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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38653895


In this study, the feasibility of using hydrochars as anodic doping materials in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) was investigated. The feedstock used for hydrochar synthesis was metal-polluted plant biomass from an abandoned mining site. The hydrochar obtained was activated by pyrolysis at 500 °C in N2 atmosphere. Under steady state conditions, the current exerted by the MFCs, as well as the cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves, showed that the activated hydrochar-doped anodes exhibited the best performance in terms of power and current density generation, 0.055 mW/cm2 and 0.15 mA/cm2, respectively. These values were approximately 30% higher than those achieved with non-doped or doped with non-activated hydrochar anodes which can be explained by the highly graphitic carbonaceous structures obtained during the hydrochar activation that reduced the internal resistance of the system. These results suggest that the activated hydrochar materials could significantly enhance the electrochemical performance of bioelectrochemical systems. Moreover, this integration will not only enhance the energy generated by MFCs, but also valorize metal polluted plant biomass within the frame of the circular economy.

J Environ Manage ; 323: 116251, 2022 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36261963


The aim of this study was to study and model the bioleaching of abandoned mine tailings at different pulp densities 1-20% w/v by using an autochthonous mesophilic microbial culture. Because of the importance of the ferrous-iron oxidation as sub-process on the bioleaching of sulphide mineral ores, the ferrous-iron oxidation process by the autochthonous microbial culture was studied at different ferrous-iron concentrations. A mathematical model fitted to the experimental results and the main kinetic and stoichiometric parameters were determined, being the most relevant the maximum ferrous-iron oxidation rate 5.1 (mmol Fe2+/mmol C·h) and the biomass yield, 0.01 mmol C/mmol Fe2+, values very similar to that of mixed cultured dominated by Leptospirillum strains. This autochthonous culture was used in the bioleaching experiment carried out at different pulp densities, obtaining a maximum metal recovery in the tests carried out at 1% w/v, recovering a 90% of Cd, 60% of Zn, 30% of Cu, 25% Fe and 6% of Pb. Finally, the different leaching mechanisms were modelled by using the pyrite as ore model obtaining a bioleaching rate of 0.316 mmol Fe2+/(L·h) for the direct mechanisms and a bioleaching rate for the indirect and cooperative leaching mechanisms of 0.055 Fe2+/(L·h).

Cadmium , Lead , Iron , Sulfides , Minerals
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e114, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36177303


Objective: To identify the prevalence of self-reporting of symptoms and access to testing and diagnosis of coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19), as well as its association with social determinants of health (SDH). Methods: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 11 728 men and 12 612 women over the age of 17, based on the National Household Survey 2020. The dependent variables were the self-reporting of symptoms, access to testing, and a positive COVID-19 test. The independent variables were age, educational level, area of residence and geographic area, ethnicity, type of household, income per capita, occupation, and health insurance. Prevalences, bivariate associations, and binomial logistical regression models (odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI95%) were calculated. Results: Of the total individuals included, 16% reported symptoms, 10% a test, and 4.2% a positive COVID-19 test. Inequalities were observed in the reporting of COVID-19 symptoms, with a higher probability in women whose income had fallen (OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.2-2.4) and unemployed persons (OR: 1.2; CI95%: 1.1-1.4 for men and OR: 1.3; CI95%: 1.5-1.5 for women). In contrast, with respect to access to diagnostic tests, the highest probability was observed in people with higher education (OR: 2.4; CI95%: 1.9-2.9 for men and OR: 2.7; CI95%: 2.2-3.4 for women), whose income was maintained (OR: 1.5; CI95%: 1.3-1.9 for men and OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.4-2.0 for women) and those in the highest quartile of per capita household income (OR: 2.0; CI95%: 1.6-2.5 for men and OR: 1.6; CI95%: 1.3-2.0 for women). The probability of reporting symptoms and getting tested, and being diagnosed with COVID-19 increased with age for people with health insurance and those living in the llanos region; however, it decreased for residents of rural areas. Conclusions: There are inequalities in access to testing and the reporting of COVID-19 symptoms.

Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência de sintomas autorreferidos, acesso a testagem e acesso ao diagnóstico da doença do coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19), bem como sua associação com os determinantes sociais da saúde (DSS). Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostra de 11 728 homens e 12 612 mulheres com mais de 17 anos, com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios de 2020. As variáveis dependentes foram sintomas autorreferidos, acesso ao teste e teste positivo para COVID-19. As variáveis independentes foram idade, escolaridade, tipo e local de residência, etnia, tipo de domicílio, renda per capita, atividade e plano de saúde. Foram calculados prevalência, associações bivariadas e modelos de regressão logística binomial (odds ratio [OR] e intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]). Resultados: Do total de pessoas incluídas, 16% relataram sintomas; 10%, realização de teste; e 4,2%, um teste positivo para COVID-19. Houve desigualdades no relato de sintomas de COVID-19, com maior probabilidade em mulheres cuja renda havia diminuído (OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,2-2,4) e que estavam desempregadas (OR: 1,2; IC95%: 1,1 -1,4 para homens e OR: 1,3; IC95%: 1,5-1,5 para mulheres). Em contrapartida, quanto ao acesso a exames diagnósticos, a maior probabilidade foi observada em pessoas com nível superior (OR: 2,4; IC95%: 1,9-2,9 para homens e OR: 2,7; IC95%: 2,2-3,4 para mulheres) cuja renda foi mantida (OR: 1,5; IC95%: 1,3-1,9 para homens e OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,4- 2,0 para mulheres) e pertencentes ao maior quartil de renda domiciliar per capita (OR: 2,0; IC95%: 1,6-2,5 para homens e OR: 1,6; IC95%: 1,3-2,0 para mulheres). A probabilidade de relatar sintomas, fazer o teste e ser diagnosticado com COVID-19 aumentou com a idade e foi maior nos casos de pessoas que têm plano de saúde e nos de moradores da região dos llanos. Por outro lado, foi menor nos casos de moradores de áreas rurais. Conclusões: Existem desigualdades no acesso a testes e na notificação de sintomas de COVID-19.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46, sept. 2022
Article in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-56434


[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Identificar la prevalencia del autoinforme de síntomas, del acceso al testeo y del diagnóstico de la enfermedad por el coronavirus del 2019 (COVID-19, por su sigla en inglés), así como su asociación con determinantes sociales de la salud (DSS). Métodos. Estudio transversal con una muestra de 11 728 hombres y 12 612 mujeres mayores de 17 años, con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2020. Las variables dependientes fueron el autoinforme de síntomas, de acceso al testeo y de una prueba positiva para COVID-19. Las variables independientes fueron la edad, el nivel de educación, la zona de residencia y geográfica, la etnia, el tipo de hogar, el ingreso per cápita, la actividad y el seguro de salud. Se calcularon prevalencias, asociaciones bivariadas y modelos de regresión logística binomial (razón de momios [OR] e intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]). Resultados. Del total de personas incluidas, 16% notificó síntomas, 10% un testeo y 4,2% una prueba posi- tiva para COVID-19. Existieron desigualdades en la notificación de síntomas de COVID-19, con una mayor probabilidad en las mujeres cuyos ingresos habían disminuido (OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,2-2,4) y las personas des- empleadas (OR: 1,2; IC95%: 1,1-1,4 para los hombres y OR:1,3; IC: 1,5-1,5 para las mujeres). En cambio, con respecto al acceso a las pruebas diagnósticas, la mayor probabilidad se observó en personas con educación superior (OR: 2.4; IC95%: 1,9-2,9 para los hombres y OR: 2,7; IC95%: 2,2-3,4 para las mujeres), cuyos ingre- sos se mantuvieron (OR: 1,5; IC95%: 1,3-1,9 para los hombres y OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,4-2,0 para las mujeres) y del cuartil de ingreso per cápita en el hogar más alto (OR: 2,0; IC95%:1,6-2,5 para los hombres y OR: 1,6; IC95%: 1,3-2,0 para las mujeres). La probabilidad de notificar síntomas, realizarse una prueba y el diagnós- tico para COVID-19 aumentó con la edad, para las personas que contaban con seguro de salud y residentes en los llanos; por otra parte, disminuyó para residentes de zonas rurales. Conclusiones. Existen desigualdades en el acceso al testeo y en la notificación de síntomas de la COVID-19.

