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Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(4): 555-562, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049810


Objetivo: Investigar o estado nutricional, hábitos alimentares, experiência de cárie e práticas de higiene bucal em um grupo de escolares. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 171 crianças de 4 a 8 anos de idade, matriculadasem uma escola municipal do Recife/PE. Na avaliação antropométrica foi utilizado o registro do sexo, idade, peso e estatura, tendo como critério para o diagnóstico o Z-escore na classificação do índice de massa corporal/idade. Por meio de um questionário, foi veri-ficado a frequência de alguns alimentos e as práticas de higiene bucal. Os exames bucais foram realizados no ambiente escolar utilizando-se o índice ceo-d (OMS), como critério diagnóstico para a experiência de cárie. Os dados foram avaliados por meio de análise descritiva. Resultados:Das crianças avaliadas, 25% apresentaram excesso de peso e 3,5% baixo peso. Quanto ao consumo de alimentos, observou-se alta a frequência (3 a 6 vezes/dia) de: biscoito recheado (28,8%), refrigerantes (19,9%), balas/pirulito (27,8%) e de açúcar adicionado aos alimentos/bebidas (42,5%). A prevalência de cárie foi de 46,4%, com média de 1,47 dentes decíduos cariados e ceo-d médio de 1,8. A maioria das crianças realizava a escovação sem supervisão (60,3%), e 56,2% usavam escova e creme dental fluoretado. Do total de crianças, 39,2% nunca visitaram o dentista e 60,2% das crianças necessitavam de tratamento odontológico. Conclusão:O estado nutricional bem como a saúde bucal das crianças não apresentou resultados satisfatórios, estando em desacordo com as diretrizes e recomendações atuais da Organização Mundial de Saúde. (AU)

Objective: Investigate nutritional status, dietary habits, caries experience and oral hygiene practices in a group of school-children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 171 children aged four to eight years at a public school in the city of Recife, Brazil. The anthropometric evaluation involved recording sex, age, weight and height, using the z-score of body mass index/age as the criterion for the diagnosis. A questionnaire was used to collect information on the intake frequency of foods and beverages and oral hygiene practices. Oral examinations were performed in the school setting using the dmft index (World Health Organization) as the diagnostic criterion for caries experience. The data were evaluated using descriptive analysis. Results: Among the children evaluated, 25% were classified as overweight and 3.5% were classified as underweight. Regarding diet, high intake frequencies (three to six times a day) were found for cookies (28.8%), soft drinks (19.9%), candy/suckers (27.8%) and sugar added to foods/beverages (42.5%). The prevalence of caries was 46.4%, with a mean of 1.47 carious primary teeth and mean dmft index of 1.8. The majority of children performed tooth brushing with no supervision (60.3%) with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste (56.2%); 39.2% had never been to a dentist and 60.2% were in need of dental treatment. Conclusion: Considering the current guidelines of the World Health Organization, the nutritional sta-tus and oral health of the children analyzed were not satisfactory. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Oral Health , Infant Nutrition , Feeding Behavior
Arq. odontol ; 54: 1-9, jan.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-967624


Resumo: Objetivou-se analisar aspectos referentes ao emprego da Técnica de Restauração Atraumática (TRA) nas atividades dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas (CDs) da Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS) do Recife, no Distrito Sanitário IV, planejadas para o controle e tratamento da cárie dentária. Promoveu-se uma caracterização do perfil profissional e sobre aspectos relacionados ao emprego da técnica. Tratou-se de um estudo observacional de caráter descritivo. A amostra foi o universo dos CDs (23), que estavam em exercício profissional em 23 unidades de saúde do Distrito Sanitário IV, no primeiro semestre de 2017. Para a coleta de dados foi elaborado um questionário estruturado submetido à validação e foi aplicado face a face. A análise de dados realizou cálculos de estatística descritiva. Foram calculadas a distribuição de frequência absoluta e relativa das variáveis estudadas. Apenas dois dentistas não foram entrevistados por estarem afastados do trabalho, isto significou em uma perda de 8,69%. Prevaleceu entre os entrevistados a idade de 41 a 57 anos (52,83%); e o sexo feminino (80,95%); 80,95% ingressaram na ABS por concurso; 90,48% possuíam pós-graduação, sendo 80,95% na especialidade Saúde da Família. A maioria afirmou utilizar a TRA e que a ABS recomenda o uso (85,75%). A técnica era utilizada para restaurações provisórias e definitivas (61,11%) e quase 50% dos entrevistados relataram que a qualidade do produto interferia na execução, duração e adesão das restaurações. Os CDs indicaram a TRA para diferentes idades e condições de vida, onde prevaleceu o uso para crianças (42,86%) e gestantes (42,86%). A grande maioria dos CDs se declarou habilitado, mas com necessidade de capacitação (95,24%). Conclui-se que a TRA é indicada e está incorporada às práticas de cuidados da maioria dos entrevistados, contudo investimentos em educação permanente dos profissionais e provimento de material recomendado para o uso eficaz da técnica devem ser planejados.

