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Plants (Basel) ; 13(9)2024 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38732390


Phenotyping yam (Dioscorea spp.) germplasm for resistance to parasitic nematodes is hampered by the lack of an efficient screening method. In this study, we developed a new method using rooted yam vine cuttings and yam plantlets generated from semi-autotrophic hydroponics (SAHs) propagation for phenotyping yam genotypes for nematode resistance. The method was evaluated using 26 genotypes of D. rotundata for their reaction to Scutellonema bradys and four root-knot nematode species, Meloidogyne arenaria, M. enterolobii, M. incognita, and M. javanica. Yam plantlets established in nursery bags filled with steam-sterilized soil were used for screening against single nematode species. Plants were inoculated four weeks after planting and assessed for nematode damage eight weeks later. A severity rating scale was used to classify genotypes as resistant, tolerant, or susceptible determine based on the nematode feeding damage on tubers and the rate of nematode multiplication in the roots of inoculated plants. The results demonstrated putative resistance and tolerance against S. bradys in 58% of the genotypes and 88%, 65%, 65%, and 58% against M. arenaria, M. javanica, M. incognita, and M. enterolobii, respectively. The method is rapid, flexible, and seasonally independent, permitting year-round screening under controlled conditions. This method increases the throughput and speed of phenotyping and improves the selection process.

J Nematol ; 55(1): 20230019, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37636237


The morphological and molecular characterisations of two lance nematode species isolated from the rhizosphere of banana, Hoplolaimus seinhorsti and H. pararobustus, are provided based on an integrative study that includes light and scanning electron microscopy, phylogenetic analysis and two tree-based molecular species delimitation methods (GMYC and bPTP). Nineteen new sequences were obtained, including 5 partial 18S rRNA, 6 D2-D3 of 28S rRNA, 1 ITS rRNA and 7 COI mtDNA (the first COI sequences of H. seinhorsti and H. pararobustus), and an updated morphological character comparison of 37 Hoplolaimus species is presented. The tree-based molecular species-delimitation approaches employed gave markedly differing results, and also showed remarkable discrepancies among the investigated genes, although the bPTP output was found to agree well with established morphological species delimitations. Both species-delimitation approaches did, however, provide the same output for the COI mtDNA sequences, and the COI mtDNA gene sequence was also found to correspond better to established morphological species. It is therefore recommended by this paper as representing the most suitable barcode marker for Hoplolaimus species identification. This integrative study also resulted in the corrective reassignment of 17 gene sequences that were previously unidentified or incorrectly classified, as well as concluding that H. pararobustus consists of two cryptic species.

Plant Dis ; 2022 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36131497


Plantain (Musa spp., AAB), an important staple food in Africa with West Africa accounting for 32% of global production, is prone to numerous pests and diseases of which plant-parasitic nematodes are a key concern. This includes root-knot nematodes (RKN; Meloidogyne spp.), which infect the roots, causing them to become galled, deformed and swollen. The nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii is considered a global threat to production of many important agricultural crops due to its extremely virulent and aggressive nature (Philbrick et al. 2020). In 2019, during a survey to identify the diversity of nematodes associated with Musa spp. in Nigeria, RKN females (n = 13) were isolated from a heavily galled root (50-75% galling) from a single plantain cv. Agbagba (Musa spp., AAB) plant in Onne, Rivers State, Nigeria (4°43'08.8"N 7°10'37.5"E). Genomic DNA was extracted from three females and processed individually using worm lysis buffer and proteinase K (Bert et al. 2008). The females were identified as M. enterolobii based on Nad5 mtDNA (Janssen et al. 2016), with GenBank accession no. ON010028, ON010027, ON010026, and were 100% homologous to the M. enterolobii sequences MW965454, KU372358 and KU372359 (Supplementary Figure S1). The sampled plant did not show any specific above-ground symptoms but swellings were apparent on the secondary and tertiary roots, which were associated with RKN females that were embedded in the root tissue. All the life stages were found clustered together in the root cortex, where they created necrotic brown-black lesions. A mean value of 2,604 ± 820 (mean ± standard deviation) males, eggs and second-stage juveniles (J2) were extracted from 5 g of root sub-samples (n = 6) using the Hussey and Barker (1973) NaOCl method. On average 39 females were hand-picked (n = 6) from 5 g fresh root. Pure cultures were established from single egg masses and maintained on RKN-susceptible tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Marmande). To conduct Koch's postulates, two-month old plantlets of plantain cv. Agbagba (n = 5) were inoculated with 8000 J2s and eggs (initial population) of M. enterolobii pure cultures in 8 L pots in a screenhouse in Nigeria. Non-inoculated plantlets were included as negative controls. The nematode reproduction factor (RF = final density / initial population) and root damage symptoms were assessed 90 days post-inoculation. All the inoculated plantlets had similar galling symptoms and extensive necrosis as was observed in the field (Supplementary Figure S2), with an average RF = 25.9. No symptoms were observed on control plants. Adult females (n = 2) removed from the roots were identified as M. enterolobii based on Nad5 mtDNA (ON532789, ON532790) confirming that plantain cv. Agbagba is a host of M. enterolobii. In Nigeria, M. enterolobii has been reported to be associated with four plant species belonging to four plant families: Euphorbiaceae (Oyetunde et al. 2022), Cucurbitaceae (Bello et al. 2020), Dioscoreaceae (Kolombia et al. 2016), and Solanaceae (dos Santos et al. 2019). To our knowledge, this is the first report of M. enterolobii on a member of the Musaceae in Nigeria and globally the first report on plantain (Musa spp., AAB). The impact of M. enterolobii on plantain productivity has yet to be determined but given the RF value obtained in the pathogenicity test, plantain is a suitable host. This calls for a comprehensive RKN diversity study to evaluate the geographic spread of M. enterolobii on this important staple food crop in West Africa.

