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Chaos ; 33(7)2023 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37486666


Recent advances in machine learning (ML) have facilitated its application to a wide range of systems, from complex to quantum. Reservoir computing algorithms have proven particularly effective for studying nonlinear dynamical systems that exhibit collective behaviors, such as synchronizations and chaotic phenomena, some of which still remain unclear. Here, we apply ML approaches to the Kuramoto model to address several intriguing problems, including identifying the transition point and criticality of a hybrid synchronization transition, predicting future chaotic behaviors, and understanding network structures from chaotic patterns. Our proposed method also has further implications, such as inferring the structure of neural networks from electroencephalogram signals. This study, finally, highlights the potential of ML approaches for advancing our understanding of complex systems.

Chaos ; 33(1): 013115, 2023 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36725647


Cascading failures in electrical power grids, comprising nodes and links, propagate nonlocally. After a local disturbance, successive resultant can be distant from the source. Since avalanche failures can propagate unexpectedly, care must be taken when formulating a mitigation strategy. Herein, we propose a strategy for mitigating such cascading failures. First, to characterize the impact of each node on the avalanche dynamics, we propose a novel measure, that of Avalanche Centrality (AC). Then, based on the ACs, nodes potentially needing reinforcement are identified and selected for mitigation. Compared with heuristic measures, AC has proven to be efficient at reducing avalanche size; however, due to nonlocal propagation, calculating ACs can be computationally burdensome. To resolve this problem, we use a graph neural network (GNN). We begin by training a GNN using a large number of small networks; then, once trained, the GNN can predict ACs efficiently in large networks and real-world topological power grids in manageable computational time. Thus, under our strategy, mitigation in large networks is achieved by reinforcing nodes with large ACs. The framework developed in this study can be implemented in other complex processes that require longer computational time to simulate large networks.

Chaos ; 32(3): 033108, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35364834


Identical oscillators in the chimera state exhibit a mixture of coherent and incoherent patterns simultaneously. Nonlocal interactions and phase lag are critical factors in forming a chimera state within the Kuramoto model in Euclidean space. Here, we investigate the contributions of nonlocal interactions and phase lag to the formation of the chimera state in random networks. By developing an extended mean-field approximation and using a numerical approach, we find that the emergence of a chimera state in the Erdös-Rényi network is due mainly to degree heterogeneity with nonzero phase lag. For a regularly random network, although all nodes have the same degree, we find that disordered connections may yield the chimera state in the presence of long-range interactions. Furthermore, we show a nontrivial dynamic state in which all the oscillators drift more slowly than a defined frequency due to connectivity disorder at large phase lags beyond the mean-field solutions.

Chaos Solitons Fractals ; 157: 111904, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35169382


The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing worldwide, and the damage it has caused is unprecedented. For prevention, South Korea has adopted a local quarantine strategy rather than a global lockdown. This approach not only minimizes economic damage but also efficiently prevents the spread of the disease. In this work, the spread of COVID-19 under local quarantine measures is modeled using the Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered model on complex networks. In this network approach, the links connected to infected and so isolated people are disconnected and then reinstated when they are released. These link dynamics leads to time-dependent reproduction number. Numerical simulations are performed on networks with reaction rates estimated from empirical data. The temporal pattern of the accumulated number of confirmed cases is then reproduced. The results show that a large number of asymptomatic infected patients are detected as they are quarantined together with infected patients. Additionally, possible consequences of the breakdowns of local quarantine measures and social distancing are considered.

Chaos ; 31(4): 041102, 2021 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34251264


Simplicial complex (SC) representation is an elegant mathematical framework for representing the effect of complexes or groups with higher-order interactions in a variety of complex systems ranging from brain networks to social relationships. Here, we explore the homological percolation transitions (HPTs) of growing SCs using empirical datasets and model studies. The HPTs are determined by the first and second Betti numbers, which indicate the appearance of one- and two-dimensional macroscopic-scale homological cycles and cavities, respectively. A minimal SC model with two essential factors, namely, growth and preferential attachment, is proposed to model social coauthorship relationships. This model successfully reproduces the HPTs and determines the transition types as an infinite-order Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type but with different critical exponents. In contrast to the Kahle localization observed in static random SCs, the first Betti number continues to increase even after the second Betti number appears. This delocalization is found to stem from the two aforementioned factors and arises when the merging rate of two-dimensional simplexes is less than the birth rate of isolated simplexes. Our results can provide a topological insight into the maturing steps of complex networks such as social and biological networks.