Aim: This study aimed to assess the incorporation of the Atraumatic Restoration Technique (ART) in the planned activities for dental caries control and treatment performed by dentists in public healthcare services in Sanitary District IV of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Methods: The professional profile of dentists and aspects related to the use of ART was investigated. This is an observational and descriptive study. The sample (23) consisted of a universe of dentists of Sanitary District IV in the first half of 2017. Data was collected through a semi-structured questionnaire that was validated face to face. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics calculations. Results: Only two dentists were not interviewed, because they were away from work, resulting in a drop out sample of 8.69%. Most of the participants were between 41 to 57 years of age (52.83%), female (80.95%), while 80.95% entered in the public service by a selective process; 90.48% had a postgraduate degree with a specialization in family health (80.95%). The majority claimed to use ART and its recommendation in the public health service (85.75%). The technique was used for provisional and definitive restorations (61.11%), and almost 50% of the respondents reported that the quality of the dental material interfered in the execution, longevity, and adhesion of the restorations. The respondents recommended ART for different ages and life conditions, mainly in children (42.86%) and pregnant women (42.86%). The great majority of dentists claimed to be qualified but needed training (95.24%). Conclusion: It was concluded that ART was recommended and incorporated in the dental care practices of most of the interviewed dentists, highlighting the need for investments in ongoing training of dental professionals in public healthcare services and the provision of recommended materials for the effective use of ART

Primary Health Care , Health Centers , Oral Health , Dental Caries , Dentists , Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment , Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment/instrumentation , Glass Ionomer Cements/therapeutic use , Surveys and Questionnaires
Arq. odontol ; 54: 1-8, jan.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-996764


Objetivo: Avaliar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a sobre a relação entre a erupção dentária de dentes decíduos e manifestações locais e/ou sistêmicas. Métodos: Realizou-se uma busca sistematizada da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO e IBECS, sem a utilização de limites temporais. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores em português e em inglês: "erupção dentária", "dente decíduo", "febre", "diarreia", "distúrbios do sono" e "criança". Os critérios de busca foram aplicados para os títulos e resumos. Foram considerados os artigos publicados em português, inglês ou espanhol. Resultados: Foram incluídos neste estudo 25 artigos. Os trabalhos foram agrupados em três categorias: estudos sobre relatos médicos/odontopediatras, relatos de mães/responsáveis e estudos que consideraram, além desses relatos, variáveis clínicas e/ou laboratoriais. As manifestações mais citadas nos estudos com profissionais foram: diarreia e irritabilidade. Nos estudos baseados nos relatos de mães, foram: diarreia, febre e irritação gengival. Nos estudos clínicos: diarreia, irritabilidade e aumento da salivação. Conclusão: Verificou-se o baixo nível de evidência científica dos estudos sobre essa temática. Parece existir uma concordância dos estudos disponíveis sobre a ocorrência da diarreia, irritabilidade e aumento da salivação durante o período de erupção dentária. A relação entre a febre e a erupção dentária ainda é pouco suportada, foram encontrados apenas três estudos clínicos que realizaram aferição da temperatura em amostras significativas, os quais não verificaram associação.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the available scientific evidence on the relationship between tooth eruption of primary teeth, and local and/or systemic manifestations. Methods: This systematic literature search was carried out in the MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO, and IBECS databases, without the use of time limits. The following keywords were used in Portuguese and in English, "tooth eruption", "deciduous teeth", "fever", "diarrhea", "sleep disorders", and "child". Search criteria were applied to the titles and abstracts. Articles published in Portuguese, English, or Spanish were considered. Results: This study included 25 articles. The manuscripts were grouped into three categories: studies on reports from doctors/dentists; reports from mothers or guardians; and studies that considered, in addition to these reports, clinical and/or laboratorial variables. The manifestations most often cited in studies with professionals were diarrhea and irritability. In studies based on reports from mothers, diarrhea, fever, and gingival irritation were the most common answers. In clinical trials, diarrhea, irritability, and increased salivation were the most common. Conclusion: A low level of scientific evidence was found from studies on this topic. The available studies appeared to show an agreement regarding the occurrence of diarrhea, irritability, and increased salivation during the period of tooth eruption. The relationship between fever and tooth eruption is still poorly supported; only three clinical studies were performed with temperature evaluations in significant samples, which showed no association.

Oral Manifestations , Sleep Wake Disorders , Tooth, Deciduous , Tooth Eruption , Child , Diarrhea , Fever
Rev. CEFAC ; 18(4): 960-964, jul.-ago. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-794896


RESUMO Esta revisão integrativa da literatura objetivou analisar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a relação entre as maloclusões e a disfunção da tuba auditiva. Através dos descritores "malocclusion","eustachian tube", "otitis media", fez-se uma busca na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde / Bireme, incluindo artigos publicados em inglês, português e espanhol, sem limite de data de publicação. Os artigos repetidos nas bases de dados, relatos de caso e os que não se apresentaram em formato de artigo científico, tais como resenhas, teses, editoriais, dissertações e cartas foram excluídos. Após análise foram selecionados 09 artigos que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos, sendo que a maioria foi conduzido no continente Europeu e apenas um estudo foi realizado no Brasil. Foi possível verificar uma escassez de artigos sobre a relação entre as maloclusões e a disfunção da tuba auditiva. Não houve um consenso entre os estudos disponíveis sobre a relação entre as desordens da orelha média e as maloclusões, no entanto os estudos de intervenção mostraram que a expansão rápida da maxila tem efeito positivo no funcionamento da tuba auditiva. Em meio a escassez de artigos, verifica-se a necessidade de mais estudos sobre essa temática para que a Odontologia e a Fonoaudiologia, juntamente com as demais áreas da saúde, possam contribuir na escolha de tratamentos que possibilitem uma melhora na qualidade de vida desta população.

ABSTRACT This integrative literature review aimed to analyze the scientific evidence available on the relationship between malocclusions and auditory tube dysfunction. A search was carried out on the Virtual Health Library / Bireme/Medicine(r), using the descriptors "malocclusion", "Eustachian tube", "otitis media", to identify articles published in English, Portuguese and Spanish, of any publication date. Articles excluded were those repeated in databases, case reports and reviews, theses, editorials, essays and letters that did not appear in scientific paper format. Following analysis, 9 articles were selected that met the established inclusion criteria, most conducted on the European continent, and one only in Brazil. A shortage of articles on the relationship between malocclusions and auditory tube dysfunction became apparent. There was no consensus among the available studies on the relationship between the middle ear disorders and malocclusions; however, intervention studies have shown that rapid maxillary expansion has a positive effect on the functioning of the auditory tube. The current lack of articles indicates the need for more studies on this topic for dentistry and speech therapy, alongside other areas of health, to be able to contribute to the choice of treatments that allow improvements in the lives of people with these conditions.

