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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20484, 2021 10 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34650066


Mesoproterozoic period included several global tectonic events like break-up of Nuna and formation of Rodinia. However, although Siberia is a significant piece of both supercontinents, Mesoproterozoic time is marked by quiescence of magmatic and tectonic activity in it. We report here a mafic dyke (named Gornostakh dyke) in the southeastern Siberian Craton dated at 1419 ± 32 Ma by LA-ICPMS U-Pb geochronology of apatite. The dyke has tholeiitic compositions with high MgO and alkaline content, low-Ti, and arc-like trace element pattern. Due to the absence of subduction tectonics in the study area, geochemical data could be attributed to a significant contribution from metasomatically enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle previously modified by subduction processes. That kind of composition is common for low-Ti dykes of intraplate flood basalt provinces similar to, for example, Permian-Triassic Siberian large igneous province (LIP). Paleogeographic reconstructions suggest that Siberia was connected to Laurentia and Baltica and their reconfiguration interrupts a prolonged tectonic quiescence in the Siberian Craton from ca. 1.88 Ga reflecting a transition from Nuna to Rodinia configuration. The mafic magmatism on 1419 Ma on the southeastern margin of the Siberian Craton together with coeval extensional tectonics observed in the structure of the Sette-Daban ridge proposes a hypothetical LIP which may be a direct consequence of the beginning of this transition.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 17627, 2021 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34475480


The discrepancy between Na-rich compositions of modern carbonatitic lavas (Oldoinyo Lengai volcano) and alkali-poor ancient carbonatites remains a topical problem in petrology. Although both are supposedly considered to originate via fractional crystallization of a "common parent" alkali-bearing Ca-carbonatitic magma, there is a significant compositional gap between the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites and all other natural compositions reported (including melt inclusions in carbonatitic minerals). In an attempt to resolve this, we investigate the petrogenesis of Ca-carbonatites from two occurrences (Guli, Northern Siberia and Tagna, Southern Siberia), focusing on mineral textures and alkali-rich multiphase primary inclusions hosted within apatite and magnetite. Apatite-hosted inclusions are interpreted as trapped melts at an early magmatic stage, whereas inclusions in magnetite represent proxies for the intercumulus environment. Melts obtained by heating and quenching the inclusions, show a progressive increase in alkali concentrations transitioning from moderately alkaline Ca-carbonatites through to the "calcite CaCO3 + melt = nyerereite (Na,K)2Ca2(CO3)3" peritectic, and finally towards Oldoinyo Lengai lava compositions. These results give novel empirical evidence supporting the view that Na-carbonatitic melts, similar to those of the Oldoinyo Lengai, may form via fractionation of a moderately alkaline Ca-carbonatitic melt, and therefore provide the "missing piece" in the puzzle of the Na-carbonatite's origin. In addition, we conclude that the compositions of the Guli and Tagna carbonatites had alkali-rich primary magmatic compositions, but were subsequently altered by replacement of alkaline assemblages by calcite and dolomite.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6837, 2015 Apr 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25882074


Kimberlites and orangeites (previously named Group-II kimberlites) are small-volume igneous rocks occurring in diatremes, sills and dykes. They are the main hosts for diamonds and are of scientific importance because they contain fragments of entrained mantle and crustal rocks, thus providing key information about the subcontinental lithosphere. Orangeites are ultrapotassic, H2O and CO2-rich rocks hosting minerals such as phlogopite, olivine, calcite and apatite. The major, trace element and isotopic compositions of orangeites resemble those of intensely metasomatized mantle of the type represented by MARID (mica-amphibole-rutile-ilmenite-diopside) xenoliths. Here we report new data for two MARID xenoliths from the Bultfontein kimberlite (Kimberley, South Africa) and we show that MARID-veined mantle has mineralogical (carbonate-apatite) and geochemical (Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes) characteristics compatible with orangeite melt generation from a MARID-rich source. This interpretation is supported by U-Pb zircon ages in MARID xenoliths from the Kimberley kimberlites, which confirm MARID rock formation before orangeite magmatism in the area.

