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Int J Equity Health ; 23(1): 161, 2024 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39148041


In this study, we evaluated and forecasted the cumulative opportunities for residents to access radiotherapy services in Cali, Colombia, while accounting for traffic congestion, using a new people-centred methodology with an equity focus. Furthermore, we identified 1-2 optimal locations where new services would maximise accessibility. We utilised open data and publicly available big data. Cali is one of South America's cities most impacted by traffic congestion. METHODOLOGY: Using a people-centred approach, we tested a web-based digital platform developed through an iterative participatory design. The platform integrates open data, including the location of radiotherapy services, the disaggregated sociodemographic microdata for the population and places of residence, and big data for travel times from Google Distance Matrix API. We used genetic algorithms to identify optimal locations for new services. We predicted accessibility cumulative opportunities (ACO) for traffic ranging from peak congestion to free-flow conditions with hourly assessments for 6-12 July 2020 and 23-29 November 2020. The interactive digital platform is openly available. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOMES: We present descriptive statistics and population distribution heatmaps based on 20-min accessibility cumulative opportunities (ACO) isochrones for car journeys. There is no set national or international standard for these travel time thresholds. Most key informants found the 20-min threshold reasonable. These isochrones connect the population-weighted centroid of the traffic analysis zone at the place of residence to the corresponding zone of the radiotherapy service with the shortest travel time under varying traffic conditions ranging from free-flow to peak-traffic congestion levels. Additionally, we conducted a time-series bivariate analysis to assess geographical accessibility based on economic stratum. We identify 1-2 optimal locations where new services would maximize the 20-min ACO during peak-traffic congestion. RESULTS: Traffic congestion significantly diminished accessibility to radiotherapy services, particularly affecting vulnerable populations. For instance, urban 20-min ACO by car dropped from 91% of Cali's urban population within a 20-min journey to the service during free-flow traffic to 31% during peak traffic for the week of 6-12 July 2020. Percentages represent the population within a 20-min journey by car from their residence to a radiotherapy service. Specific ethnic groups, individuals with lower educational attainment, and residents on the outskirts of Cali experienced disproportionate effects, with accessibility decreasing to 11% during peak traffic compared to 81% during free-flow traffic for low-income households. We predict that strategically adding sufficient services in 1-2 locations in eastern Cali would notably enhance accessibility and reduce inequities. The recommended locations for new services remained consistent in both of our measurements.These findings underscore the significance of prioritising equity and comprehensive care in healthcare accessibility. They also offer a practical approach to optimising service locations to mitigate disparities. Expanding this approach to encompass other transportation modes, services, and cities, or updating measurements, is feasible and affordable. The new approach and data are particularly relevant for planning authorities and urban development actors.

Health Services Accessibility , Radiotherapy , Travel , Humans , Colombia , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Travel/statistics & numerical data , Radiotherapy/statistics & numerical data , Radiotherapy/standards , Big Data
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e69, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39175986


Objectives: To (i) ascertain stakeholders' perceptions of the contextual factors and resources necessary to successfully implement the AMORE platform, a tool that provides accessibility assessments for health care services, considering factors such travel time and traffic conditions, and (ii) identify potential barriers to and facilitators for enhancing spatial accessibility to health care services within the Colombian urban context. Methods: In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of seven key stakeholders. The sample was drawn from individuals involved in development of policies in Colombia, service providers, and users, among others, who had expertise in the field. Interviews were conducted until saturation was reached. Results: The participants had positive views on the appearance of the AMORE platform, highlighting its user-friendly visualization. Suggestions were made about the variables used in the dashboard, the implementation of the platform, potential usage areas, and barriers and facilitators to implementation and use. Barriers included economic, political, and personnel challenges, while facilitators included creating a minimum viable product at a low cost and building interinstitutional and international cooperation. Conclusions: Innovations such as the AMORE platform have the potential to support decision-making processes across various sectors, including public policies and internal processes within private organizations, academia, and the community. However, implementing such a tool has financial, contextual and environmental challenges. The study identified key factors that were considered prerequisites for successfully implementing the AMORE platform in Colombian cities.