Plant Dis ; 2022 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35971258


Bananas (banana and plantains) rank sixth among staple food crops (FAO 2018), with production challenged by biotic factors, mainly fungal diseases that may cause a total loss in some orchards (Jones 2018). In April 2017, dieback symptoms (progressive blackening and necrotic aerial plant parts, leaves, fruits and peduncles) were observed on plantain (Musa AAB subgroup), in Onne, Rivers State, Nigeria (4°42'55.4012″N, 7°10'35.92128″E). Diseased plants (n=112) were either wilted with blackened necrotic areas, or dead (Fig. S1). Nearly 10% of the plants had blackened pseudostems and fruits with slate gray to black internal tissues when sliced (Fig. S1) and black, erumpent pycnidia were observed on diseased fruits. A fungal species was consistently isolated when surface disinfected pieces of diseased samples were cultured on PDA plates. Plates were incubated at 25±2°C for 4 to 15 d to observe conidia. Isolates had colonies and conidia consistent with members of the Botryosphaeriaceae family (Phillips et al. 2013). Immature conidia were single-celled, ellipsoidal and hyaline while mature conidia were two-celled, had a thick wall, a central septum, longitudinal striations, and a dark brown, cinnamon-like color. Size of mature conidia (n = 20) ranged 22.9 to 30.0 × 14.2 to 18.4 µm ( = 27.0 × 15.6 µm; Fig. S1). DNA templates of three isolates (23688-2_R16; 19144-18_R15 and PITA_22-1) were amplified using primers ITS1 and ITS4 for the ITS locus, EF1-688F and EF1-1251R for the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF-1α) locus (Phillips et al. 2013) and sequenced (GenBank accession Nos. MZ413346, MZ413347, and MZ413348 for ITS; and MZ420177, MZ420178, and MZ420179 for TEF-1α). BLASTn query showed 100% identity with reference sequences of various isolates of Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Based on morphological characters and nucleotide homology, the isolates were identified as L. theobromae (Fig. S1 & S2). To fulfil Koch's postulates, 4-month-old plants of plantain hybrid PITA 24, and mature fruits from three genotypes (PITA 24, plantain cultivar Obino L'ewai) were inoculated with mycelial plugs from the margins of 5-d-old cultures of the three L. theobromae isolates. Pseudostems were drilled with a sterile 5 -mm cork borer, a mycelial plug placed down into the wound, covered with sterilized cotton, and sealed with parafilm. Sterile water was injected every third day to maintain moisture at the inoculated area. Toothpicks containing mycelia were used to inoculate fruits, placed in plastic Crisper boxes. Sterile PDA plugs or toothpicks were used for the controls. Inoculated plants and fruits were kept in a screenhouse at room temperature (~26°C) for 14 d. All inoculated materials developed symptoms similar to the diseased plants in the field. Control plants and fruits remained asymptomatic. L. theobromae was re-isolated from the artificially inoculated plant parts and its identity was confirmed. The fungus L. theobromae is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions and has a wide host range (Phillips et al. 2013; Mehl et al. 2017). This fungus was previously reported in grey literature as the causal agent of Musa spp. basal rot at Onne, Nigeria (Mwangi et al. 2005) but its molecular identification was not conducted; it was unknown whether the isolates were indeed L. theobromae or other cryptic species (L. pseudotheobromae or L. parva) (Alves et al. 2008). Over 15 years later, the present study confirms L. theobromae as the causal agent of basal rot of bananas based on nucleotide homology, and to our knowledge, this is the first report of L. theobromae causing dieback disease on plantain in Nigeria and in Africa. There is need to conduct a more comprehensive distribution surveys and develop appropriate control strategies in Nigeria.