Arq. odontol ; 52(2): 100-110, abr.-jun. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-827364


Objetivo: Este estudo transversal objetivou avaliar a ocorrência de cárie dentária em 167 crianças de 6 a 12 anos de idade com paralisia cerebral e sua relação com a sobrecarga dos cuidadores. Métodos: Os dados foram coletados através de questionários e exames clínicos. A sobrecarga dos cuidadores foi avaliada utilizando-se a Escala de Avaliação da Sobrecarga do Cuidador - Burden Interview. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Exato de Fisher, F(ANOVA) e Student t-test. Resultados: A maioria das crianças apresentou paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica (70,7%). As prevalências de cárie foram 61,1% e 26,3% para as dentições decídua e permanente, respectivamente. A maioria dos cuidadores apresentou algum nível de sobrecarga (80,5%), sendo que o maior percentual apresentou sobrecarga leve à moderada (55,0%) e 25,5% apresentaram sobrecarga moderada a severa. Verificou-se que as médias do índice CPO-D e de dentes permanentes cariados foi maior entre os que tinham hemiparesia e menor entre os que tinham quadriparesia, com diferença significativa entre essas duas categorias (p=0,004). A ocorrência de cárie dentária não foi associada à sobrecarga dos cuidadores (p=0,881 para a dentição decídua e p=0,144 para a dentição permanente). A sobrecarga do cuidador foi associada à escolaridade (p=0,044) e à região de procedência (p=0,001). Conclusão: Nesta população, a cárie está mais relacionada aos problemas inerentes aos comprometimentos da paralisia cerebral, do que às dificuldades da rotina do cuidador. Sugere-se que estratégias mais humanizadas de acolhimento aos cuidadores sejam traçadas, visando à abordagem integral dos pacientes com paralisia cerebral e suas famílias.(AU)

Aim: This study aimed to assess the relationship between the prevalence of dental caries in 167 children, 6 to 12 years of age, with cerebral palsy and caregiver burden. Methods: The data were collected using questionnaires and clinical examinations. Caregiver burden was assessed using the Burden Interview scale. Statistical analyses included Pearson's Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, analysis of variance (ANOVA),and Student's t-test. Results: The majority of the children exhibited spastic cerebral palsy (70.7%). The prevalence of caries in the deciduous and permanent teeth was 61.1% and 26.3%, respectively. The majority of caregivers reported some degree of burden (80.5%), with mild to moderate being the most common answer (55.0%), followed by moderate to severe (25.5%). The mean DMFT and decayed teeth values were higher in children with hemiparesis and lower in those with quadriparesis, with a statistically significant difference between these two categories (p=0.004). The occurrence of caries was not associated with the caregiver burden. (p=0.881 deciduous teeth; p=0.144 permanent teeth). However, this variable was associated with education level (p=0.044) and the location of origin (p=0.001). Conclusions: In this population, caries were associated with the problems inherent to cerebral palsy rather than the difficulties of the caregiver's routine. Additional strategies should be drafted for caregivers to ensure a humanizing approach for cerebral palsy patients and their families.(AU)

Humans , Child , Caregivers , Cerebral Palsy , Dental Caries , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diagnosis, Oral , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires
Arq. odontol ; 52(4): 188-196, out.-dez. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-905961


Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre as maloclusões e queixas de problemas mastigatórios e gastrointestinais em crianças. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com uma amostra intencional de 232 crianças de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 6 e 12 anos, provenientes de uma amostra de 634 crianças de 3 a 12 anos examinadas durante um levantamento de saúde bucal na cidade do Recife/PE. Participaram do estudo apenas as crianças livres de cárie. Foram excluídas as crianças com síndromes associadas a deformidades craniofaciais, as crianças submetidas a tratamento ortodôntico ou ortopédico facial prévio, crianças com presença de desgastes acentuados nas faces oclusais dos elementos dentários e crianças com alterações dentárias de forma, número ou tamanho. Os dados foram coletados através de dois instrumentos: entrevistas com os responsáveis e exames clínicos. As maloclusões foram avaliadas a partir da classificação de Angle e da observação da ocorrência de mordida aberta anterior, mordida cruzada anterior e mordida cruzada posterior. Foi utilizada ficha clínica padrão da Organização Mundial de Saúde. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se os testes Quiquadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher. Resultados: Os sintomas de distúrbios gastrointestinais ocorreram em 19,8% das crianças, sendo a prisão de ventre a queixa mais citada (9,9%). Os sintomas gastrointestinais não foram associados à presença das maloclusões. A mordida cruzada anterior foi associada à dificuldade para mastigar (p < 0,05) e à necessidade de ingerir líquidos durante as refeições (p=0,017). Conclusão: As crianças com mordida cruzada anterior apresentaram maiores dificuldades mastigatórias em relação ao grupo sem esta maloclusão.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the relationship between malocclusion and complaints of masticatory and gastrointestinal problems in children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with an intentional sample of 232 children of both sexes, 6 to 12 years of age, from a sample of 634 children, 3 to 12 years of age, who were examined during an oral health survey in the city of Recife, PE, Brazil. Only caries-free children participated in this study. Children with disabilities were excluded, as were children who had undergone orthodontic or facial orthopedic treatment, children with clearly accentuated wear on the occlusal surfaces of their teeth, and children with dental alterations in shape, size, or number. Data were collected through two instruments: interviews with the responsible guardians and clinical examinations. Malocclusions were evaluated by means of Angle classification and observation of the occurrence of anterior open bite, anterior crossbite, and posterior crossbite. The World Health Organization (WHO) standard clinical record was used. The statistical analyses were performed using the Pearson's chisquare test and the Fisher Exact test. Results: The symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders occurred in 19.8% of the children, constipation being the most cited complaint (9.9%). Gastrointestinal symptoms were not associated with the presence of malocclusions. Anterior crossbite was associated with difficulty in chewing (p<0.05) and the need to ingest liquids during meals (p=0.017). Conclusion: Children with anterior crossbite showed greater mastigatory difficulties when compared to the group without this malocclusion.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Malocclusion , Mastication , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Oral Health
Arq. odontol ; 52(4): 207-214, out.-dez. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-905998


