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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 14989, 2022 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36056168


We report experiments on the dynamics of vibrated particles constrained in a two-dimensional vertical container, motivated by the following question: how to get the most out of a given external vibration to maximize internal disorder (e.g. to blend particles) and agitation (e.g. to absorb vibrations)? Granular media are analogs to classical thermodynamic systems, where the injection of energy can be achieved by shaking them: fluidization arises by tuning either the amplitude or the frequency of the oscillations. Alternatively, we explore what happens when another feature, the container geometry, is modified while keeping constant the energy injection. Our method consists in modifying the container base into a V-shape to break the symmetries of the inner particulate arrangement. The lattice contains a compact hexagonal solid-like crystalline phase coexisting with a loose amorphous fluid-like phase, at any thermal agitation. We show that both the solid-to-fluid volume fraction and the granular temperature depend not only on the external vibration but also on the number of topological defects triggered by the asymmetry of the container. The former relies on the statistics of the energy fluctuations and the latter is consistent with a two-dimensional melting transition described by the KTHNY theory.

Phys Rev E ; 99(3-1): 032905, 2019 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30999475


The propagation of mechanical energy in granular materials has been intensively studied in recent years given the wide range of fields that have processes related to this phenomena, from geology to impact mitigation and protection of buildings and structures. In this paper, we experimentally explore the effect of an interstitial fluid on the dynamics of the propagation of a mechanical pulse in a granular packing under controlled confinement pressure. The experimental results reveal the occurrence of an elastohydrodynamic mechanism at the scale of the contacts between wet particles. We describe our results in terms of an effective medium theory, including the presence of the viscous fluid. Finally, we study the nonlinear weakening of the granular packing as a function of the amplitude of the pulses. Our observations demonstrate that the softening of the material can be impeded by adjusting the viscosity of the interstitial fluid above a threshold at which the elastohydrodynamic interaction overcomes the elastic repulsion due to the confinement.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(46): 12150-12155, 2017 11 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29087329


Dense colloidal suspensions can propagate and absorb large mechanical stresses, including impacts and shocks. The wave transport stems from the delicate interplay between the spatial arrangement of the structural units and solvent-mediated effects. For dynamic microscopic systems, elastic deformations of the colloids are usually disregarded due to the damping imposed by the surrounding fluid. Here, we study the propagation of localized mechanical pulses in aqueous monolayers of micron-sized particles of controlled microstructure. We generate extreme localized deformation rates by exciting a target particle via pulsed-laser ablation. In crystalline monolayers, stress propagation fronts take place, where fast-moving particles (V approximately a few meters per second) are aligned along the symmetry axes of the lattice. Conversely, more viscous solvents and disordered structures lead to faster and isotropic energy absorption. Our results demonstrate the accessibility of a regime where elastic collisions also become relevant for suspensions of microscopic particles, behaving as "billiard balls" in a liquid, in analogy with regular packings of macroscopic spheres. We furthermore quantify the scattering of an impact as a function of the local structural disorder.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 141(1): 254, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28147622


A theoretical and experimental study of the acoustic absorption of granular porous media made of non-cohesive piles of spherical shells is presented. These shells are either rigid or elastic, possibly drilled with a neck (Helmholtz resonators), and either porous or impervious. A description is given of acoustic propagation through these media using the effective medium models proposed by Johnson (rigid particles) and Boutin (rigid Helmholtz resonators), which are extended to the configurations studied in this work. A solution is given for the local equation of elasticity of a shell coupled to the viscous flow of air through the neck and the micropores. The models and the simulations are compared to absorption spectra measured in reflection in an impedance tube. The effective medium models and the measurements show excellent agreement for configurations made of rigid particles and rigid Helmholtz resonators that induce an additional peak of absorption at low frequency. A shift of the Helmholtz resonance toward low frequencies, due to the softness of the shells is revealed by the experiments for elastic shells made of soft elastomer and is well reproduced by the simulations. It is shown that microporous shells enhance and broaden acoustic absorption compared to stiff or elastic resonators.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(2 Pt 2): 026604, 2011 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21929125


