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Appl Radiat Isot ; 200: 110949, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37582315


Activation and off-line γ-ray spectrometric methods were used to measure the ground and isomeric state (n,2n) reaction cross section for 103Rh at two different neutron energies. The standard 27Al (n,α)24Na reference reaction was used to normalise neutron flux. The proton beam from the 14UD BARC-TIFR Pelletron facility in Mumbai, India, was utilised to create high-energy quasi-monoenergetic neutrons via the 7Li (p,n) reaction. Statistical model calculations including the level density, pre-equilibrium and optical potential model were performed using the TALYS (ver. 1.95) and EMPIRE (ver. 3.2.3) reaction codes. In addition, because of considerable discrepancies in measured data, the literature (n,p) reaction cross section of 52Cr and 48Ti targets were examined theoretically in the present work. The measured cross sections are discussed and compared with the latest evaluated data of the FENDL-3.2b, CENDL-3.2, TENDL-2019, JENDL-5.0, and ENDF/B-VIII.0 libraries, and experimental data based on the EXFOR compilation. The theoretical investigation of the (n,2n) reaction cross section was performed for the ground and isomeric state for the first time from reaction threshold to 25 MeV energies. The experimental data corresponding to the ground, isomeric state and isomeric ratio were reproduced consistently by the theoretical calculations. The present experimental results are good with certain literature data and theoretical values.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 70(7): 1254-60, 2012 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22204785


For the design and modeling of Accelerator Driven sub-critical System (ADS) a detailed study of response of ADS materials to the spallation neutrons is required. For this purpose reaction rates of different reactions like (n, xn) and (n, xnyp) in 209Bi, natMo, 56Fe, natNi, 55Mn, natTi and natCo materials are determined in an experiment conducted at Nuclotron of JINR, Dubna, using 1.6 GeV d-beam in the 'Energy+Transmutation' set-up. Reaction rates of various (n, xn) and (n, xnyp) reactions are studied in these samples. Results of reaction rates deduced from all the gamma peaks observed in case of 209Bi (n, xn) reactions with x=3-9, natMo (n, γ), (n, 3n), (n, 6n), 56Fe (n, p), (n, p2n), (n, p4n), natNi (n, 2n), (n, 3n), (n, p), (n, d), (n, t), 55Mn (n, γ), (n, 2n), (n, 4n), natTi (n, p), (n, d), (n, t) and natCo (n, γ), (n, xn) reactions with x=2-5 along with (n, p), (n, 2p2n), (n, 2p4n) and (n, 2p6n) are presented. The measured reaction rates for all the elements show good consistency for all the reaction channels and all observed Eγ's of the product nucleus. For all the above mentioned reactions, both experimental as well as theoretical spectrum average cross-sections (σsp.av.cs) are deduced and compared. A close agreement is found between the experimental σsp.av.cs and theoretical σsp.av.cs values.