Nat Commun ; 4: 2921, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24346162


Kimberlites are a volumetrically minor component of the Earth's volcanic record, but are very important as the major commercial source of diamonds and as the deepest samples of the Earth's mantle. They were predominantly emplaced from ≈2,100 Ma to ≈10 ka ago, into ancient, stable regions of continental crust (cratons), but are also known from continental rifts and mobile belts. Kimberlites have been reported from almost all major cratons on all continents except for Antarctica. Here we report the first bona fide Antarctic kimberlite occurrence, from the northern Prince Charles Mountains, emplaced during the reactivation of the Lambert Graben associated with rifting of India from Australia-Antarctica. The samples are texturally, mineralogically and geochemically typical of Group I kimberlites from more classical localities. Their ≈120 Ma ages overlap with those of many kimberlites from other world-wide localities, extending a vast Cretaceous, Gondwanan kimberlite province, for the first time, into Antarctica.

Geological Phenomena , Antarctic Regions , Geologic Sediments/chemistry
Nat Commun ; 4: 2687, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24173270


The Earth's sole active carbonatite volcano, Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania), is presently erupting unique natrocarbonatite lavas that are characterized by Na- and K-bearing magmatic carbonates of nyerereite [Na2Ca(CO3)2] and gregoryite [(Na2,K2,Ca)CO3]. Contrarily, the vast majority of older, plutonic carbonatite occurrences worldwide are dominated by Ca-(calcite) or Mg-(dolomite)-rich magmatic carbonates. Consequently, this leads to the conundrum as to the composition of primary, mantle-derived carbonatite liquids. Here we report a detailed chemical investigation of melt inclusions associated with intrusive (plutonic) calcite-rich carbonatites from the ~120 Ma carbonatite complex of Oka (Canada). Melt inclusions are hosted by magnetite (Fe3O4), which crystallizes through a significant period of carbonatite melt solidification. Our results indicate mineral assemblages within the melt inclusions that are consistent with those documented in natrocarbonatite lavas. We propose therefore that derivation of alkali-enriched parental carbonatite melts has been more prevalent than that preserved in the geological record.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21334252


Raman spectroscopy has been used for the identification of both common and uncommon minerals in melt inclusions in Group-I kimberlites from Siberia, Canada, SW Greenland and South Africa. The melt inclusions all contained high abundances of alkali-Ca carbonates, with varying proportions of cations, and Na-Ca-Ba sulphates. In accordance with its dry mineralogy, no hydrated carbonates or sulphates were detected in melt inclusions from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite. In contrast, the melt inclusions in kimberlites from Canada, South Africa and SW Greenland were found to contain bassanite, pirssonite, and hydromagnesite suggesting that greater amounts of water were present in their residual magmas. This suggests that enrichment in alkali carbonates and sulphates is widespread across a range of Group-I kimberlites and implies that they commonly have an alkali-, and sulphur-rich residual liquid.

Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Minerals/analysis , Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods , Canada , Carbonates/analysis , Greenland , Siberia , South Africa , Sulfates/analysis
Nature ; 449(7161): 456-8, 2007 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17898766


The oxygen fugacity f(O2)of the Earth's mantle is one of the fundamental variables in mantle petrology. Through ferric-ferrous iron and carbon-hydrogen-oxygen equilibria, f(O2) influences the pressure-temperature positions of mantle solidi and compositions of small-degree mantle melts. Among other parameters, f(O2) affects the water storage capacity and rheology of the mantle. The uppermost mantle, as represented by samples and partial melts, is sufficiently oxidized to sustain volatiles, such as H2O and CO2, as well as carbonatitic melts, but it is not known whether the shallow mantle is representative of the entire upper mantle. Using high-pressure experiments, we show here that large parts of the asthenosphere are likely to be metal-saturated. We found that pyroxene and garnet synthesized at >7 GPa in equilibrium with metallic Fe can incorporate sufficient ferric iron that the mantle at >250 km depth is so reduced that an (Fe,Ni)-metal phase may be stable. Our results indicate that the oxidized nature of the upper mantle can no longer be regarded as being representative for the Earth's upper mantle as a whole and instead that oxidation is a shallow phenomenon restricted to an upper veneer only about 250 km in thickness.