Microb Ecol ; 84(2): 580-593, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34585290


Plantain (Musa spp.) is a staple food crop and an important source of income for millions of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, there is a paucity of knowledge on soil microbial diversity in agroecologies where plantains are grown. Microbial diversity that increases plant performance with multi-trophic interactions involving resiliency to environmental constraints is greatly needed. For this purpose, the bacterial and fungal communities of plantain fields in high rainfall forests (HR) and derived savannas (SV) were studied using Illumina MiSeq for 16S rDNA and ITS amplicon deep sequencing. Microbial richness (α- and ß-diversity), operational taxonomic units, and Simpson and Shannon-Wiener indexes (observed species (Sobs), Chao, ACE; P < 0.05) suggested that there were significant differences between HR and SV agroecologies among the most abundant bacterial communities, and some specific dynamic response observed from fungal communities. Proteobacteria formed the predominant bacterial phylum (43.7%) succeeded by Firmicutes (24.7%), and Bacteroidetes (17.6%). Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Zygomycota were the three most dominant fungal phyla in both agroecologies. The results also revealed an immense array of beneficial microbes in the roots and rhizosphere of plantain, including Acinetobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas spp. COG and KEGG Orthology database depicted significant variations in the functional attributes of microbes found in the rhizosphere to roots. This result indicates that the different agroecologies and host habitats differentially support the dynamic microbial profile and that helps in altering the structure in the rhizosphere zone for the sake of promoting synergistic host-microbe interactions particularly under resource-poor conditions of SSA.

Ascomycota , Microbiota , Musa , Plantago , Africa, Central , Ascomycota/genetics , Bacteria/genetics , Microbiota/physiology , Musa/microbiology , Plant Roots/microbiology , Rhizosphere , Soil Microbiology
Plant Dis ; 2021 Apr 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33904335


Banana (including plantain; Musa spp.) is a vegetatively propagated semi-perennial crop in fields and backyard gardens in Togo. Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD), caused by banana bunchy top virus (BBTV, genus Babuvirus) is the most economically important viral disease, infection of which causes severe stunting and production losses of 90-100% within two seasons. The virus is spread by banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa, and through vegetative propagation from infected sources. BBTV occurrence was first reported in West Africa in 2011 with confirmation in Republic of Benin and in Nigeria in 2012 . A regional alliance ( has been established for BBTV surveillance through frequent surveys in countries neighboring those affected, such as Togo. The surveys conducted in September 2018 in banana growing areas in Togo revealed plants with typical symptoms (severe stunting, bunchy growth with shortened petioles with chlorotic streaks and yellow leaf margins) in three banana fields. Locations were Tsévié, Préfecture de Zio, (6.44°N, 1.21028°E), Lilicope, Préfecture de Zio in Maritime region (6.56583°N, 1.18639°E), and Amoutchou, Préfecture de l'Ogou in Plateaux region (7.3775°N, 1.17472°E). Leaf samples were collected from symptomatic (N=8) and asymptomatic plants (N=30) and used for DNA extraction followed by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for BBTV detection to amplify ~240 bp sequence of DNA-R encoding for core replicase gene. All samples from symptomatic plants (N=8) tested positive and asymptomatic plants were negative. To ascertain virus identity the 240-bp PCR product was purified and sequenced in both directions. A BLAST search of the sequence (NCBI GenBank Acc.# MK073116) revealed 99% identity with DNA-R sequences of BBTV isolates from Africa (e.g., JQ437549-Benin, JN290301-Nigeria). Further analysis of the 240-bp nucleotide sequence with Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis using MEGA-X software has grouped the BBTV isolate with sub-Saharan African sub-clade of the South Pacific group. To further confirm the virus identity, two samples from symptomatic (PCR positive) and asymptomatic (PCR negative) plants from Tsévié were tested by TAS-ELISA using BBTV ELISA reagent set (Cat. No. SRA24700-1000, Agdia, France) following the manufacturers' protocol. Only samples from two symptomatic plants that were positive in PCR reacted positively in TAS-ELISA; asymptomatic plants were negative. BBTV was not observed in any of the 22 locations surveyed as a follow-up in banana producing areas. To our knowledge, this is the first report of BBTV infecting banana in Togo. The plants detected in the three sites were eradicated in the follow-up action implemented by the alliance team together with the Direction de la Protection des Végétaux of Togo. Follow-up surveys were conducted in the same regions in 2019 and 2020 to ensure disease-free status in these sites and other banana producing regions in Togo. Efforts have been made to raise awareness about BBTD recognition, diagnosis, and eradication. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of rapid detection and eradication of BBTD in sub-Saharan Africa. This study illustrates the importance of regular surveillance for early detection of invasive virus threats and the value of rapid eradication to contain viruses before spread and establishment in a new territory.