Objetivo: Avaliar as características dos dentifrícios infantis disponíveis no mercado brasileiro de acordo com sua apresentação comercial, disponibilidade e preços. Métodos: O estudo foi realizado através da obtenção dos dentifrícios em estabelecimentos comerciais de representação nacional da cidade do Recife/PE, e subsequente análise das embalagens. Resultados: Foram encontradas 21 marcas comerciais de dentifrícios infantis de 10 fabricantes, sendo 12 (57,2%) com fluoreto e 9 (42,8%) sem fluoreto. Dos dentifrícios fluoretados, com exceção de dois, todos apresentaram concentrações acima de 1000 ppm de flúor. Os preços variaram entre R$ 2,25 e R$ 18,40. Todos se apresentaram na forma de gel, sendo a maioria com sabores atrativos para crianças (81,0%) e coloridos (71,4%). Pouco mais da metade forneciam orientações sobre a idade e recomendavam manter fora do alcance das crianças. Conclusão: Verificou-se a ampla oferta de dentifrícios infantis, sendo a maioria fluoretados. Não houve diferença na disponibilidade de dentifrícios com e sem fluoreto. Em geral os dentifrícios sem fluoreto foram os de maior preço. Todos apresentaram algum tipo de apelo publicitário, sendo que os com sabor de "frutas naturais", sem corantes e/ou com personagens de maior apelo publicitário, apresentaram maiores preços. Verificou-se falta de regulamentação e padronização das informações aos responsáveis.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of children's toothpastes available in Brazil according to their commercial presentation, availability, and prices. Methods: This study was conducted by obtaining toothpastes in nationwide supermarket and drugstore chains in Recife, PE, Brazil, and by performing a subsequent analysis of the packaging. Results: This study found 21 brands of children's toothpastes from 10 manufacturers, 12 (57.2%) of which contained fluoride and 9 (42.8%) of which were non-fluoride toothpastes. Most of them had fluoride concentrations of above 1000 ppm. Prices ranged between R$2.25 and R$18.40. All were gels, most of these made with child-friendly flavors (81.0%) and colorful (71.4%). Just over half provided age recommendations for users and advice on keeping the product out of children's reach. Conclusion: There was a wide range of children's toothpastes, all in gel form and most with fluoride. There was no difference in availability between fluoride and non-fluoride toothpastes. In general, toothpastes without fluoride had the highest prices. All used some form of advertising, and those flavored with "natural fruits" without dyes, and/or exhibiting characters of high advertising appeal, had higher prices. There was a lack of regulation and standardization of information for parents.(AU)

Child , Dentifrices/analysis , Toothpastes , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Dental Caries , Fluorine , Product Packaging
Arq. odontol ; 51(2): 76-87, abr.-jun. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1624


Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre experiência de cárie dentária, necessidades de tratamento e funcionamento familiar em 330 pré-escolares da rede municipal de ensino cidade do Recife/PE. Material e Métodos: Os dados foram coletados por uma examinadora calibrada, utilizando quatro instrumentos: o Formulário de Dados Socioeconômico-Demográficos, o Critério de Classificação Econômica do Brasil ­ ABEP (2003), a Escala de Avaliação da Coesão e Flexibilidade Familiar - FACES III e a Ficha de Exame Clínico da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Para o grupo de casos foram consideradas as crianças com índice ceo-d diferente de zero e com pelo menos um elemento dental cariado; e para os controles, aquelas que não tinham experiência de cárie (ceo-d = 0). Para a análise estatística foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher. Resultados: A maioria dos responsáveis entrevistados era mãe (73,0%), solteira e pertencia às classes econômicas C e D. A maioria das famílias apresentou baixo nível de coesão familiar (72,4%) e flexibilidade moderada (51,5%). Quanto às necessidades de tratamento (grupo de casos), 41,8% necessitavam de tratamento restaurador e 8,2% necessitavam de tratamentos mais complexos com procedimentos restauradores, pulpares e/ou cirúrgicos. A experiência de cárie não foi associada à coesão (p = 0,712), nem à flexibilidade familiar (p = 0,432); o mesmo sendo observado em relação às necessidades de tratamento (p = 0,964 e p = 0,607). A coesão familiar foi associada à classe econômica (p = 0,017). Conclusão: Embora não tenha sido observada associação entre o funcionamento familiar, a experiência de cárie e as necessidades de tratamento, os níveis de coesão e flexibilidade familiar encontrados chamam a atenção para a necessidade de apoio às famílias consideradas de risco, visando a organização familiar em relação às estratégias de prevenção; assim como a programação de investimentos na atenção à saúde bucal, mais direcionados a estas famílias.(AU)