Science ; 316(5823): 412-7, 2007 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17395795


Plate tectonic processes introduce basaltic crust (as eclogite) into the peridotitic mantle. The proportions of these two sources in mantle melts are poorly understood. Silica-rich melts formed from eclogite react with peridotite, converting it to olivine-free pyroxenite. Partial melts of this hybrid pyroxenite are higher in nickel and silicon but poorer in manganese, calcium, and magnesium than melts of peridotite. Olivine phenocrysts' compositions record these differences and were used to quantify the contributions of pyroxenite-derived melts in mid-ocean ridge basalts (10 to 30%), ocean island and continental basalts (many >60%), and komatiites (20 to 30%). These results imply involvement of 2 to 20% (up to 28%) of recycled crust in mantle melting.

Nature ; 431(7011): 975-8, 2004 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15496920


A relationship between convergent margin magmas and copper-gold ore mineralization has long been recognized. The nature of the genetic link is controversial, particularly whether the link is due to high-oxygen-fugacity (fO2) melts and fluids released from subducted slabs or to brine exsolution during magmatic evolution. For submarine, subduction-related volcanic glasses from the eastern Manus basin, Papua New Guinea, we here report abrupt decreases in gold and copper abundances, coupled with a switch in the behaviour of titanium and iron from concentration increases to decreases as SiO2 rises. We propose that the abrupt depletion in gold and copper results from concurrent sulphur reduction as a result of fO2 buffering, causing enhanced formation of copper-gold hydrosulphide complexes that become scavenged from crystallizing melts into cogenetic magmatic aqueous fluids. This process is particularly efficient in oxidized arc magmas with substantial sulphate. We infer that subsequent migration and cooling of exsolved aqueous fluids create links between copper-gold mineralization and arc magmatism in the Manus basin, and at convergent margins in general.

Science ; 302(5653): 2109-11, 2003 Dec 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14684818


At a porphyry copper-gold deposit in Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina, silicate-melt inclusions coexist with hypersaline liquid- and vapor-rich inclusions in the earliest magmatic-hydrothermal quartz veins. Copper concentrations of the hypersaline liquid and vapor inclusions reached maxima of 10.0 weight % (wt %) and 4.5 wt %, respectively. These unusually copper-rich inclusions are considered to be the most primitive ore fluid found thus far. Their preservation with coexisting melt allows for the direct quantification of important oreforming processes, including determination of bulk partition coefficients of metals from magma into ore-forming magmatic volatile phases.

Nature ; 422(6929): 294-7, 2003 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12646918


Variations in the 187Os/188Os isotopic signature of mantle and mantle-derived rocks have been thought to provide a powerful chemical tracer of deep Earth structure. Many studies have inferred from such data that a long-lived, high-rhenium component exists in the deep mantle (187Re is the parent isotope decaying to 187Os, with a half-life of approximately 42 billion years), and that this reservoir probably consists of subducted oceanic crust. The interpretation of these isotopic signatures is, however, dependent on accurate estimates of rhenium and osmium concentrations in all of the main geochemical reservoirs, and the crust has generally been considered to be a minor contributor to such global budgets. In contrast, we here present observations of high rhenium concentrations and low Yb/Re ratios in arc-type melt inclusions. These results indicate strong enrichment of rhenium in undegassed arc rocks, and consequently the continental crust, which results in a crustal estimate of 2 p.p.b. rhenium, as compared to previous estimates of 0.4-0.2 p.p.b. (refs 4, 5). Previous determinations of rhenium in arc materials, which were largely measured on subaerially erupted samples, are likely to be in error owing to rhenium loss during degassing. High mantle-to-crust rhenium fluxes, as observed here, require a revaluation of geochemical models based on the 187Re-187Os decay system.