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Andes Pediatr ; 94(2): 170-180, 2023 Apr.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37358110


In Chile, overnutrition continues to increase, especially affecting children. Solving this public health problem requires the development of promotion and prevention strategies that consider the suggestions of the communities, especially those of the children themselves. OBJECTIVE: To know the opinions and suggestions of third and fourth-grade children from schools in the southern area of Santiago, Chile, regarding their eating practices and physical activity, as part of the FONDEF IT 1810016 project. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Seven School Meetings were held in seven schools using a participatory qualitative methodology, collecting the opinions of 176 children regarding both their food and physical activity habits and preferences. RESULTS: The most consumed and preferred foods are those easy to prepare and highly available, such as bread, pasta, and milk. Foods that require preparation or are less available, such as fish, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and homemade preparations, are less consumed and have less preference. Regarding physical activities, video games and soccer stand out. Students propose increasing the hours of physical education and recesses and improving the availability and access to healthy foods in school environments as a solution strategy. CONCLUSIONS: School Meetings as a participatory strategy contribute to the joint generation of knowledge. The need to include communities as participants in health initiatives recognizes, through their role, children as subjects of rights.

Diet , Feeding Behavior , Animals , Child , Humans , Schools , Exercise , Vegetables
Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515181


Reducir, reutilizar y reciclar, "regla de las tres R", son estrategias que promueven una actitud responsable hacia el medioambiente y contribuyen al desarrollo sostenible. El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar las publicaciones científicas generadas en Chile en el área de las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos (PDA), con enfoque en su cuantificación y basadas en "la regla de las tres R". Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura en tres bases de datos: Web of Science, Pubmed y Scopus. Los artículos originales seleccionados se clasificaron según tipo de acción, etapa de la cadena de suministro de alimentos, grupo de alimentos, cuantificación de PDA y tipo de estrategia (reducción, reutilización o reciclaje). Se encontraron 5 artículos de revisión y 31 artículos originales. La revalorización de subproductos agroindustriales fue la principal acción involucrada en los estudios de PDA (n= 22). El tipo de subproducto también fue analizado, y se encontró que los compuestos fenólicos provenientes de frutales son los más estudiados. Solo el 32% (12/31) de los artículos reportaron información sobre cuantificación de PDA. La revalorización de subproductos sumada a la recuperación de alimentos para producción de energía (n= 4) y de compostaje (n= 2) hacen que el reciclaje sea la estrategia más investigada. Estos antecedentes evidencian la necesidad de complementar la investigación nacional a nivel de acciones que apunten más hacia la reducción y reutilización de PDA y su cuantificación. Este conocimiento permitirá establecer líneas base y planes de monitoreo que contribuyan al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en Chile.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle "the 3Rs rule" are strategies that promote a responsible attitude towards the environment and contribute to sustainable development. The objective of this review was to analyze the scientific publications generated in Chile in the area of food loss and waste (FLW), with a focus on its quantification and based on "the 3Rs rule". A literature search was carried out in three databases: Web of Science, Pubmed, and Scopus. The selected original articles were classified according to the type of action, stage of the food supply chain, food group, FLW quantification, and type of strategy (reduction, reuse, or recycling). Five review articles and 31 original articles were found. The revalorization of agro-industrial by-products was the main initiative involved in the FLW studies (n= 22). The type of by-product was also analyzed, and it was found that the phenolic compounds from fruits are the most studied. Only 32% (12/31) of the articles reported information on FLW quantification. The revalorization of by-products added to food recovery for energy production (n= 4) and composting (n= 2) make recycling the most researched strategy. These antecedents show the need to complement the national research at the level of actions that point more towards reducing and reusing of FLW and its quantification. This knowledge will allow the establishment of baselines and monitoring plans that contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals in Chile.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431746


La adopción de formas de consumo y producción sostenibles de alimentos es una necesidad imperiosa, debido a las consecuencias adversas que los sistemas alimentarios actuales tienen para la salud y el planeta. A pesar de que estudios muestran que las personas valoran un menor efecto de la dieta en el ambiente, desconocen cómo evaluar su impacto en este sentido. Esta revisión cualitativa buscó la existencia de indicadores o herramientas que permitan evaluar la sustentabilidad de preparaciones culinarias como parte de una dieta sostenible. Se incluyen definiciones, abordajes y formas de medir y evaluar tanto la dieta como la gastronomía sustentable a nivel mundial y nacional. La búsqueda de artículos científicos se realizó en las bases de datos Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science y SciELO utilizando como palabras claves "dietas sustentables", "dietas sostenibles", "ecogastronomía", "sustainability assessment", "out of home meals", "sustainable gastronomy", "sustainable diet", "sustainable healthy diets", "sustainability indicators", "sustainable indicators", "sustainability index", "sustainable diets index", "dietas sustentáveis". Toda dieta tiene un impacto en el medio ambiente, sin embargo, factores como su composición y formas de producción determinan la magnitud de dicho impacto. Un tema central gira en torno a las metodologías para medir, analizar y evaluar los diferentes aspectos que componen la sostenibilidad de las dietas, existiendo escasa evidencia respecto de herramientas que permitan calificar las preparaciones culinarias según su nivel de sustentabilidad. Por esto, se requiere mayor investigación en la materia con el propósito de contribuir en la adopción de dietas saludables y sostenibles por parte de la población.

The adoption of sustainable forms of consumption and production is an imminent need due to the adverse consequences that current food systems have on health and the planet. Although studies show that people value a lesser effect of diet on the environment, they do not know how to evaluate its impact in this sense. This qualitative literature review investigated the existence of indicators or tools to assess the sustainability of culinary preparations as part of a sustainable diet. Definitions, approaches, and ways of measuring and evaluating sustainable diets and sustainable gastronomy at the global and national levels were included. The search for scientific articles was carried out in the Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and SciELO databases using as keywords "sustainable diets", "sustainable diets", "ecogastronomy", "sustainability assessment", "out of home meals", "sustainable gastronomy", "sustainable diet", "sustainable healthy diets", "sustainability indicators", "sustainable indicators", "sustainability index", "sustainable diets index", "dietas sustentáveis". Every diet has an impact on the environment, however, factors such as its composition and forms of production determine the magnitude of this impact. A central issue revolves around the methodologies to measure, analyze and evaluate the different aspects that make up the sustainability of diets, and there is little evidence regarding tools to qualify culinary preparations according to their level of sustainability. Therefore, further research is required in this area in order to contribute to the adoption of healthy and sustainable diets by the population.