[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To identify the prevalence of self-reporting of symptoms and access to testing and diagnosis of coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19), as well as its association with social determinants of health (SDH). Methods. Cross-sectional study with a sample of 11 728 men and 12 612 women over the age of 17, based on the National Household Survey 2020. The dependent variables were the self-reporting of symptoms, access to testing, and a positive COVID-19 test. The independent variables were age, educational level, area of residence and geographic area, ethnicity, type of household, income per capita, occupation, and health insu- rance. Prevalences, bivariate associations, and binomial logistical regression models (odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI95%) were calculated. Results. Of the total individuals included, 16% reported symptoms, 10% a test, and 4.2% a positive COVID-19 test. Inequalities were observed in the reporting of COVID—19 symptoms, with a higher probability in women whose income had fallen (OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.2–2.4) and unemployed persons (OR: 1.2; CI95%: 1.1–1.4 for men and OR: 1.3; CI95%: 1.5–1.5 for women). In contrast, with respect to access to diagnostic tests, the highest probability was observed in people with higher education (OR: 2.4; CI95%: 1.9–2.9 for men and OR: 2.7; CI95%: 2.2–3.4 for women), whose income was maintained (OR: 1.5; CI95%: 1.3–1.9 for men and OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.4–2.0 for women) and those in the highest quartile of per capita household income (OR: 2.0; CI95%: 1.6–2.5 for men and OR: 1.6; CI95%: 1.3–2.0 for women). The probability of reporting symptoms and getting tested, and being diagnosed with COVID-19 increased with age for people with health insurance and those living in the llanos region; however, it decreased for residents of rural areas. Conclusions. There are inequalities in access to testing and the reporting of COVID-19 symptoms.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Identificar a prevalência de sintomas autorreferidos, acesso a testagem e acesso ao diagnóstico da doença do coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19), bem como sua associação com os determinantes sociais da saúde (DSS). Métodos. Estudo transversal com amostra de 11 728 homens e 12 612 mulheres com mais de 17 anos, com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios de 2020. As variáveis dependentes foram sintomas autorreferidos, acesso ao teste e teste positivo para COVID-19. As variáveis independentes foram idade, escolaridade, tipo e local de residência, etnia, tipo de domicílio, renda per capita, atividade e plano de saúde. Foram calculados prevalência, associações bivariadas e modelos de regressão logística binomial (odds ratio [OR] e intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]). Resultados. Do total de pessoas incluídas, 16% relataram sintomas; 10%, realização de teste; e 4,2%, um teste positivo para COVID-19. Houve desigualdades no relato de sintomas de COVID-19, com maior proba- bilidade em mulheres cuja renda havia diminuído (OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,2-2,4) e que estavam desempregadas (OR: 1,2; IC95%: 1,1 -1,4 para homens e OR: 1,3; IC95%: 1,5-1,5 para mulheres). Em contrapartida, quanto ao acesso a exames diagnósticos, a maior probabilidade foi observada em pessoas com nível superior (OR: 2,4; IC95%: 1,9-2,9 para homens e OR: 2,7; IC95%: 2,2-3,4 para mulheres) cuja renda foi mantida (OR: 1,5; IC95%: 1,3-1,9 para homens e OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,4- 2,0 para mulheres) e pertencentes ao maior quartil de renda domiciliar per capita (OR: 2,0; IC95%: 1,6-2,5 para homens e OR: 1,6; IC95%: 1,3-2,0 para mulheres). A probabilidade de relatar sintomas, fazer o teste e ser diagnosticado com COVID-19 aumentou com a idade e foi maior nos casos de pessoas que têm plano de saúde e nos de moradores da região dos llanos. Por outro lado, foi menor nos casos de moradores de áreas rurais. Conclusões. Existem desigualdades no acesso a testes e na notificação de sintomas de COVID-19.

Social Determinants of Health , COVID-19 , Self Report , Diagnosis , Health Inequality Monitoring , Social Determinants of Health , Self Report , Diagnosis , Health Inequality Monitoring , Social Determinants of Health , Self Report , Health Inequality Monitoring , Bolivia
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e114, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450239


RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar la prevalencia del autoinforme de síntomas, del acceso al testeo y del diagnóstico de la enfermedad por el coronavirus del 2019 (COVID-19, por su sigla en inglés), así como su asociación con determinantes sociales de la salud (DSS). Métodos. Estudio transversal con una muestra de 11 728 hombres y 12 612 mujeres mayores de 17 años, con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2020. Las variables dependientes fueron el autoinforme de síntomas, de acceso al testeo y de una prueba positiva para COVID-19. Las variables independientes fueron la edad, el nivel de educación, la zona de residencia y geográfica, la etnia, el tipo de hogar, el ingreso per cápita, la actividad y el seguro de salud. Se calcularon prevalencias, asociaciones bivariadas y modelos de regresión logística binomial (razón de momios [OR] e intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]). Resultados. Del total de personas incluidas, 16% notificó síntomas, 10% un testeo y 4,2% una prueba positiva para COVID-19. Existieron desigualdades en la notificación de síntomas de COVID-19, con una mayor probabilidad en las mujeres cuyos ingresos habían disminuido (OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,2-2,4) y las personas desempleadas (OR: 1,2; IC95%: 1,1-1,4 para los hombres y OR:1,3; IC: 1,5-1,5 para las mujeres). En cambio, con respecto al acceso a las pruebas diagnósticas, la mayor probabilidad se observó en personas con educación superior (OR: 2.4; IC95%: 1,9-2,9 para los hombres y OR: 2,7; IC95%: 2,2-3,4 para las mujeres), cuyos ingresos se mantuvieron (OR: 1,5; IC95%: 1,3-1,9 para los hombres y OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,4-2,0 para las mujeres) y del cuartil de ingreso per cápita en el hogar más alto (OR: 2,0; IC95%:1,6-2,5 para los hombres y OR: 1,6; IC95%: 1,3-2,0 para las mujeres). La probabilidad de notificar síntomas, realizarse una prueba y el diagnóstico para COVID-19 aumentó con la edad, para las personas que contaban con seguro de salud y residentes en los llanos; por otra parte, disminuyó para residentes de zonas rurales. Conclusiones. Existen desigualdades en el acceso al testeo y en la notificación de síntomas de la COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Objective. To identify the prevalence of self-reporting of symptoms and access to testing and diagnosis of coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19), as well as its association with social determinants of health (SDH). Methods. Cross-sectional study with a sample of 11 728 men and 12 612 women over the age of 17, based on the National Household Survey 2020. The dependent variables were the self-reporting of symptoms, access to testing, and a positive COVID-19 test. The independent variables were age, educational level, area of residence and geographic area, ethnicity, type of household, income per capita, occupation, and health insurance. Prevalences, bivariate associations, and binomial logistical regression models (odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI95%) were calculated. Results. Of the total individuals included, 16% reported symptoms, 10% a test, and 4.2% a positive COVID-19 test. Inequalities were observed in the reporting of COVID—19 symptoms, with a higher probability in women whose income had fallen (OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.2-2.4) and unemployed persons (OR: 1.2; CI95%: 1.1-1.4 for men and OR: 1.3; CI95%: 1.5-1.5 for women). In contrast, with respect to access to diagnostic tests, the highest probability was observed in people with higher education (OR: 2.4; CI95%: 1.9-2.9 for men and OR: 2.7; CI95%: 2.2-3.4 for women), whose income was maintained (OR: 1.5; CI95%: 1.3-1.9 for men and OR: 1.7; CI95%: 1.4-2.0 for women) and those in the highest quartile of per capita household income (OR: 2.0; CI95%: 1.6-2.5 for men and OR: 1.6; CI95%: 1.3-2.0 for women). The probability of reporting symptoms and getting tested, and being diagnosed with COVID-19 increased with age for people with health insurance and those living in the llanos region; however, it decreased for residents of rural areas. Conclusions. There are inequalities in access to testing and the reporting of COVID-19 symptoms.

