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J Morphol ; 219(1): 35-46, 1994 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29865369


Embryos of viviparous goodeid fishes undergo a 10 to 150 × increase in dry weight during gestation. Maternal nutrients are transferred across a trophotaenial placenta comprised of the ovarian lumenal epithelium and the trophotaeniae of the embryo. Trophotaeniae are externalized projections of the embryonic hindgut. Epithelial cells of the ribbon trophotaenia (Ameca splendens) resemble intestinal absorptive cells of suckling mammals and endocytose macromolecules. They possess an apical brush border, endocytotic complex, endosomal-lysosomal system, and apical and basal clusters of mitochondria. Cells of the rosette trophotaenia (Goodea atripinnis) lack an endocytotic apparatus, have small lysosomes, two mitochondrial clusters, and transport small molecules. Organelle-specific fluorescent probes were employed to characterize the functional organization of the two types of trophotaenial cells. In A. splendens, Lucifer Yellow, a membrane-impermeable tracer of vesicular transport, first appears in peripheral vesicles (15-45 sec), then passes into elongated tubular endosomes (1-3 min) and later appears in large central vacuoles (10-15 min). These vacuoles accumulate Acridine Orange, a classical probe for lysosomes, and have been shown to contain lysosomal enzymes. Endosomelysosome fusion was observed. In both A. splendens and G. atripinnis, Rhodamine 123 fluorescence was localized in two clusters of fine spots that corresponded to mitochondria. 4',6-diaminido-2-phenyl-indole (DAPI) staining of nuclei established the positional relationships of cell organelles with respect to the nuclei. 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbo-cyanine iodide (DiOC6 ) revealed the perinuclear distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum. In order to compare in vivo fluorescence of Lucifer Yellow with previous ultrastructural observations, we employed fluorescence photoconversion and electron microscopy. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.