J Nematol ; 522020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33829204


The root-lesion nematodes (RLN), Pratylenchus spp., are among the major plant-parasitic nematodes affecting yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in West Africa. The distribution and diversity of RLN species associated with yam was investigated through a soil and tuber survey of the main producing areas in Nigeria and Ghana. Pratylenchus spp. were detected in the yam rhizosphere in 59% of 81 soil samples from Ghana and 39% of 114 soil samples from Nigeria. Pratylenchus spp. were detected in 24 of 400 tubers examined, in combination with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and their associated damage of galls and crazy roots (79%), and with yam nematode (Scutellonema bradys) and their associated damage of dry rot (17%), although no specific additional symptoms were observed for Pratylenchus spp. Species of Pratylenchus were identified by their morphological features and by sequences of the D2-D3 region of the 28 S rDNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI). Pratylenchus brachyurus was the most frequent RLN species in both the rhizosphere and tubers of yam. Pratylenchus hexincisus was recovered from one tuber collected in Nigeria. While further investigations are required to establish the host status of yam for this nematode, this appears to be the first record of P. hexincisus on yam. The present taxonomical status of P. scribneri and P. hexincisus is discussed.

J Nematol ; 49(2): 177-188, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28706318


The root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., represent an important threat to yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in West Africa. With the aim to establish the diversity of RKN species affecting yam tubers, for control and resistance screening purposes, surveys were conducted in the main yam producing areas of Nigeria. Galled tubers (N = 48) were collected from farmers' stores and markets in nine states in Nigeria and in one district in Ghana. RKN isolated from yam tubers were identified using enzyme phenotyping (esterase and malate dehydrogenase) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (Nad5) barcoding. Examination of 48 populations revealed that yam tubers were infested by Meloidogyne incognita (69%), followed by M. javanica (13%), M. enterolobii (2%), and M. arenaria (2%). Most of the tubers sampled (86%) were infected by a single species, and multiple species of RKN were detected in 14% of the samples. Results of both identification methods revealed the same species, confirming their accuracy for the identification of these tropical RKN species. In addition to M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. enterolobii, we report for the first time M. arenaria infecting yam tubers in Nigeria. This finding extends the list of yam pests and calls for caution when developing practices for yam pest management.

Nematology ; 19(7): 751-787, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704234


The yam nematode, Scutellonema bradys, is a major threat to yam (Dioscorea spp.) production across yam-growing regions. In West Africa, this species cohabits with many morphologically similar congeners and, consequently, its accurate diagnosis is essential for control and for monitoring its movement. In the present study, 46 Scutellonema populations collected from yam rhizosphere and yam tubers in different agro-ecological zones in Ghana and Nigeria were characterised by their morphological features and by sequencing of the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA gene and the mitochondrial COI genes. Molecular phylogeny, molecular species delimitation and morphology revealed S. bradys, S. cavenessi, S. clathricaudatum and three undescribed species from yam rhizosphere. Only S. bradys was identified from yam tuber tissue, however. For barcoding and identifying Scutellonema spp., the most suitable marker used was the COI gene. Additionally, 99 new Scutellonema sequences were generated using populations obtained also from banana, carrot, maize and tomato, including the first for S. paralabiatum and S. clathricaudatum, enabling the development of a dichotomous key for identification of Scutellonema spp. The implications of these results are discussed.