RESUMO Objetivo. Identificar a prevalência de sintomas autorreferidos, acesso a testagem e acesso ao diagnóstico da doença do coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19), bem como sua associação com os determinantes sociais da saúde (DSS). Métodos. Estudo transversal com amostra de 11 728 homens e 12 612 mulheres com mais de 17 anos, com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios de 2020. As variáveis dependentes foram sintomas autorreferidos, acesso ao teste e teste positivo para COVID-19. As variáveis independentes foram idade, escolaridade, tipo e local de residência, etnia, tipo de domicílio, renda per capita, atividade e plano de saúde. Foram calculados prevalência, associações bivariadas e modelos de regressão logística binomial (odds ratio [OR] e intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]). Resultados. Do total de pessoas incluídas, 16% relataram sintomas; 10%, realização de teste; e 4,2%, um teste positivo para COVID-19. Houve desigualdades no relato de sintomas de COVID-19, com maior probabilidade em mulheres cuja renda havia diminuído (OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,2-2,4) e que estavam desempregadas (OR: 1,2; IC95%: 1,1 -1,4 para homens e OR: 1,3; IC95%: 1,5-1,5 para mulheres). Em contrapartida, quanto ao acesso a exames diagnósticos, a maior probabilidade foi observada em pessoas com nível superior (OR: 2,4; IC95%: 1,9-2,9 para homens e OR: 2,7; IC95%: 2,2-3,4 para mulheres) cuja renda foi mantida (OR: 1,5; IC95%: 1,3-1,9 para homens e OR: 1,7; IC95%: 1,4- 2,0 para mulheres) e pertencentes ao maior quartil de renda domiciliar per capita (OR: 2,0; IC95%: 1,6-2,5 para homens e OR: 1,6; IC95%: 1,3-2,0 para mulheres). A probabilidade de relatar sintomas, fazer o teste e ser diagnosticado com COVID-19 aumentou com a idade e foi maior nos casos de pessoas que têm plano de saúde e nos de moradores da região dos llanos. Por outro lado, foi menor nos casos de moradores de áreas rurais. Conclusões. Existem desigualdades no acesso a testes e na notificação de sintomas de COVID-19.

Molecules ; 26(23)2021 Nov 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34885852


Along with rapid social development, the use of insecticides and caffeine-containing products increases, a trend that is also reflected in the composition of surface waters. This study is focused on the phototreatment of a surface water containing three neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and clothianidin) and caffeine. Firstly, the radiation absorption of the target pollutants and the effect of the water matrix components were evaluated. It was observed that the maximum absorption peaks appear at wavelengths ranging from 246 to 274 nm, and that the water matrix did not affect the efficiency of the removal of the target pollutants. It was found that the insecticides were efficiently removed after a very short exposure to UV irradiation, while the addition of hydrogen peroxide was needed for an efficient caffeine depletion. The electrical energy per order was estimated, being the lowest energy required (9.5 kWh m-3 order-1) for the depletion of thiamethoxan by indirect photolysis, and a concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 5 mg dm-3. Finally, a preliminary evaluation on the formation of by-products reveals that these compounds play a key role in the evolution of the ecotoxicity of the samples, and that the application of direct photolysis reduces the concentration of these intermediates.

Molecules ; 26(18)2021 Sep 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34576995


Although the first published works on electrodeposition dates from more than one century ago (1905), the uses of this technique in the recovery of metals are attracting an increasing interest from the scientific community in the recent years. Moreover, the intense use of metals in electronics and the necessity to assure a second life of these devices in a context of circular economy, have increased the interest of the scientific community on electrodeposition, with almost 3000 works published per year nowadays. In this review, we aim to revise the most relevant and recent publications in the application of electrodeposition for metal recovery. These contributions have been classified into four main groups of approaches: (1) treatment and reuse of wastewater; (2) use of ionic liquids; (3) use of bio-electrochemical processes (microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells) and (4) integration of electrodeposition with other processes (bioleaching, adsorption, membrane processes, etc.). This would increase the awareness about the importance of the technology and would serve as a starting point for anyone that aims to start working in the field.

Chemosphere ; 285: 131359, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34246099


In this work, it is evaluated the fixation of carbon dioxide using the alkali generated in the chloralkaline process, as a new way to face the treatment of highly saline wastewater, in which it is aimed not to separate the wastewater into concentrated and diluted streams but to recover value-added products (VAPs) while contributing to minimize the carbon fingerprint of other processes. The electrolytic process is combined with a reactive absorption and with a crystallization, demonstrating the formation of pure nahcolite, hypochlorite (or chlorine) and hydrogen from the waste. Carbon dioxide is captured with a current efficiency over 90% and the energy required is around 0.65 kWh kg-1, which is very promising from the view point of sustainability, considering that the system can be easily powered with green energies.

