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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38656108


Topological insulators (TIs) with spin-momentum-locked surface states and considerable spin-to-charge conversion (SCC) efficiency are ideal substitutes for the nonmagnetic layer in the traditional ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic (FM/NM) spintronic terahertz (THz) emitters. Here, the TI/ferrimagnetic structure as an effective polarization tunable THz source is verified by terahertz emission spectroscopy. The emitted THz electric field can be separated into two THz components utilizing their opposite symmetry on pump polarization and the magnetic field. TI not only emits a THz electric field via the linear photogalvanic effect (LPGE) but also serves as the medium of SCC via the inverse Edelstein effect (IEE) in the heterostructure. In addition, the amplitude and polarity of the SCC component can be efficiently manipulated by temperature in our ferrimagnetic TbFeCo layer compared with Co or Fe. Once these two THz components are delicately set orthogonally, an elliptical THz wave is generated by the intrinsic phase difference at the THz frequency range. The feasible control of its polarization and chirality is demonstrated by three means: pump polarization, magnetic field, and temperature. These appealing observations may pave the way for the development of elliptical THz wave emitters and polarization-sensitive THz spectroscopy.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37883114


Spintronic terahertz (THz) emitters based on synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) of FM1/Ru/FM2 (FM: ferromagnet) have shown great potential for achieving coherent superposition and significant THz power enhancement due to antiparallel magnetization alignment. However, key issues regarding the effects of interlayer exchange coupling and net magnetization on THz emissions remain unclear, which will inevitably hinder the performance improvement and practical application of THz devices. In this work, we have investigated the femtosecond laser-induced THz emission in Pt (3)/CoFe (3)/Ru (tRu = 0-3.5)/CoFe (tCoFe = 1.5-10)/Pt (3) (in units of nm) films with compensated and uncompensated magnetic moments. Antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling occurs in the Ru thickness ranges of 0.2-1.1 and 1.9-2.3 nm, with the first peak (tRu = 0.4 nm) of the AF coupling field (Hex) significantly higher than that of the second peak (2.0 nm). Rather high THz amplitude is found for the samples with strong AF coupling. Nevertheless, despite the same remanence ratio of zero, the THz amplitude for the symmetric SAF films declines significantly as the tRu decreases from 0.8 to 0.4 nm, which is mainly ascribed to the noncolinear magnetization vectors due to the increased biquadratic coupling term. Specifically, we demonstrate that an asymmetric SAF structure with a dominant FM layer is more favored than the completely compensated one, which could generate significantly enhanced THz electric field with well-controlled polarity and intensity. In addition, as the temperature decreases, the THz emission intensity increases for the SAF samples of tRu = 0.9 nm with negligible biquadratic coupling, which is contrary to the decreasing trend of the tRu = 0.4 nm sample and has been attributed to the greatly enhanced Hex.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35578900


The temperature (T) dependences of magnetization dynamics, especially for magnetic damping anisotropy, have been systematically investigated in well-ordered Co2FeAl films with a biaxial anisotropy. It is found that the damping anisotropy factor Q, defined as the fractional difference of damping between the hard and easy axes, changes from 0.35 to -0.09 as T decreases from 300 to 80 K, performing a distinctive reorientation transition at T ∼ 200 K. Through the thickness-dependent damping measurement results, the damping anisotropy reorientation is verified to originate from the competitions between the intrinsic anisotropic distribution of bulk spin orbit coupling and the interfacial two-magnon scattering. The former governs the effective damping at high temperatures, while the latter with an opposite fourfold symmetry gradually plays a dominant role at reduced temperatures, leading to the transition of the Q value from positive to negative. The clear clarification of damping anisotropy variation as well as the underlying mechanism in this study would be of great importance for designing key spintronic devices with optimized dynamic magnetic properties.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(22): 12612-12619, 2021 Jun 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34059866


Magnetization dynamics of the epitaxially-grown Co2FeAl (CFA) thin films have been systematically investigated by the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE). The dependences of precession frequency f, relaxation time τ and magnetic damping factor α upon the orientation of applied magnetic field are found to have a strong four-fold symmetry. Two series of samples with various substrate temperatures (Ts) and thickness (tCFA) were prepared and a large Gilbert damping difference between the hard and easy axes is extracted to be 3.3 × 10-3 after subtracting the extrinsic contributions of spin pumping, two-magnon scattering and magnetic inhomogeneities. The four-fold variation of Gilbert damping relates closely to the in-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy and can be attributed to the anisotropic distribution of spin-orbit coupling. Our findings provide new insights into the anisotropic properties of magnetization and damping, which is very helpful for designing and optimizing advanced spintronic devices on different demands.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(9): 2394-2399, 2021 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33661010


Topological insulators (TIs) with spin-momentum-locked metallic surface states can exert giant spin-orbit torques, offering great potential in energy-efficient magnetic memory devices. In this work, temperature (T)-dependent SOT efficiencies are investigated in Sb2Te3/Ta/TbCo heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The spin Hall angle θSH is around 0.16 at room temperature (RT), which is much higher than that of the control sample without TI. Moreover, as T decreases from RT down to 10 K, θSH exhibits a conspicuous 5-fold enhancement. Detailed analysis indicates that the θSH enhancement at reduced temperatures mainly results from the improved spin-polarized surface states, as evidenced from the continuously increased ratio of surface-to-bulk conduction. The θSH difference between 20 and 10 nm Sb2Te3 gradually shrinks with the increase of T, which is due to the increase of bulk state contribution. Our findings provide a deep insight into the spin transport mechanisms and robust charge-spin conversion in TIs.