Aim: This study sought to assess the relationship between caries experience, treatment needs for caries, and family functioning among 330 preschoolers in Recife, PE, Brazil. Methods: Data were collected by a calibrated examiner, using four instruments: Questionnaire Data Socioeconomic- Demographic, Brazilian Economic Classification Criterion (ABEP) (2003), Scale for Assessment of Family Cohesion and Flexibility - FACES III and World Health Organization Clinical Examination Sheet. The case group consisted of children with a dmft index different than zero and with at least one decayed tooth, while the control group consisted of those children with no caries experience (dmft = 0). Statistical analysis included Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Results: The majority of the interviewed participants were mothers (73.0%), single, and pertained to the C and D socioeconomic classes. Most families presented a low degree of cohesion (72.4%) and moderate adaptability (51.5%). Regarding treatment needs (case group), 41.8% needed restorative treatment and 8.2 needed restorative, pulp, and/or surgical procedures. Caries experience was not associated with family functioning (p = 0.712 for cohesion and p = 0.432 adaptability). The same was true as regards treatment needs (p = 0.964 and p = 0.607, respectively). Conclusion: Although no significant association was found between family functioning, caries experience, and treatment needs, the results concerning cohesion and adaptability levels highlight the need for support provided to families considered at risk, aimed at family organization as regards prevention strategies as well as investments in oral health care geared towards these families.(AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child, Preschool , Dental Caries , Family Relations , Health Education, Dental
Dental Press J Orthod ; 19(3): 52-8, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25162566


OBJECTIVE: This preliminary study aimed to propose a new analysis of digital panoramic radiographs for a differential diagnosis between functional and morphological mandibular asymmetry in children with and without unilateral posterior crossbite. METHODS: Analysis is based on linear and angular measurements taken from nine anatomic points, demarcated in sequence directly on digital images. A specific plugin was developed as part of a larger public domain image processing software (ImageJ) to automate and facilitate measurements. Since panoramic radiographs are typically subject to magnification differences between the right and left sides, horizontal linear measurements were adjusted for greater accuracy in both sides by means of a Distortion Factor (DF). In order to provide a preliminary assessment of proposed analysis and the developed plugin, radiographs of ten patients (5 with unilateral posterior crossbite and 5 with normal occlusion) were analyzed. RESULTS: Considerable divergence was found between the right and left sides in the measurements of mandibular length and position of condyles in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite in comparison to individuals with normal occlusion. CONCLUSION: Although there are more effective and accurate diagnostic methods, panoramic radiography is still widespread, especially in emerging countries. This study presented initial evidence that the proposed analysis can be an important resource for planning early orthodontic intervention and, thus, avoid progression of asymmetries and their consequences.

Facial Asymmetry/diagnostic imaging , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Mandibular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Anatomic Landmarks/diagnostic imaging , Cephalometry/methods , Child , Dental Arch/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Humans , Malocclusion/diagnostic imaging , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Condyle/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging , Public Sector , Radiography, Dental, Digital/methods
Cien Saude Colet ; 19(6): 1961-9, 2014 Jun.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24897495


The scope of this study was to understand the social representations of sexual violence and its relationship with adherence to the chemoprophylaxis protocol of HIV in young women and adolescents. Qualitative research was conducted based on the theory of social representations through recorded interviews with 13 female subjects aged between 12 and 23. It was observed that the social representations about sexual violence exerted a considerable influence on adherence to chemoprophylaxis treatment in the group. The individuals surveyed elaborated images in which the concern caused to the family, discomfort caused by the effects of drugs, change of routine, fear of getting sick, being stigmatized, anxiety and anger, appeared as constant elements, which can lead to the abandonment of treatment. Considering the influence of these representations on treatment, there is a need for greater attention of the health services in relation to these possibilities, and for resources to ensure care based on these different needs. In addition to investing in research into new drugs, it is necessary to invest in qualitative research, providing input for more appropriate care for patients.

HIV Infections/prevention & control , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Sex Offenses , Social Perception , Adolescent , Chemoprevention/statistics & numerical data , Child , Female , Humans , Qualitative Research , Young Adult
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 52-58, May-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723154


OBJECTIVE: This preliminary study aimed to propose a new analysis of digital panoramic radiographs for a differential diagnosis between functional and morphological mandibular asymmetry in children with and without unilateral posterior crossbite. METHODS: Analysis is based on linear and angular measurements taken from nine anatomic points, demarcated in sequence directly on digital images. A specific plug-in was developed as part of a larger public domain image processing software (ImageJ) to automate and facilitate measurements. Since panoramic radiographs are typically subject to magnification differences between the right and left sides, horizontal linear measurements were adjusted for greater accuracy in both sides by means of a Distortion Factor (DF). In order to provide a preliminary assessment of proposed analysis and the developed plug-in, radiographs of ten patients (5 with unilateral posterior crossbite and 5 with normal occlusion) were analyzed. RESULTS: Considerable divergence was found between the right and left sides in the measurements of mandibular length and position of condyles in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite in comparison to individuals with normal occlusion. CONCLUSION: Although there are more effective and accurate diagnostic methods, panoramic radiography is still widespread, especially in emerging countries. This study presented initial evidence that the proposed analysis can be an important resource for planning early orthodontic intervention and, thus, avoid progression of asymmetries and their consequences. .