Article in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-61109


[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. To (i) ascertain stakeholders’ perceptions of the contextual factors and resources necessary to successfully implement the AMORE platform, a tool that provides accessibility assessments for health care services, considering factors such travel time and traffic conditions, and (ii) identify potential barriers to and facilitators for enhancing spatial accessibility to health care services within the Colombian urban context. Methods. In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of seven key stakeholders. The sample was drawn from individuals involved in development of policies in Colombia, service providers, and users, among others, who had expertise in the field. Interviews were conducted until saturation was reached. Results. The participants had positive views on the appearance of the AMORE platform, highlighting its user-friendly visualization. Suggestions were made about the variables used in the dashboard, the implementation of the platform, potential usage areas, and barriers and facilitators to implementation and use. Barriers included economic, political, and personnel challenges, while facilitators included creating a minimum viable product at a low cost and building interinstitutional and international cooperation. Conclusions. Innovations such as the AMORE platform have the potential to support decision-making processes across various sectors, including public policies and internal processes within private organizations, academia, and the community. However, implementing such a tool has financial, contextual and environmental challenges. The study identified key factors that were considered prerequisites for successfully implementing the AMORE platform in Colombian cities.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. i) Determinar las percepciones de las partes interesadas sobre los factores contextuales y los recursos necesarios para implementar con éxito la plataforma AMORE, una herramienta que proporciona evaluaciones de accesibilidad para los servicios de atención de salud, teniendo en cuenta factores como el tiempo de desplazamiento y el estado del tráfico; y ii) determinar los posibles factores que obstaculizan o favorecen las mejoras en la accesibilidad espacial a los servicios de atención de salud en el contexto urbano en Colombia. Métodos. En este estudio cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas en una muestra intencional de siete partes interesadas. La muestra se obtuvo a partir de responsables del diseño de políticas en Colombia, prestadores de servicios y usuarios, entre otras personas, con conocimientos en la materia. Las entrevistas se llevaron a cabo hasta llegar al punto de saturación. Resultados. Los participantes tenían una opinión favorable sobre el aspecto de la plataforma AMORE, de la que resaltaban su fácil visualización. Se formularon sugerencias sobre las variables utilizadas en el panel de información, la implementación de la plataforma, las posibles áreas de uso y los elementos que podrían obstaculizar o favorecer su implementación y uso. Los obstáculos incluían desafíos económicos, políticos y de personal, mientras que entre los elementos facilitadores estaban la creación de un producto mínimo viable a bajo costo y el establecimiento de lazos de cooperación interinstitucional e internacional. Conclusiones. Innovaciones como la plataforma AMORE tienen el potencial de brindar apoyo para los procesos de toma de decisiones en diversos sectores, como las políticas públicas y los procesos internos en las organizaciones privadas, el sector académico y la comunidad. Sin embargo, la implementación de una herramienta de este tipo plantea desafíos económicos, contextuales y ambientales. El estudio determinó los factores clave que se consideran requisitos previos para implementar con éxito la plataforma AMORE en las ciudades colombianas.