Chaos ; 31(5): 053128, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34240932


Percolation transition (PT) means the formation of a macroscopic-scale large cluster, which exhibits a continuous transition. However, when the growth of large clusters is globally suppressed, the type of PT is changed to a discontinuous transition for random networks. A question arises as to whether the type of PT is also changed for scale-free (SF) network, because the existence of hubs incites the formation of a giant cluster. Here, we apply a global suppression rule to the static model for SF networks and investigate properties of the PT. We find that even for SF networks with the degree exponent 2<λ<3, a hybrid PT occurs at a finite transition point tc, which we can control by the suppression strength. The order parameter jumps at tc - and exhibits a critical behavior at tc +.

Chaos ; 31(6): 061108, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241328


Betweenness centrality (BC) was proposed as an indicator of the extent of an individual's influence in a social network. It is measured by counting how many times a vertex (i.e., an individual) appears on all the shortest paths between pairs of vertices. A question naturally arises as to how the influence of a team or group in a social network can be measured. Here, we propose a method of measuring this influence on a bipartite graph comprising vertices (individuals) and hyperedges (teams). When the hyperedge size varies, the number of shortest paths between two vertices in a hypergraph can be larger than that in a binary graph. Thus, the power-law behavior of the team BC distribution breaks down in scale-free hypergraphs. However, when the weight of each hyperedge, for example, the performance per team member, is counted, the team BC distribution is found to exhibit power-law behavior. We find that a team with a widely connected member is highly influential.

Social Networking , Humans
Phys Rev E ; 104(6-1): 064304, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030955


Consider a multiplex network formed by two layers indicating social interactions: the first layer is a friendship network and the second layer is a network of business relations. In this duplex network each pair of individuals can be connected in different ways: they can be connected by a friendship but not connected by a business relation, they can be connected by a business relation without being friends, or they can be simultaneously friends and in a business relation. In the latter case we say that the links in different layers overlap. These three types of connections are called multilinks and the multidegree indicates the sum of multilinks of a given type that are incident to a given node. Previous opinion models on multilayer networks have mostly neglected the effect of link overlap. Here we show that link overlap can have important effects in the formation of a majority opinion. Indeed, the formation of a majority opinion can be significantly influenced by the statistical properties of multilinks, and in particular by the multidegree distribution. To quantitatively address this problem, we study a simple spin model, called the Ashkin-Teller model, including two-body and four-body interactions between nodes in different layers. Here we fully investigate the rich phase diagram of this model which includes a large variety of phase transitions. Indeed, the phase diagram or the model displays continuous, discontinuous, and hybrid phase transitions, and successive jumps of the order parameters within the Baxter phase.

Chaos ; 30(5): 053125, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32491892


Entropy production (EP) is a fundamental quantity useful for understanding irreversible process. In stochastic thermodynamics, EP is more evident in probability density functions of trajectories of a particle in the state space. Here, inspired by a previous result that complex networks can serve as state spaces, we consider a data packet transport problem on complex networks. EP is generated owing to the complexity of pathways as the packet travels back and forth between two nodes along the same pathway. The total EPs are exactly enumerated along all possible shortest paths between every pair of nodes, and the functional form of the EP distribution is proposed based on our numerical results. We confirm that the EP distribution satisfies the detailed and integral fluctuation theorems. Our results should be pedagogically helpful for understanding trajectory-dependent EP in stochastic processes and exploring nonequilibrium fluctuations associated with the entanglement of dividing and merging among the shortest pathways in complex networks.

Chaos ; 30(5): 051102, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32491902


Phase transitions (PTs) are generally classified into second-order and first-order transitions, each exhibiting different intrinsic properties. For instance, a first-order transition exhibits latent heat and hysteresis when a control parameter is increased and then decreased across a transition point, whereas a second-order transition does not. Recently, hybrid percolation transitions (HPTs) are issued in diverse complex systems, in which the features of first-order and second-order PTs occur at the same transition point. Thus, the question whether hysteresis appears in an HPT arises. Herein, we investigate this fundamental question with a so-called restricted Erdos-Rényi random network model, in which a cluster fragmentation process is additionally proposed. A hysteresis curve of the order parameter was obtained. Depending on when the reverse process is initiated, the shapes of hysteresis curves change, and the critical behavior of the HPT is conserved throughout the forward and reverse processes.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052313, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575195


The Kuramoto model exhibits different types of synchronization transitions depending on the type of natural frequency distribution. To obtain these results, the Kuramoto self-consistency equation (SCE) approach has been used successfully. However, this approach affords only limited understanding of more detailed properties such as the stability. Here we extend the SCE approach by introducing an effective potential, that is, an integral version of the SCE. We examine the landscape of this effective potential for second-order, first-order, and hybrid synchronization transitions in the thermodynamic limit. In particular, for the hybrid transition, we find that the minimum of effective potential displays a plateau across the region in which the order parameter jumps. This result suggests that the effective potential can be used to determine a type of synchronization transition.

