mayor investigación en esta área. Objetivos y método: El presente trabajo, tiene como objetivos observar la variación del food craving en función de las diferentes fases del ciclo menstrual y observar la influencia de variables emocionales (ansiedad-estado de ánimo negativo) en el “ansia por comer” (food craving). Para ello, se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y otras fuentes como Wiley Online Library y ResearchGate, para obtener y contrastar las ideas de los autores de estudios previos con respecto al tema.(AU)

Background: The female reproductive cycle which involves interactions between the brain, the uterus and the ovaries, is made up of the follicular or proliferative phase (also called pre-ovulatory), later, ovulation takes place, after which the luteal or secretory phase begins and, finally, the menstrual phase takes place. During the menstrual cycle, the woman experiences hormonal changes that can cause physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms such as changes in appetite, thus affecting her food intake. A phenomenon observed during menstruation is food craving, defined as an irresistible need to consume food ("craving"), predominantly wanting to consume processed foods during the premenstrual phase, a behavior that, is also associated with a negative mood. However, numerous and diverse eating patterns, as well as fluctuations in emotional state, have been observed in women during the various phases of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, further research is needed in this area. Objectives and method: The present work aims to observe the variation of food craving in function of the different phases of the menstrual cycle and to observe the influence of emotional variables (anxiety-negative mood) in the “craving to eat” (food craving). For this, a bibliographic search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Scopus and other sources such as Wiley Online Library and ResearchGate, to obtain and contrast the ideas of the authors of previous studies regarding the topic. Discussion: It has been observed that there is a tendency to a higher energy-food pattern during the luteal phase together with an experience “food craving” also increased during this stage, in comparison with other phases of the menstrual cycle.(AU)

Humans , Female , Emotions , Feeding Behavior , Menstrual Cycle/physiology , Menstrual Cycle/psychology , Follicular Phase/psychology , Luteal Phase/physiology , Luteal Phase/psychology , Ovulation/physiology , Ovulation/psychology , Behavioral Symptoms , Affective Symptoms , Symptom Assessment , Eating , Affect
Eat Disord ; 30(2): 168-181, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32507077


The aim of the current study was to determine the link between parental attachment style and body appreciation in adolescents with and without eating disorders, and to explore the association between attachment, positive aspects of body image and body image quality of life. The sample comprised 260 adolescents (M age = 15.35, SD age = 1.461): 129 non-clinical participants and 131 adolescents with eating disorders who received treatment in five Eating Disorders Units located in different regions in Spain. They were assessed via the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), Body Appreciation Scale (BAS), and Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI). There was a significant relation between secure attachment and body appreciation in both groups, and body appreciation was positively related to body image quality of life. Patients with eating disorders had higher body image quality of life when they perceived better communication and trust with their father, which was mediated by the body appreciation they showed. Adolescents without eating disorders showed this same relationship form with their mother. This study aims to highlight the influence of parental attachment on a positive body image in adolescence.

Body Image , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Adolescent , Humans , Infant , Parents , Peer Group , Quality of Life
J. negat. no posit. results ; 6(10): 1289-1307, Oct. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-224240


Introducción: Tras el COVID-19 las nuevas tecnologías han tomado aún más relevancia en nuestra sociedad, entre estas, las redes sociales. El uso de estas redes no para de crecer cada año y su uso es cada vez más extendido. Por otro lado, los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria también están a la orden del día, y durante la cuarentena salieron a relucir un considerable número de casos.Objetivo: La siguiente investigación trata de comprobar si existe relación entre el uso de las redes sociales y el riesgo a desarrollar un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria en jóvenes. Método: El diseño fue relacional transversal. Se encuestó de forma online y anónima a 108 jóvenes de entre 18 y 30 años. La encuesta se compuso del instrumento Eating Attitudes Test-26 y preguntas elaboradas por los investigadores sobre el uso de redes sociales y salud. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una relación significativa entre la frecuencia de uso de redes sociales y tener una experiencia negativa en el uso de las mismas, con el riesgo de padecer un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria. Conclusiones: Tras esta investigación podemos concluir que el uso de redes sociales puede ser un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria, aunque son necesarias más investigaciones.(AU)