[RESUMO]. Objetivos. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) avaliar as percepções das partes interessadas sobre os fatores contextuais e os recursos necessários para implementação bem-sucedida da plataforma AMORE, uma ferramenta que fornece avaliações sobre a acessibilidade dos serviços de saúde considerando fatores como tempo de deslocamento e condições de trânsito; e ii) identificar possíveis barreiras e facilitadores para melhorar a acessibilidade espacial a serviços de saúde no contexto urbano da Colômbia. Métodos. Neste estudo qualitativo, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com uma amostra intencional de sete partes interessadas principais. A amostra foi composta por indivíduos envolvidos na elaboração de políticas na Colômbia, prestadores de serviços e usuários, entre outros, que tinham conhecimento especializado na área. As entrevistas foram realizadas até se alcançar a saturação. Resultados. Os participantes tiveram opiniões positivas sobre a aparência da plataforma AMORE, destacando a visualização fácil de usar. Foram feitas sugestões sobre as variáveis usadas no painel, a implementação da plataforma, potenciais áreas de uso e barreiras e facilitadores para sua implementação e utilização. As barreiras englobavam dificuldades econômicas, políticas e relacionadas ao pessoal. Já os facilitadores incluíam a criação de um produto mínimo viável de baixo custo e o desenvolvimento de cooperação interinstitucional e internacional. Conclusões. Inovações como a plataforma AMORE têm o potencial de apoiar processos decisórios em vários setores, incluindo políticas públicas e processos internos em organizações privadas, no meio acadêmico e na comunidade. No entanto, a implementação dessa ferramenta envolve desafios financeiros, contextuais e ambientais. O estudo identificou os principais fatores que foram considerados pré-requisitos para o sucesso da implementação da plataforma AMORE em cidades colombianas.

Health Services Accessibility , City Planning , Health Services Research , Colombia , Health Services Accessibility , City Planning , Health Services Research , Health Services Accessibility , City Planning , Health Services Research , Colombia
Lancet Reg Health Am ; 34: 100752, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38737772


Background: Many cities with traffic congestion lack accessibility assessments accounting for traffic congestion and equity considerations but have disaggregated georeferenced municipal-level open data on health services, populations, and travel times big data. We convened a multistakeholder intersectoral collaborative group that developed a digital, web-based platform integrating open and big data to derive dynamic spatial-temporal accessibility measurements (DSTAM) for haemodialysis services. We worked with stakeholders and data scientists and considered people's places of residence, service locations, and travel time to the service with the shortest travel time. Additionally, we predicted the impacts of strategically introducing haemodialysis services where they optimise accessibility. Methods: Cross-sectional analyses of DSTAM, accounting for traffic congestion, were conducted using a web-based platform. This platform integrated traffic analysis zones, public census and health services datasets, and Google Distance Matrix API travel-time data. Predictive and prescriptive analytics identified optimal locations for new haemodialysis services and estimated improvements. Primary outcomes included the percentage of residents within a 20-min car drive of a haemodialysis service during peak and free-flow traffic congestion. Secondary outcomes focused on optimal locations to maximise accessibility with new services and potential improvements. Findings were disaggregated by sociodemographic characteristics, providing an equity perspective. The study in Cali, Colombia, used geographic and disaggregated sociodemographic data from the adjusted 2018 Colombian census. Predicted travel times were obtained for two weeks in 2020. Findings: There were substantial traffic variations. Congestion reduced accessibility, especially among marginalised groups. For 6-12 July, free-flow and peak-traffic accessibility rates were 95.2% and 45.0%, respectively. For 23-29 November, free-flow and peak traffic accessibility rates were 89.1% and 69.7%. The locations where new services would optimise accessibility had slight variation and would notably enhance accessibility and health equity. Interpretation: Establishing haemodialysis services in targeted areas has significant potential benefits. By increasing accessibility, it would enhance urban health and equity. Funding: No external or institutional funding was received.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e121, 2023.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37654795


Objective: To evaluate the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries in Colombia in 2019. Methods: This ecological study evaluated the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries among users of the road transport system in Colombia in 2019, based on secondary information sources, using the department level as the administrative and geographic unit of study. A descriptive statistical analysis of health indicators and equity stratifiers was performed. Absolute and relative measures were used to determine social inequality gaps. Results: In 2019, 6 580 people died from road traffic injuries in Colombia. The majority of them (82%) were men. The most critical user condition was being a motorcyclist. The age group with the most victims was approximately 30 years old. Departments with populations between 500 000 and 2 000 000 were the most represented. The most critical equity stratifier was the number of registered motorcycles per 100 000 population. Significant inequality gaps between departments were observed. Conclusions: Inequalities in deaths from road traffic injuries in Colombia were observed. Policies and actions should focus on helping to reduce identified inequities, resulting in better quality of life, well-being, and health for the population.

Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia no ano de 2019. Métodos: Este estudo ecológico avaliou a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito entre usuários do sistema de transporte rodoviário na Colômbia em 2019, com base em fontes secundárias de informação e departamentos como unidades administrativas e geográficas do estudo. Foi feita uma análise estatística descritiva do indicador de saúde e dos estratificadores de equidade, e foram utilizadas medidas absolutas e relativas para determinar as lacunas de desigualdade social. Resultados: Em 2019, 6 580 pessoas morreram na Colômbia em decorrência de acidentes de trânsito, em sua maioria homens (82%). A categoria de usuário mais afetada foi a de motociclistas, e a faixa etária com o maior número de vítimas girava em torno dos 30 anos. Departamentos com população entre 500 mil e 2 milhões de habitantes tiveram a maior participação. O estratificador de equidade com a condição mais crítica de desigualdade foi o número de motocicletas registradas por 100 mil habitantes. Foram evidenciadas lacunas significativas de desigualdade entre os departamentos. Conclusões: Foram reconhecidas desigualdades na mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia. É preciso implementar políticas e ações que contribuam para a redução das desigualdades identificadas, o que resultará em qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde para os cidadãos.

Article in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-57887


[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre las desigualdades sociales y la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito en Colombia durante 2019. Métodos. En este estudio ecológico se evaluó la asociación entre las desigualdades sociales y la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito de las personas usuarias del sistema de transporte terrestre carretero en Colombia durante 2019, con base en fuentes secundarias de información, a nivel de departamento como unidad admi- nistrativa y geográfica de estudio. Se hizo un análisis estadístico descriptivo tanto del indicador de salud como de los estratificadores de equidad y se utilizaron medidas absolutas y relativas para determinar las brechas de desigualdad social. Resultados. En 2019 murieron en Colombia 6 580 personas por lesiones de tránsito, la mayoría de las cuales (82%) eran hombres. La condición de usuario más crítica fue la de motociclista. El grupo etario con más víctimas tenía aproximadamente 30 años. Los departamentos con población entre 500 000 y 2 000 000 de habitantes tuvieron la más alta participación. El estratificador de equidad con la condición más crítica de des- igualdad fue el número de motocicletas registradas por cada 100 000 habitantes. Se evidenciaron brechas de desigualdad importantes entre los departamentos. Conclusiones. Se reconocieron desigualdades de la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito en Colombia. Se deben orientar políticas y actuaciones que contribuyan a la disminución de las inequidades identificadas, lo que redunda en la calidad de vida, bienestar y salud de los ciudadanos.

[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To evaluate the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries in Colombia in 2019. Methods. This ecological study evaluated the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries among users of the road transport system in Colombia in 2019, based on secondary information sources, using the department level as the administrative and geographic unit of study. A descriptive statistical analysis of health indicators and equity stratifiers was performed. Absolute and relative measures were used to determine social inequality gaps. Results. In 2019, 6 580 people died from road traffic injuries in Colombia. The majority of them (82%) were men. The most critical user condition was being a motorcyclist. The age group with the most victims was approximately 30 years old. Departments with populations between 500 000 and 2 000 000 were the most represented. The most critical equity stratifier was the number of registered motorcycles per 100 000 popula- tion. Significant inequality gaps between departments were observed. Conclusions. Inequalities in deaths from road traffic injuries in Colombia were observed. Policies and actions should focus on helping to reduce identified inequities, resulting in better quality of life, well-being, and health for the population.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Avaliar a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia no ano de 2019. Métodos. Este estudo ecológico avaliou a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito entre usuários do sistema de transporte rodoviário na Colômbia em 2019, com base em fontes secundárias de informação e departamentos como unidades administrativas e geográficas do estudo. Foi feita uma análise estatística descritiva do indicador de saúde e dos estratificadores de equidade, e foram utilizadas medidas absolutas e relativas para determinar as lacunas de desigualdade social. Resultados. Em 2019, 6 580 pessoas morreram na Colômbia em decorrência de acidentes de trânsito, em sua maioria homens (82%). A categoria de usuário mais afetada foi a de motociclistas, e a faixa etária com o maior número de vítimas girava em torno dos 30 anos. Departamentos com população entre 500 mil e 2 milhões de habitantes tiveram a maior participação. O estratificador de equidade com a condição mais crítica de desigualdade foi o número de motocicletas registradas por 100 mil habitantes. Foram evidenciadas lacunas significativas de desigualdade entre os departamentos. Conclusões. Foram reconhecidas desigualdades na mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia. É preciso implementar políticas e ações que contribuam para a redução das desigualdades identificadas, o que resultará em qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde para os cidadãos.