Carbon Dioxide , Hypochlorous Acid , Electrolysis , Salinity , Wastewater
Rev. MED ; 28(1): 59-67, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143832


Resumen: En el contexto de Asociación VACTERL, el diagnóstico prenatal de atresia esofágica concomitante con atresia duodenal es poco común. En el presente artículo se realiza el reporte de un caso con la descripción de los hallazgos ecográficos encontrados a partir semana doce de gestación, con la aparición del signo de doble burbuja intraabdominal compatible con atresia duodenal y una arteria umbilical única; y hacia la semana 31 el hallazgo de imagen anecóica y dilatación esofágica del tercio distal con comunicación con la cámara gástrica en corte longitudinal, representando una atresia esofágica, asociada además a polihidramnios. Desde el momento del nacimiento por examen físico y estudios complementarios, se evidenció además ano imperforado con fístula recto vestibular, arcos costales derechos fusionados y hemivértebras. Por los anteriores hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos, se considera que se trata de una asociación VACTERL; sin embargo, sin alteraciones cardiacas, que es una de las características más frecuentemente encontradas. Se realiza una revisión del estado del arte con respecto a la asociación VACTERL y el diagnóstico prenatal de la atresia esofágica y duodenal.

Abstract: In the context of the VACTERL Association, prenatal diagnosis of concomitant esophageal atresia with duodenal atresia is rare. In this article, a case report is described with the description of the ultrasound findings found from week twelve of gestation, with the appearance of the intra-abdominal double bubble sign compatible with duodenal atresia and a single umbilical artery; and towards week 31 the finding of anechoic image and esophageal dilation of the distal-third with communication with the gastric chamber in longitudinal section, representing esophageal atresia, also associated with polyhydramnios. Physical examination and complementary studies from birth showed an imperforate anus with a rectovestibular fistula, and hemivertebrae. Based on the above clinical and radiological findings, it is considered to be a VACTERL association; however, without cardiac abnormalities, which is one of the most frequently found characteristics. A review of the state of the art is carried out with regard to the VACTERL association and the prenatal diagnosis of esophageal and duodenal atresia.

Resumo: No contexto da Associação VACTERL, o diagnóstico pré-natal de atrésia do esôfago concomitante com atrésia de duodeno é pouco comum. Neste artigo, é realizado relato de um caso com a descrição dos achados ecográficos encontrados a partir da 12a semana de gestação, com o surgimento do sinal de dupla bolha intra-abdominal compatível com a atrésia duodenal e uma artéria umbilical única; na 3ia semana, o achado de imagem anecoica e dilatação esofágica do rádio distai com comunicação com a câmara gástrica em corte longitudinal, o que representa atrésia esofágica, associada, ainda, a polidrâmnio. Desde o momento do nascimento por exame físico e estudos complementares, é evidenciado ânus imperfurado com fístula retal vestibular, arcos costais direitos fusionados e hemivértebras. A partir dos achados clínicos e radiológicos, é considerado que se trata de uma associação VACTERL; contudo, sem alterações cardíacas, que é uma das características mais frequentemente encontradas. É realizada uma revisão do estado da arte a respeito da associação VACTERL e o diagnóstico pré-natal da atrésia esofágica e duodenal.

Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities , Anus, Imperforate , Prenatal Diagnosis , Esophageal Atresia
J Environ Manage ; 258: 110015, 2020 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31929057


This work focuses on the evaluation of the electrochemical dewatering of sludge obtained in the coagulation of wastes polluted with oxyfluorfen. To do this, sludge samples were treated, aiming not only to reduce the sludge volume, but also to facilitate the degradation of oxyfluorfen contained in the cake via electrolysis with a boron-doped diamond anode. Results show that water can be effectively recovered through three sequential stages. First, a gravity-driven stage, that can recover around 60% of initial volume and where no oxyfluorfen is dragged. Then, a second stage that involves the application of pressure and which accounts for the recuperation of an additional 25% of the total volume of the water removed and in which oxyfluorfen also remained in the cake. Finally, an electrochemical stage, which involves the application of electricity with increasing electric fields (1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 16.0 V cm-1), accounting for the recovery of the rest of water released and where an electrolytic degradation of oxyfluorfen is obtained, whose extension depends on the electrode configuration used in the electro-dewatering cell. This electrode configuration also influences the retention or loss of oxyfluorfen from the cake, being the optimum choice the placement of the cathode downstream, next to the outlet of the dewatering cell.