Phys Rev E ; 101(2-1): 022121, 2020 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32168624


Recently, the quantum contact process, in which branching and coagulation processes occur both coherently and incoherently, was theoretically and experimentally investigated in driven open quantum spin systems. In the semiclassical approach, the quantum coherence effect was regarded as a process in which two consecutive atoms are involved in the excitation of a neighboring atom from the inactive (ground) state to the active state (excited s-state). In this case, both second-order and first-order transitions occur. Therefore, a tricritical point exists at which the transition belongs to the tricritical directed percolation (TDP) class. On the other hand, when an atom is excited to the d-state, long-range interaction is induced. Here, to account for this long-range interaction, we extend the TDP model to one with long-range interaction in the form of ∼1/r^{d+σ} (denoted as LTDP), where r is the separation, d is the spatial dimension, and σ is a control parameter. In particular, we investigate the properties of the LTDP class below the upper critical dimension d_{c}=min(3,1.5σ). We numerically obtain a set of critical exponents in the LTDP class and determine the interval of σ for the LTDP class. Finally, we construct a diagram of universality classes in the space (d,σ).

Chaos ; 29(9): 091102, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31575135


Understanding of a hybrid percolation transitions (HPTs) induced by cluster coalescence, exhibiting a jump in the giant cluster size and a critical behavior of finite clusters, is fundamental and intriguing. Here, we uncover the underlying mechanism using the so-called restricted-random network model, in which clusters are ranked by size and partitioned into small- and large-cluster sets. As clusters are merged and their rankings are updated, they may move back and forth across the set boundary. The intervals of these crossings exhibit a self-organized critical (SOC) behavior with two power-law exponents. During this process, a bump is formed and eliminated in the cluster size distribution, characterizing the criticality of the HPT. This SOC behavior is in contrast to the critical branching process, which governs the avalanche dynamics of the HPT in the pruning process. Finally, we find that a burst of such crossing events occurs and signals the upcoming abrupt transition.

Phys Rev E ; 99(3-1): 032131, 2019 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30999423


We investigate a nonequilibrium phase transition in a dissipative and coherent quantum spin system using the quantum Langevin equation and mean-field theory. Recently, the quantum contact process (QCP) was theoretically investigated using the Rydberg antiblockade effect, in particular, when the Rydberg atoms were excited in s states so that their interactions were regarded as being between the nearest neighbors. However, when the atoms are excited to d states, the dipole-dipole interactions become effective, and long-range interactions must be considered. Here we consider a quantum spin model with a long-range QCP, where the branching and coagulation processes are allowed not only for the nearest-neighbor pairs but also for long-distance pairs, coherently and incoherently. Using the semiclassical approach, we show that the mean-field phase diagram of our long-range model is similar to that of the nearest-neighbor QCP, where the continuous (discontinuous) transition is found in the weak (strong) quantum regime. However, at the tricritical point, we find a new universality class, which was neither that of the QCP at the tricritical point nor that of the classical directed percolation model with long-range interactions. Implementation of the long-range QCP using interacting cold gases is discussed.

Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 012311, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110730


The two-step contagion model is a simple toy model for understanding pandemic outbreaks that occur in the real world. The model takes into account that a susceptible person either gets immediately infected or weakened when getting into contact with an infectious one. As the number of weakened people increases, they eventually can become infected in a short time period and a pandemic outbreak occurs. The time required to reach such a pandemic outbreak allows for intervention and is often called golden time. Understanding the size-dependence of the golden time is useful for controlling pandemic outbreak. Using an approach based on a nonlinear mapping, here we find that there exist two types of golden times in the two-step contagion model, which scale as O(N^{1/3}) and O(N^{ζ}) with the system size N on Erdos-Rényi networks, where the measured ζ is slightly larger than 1/4. They are distinguished by the initial number of infected nodes, o(N) and O(N), respectively. While the exponent 1/3 of the N-dependence of the golden time is universal even in other models showing discontinuous transitions induced by cascading dynamics, the measured ζ exponents are all close to 1/4 but show model-dependence. It remains open whether or not ζ reduces to 1/4 in the asymptotically large-N limit. Our method can be applied to several models showing a hybrid percolation transition and gives insight into the origin of the two golden times.

Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Models, Theoretical , Communicable Diseases/transmission , Computer Simulation , Disease Susceptibility , Humans , Nonlinear Dynamics
Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 012316, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110770


In network dismantling, a minimal set of nodes is identified whose removal breaks the network into small components of subextensive size. Because finding the optimal set of nodes is an NP-hard problem, several heuristic algorithms have been developed as alternative methods, for instance, the so-called belief propagation-based decimation (BPD) algorithm and the collective influence (CI) algorithm. Here, we test the performance of these algorithms and analyze them in terms of the fractality of the network. Networks are classified into two types: fractal and nonfractal networks. Real-world examples include the World Wide Web and the Internet at the autonomous system level, respectively. They have different ratios of long-range shortcuts to short-range ones. We find that the BPD algorithm works more efficiently than the CI algorithm no matter whether a network is fractal or not. On the other hand, the CI algorithm works better on nonfractal networks than on fractal networks. We construct diverse fractal and nonfractal model networks by controlling parameters such as the degree exponent, shortcut number, and system size and investigate how the performance of the two algorithms depends on structural features.

Phys Rev E ; 97(2-1): 020203, 2018 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29548084


The Kuramoto model with mixed signs of couplings is known to produce a traveling-wave synchronized state. Here, we consider an abrupt synchronization transition from the incoherent state to the traveling-wave state through a long-lasting metastable state with large fluctuations. Our explanation of the metastability is that the dynamic flow remains within a limited region of phase space and circulates through a few active states bounded by saddle and stable fixed points. This complex flow generates a long-lasting critical behavior, a signature of a hybrid phase transition. We show that the long-lasting period can be controlled by varying the density of inhibitory/excitatory interactions. We discuss a potential application of this transition behavior to the recovery process of human consciousness.

Phys Rev E ; 95(6-1): 062115, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28709296


A two-step contagion model with a single seed serves as a cornerstone for understanding the critical behaviors and underlying mechanism of discontinuous percolation transitions induced by cascade dynamics. When the contagion spreads from a single seed, a cluster of infected and recovered nodes grows without any cluster merging process. However, when the contagion starts from multiple seeds of O(N) where N is the system size, a node weakened by a seed can be infected more easily when it is in contact with another node infected by a different pathogen seed. This contagion process can be viewed as a cluster merging process in a percolation model. Here we show analytically and numerically that when the density of infectious seeds is relatively small but O(1), the epidemic transition is hybrid, exhibiting both continuous and discontinuous behavior, whereas when it is sufficiently large and reaches a critical point, the transition becomes continuous. We determine the full set of critical exponents describing the hybrid and the continuous transitions. Their critical behaviors differ from those in the single-seed case.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 5723, 2017 07 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28720828


Hybrid percolation transitions (HPTs) induced by cascading processes have been observed in diverse complex systems such as k-core percolation, breakdown on interdependent networks and cooperative epidemic spreading models. Here we present the microscopic universal mechanism underlying those HPTs. We show that the discontinuity in the order parameter results from two steps: a durable critical branching (CB) and an explosive, supercritical (SC) process, the latter resulting from large loops inevitably present in finite size samples. In a random network of N nodes at the transition the CB process persists for O(N 1/3) time and the remaining nodes become vulnerable, which are then activated in the short SC process. This crossover mechanism and scaling behavior are universal for different HPT systems. Our result implies that the crossover time O(N 1/3) is a golden time, during which one needs to take actions to control and prevent the formation of a macroscopic cascade, e.g., a pandemic outbreak.

Phys Rev E ; 95(2-1): 022304, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28297964


Percolation is known as one of the most robust continuous transitions, because its occupation rule is intrinsically local. As one of the ways to break the robustness, occupation is allowed to more than one species of particles and they occupy cooperatively. This generalized percolation model undergoes a discontinuous transition. Here we investigate an epidemic model with two contagion steps and characterize its phase transition analytically and numerically. We find that even though the order parameter jumps at a transition point r_{c}, then increases continuously, it does not exhibit any critical behavior: the fluctuations of the order parameter do not diverge at r_{c}. However, critical behavior appears in mean outbreak size, which diverges at the transition point in a manner that the ordinary percolation shows. Such a type of phase transition is regarded as a mixed-order phase transition. We also obtain scaling relations of cascade outbreak statistics when the order parameter jumps at r_{c}.

Epidemics , Models, Theoretical , Phase Transition , Animals , Time Factors