Socioeconomic Factors , Health Inequality Monitoring , Mortality , Accidents, Traffic , Equity Stratifiers , Colombia , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Inequality Monitoring , Mortality , Accidents, Traffic , Equity Stratifiers , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Inequality Monitoring , Mortality , Accidents, Traffic , Equity Stratifiers , Colombia
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e121, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515491


RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre las desigualdades sociales y la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito en Colombia durante 2019. Métodos. En este estudio ecológico se evaluó la asociación entre las desigualdades sociales y la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito de las personas usuarias del sistema de transporte terrestre carretero en Colombia durante 2019, con base en fuentes secundarias de información, a nivel de departamento como unidad administrativa y geográfica de estudio. Se hizo un análisis estadístico descriptivo tanto del indicador de salud como de los estratificadores de equidad y se utilizaron medidas absolutas y relativas para determinar las brechas de desigualdad social. Resultados. En 2019 murieron en Colombia 6 580 personas por lesiones de tránsito, la mayoría de las cuales (82%) eran hombres. La condición de usuario más crítica fue la de motociclista. El grupo etario con más víctimas tenía aproximadamente 30 años. Los departamentos con población entre 500 000 y 2 000 000 de habitantes tuvieron la más alta participación. El estratificador de equidad con la condición más crítica de desigualdad fue el número de motocicletas registradas por cada 100 000 habitantes. Se evidenciaron brechas de desigualdad importantes entre los departamentos. Conclusiones. Se reconocieron desigualdades de la mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito en Colombia. Se deben orientar políticas y actuaciones que contribuyan a la disminución de las inequidades identificadas, lo que redunda en la calidad de vida, bienestar y salud de los ciudadanos.

ABSTRACT Objective. To evaluate the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries in Colombia in 2019. Methods. This ecological study evaluated the association between social inequalities and deaths from traffic injuries among users of the road transport system in Colombia in 2019, based on secondary information sources, using the department level as the administrative and geographic unit of study. A descriptive statistical analysis of health indicators and equity stratifiers was performed. Absolute and relative measures were used to determine social inequality gaps. Results. In 2019, 6 580 people died from road traffic injuries in Colombia. The majority of them (82%) were men. The most critical user condition was being a motorcyclist. The age group with the most victims was approximately 30 years old. Departments with populations between 500 000 and 2 000 000 were the most represented. The most critical equity stratifier was the number of registered motorcycles per 100 000 population. Significant inequality gaps between departments were observed. Conclusions. Inequalities in deaths from road traffic injuries in Colombia were observed. Policies and actions should focus on helping to reduce identified inequities, resulting in better quality of life, well-being, and health for the population.