Aim: The following research tries to verify if there is a relationship between the use of social networks and the risk of developing an Eating Disorder in young people. Method: The design was relacional transversal. 108 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 were surveyed online and anonymously. The survey was composed of the Eating Attitudes Test-26 instrument and questions elaborated by the researchers on the use of social networks and health. Results: The results showed a significant relationship between the frequency of use of social networks and have a negative experience in the use of them, with the risk of suffering from an Eating Disorder. Conclusions: After this research we can conclude that the use of social networks can be a risk factor for the development of an Eating Disorder, although more research is necessary.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Feeding Behavior , Online Social Networking , Information Technology , 24439 , Diet , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. negat. no posit. results ; 6(5): 739-744, May. 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223338


Un articulo aparecido en Nature destaca la importancia de los resultados negativos a la par que las dificultades que se encuentran en el momento de su publicación. Se hacen consideraciones sobre estos temas que son el motivo fundamental de la existencia de la revista JONNPR.(AU)

An article published in Nature outlights the importance of negative results and the difficulties found at the time of publication. Some considerations about these facts are made, facts that are the main target of the journal JONNPR.(AU)

Humans , Negative Results , Sensitivity and Specificity
J. negat. no posit. results ; 6(4): 716-727, Abr. 2021. mapas, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223334


Fray Tomás de Berlanga (1487-1551) fue un fraile dominico que realizó estudios de geografía, náutica y ciencias naturales. Marchó destinado a América, donde llegaría a ser obispo de Panamá. Viajando hacia Lima, las corrientes marinas le hacen llegar a las Islas Galápagos de lo que informó con detalle al emperador Carlos V. Llevó a cabo un diseño de un paso para mejorar las comunicaciones en el Istmo centroamericano, concretamente en la ruta que, a través del río Chagres, comunicaba ambos mares, el Pacífico o Mar del Sur, con el Atlántico o Mar del Norte. Era el boceto de lo que acabaría siendo el Canal de Panamá. Finalmente, por su gusto por la agricultura y por las innovaciones dietéticas y gastronómicas que introdujo, Fray Tomás de Berlanga es considerado por muchos el patrón de la Dieta Mediterránea. Esta dieta, incorporada a nuestro lenguaje cotidiano, fue declarada, a mediados del año 2010, Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad, en denominación conjunta para España, Grecia, Italia y Marruecos.(AU)

Fray Tomás de Berlanga (1487-1551) was a Dominican friar who studied geography, nautical and natural sciences. He went to America, where he would become bishop of Panama. Traveling towards Lima, the marine currents make him reach the Galapagos Islands, and he informed in detail to Emperor Carlos V. He carried out a design of a step to improve communications in the Central American Isthmus, specifically on the route that, through from the Chagres River, communicated both seas, the Pacific or South Sea, with the Atlantic or North Sea. It was the sketch of what would end up being the Panama Canal. Finally, because of his fondness for agriculture and the dietary and gastronomic innovations that he introduced, Fray Tomás de Berlanga might be considered the patron of the Mediterranean Diet. This diet, incorporated into our everyday language, was declared, in mid-2010, an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, jointly named for Spain, Greece, Italy and Morocco.(AU)

Humans , Male , Diet, Mediterranean , Life Change Events , Diet, Mediterranean/history , Ecuador
J. negat. no posit. results ; 6(1): 47-67, ene. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-202399


Los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) constituyen una de las patologías con mayor incremento poblacional en los últimos años y asociada a la mayor mortalidad dentro del espectro de los trastornos mentales. El interés que ha suscitado en sus diferentes manifestaciones arroja datos incongruentes acerca de su etiología y factores de mantenimiento, lo que se atribuye a la complejidad sintomatológica de los mismos, su comorbilidad con otras psicopatologías y la migración habitual entre diagnósticos. El presente estudio trata de aportar evidencias acerca de la relación de estos trastornos con las funciones ejecutivas, en concreto, con la flexibilidad cognitiva, y los factores emocionales. Los resultados no apoyan las hipótesis iniciales al no arrojar diferencias significativas en flexibilidad cognitiva entre grupos, obteniendo únicamente diferencias en la medida de depresión. Sin embargo, los datos de función ejecutiva se aprecian permeados por el espectro emocional, por lo que se esbozan explicaciones alternativas acerca de posibles indicadores endofenotípicos

Eating Disorders are one of the pathologies with the greatest population increase in recent years and associated with the highest mortality within the spectrum of mental disorders. The interest in its different manifestations yields inconsistent data about their etiology and maintenance factors, which is attributed to their symptomatic complexity, their comorbility with other psychopathologies and the usual migration between diagnoses. The present estudy tries to provide evidence about the relationship between these disorders and the executive functions, specifically, with cognitive flexibility, and emotional factors. The results do not support the initial hypotheses as they did not show significant differences in cognitive flexibility between groups, obtaining only differences in the measure of depression. However, the executive function data are appreciated permeated by the emotional spectrum, so alternative explanations about possible endophenotype indicators are outlined