Sewage , Waste Disposal, Fluid , Flocculation , Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers , Water
Chemosphere ; 220: 637-643, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30599321


In this work, the valorization of brines, with concentrations similar to those produced by reverse osmosis or electrodialysis processes, by electrolysis with diamond anodes is evaluated. To do this, synthetic brines made from solutions of NaCl (with target concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 M and an additional test at 5.0 M) were used as the raw material for the electrochemical production of perchlorate using commercial electrochemical cells equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) anodes. The effect of key parameters on the rate and efficiency of perchlorate production was evaluated. The results show that it is possible to transform more than 80% of the initial chloride concentration into perchlorate, with current efficiencies higher than 70% regardless of the initial concentration of sodium chloride contained in the brine. Moreover, it was observed that both hypochlorite and chlorate were produced almost simultaneously at the beginning of electrolysis, while perchlorate was only produced when a certain value of applied electric charge was passed through the system. The results obtained were essentially independent of the concentration of NaCl, as the high concentrations used in this study avoided mass transfer limitations. Moreover, the specific energy cost of perchlorate production was estimated to range from 26.14 kWh kg-1 (for 2.0 M and 1000 A m-2) to 56.10 kWh kg-1 (for 1.0 M and 2000 A m-2). According to the results obtained, the electrochemical production of perchlorate by BDD electrochemical oxidation stands out as a promising novel technology for the valorization of the brine produced in reverse osmosis or electrodialysis processes.

Electrochemical Techniques/methods , Perchlorates/chemical synthesis , Salts/chemistry , Boron , Electrodes , Electrolysis/methods
Chemosphere ; 209: 346-352, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29935463


In this work, the disinfection of highly faecal-polluted surface water was studied using a new electrochemical cell (CabECO® cell, manufactured by CONDIAS) specifically designed to produce ozone in water with very low conductivity. The disinfection tests were carried out in a discontinuous mode to evaluate the influence of the electrode current charge passed. The effect of the current density was also studied in order to optimize the disinfection conditions and to simultaneously prevent the formation of undesirable by-products (chlorates and perchlorates) during the electrolysis. The results demonstrate that this technology is robust and efficient, and it can suitably disinfect water. During electrolysis, the chloride contained in the water was oxidized to hypochlorite, and this compound was combined with ammonia to form chloramines. Both hypochlorite and chloramines (formed by the well-known break point reaction) promoted persistent disinfection and seemed to be mainly responsible for the disinfection attained during the electrochemical process. Chlorate and perchlorate could also be produced, although the low concentrations of chloride in the tested water made them irrelevant. The removal of the total organic carbon under the applied operating conditions was not very efficient (although it reached 50% in 2 h) and the production of trihalomethanes was very low, below 100 ppb for all tests.

Chloramines/chemistry , Disinfection/methods , Water Pollution/analysis , Water Purification/methods
Rev. MED ; 25(2): 63-73, jul.-dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-977035


RESUMEN La incidencia de cáncer durante la gestación es de 1: 1000 a 2000 embarazos, siendo los más frecuentes el de cérvix, mama, ovario, melanoma, tiroides, colon y hematológicos como linfoma y leucemia. A pesar de ser una entidad poco frecuente en el embarazo, se ha visto una tendencia a aumentar en los últimos años debido al incremento progresivo de la edad materna en el momento de la concepción. El carcinoma gástrico es una patología aún menos frecuente, siendo su incidencia durante la gestación de aproximadamente 0.016% a 0.026% en las series de casos de Japón, país con la mayor prevalencia de enfermedad. La cirugía es el tratamiento oncológico menos controversial durante la gestación. En los últimos años, ha cobrado importancia la quimioterapia adyuvante con antineoplásicos de tipo antimetabolito como el 5 fluoracilo (5 - FU), medicamento que ha demostrado mejoría de la supervivencia en pacientes gestantes con adenocarcinoma gástrico. Desafortunadamente, el 96.7% de los casos son diagnosticados en estadios avanzados, pues su presentación clínica suele confundirse con las manifestaciones propias de la primera mitad de la gestación como son las nauseas y el vomito. Presentamos dos casos clínicos, el de una gestante de 34 años con embarazo de 19 semanas y 3 días al momento del diagnóstico de un carcinoma gástrico Bormann III, llevada a laparotomía con intención curativa a las 21 semanas con hallazgo intraoperatorio de enfermedad metastásica avanzada y tumor ovárico izquierdo sugestivo de tumor de Krukenberg, a quien se le inicia a las 23 semanas quimioterapia paliativa con esquema FOLFIRI el cual recibió hasta la finalización de la gestación a las 33 semanas por restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y posteriormente durante el puerperio; y el de una gestante de 31 años con embarazo de 26 semanas y 6 días quien se ingresa para estudio de emesis persistente durante la gestación con confirmación diagnóstica de adenocarcinoma gástrico Bormann III asociado a Restricción del crecimiento intrauterino que fue llevada a cesárea a las 34 semanas y en el puerperio a gastrectomía total con vaciamiento ganglionar del area celiaca y reconstrucción en Y de Roux. El objetivo de realizar estos reportes surge de la carencia de guias de manejo respecto a dicha entidad durante la gestación debido a la poca frecuencia de presentación de la misma. Es frecuente encontrar discrepancias entre los conceptos en cuanto a conductas médicas se refiere. Disponemos de reportes y series de casos que orientan el manejo hacia un enfoque interdisciplinario dirigido a sopesar los riesgos y beneficios derivados de implementar o no un tratamiento durante la gestación siendo pocos los casos exitosos reportados en la literatura.