OBJETIVO: esse estudo preliminar teve como objetivo propor uma nova análise de radiografias panorâmicas digitais para o diagnóstico diferencial entre a assimetria mandibular funcional e morfológica em crianças com e sem mordida cruzada unilateral posterior. MÉTODOS: a análise se baseia em medições lineares e angulares, tomadas a partir de nove pontos anatômicos, demarcados em sequência, diretamente nas imagens digitais. Um plugin específico foi desenvolvido para automatizar e facilitar as medições, como parte integrante de um software de processamento de imagem de domínio público (ImageJ). Para maior acurácia, uma vez que as radiografias panorâmicas são sujeitas a distorções entre os lados direito e esquerdo, as medidas lineares horizontais foram ajustadas em ambos os lados, utilizando-se o Fator de Distorção (DF). A fim de fornecer uma avaliação preliminar da análise proposta e do plugin desenvolvido, radiografias de 10 pacientes (5 com mordida cruzada unilateral posterior e 5 com oclusão normal) foram analisadas. RESULTADOS: divergência considerável foi encontrada entre os lados direito e esquerdo nas medições do comprimento do corpo da mandíbula, bem como a posição dos côndilos, em pacientes com mordida cruzada posterior, em comparação a indivíduos com oclusão normal. CONCLUSÃO: apesar de existirem métodos mais eficazes e precisos de diagnóstico, a radiografia panorâmica ainda é muito difundida, especialmente em países emergentes. Esse estudo apresentou evidência preliminar de que a análise proposta pode ser um recurso importante para o planejamento de intervenção ortodôntica precoce, de modo a evitar progressão das assimetrias e suas consequências. .

Child , Humans , Facial Asymmetry , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Mandibular Diseases , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Anatomic Landmarks , Cephalometry/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Dental Arch , Malocclusion , Mandible , Mandibular Condyle , Maxilla , Public Sector , Radiography, Dental, Digital/methods
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);19(6): 1961-1969, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-711221


O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as representações sociais da violência sexual e sua relação com a adesão do protocolo da quimioprofilaxia do HIV em mulheres jovens e adolescentes. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, orientada pela teoria das representações sociais, através de entrevista gravada com 13 mulheres, com idades entre 12 e 23 anos. No grupo, observou-se que as representações sociais construídas acerca da violência sexual exerceram uma considerável influência na adesão ao tratamento quimioprofilático. As pesquisadas elaboraram imagens nas quais as preocupações geradas à família, desconfortos causados pelos efeitos dos fármacos, a mudança de rotina, o medo de adoecer, de ser estigmatizada, ansiedade e raiva, apareceram como elementos constantes, podendo acarretar o abandono do tratamento. Considerando a influência dessas representações no tratamento, verifica-se a necessidade de uma maior atenção dos serviços de saúde com relação a estas possibilidades, dispondo de recursos para planejar sua assistência com base nestas diferentes necessidades. É preciso que, além do investimento em pesquisas com novos fármacos, exista um investimento em pesquisas qualitativas, que forneçam subsídios para um acompanhamento mais apropriado das pacientes.

The scope of this study was to understand the social representations of sexual violence and its relationship with adherence to the chemoprophylaxis protocol of HIV in young women and adolescents. Qualitative research was conducted based on the theory of social representations through recorded interviews with 13 female subjects aged between 12 and 23. It was observed that the social representations about sexual violence exerted a considerable influence on adherence to chemoprophylaxis treatment in the group. The individuals surveyed elaborated images in which the concern caused to the family, discomfort caused by the effects of drugs, change of routine, fear of getting sick, being stigmatized, anxiety and anger, appeared as constant elements, which can lead to the abandonment of treatment. Considering the influence of these representations on treatment, there is a need for greater attention of the health services in relation to these possibilities, and for resources to ensure care based on these different needs. In addition to investing in research into new drugs, it is necessary to invest in qualitative research, providing input for more appropriate care for patients.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Young Adult , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Sex Offenses , Social Perception , Chemoprevention/statistics & numerical data , Qualitative Research
Int Dent J ; 63(2): 85-90, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23550521


This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes of 123 Brazilian dentists in relation to the concepts and practice of minimally invasive dentistry (MID). Data were collected through a questionnaire developed and validated by experts. Statistical analysis was performed using an spss program and Pearson's chi-square test. Most participants had up to 10 years experience after graduation (69.9%), were specialised (60.2%) and worked in public and private service (43.1%). Regarding current concepts of dental caries, 87.0% were unaware and 65.9% answered that the treatment involves only the restorative phase. In relation to caries lesion arrest, 39.8% replied that it depended on the total removal of carious tissue. Most of them were aware of MID procedures (82.1%) but 49.6% did not follow them in daily practice. From these participants, 48.4% did not believe in the technique or did not know how to perform it. Decisions on partial or total removal of carious dentine, behaviour in relation to the procedures (permanent or temporary) and the practice of MID were not influenced by how long since the professionals had graduated or become specialised. It can be concluded that scientific evidence reaches most of the professionals, but does not benefit all patients, as many practitioners still follow the principles of total removal of carious tissue. Teaching should include making professionals fully aware of the carious process and encourage them to fully adopt the techniques and attitudes of MID.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Dentistry, Operative/methods , Dentists/psychology , Professional Practice , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Dental Restoration, Temporary , Dentin/pathology , Female , Humans , Male , Private Practice , Public Health Dentistry , Specialties, Dental , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tooth Remineralization
Rev. CEFAC ; 14(5): 861-871, set.-out. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-656159


OBJETIVO: avaliar a ocorrência de cárie dentária e necessidades de tratamento em crianças com paralisia cerebral atendidas no setor de Odontologia de um centro de referência do Nordeste do Brasil (Associação À Criança Deficiente; Recife-Brasil); e conhecer suas principais dificuldades no acesso ao tratamento odontológico. MÉTODO: a amostra foi composta por livre demanda de 167 pacientes de seis a 12 anos. A experiência de cárie foi avaliada de acordo com os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde. RESULTADOS: a grande maioria das crianças (70,7%) apresentava paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica. Dos que tiveram dificuldades no acesso ao tratamento (46,1%), a maioria relatou a falta de profissional capacitado (34,1%). A prevalência de cárie foi de 61,1% na dentição decídua e 26,3% na permanente. Aproximadamente 60% dos pesquisados necessitavam de algum tipo de tratamento da cárie. Observou-se que, em comparação com estudos realizados em outras regiões do Brasil, as crianças pesquisadas apresentaram experiência de cárie mais elevada. CONCLUSÃO: verificou-se a necessidade de melhorar a assistência odontológica a esses pacientes, principalmente no interior do estado, de forma quantitativa, qualitativa e integrada com ações multidisciplinares.