We study experimentally the interaction between two solitary waves that approach one another in a linear chain of spheres interacting via the Hertz potential. When these counterpropagating waves collide, they cross each other and a phase shift in respect to the noninteracting waves is introduced as a result of the nonlinear interaction potential. This observation is well reproduced by our numerical simulations and is shown to be independent of viscoelastic dissipation at the bead contact. In addition, when the collision of equal amplitude and synchronized counterpropagating waves takes place, we observe that two secondary solitary waves emerge from the interacting region. The amplitude of the secondary solitary waves is proportional to the amplitude of incident waves. However, secondary solitary waves are stronger when the collision occurs at the middle contact in chains with an even number of beads. Although numerical simulations correctly predict the existence of these waves, experiments show that their respective amplitudes are significantly larger than predicted. We attribute this discrepancy to the rolling friction at the bead contact during solitary wave propagation.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 80(2 Pt 2): 025602, 2009 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792192


We report observations of mechanical energy localization in a strongly nonlinear discrete lattice. The experimental setup we consider is a one-dimensional nonloaded horizontal chain of identical spheres interacting via the nonlinear Hertz potential which contains a mass defect. Our experiments show that the interaction of a solitary wave with a light intruder excites a nonlinear localized mode. In agreement with dimensional analysis, we find that the frequency of localized oscillations exceeds the incident wave frequency spectrum and nonlinearly depends on incident wave strength and on mass and size of the intruder. The absence of tensile stress between grains allows some gaps to open, which in turn induces a significant enhancement of the amplitude of oscillations. We performed numerical simulations that precisely describe our observations without any adjusting parameters.

Ultrasonics ; 48(6-7): 506-14, 2008 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18468652


A one-dimensional dry granular medium, a chain of beads which interact via the nonlinear Hertz potential, exhibits strongly nonlinear behaviors. When such an alignment further contains some fluid in the interstices between grains, it may exhibit new interesting features. We report some recent experiments, analysis and numerical simulations concerning nonlinear wave propagation in dry and wet chains of spheres. We consider first a monodisperse chain as a reference case. We then analyze how the pulse characteristics are modified in the presence of an interstitial viscous fluid. The fluid not only induces dissipation but also strongly affect the intergrain stiffness: in a wet chain, wave speed is enhanced and pulses are shorter. Simple experiments performed with a single sphere colliding a wall covered by a thin film of fluid confirm these observations. We demonstrate that even a very small amount of fluid can overcome the Hertzian potential and is responsible for a large increase of contact stiffness. Possible mechanisms for wet contact hardening are related to large fluid shear rate during fast elastohydrodynamic collision between grains.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 73(4 Pt 1): 041305, 2006 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16711791


We present an experimental study of the mechanical impulse propagation through a horizontal alignment of elastic spheres of progressively decreasing diameter phi(n): namely, a tapered chain. Experimentally, the diameters of spheres which interact via the Hertz potential are selected to keep as close as possible to an exponential decrease, phi(n+1) = (1-q)phi(n), where the experimental tapering factor is either q(1) approximately equal to 5.60% or q(2) approximately equal to 8.27%. In agreement with recent numerical results, an impulse initiated in a monodisperse chain (a chain of identical beads) propagates without shape changes and progressively transfers its energy and momentum to a propagating tail when it further travels in a tapered chain. As a result, the front pulse of this wave decreases in amplitude and accelerates. Both effects are satisfactorily described by the hard-sphere approximation, and basically, the shock mitigation is due to partial transmissions, from one bead to the next, of momentum and energy of the front pulse. In addition when small dissipation is included, better agreement with experiments is found. A close analysis of the loading part of the experimental pulses demonstrates that the front wave adopts a self-similar solution as it propagates in the tapered chain. Finally, our results corroborate the capability of these chains to thermalize propagating impulses and thereby act as shock absorbing devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(17): 178002, 2005 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15904336


We perform measurements, numerical simulations, and quantitative comparisons with available theory on solitary wave propagation in a linear chain of beads without static preconstraint. By designing a nonintrusive force sensor to measure the impulse as it propagates along the chain, we study the solitary wave reflection at a wall. We show that the main features of solitary wave reflection depend on wall mechanical properties. Since previous studies on solitary waves have been performed at walls without these considerations, our experiment provides a more reliable tool to characterize solitary wave propagation. We find, for the first time, precise quantitative agreements.