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Opt Express ; 31(10): 16361-16379, 2023 May 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157716


In this work, by providing comprehensive theoretical foundations, we revisit and improve a simple and efficient method that has been used for generation of 2D orthogonal arrays of optical vortices with components having different topological charges (TCs). This method has been implemented by the diffraction of a plane wave from 2D gratings where the gratings' profiles are determined by iterative computational process. Here, based on the theoretical predictions, specifications of the diffraction gratings can be easily adjusted in a way to generate experimentally a heterogeneous vortex array with the desired power shares among different elements of the array. We use the diffraction of a Gaussian beam from a class of pure phase 2D orthogonal periodic structures having sinusoidal or binary profiles possessing a phase singularity, calling pure phase 2D fork-shaped gratings (FSGs). The transmittance of each of the introduced gratings is obtained by multiplying the transmittance of two pure phase 1D FSGs along x and y directions, having topological defect numbers lx and ly and phase variation amplitudes γx and γy, respectively. By solving the Fresnel integral, we show that the diffraction of a Gaussian beam from a pure phase 2D FSG leads to generation of a 2D array of vortex beams having different TCs and power shares. The power distribution among the generated optical vortices over the different diffraction orders can be adjusted by γx and γy, and it strongly depends on the profile of the grating. Meanwhile the TCs of the generated vortices depend on lx and ly and the corresponding diffraction orders, namely lm,n = -(mlx + nly) presents the TC of (m, n)th diffraction order. We recorded the intensity patterns of the experimentally generated vortex arrays which are fully consistent with the theoretically predicted results. Furthermore, the TCs of the experimentally generated vortices are measured individually by the diffraction of each of them through a pure amplitude quadratic curved-line (parabolic-line) grating. The absolute values and signs of the measured TCs are consistent with the theoretical prediction. The generated configuration of vortices with adjustable TC and power sharing features might find many applications such as non-homogeneous mixing of a solution consisting trapped particles.

Opt Lett ; 47(17): 4516-4519, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36048693


This Letter reports a new, to the best of our knowledge, technique for the quality testing of steep optical samples by introducing an absolute interferometry method based on a double-slit interference experiment. We determine the quality of the sample with an ultrahigh-dynamic-range wavefront sensor by determining the deformation of the central fringe of the double-slit interferometer recorded for two different separations of the slits. The transmission function of the double slit is implemented on an amplitude spatial light modulator. Therefore, the slits' location can be easily displaced over the entire area of the sample's wavefront. We applied the proposed method on two samples: a microscope slide and a conventional ophthalmic lens, and maximum absolute phase variations of 0.33 and 26.7 rad were measured, respectively. Our estimation shows that an absolute phase variation of about 700 rad can be measured with this method.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 11721, 2020 Jul 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32678205


Optical tweezers have become a powerful tool in the fields of biology, soft condensed matter physics, and nanotechnology. Here, we report the use of recently introduced radial carpet beams (RCBs) in the optical tweezers setup to trap multiple particles. An RCB is produced by diffraction of a plane or Gaussian beam from an amplitude radial grating. Because of the radial symmetry of the grating, all the diffraction orders are propagated along the optical axis and are used for trapping. Based on the number of grating spokes, the produced RCB has a definite number of high-intensity spots on the transverse plane located over a circular ring. These high-intensity spots of the beam provide multi-traps when it passes through an objective lens and have enough gradient force to trap polystyrene and silica particles. Moreover, the diffracted light from the grating has this property to transfer the angular momentum. We show that the multi-trapped birefringent particles could rotate in their own traps when polarization of the trapping RCB to be circular. In addition, the orbital rotation of the particles is simply executable by manually rotating the grating in its plane around the optical axis.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 12472, 2019 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31462671


Diffraction gratings are important optical components and are used in many areas of optics such as in spectroscopy. A diffraction grating is a periodic structure that splits and diffracts the impinging light beam into several beams travelling in different directions. The diffracted beams from a grating are commonly called diffraction orders. The directions of the diffraction orders depend on the grating period and the wavelength of the impinging light beam so that a grating can be used as a dispersive element. In the diffraction of a plane wave from a conventional grating, the intensities of diffracted beams decrease with increasing order of diffraction. Here, we introduce a new type of grating where in the diffraction of a plane wave, the intensity of a given higher order diffracted beam can be higher than the intensity of the lower orders. We construct these gratings by adding an azimuthal periodic dependency to the argument of the transmission function of a linear phase grating that has a sinusoidal profile and we call them azimuthally-modified linear phase gratings (AMLPGs). In this work, in addition to introducing AMLPGs, we present the generation of varied radial carpet beams over different diffraction orders of an AMLPG with controlled intensity sharing among the generated beams. A radial carpet beam is generated in the diffraction of a plane wave from a radial phase grating. We show that for a given value of the phase amplitude over the host linear phase grating, one of the diffraction orders is predominant and by increasing the value of the phase amplitude, the intensity sharing changes in favor of the higher orders. The theory of the work and experimental results are presented. In comparison with the diffraction of a plane wave from radial phase gratings, the use of AMLPGs provides high contrast diffraction patterns and presents varied radial carpet beams over the different diffraction orders of the host linear phase grating. The resulting patterns over different diffraction orders are specified and their differences are determined. The diffraction grating introduced with controlled intensity sharing among different diffraction orders might find wide applications in many areas of optics such as optical switches. We show that AMLPG-based radial carpet beams can be engineered in which they acquire sheet-like spokes. This feature nominates them for potential applications in light sheet microscopy. In addition, a detailed analysis of the multiplication of the diffraction pattern of an AMLPG by the 2D structure of a spatial light modulator is presented. The presented theory is confirmed by respective experiments.

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 35(1): 55-64, 2018 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328092


We experimentally demonstrate and theoretically predict a new and unprecedented optical carpet that includes all the geometric shadow and far-field and near-field diffraction patterns at the transverse plane in the diffraction from a radial grating illuminated by a plane wavefront. The main feature of using radial grating is the continuous change of the spatial period along the radial direction. Therefore, the geometric shadow, and the near-field and far-field diffraction regimes are mixed at various propagation distances, and the traditional definitions for the different diffraction regimes would not apply here. We show that for a given propagation distance, at a certain radial distance the shadow regime changes to the near-field regime and at another certain radial distance, the diffraction pattern changes from a near-field to a far-field case.