PURPOSE: to assess the occurrence of dental caries and treatment needs in children with cerebral palsy attended in the Disabled Child Assistance Association - Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; and the main difficulties regarding dental treatment. METHOD: a spontaneous-demand sample of 167 patients aged six to 12 years was composed. Caries experience was assessed with the criteria of World Health Organization. RESULTS: the majority of children (70.7%) had spastic cerebral palsy. About the health services accessibility, 46.1% of caregivers had difficulties and 34.1% reported a lack of trained professionals. Caries prevalence in deciduous dentition was 61.1% and 26.3% in the permanent dentition. Approximately 60% of the surveyed patients required some type of treatment for dental caries. Children with cerebral palsy in the state of Pernambuco have a more caries than those in other regions of Brazil. CONCLUSION: the findings revealed the need for improvements in the dental care offered to these children in a quantitative, qualitative, multidisciplinary, and integrated fashion, especially in the inland of the state.

Spec Care Dentist ; 32(5): 210-7, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22943774


The large number of oral manifestations associated with motor disorders in patients with cerebral palsy (CP) makes the dentist an indispensable member of the multidisciplinary team caring for this population. This case report presents an 11-year-old girl with spastic CP who had severe motor impairment, and a description of her care illustrates the importance of integrated care for patients with CP who are receiving outpatient dental treatment. It was determined that the use of adaptations based on knowledge of CP supported the outpatient dental treatment. The integrated approach used during dental treatment enabled the application of knowledge from the fields of dentistry, physical therapy, and speech therapy to provide for a better quality of life for the patient and, consequently, the caregiver through the improvement in the patient's oral and general health.

Ambulatory Care/methods , Cerebral Palsy , Dental Care for Disabled/methods , Cerebral Palsy/physiopathology , Cerebral Palsy/rehabilitation , Child , Child Behavior , Child Care , Delivery of Health Care, Integrated , Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Enamel Hypoplasia/therapy , Dental Plaque/therapy , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Gingival Hyperplasia/therapy , Gingivitis/therapy , Humans , Open Bite/therapy , Patient Care Planning , Patient Care Team , Physical Therapy Modalities , Quality of Life , Speech Therapy
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 12(2): 237-243, jul. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-874598


Objetivo: avaliar a ocorrência de hábitos orais e maloclusões em crianças de dois a cinco anos de idade, atendidas em um centro de referência do Nordeste do Brasil. Método: uma amostra de 120 crianças previamente submetidas à cirurgia reparadora foi composta por livre demanda no período de agosto a novembro de 2010. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis e exames clínicos. Estes últimos foram realizados por uma única examinadora calibrada (Kappa intraexaminador de 0,981; Kappa em relação ao padrão-ouro de 0,975 ). Foi avaliada a ocorrência dos hábitos de sucção digital e de chupeta, bruxismo e onicofagia; e a ocorrência das maloclusões mordida aberta anterior e mordida cruzada posterior. Para a análise estatística foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística descritiva e os testes Qui-Quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fischer. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: a ocorrência de hábitos de sucção não-nutritiva na amostra estudada foi de 29,2%. Os hábitos de onicofagia e bruxismo foram observados em 20,0% da amostra. A ocorrência de mordida cruzada posterior foi alta (31,7%) e esteve associada ao tipo de fissura transforame (p menor que 0,05); as crianças com este tipo de fissura apresentaram quase dez vezes mais mordida cruzada posterior que as demais. A ocorrência de mordida aberta anterior foi baixa (8,3%). Nenhuma das maloclusões avaliadas foi associada à presença de hábitos de sucção. Conclusão: em pacientes com fissuras lábio-palatinas, a ocorrência de maloclusões como a mordida cruzada posterior e a mordida aberta anterior está mais ligada à gravidade das deformidades anatomofuncionais inerentes à fissura do que à presença de fatores ambientais como os hábitos de sucção.

Purpose: to assess the occurrence of oral habits and malocclusions in children with cleft lip and/or palate aged two to five years in treatment at a reference center in northeastern Brazil. Method: A sample of 120 children previously submitted to reparative surgery was formed through spontaneous demand between August and November 2010. Data were collected through interviews with guardians and clinical exams. The exams were performed by a single calibrated examiner (intra-examiner kappa: 0.981; kappa in relation to gold standard: 0.975). The occurrence of finger and pacifier sucking, bruxism, nail biting, anterior open bite and posterior crossbite was determined. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were used for the statistical analysis. Significance was predetermined at p less than 0.05. Results: The occurrence of non-nutritive sucking habits was 29.2%. Nail biting and bruxism were observed in 20.0% of the sample. The occurrence of posterior crossbite was high (31.7%) and was associated to trans-incisive foramen cleft (p < 0.05); the occurrence of posterior crossbite was nearly tenfold higher in children with this type of cleft than the other children. The occurrence of anterior open bite was low (8.3%). Malocclusion was not associated to the presence of sucking habits. Conclusion: Among patients with cleft lip and/or palate, the occurrence of malocclusion, such as posterior crossbite and anterior open bite, is more linked to the severity of the anatomic-functional deformities inherent to the cleft than the presence of behavioral factors such as sucking habits.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Sucking Behavior , Cleft Lip/diagnosis , Cleft Lip/pathology , Cleft Palate/diagnosis , Cleft Palate/pathology , Malocclusion/diagnosis , Malocclusion/pathology , Chi-Square Distribution
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop ; 140(6): 771-8, 2011 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22133941