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Cognition/physiology , Expressed Emotion/physiology , Neuropsychological Tests , Feeding and Eating Disorders/epidemiology , Depression/psychology , Malnutrition/psychology , Analysis of Variance , Emotional Adjustment/physiology
Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry ; 26(1): 154-166, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33043680


The study of attachment is a valuable theoretical framework to understand the influence of parents and friends on the evolution and development of adolescents. This study aimed to determine parents' and peers' attachment style, the relationship between parents' and peers' attachment and body dissatisfaction in adolescents with eating disorders (ED), and to compare it with a control group. The sample consisted of 260 adolescents (Mage = 15.35, SDage = 1.461): a control group consisting of 129 non-clinical subjects and an ED group composed by 131 adolescents diagnosed with ED who attended five ED units located in different regions of Spain. They completed the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-34) and the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA). Adolescents with ED have less trust with their parents, worse communication with their parents and peers, and greater alienation with fathers and peers. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between parents' attachment and body dissatisfaction in both groups. In ED group, peers' alienation was positively correlated to body dissatisfaction. Parental attachment and alienation feelings with peers could influence body dissatisfaction in ED adolescents.

Body Dissatisfaction , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Adolescent , Friends , Humans , Parents , Peer Group
J. negat. no posit. results ; 5(11): 1390-1425, nov. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-201157


INTRODUCCIÓN: En ocasiones se ha relacionado el precio de los alimentos con su calidad nutritiva, de forma que los alimentos de menor valor nutritivo resultan los más baratos. Así, la alta disponibilidad de alimentos de bajo coste, podría ser un factor a considerar entre los responsables del aumento de la frecuencia de la obesidad que se observa. OBJETIVO: Realizar una comparativa económica entre el coste de una dieta saludable y otra no saludable. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Muestra constituida por 15 sujetos entre 18 y 57 años. Se recogieron los hábitos alimentarios de 3 días, mediante recordatorio de 24 horas y diario dietético. El criterio de dietas saludables o no, se estableció en función de la Guía Alimentaria SENC de diciembre de 2016. Se realizó un cálculo económico del coste diario de la cesta de la compra, un análisis de la media de 3 días del coste de la cesta de la compra y el coste de las comidas realizadas fuera del hogar. Se compararon los costes de la cesta de la compra de quienes tenían una Dieta Saludable y No Saludable. También se tuvo en cuenta en el estudio el IMC de los sujetos. RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos confirman que es más económica una dieta saludable que una no saludable, y que el IMC no tiene una correlación directa y exclusiva con el hecho de seguir una dieta de mayor o menor calidad nutricional. CONCLUSIONES: Si consideramos que el factor económico no es uno de los factores más importante en el hecho de llevar unas pautas nutricionales saludables, sería interesante un estudio posterior con una muestra más amplia y una actuación educativo-nutricional para dar herramientas a la población que les posibilite unas elecciones más adecuadas de alimentos y mayor implicación personal en tiempo, conocimiento de técnicas, etc., más allá del aspecto puramente económico

INTRODUCTION: Occasionally, the price of food has been linked to its nutritional quality so that foods with lower nutritional value are the cheapest. Thus, the high availability of low-priced food could be a factor to consider among the ones responsible for the increased frequency of obesity that is now been observed. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to make an economic comparison between the cost of healthy eating vs unhealthy eating. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample was made up of 15 individuals aged 18-57. Eating habits were collected for 3 days via 24- hour dietary recall and diet diary. The criteria for a healthy or unhealthy diet was stablished according to the SENC Food Guidance- December 2016. Daily cost of shopping basket, analysis of the average shopping basket for three days and the cost of food eating outside were made. The cost of shopping basket was compared between healthy and unhealthy eaters. The BMI was also considered in this study. RESULTS: The results obtained confirm that a healthy diet is cheaper than an unhealthy one and that there is not direct and exclusive correlation between the BMI and healthy or unhealthy eating. CONCLUSIONS: If we consider that the economic factor is the most important one regarding healthy eating patterns, further study based on a wider simple and an educational-nutritional intervention would be interesting in order to provide individuals with tools to make possible the most adequate election of the food and a greater personal involvement in time, technical knowledge, etc. beyond the economic aspect

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Diet, Healthy/economics , Overweight/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior/classification , 50303 , Food Economics , Nutrition Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Recommended Dietary Allowances