RESUMO Objetivo. Avaliar a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia no ano de 2019. Métodos. Este estudo ecológico avaliou a relação entre desigualdades sociais e mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito entre usuários do sistema de transporte rodoviário na Colômbia em 2019, com base em fontes secundárias de informação e departamentos como unidades administrativas e geográficas do estudo. Foi feita uma análise estatística descritiva do indicador de saúde e dos estratificadores de equidade, e foram utilizadas medidas absolutas e relativas para determinar as lacunas de desigualdade social. Resultados. Em 2019, 6 580 pessoas morreram na Colômbia em decorrência de acidentes de trânsito, em sua maioria homens (82%). A categoria de usuário mais afetada foi a de motociclistas, e a faixa etária com o maior número de vítimas girava em torno dos 30 anos. Departamentos com população entre 500 mil e 2 milhões de habitantes tiveram a maior participação. O estratificador de equidade com a condição mais crítica de desigualdade foi o número de motocicletas registradas por 100 mil habitantes. Foram evidenciadas lacunas significativas de desigualdade entre os departamentos. Conclusões. Foram reconhecidas desigualdades na mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Colômbia. É preciso implementar políticas e ações que contribuam para a redução das desigualdades identificadas, o que resultará em qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde para os cidadãos.

BMJ Open ; 12(9): e062178, 2022 09 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36581989


OBJECTIVES: To test a new approach to characterise accessibility to tertiary care emergency health services in urban Cali and assess the links between accessibility and sociodemographic factors relevant to health equity. DESIGN: The impact of traffic congestion on accessibility to tertiary care emergency departments was studied with an equity perspective, using a web-based digital platform that integrated publicly available digital data, including sociodemographic characteristics of the population and places of residence with travel times. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Cali, Colombia (population 2.258 million in 2020) using geographic and sociodemographic data. The study used predicted travel times downloaded for a week in July 2020 and a week in November 2020. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOMES: The share of the population within a 15 min journey by car from the place of residence to the tertiary care emergency department with the shortest journey (ie, 15 min accessibility rate (15mAR)) at peak-traffic congestion hours. Sociodemographic characteristics were disaggregated for equity analyses. A time-series bivariate analysis explored accessibility rates versus housing stratification. RESULTS: Traffic congestion sharply reduces accessibility to tertiary emergency care (eg, 15mAR was 36.8% during peak-traffic hours vs 84.4% during free-flow hours for the week of 6-12 July 2020). Traffic congestion sharply reduces accessibility to tertiary emergency care. The greatest impact fell on specific ethnic groups, people with less educational attainment and those living in low-income households or on the periphery of Cali (15mAR: 8.1% peak traffic vs 51% free-flow traffic). These populations face longer average travel times to health services than the average population. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that health services and land use planning should prioritise travel times over travel distance and integrate them into urban planning. Existing technology and data can reveal inequities by integrating sociodemographic data with accurate travel times to health services estimates, providing the basis for valuable indicators.

Emergency Medical Services , Health Services Accessibility , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia , Automobiles , Big Data , Search Engine , Tertiary Healthcare , Travel
F1000Res ; 11: 1394, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37469626


This protocol proposes an approach to assessing the place of residence as a spatial determinant of health in cities where traffic congestion might impact health services accessibility. The study provides dynamic travel times presenting data in ways that help shape decisions and spur action by diverse stakeholders and sectors.  Equity assessments in geographical accessibility to health services typically rely on static metrics, such as distance or average travel times. This new approach uses dynamic spatial accessibility measures providing travel times from the place of residence to the health service with the shortest journey time. It will show the interplay between traffic congestion, accessibility, and health equity and should be used to inform urban and health services monitoring and planning. Available digitised data enable efficient and accurate accessibility measurements for urban areas using publicly available sources and provide disaggregated sociodemographic information and an equity perspective. Test cases are done for urgent and frequent care (i.e., repeated ambulatory care). Situational analyses will be done with cross-sectional urban assessments; estimated potential improvements will be made for one or two new services, and findings will inform recommendations and future studies. This study will use visualisations and descriptive statistics to allow non-specialized stakeholders to understand the effects of accessibility on populations and health equity. This includes "time-to-destination" metrics or the proportion of the people that can reach a service by car within a given travel time threshold from the place of residence. The study is part of the AMORE Collaborative Project, in which a diverse group of stakeholders seeks to address equity for accessibility to essential health services, including health service users and providers, authorities, and community members, including academia.

Health Equity , Humans , Colombia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Services Accessibility , Travel