INTRODUCTION: The use of space maintainers after the premature loss of deciduous molars is routine in pediatric dentistry. However, there is a need for evidence offering a better scientific basis for prescribing these appliances. In this study, we aimed to assess dimensional changes in the dental arches after the premature loss of deciduous molars. METHODS: A sample of 55 children between 6 and 9 years of age with unilateral loss of either first or second molars was followed for 10 months by clinical examination, cast analysis, and radiographic analysis. The space in the extraction site, arch length, and hemi-perimeter of the extraction and control sides were measured. Intraexaminer agreement was high (0.990). The data were analyzed by using the F test (analysis of variance), Bonferroni test, least significant difference, and Student t test. RESULTS: Only the group of children with premature loss of the mandibular second deciduous molars exhibited significant dimensional alterations during the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The findings emphasize a need for the judicious indication for space maintainers. The major effect on the dental arches occurred in the first 3 months after the extraction of the deciduous molars, indicating that these appliances should be fitted during this period.

Dental Arch/pathology , Molar/surgery , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic/statistics & numerical data , Tooth Extraction , Tooth, Deciduous/surgery , Analysis of Variance , Child , Endpoint Determination , Female , Humans , Male , Statistics, Nonparametric , Time Factors
Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;64(5): 833-838, set.-out. 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-618405


This study aimed to assess cases of self-inflicted poisoning among adolescents reported by the Toxicological Care Center of a reference hospital in Recife-PE, Brazil. The data were collected between March and May 2010 from hospital charts and structured interviews with the participants and parents/guardians. Among the 25 cases of attempted suicide registered in the period, 21 were female adolescents, who made up the sample of the present study. The adolescents were between 13 and 19 years of age. Pesticides were the most frequent toxic agent used (61.9 percent). The results of the present study underscore the importance of studying suicide in this population, with a focus on family relations, in order to lay the foundation for the development of prevention and treatment programs for this vulnerable group.

Este estudo objetivou avaliar os casos de intoxicação exógena ocorridos em adolescentes notificados pelo Centro de Assistência Toxicológica de um hospital de Recife/PE. Trata-se de um estudo preliminar, exploratório, realizado no período de março a maio de 2010. Dos 25 casos de tentativas de suicídio notificados no período estudado, 21 eram de adolescentes do sexo feminino, que compuseram a amostra. Observou-se que as adolescentes apresentavam idades entre 13 e 19 anos. A intoxicação exógena pelo uso de praguicidas foi a mais freqüente (61,9 por cento). Esses resultados chamam a atenção para a importância do estudo do suicídio nesta população, sobretudo com enfoque nas relações familiares, para embasar o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção e tratamento para este grupo mais vulnerável.

El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar los casos de intoxicación exógena involucrando muchachas adolescentes, registrados por el Centro de Atención Toxicológica de un hospital de Recife/PE, Brasil. Se trata de un estudio preliminar, exploratorio, realizado entre los meses de marzo y mayo de 2010. Del total de 25 (veinticinco) casos de tentativas de suicidio registrados en el período investigado, 21 (veintiuno) se referían a adolescentes del sexo femenino, los cuales han compuesto la muestra. Se ha observado que las edades de las jóvenes variaban de los 13 (trece) a los l9 (diecinueve) años. La intoxicación exógena resultante del uso de plaguicidas fue la más frecuente: 61.9 por ciento (sesenta y uno punto nueve por ciento). Tales resultados ponen de relieve la importancia del estudio del suicidio en el seno de ese grupo poblacional, volcándose la atención hacia las relaciones familiares, con miras a la creación/implantación de programas de prevención y tratamiento destinados a esa capa más vulnerable de la población.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Poisoning/epidemiology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Hospitals , Urban Health
Braz Dent J ; 22(2): 140-5, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21537588


The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits and anterior open bite as well as their main causes (associated factors) in Brazilian children aged 30-59 months. A cross-sectional study was carried out during the National Immunization Day for polio in the city of Recife in the northeastern region of Brazil. The sample was made up of 1,308 children. Data were collected from interviews with mothers or guardians as well as from clinical examinations carried out by previously trained dental students. The chi-square test was used for statistical analysis at 5% significance level. The prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits was 40%, and the habits were associated with gender (p=0.001), age (p=0.003) and feeding type (p<0.001). Anterior open bite was detected in 30.4% of children, and it was significantly associated with feeding type (p<0.001) and non-nutritive sucking habits (p<0.001). The variables found to be associated factors in the present study for the occurrence of non-nutritive sucking habits and anterior open bite emphasize the need to establish strategies that include orientation regarding health promotion based on the "common determining factors" approach. Public health policies should be adopted to encourage a longer duration of breastfeeding, thereby contributing towards reducing the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits and anterior open bite.

Bottle Feeding/adverse effects , Habits , Open Bite/epidemiology , Open Bite/etiology , Sucking Behavior , Age Factors , Bottle Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Fingersucking/adverse effects , Humans , Infant , Interviews as Topic , Male , Multivariate Analysis , Pacifiers/adverse effects , Prevalence , Sex Factors
Rev Bras Enferm ; 64(5): 833-8, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22460482


This study aimed to assess cases of self-inflicted poisoning among adolescents reported by the Toxicological Care Center of a reference hospital in Recife-PE, Brazil. The data were collected between March and May 2010 from hospital charts and structured interviews with the participants and parents/guardians. Among the 25 cases of attempted suicide registered in the period, 21 were female adolescents, who made up the sample of the present study. The adolescents were between 13 and 19 years of age. Pesticides were the most frequent toxic agent used (61.9%). The results of the present study underscore the importance of studying suicide in this population, with a focus on family relations, in order to lay the foundation for the development of prevention and treatment programs for this vulnerable group.

Poisoning/epidemiology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Brazil , Female , Hospitals , Humans , Urban Health , Young Adult