ABSTRACT Incidence of cancer during pregnancy is 1 in 1000. The most frequent carcinomas are the cervix, breast, ovaries, melanoma, thyroid, colon and hematological such as lymphoma and leukemia. Although cancer is not frequently associated with pregnancy, there has been a tendency to increase in recent years due to the progressive increase in maternal age at conception. Gastric carcinoma during pregnancy is a rare pathology, with an incidence of 0.016% to 0.026% in the series of cases from Japan, one of the countries with the greatest prevalence of this disease. Surgery is the least controversial type of oncologic treatment during pregnancy. In the last years, the adjuvant chemotherapy with antimetabolite drugs like the 5-fluoracile has gained relevance because it has demonstrated to improve survival in pregnant patients with gastric carcinoma. Unfortunately, the 96.7% of cases are diagnosed in advanced states because its symptoms can be misinterpreted as pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting characteristic of first half of pregnancy. We present two Clinical cases. The case of a 34 years old pregnant woman with 19 weeks and 3 days of gestation at the time of diagnosis of a gastric carcinoma in Bormann III stage, she was laparotomized with curative intentions at 21 weeks of gestation with intraoperative findings consistent with advanced metastatic disease and left-sided ovarian tumor suggestive of Krukenberg tumor. At 23 weeks palliative chemotherapy with FOLFIRI was initiated and it was continued until the end of gestation at 33 weeks and later in the puerperium; and the case of a 31 years old pregnant woman with 26 weeks and 6 days of gestation, she was admitted for the study of persistent vomiting during pregnancy with diagnostic confirmation of gastric adenocarcinoma Bormann III associated with intrauterine growth restriction, she was carried cesarean at 34 weeks. In the postpartum she was carried total gastrectomy with lymph node dissection of the celiac area and Roux-Y reconstruction. The objective of this report arises from the absence of clinical randomized studies about the management of this entity during pregnancy in consequence of the few cases available in the literature. This has been a cause of discrepancies between medical staff regarding therapeutics. There are some available literature series and case reports that guide management to a multidisciplinary approach in pursuit of more benefits and less risk in the context of the pregnant patient, with little cases reported as successful.

RESUMO A incidência de câncer durante a gravidez é de 1 em 1000. Os carcinomas mais freqüentes são o colo do útero, mama, ovários, melanoma, tireóide, cólon e hematológicos, como linfoma e leucemia. Embora o câncer não seja freqüentemente associado à gravidez, houve tendência de aumento nos últimos anos devido ao aumento progressivo da idade materna na concepção. O carcinoma gástrico durante a gravidez é uma patologia rara, com incidência de 0,016% a 0,026% na série de casos do Japão, um dos países com maior prevalência desta doença. A cirurgia é o tipo menos controverso de tratamento oncológico durante a gravidez. Nos últimos anos, a quimioterapia adjuvante com fármacos antimetabolitos como a 5-fluoracile ganhou relevância porque demonstrou melhorar a sobrevida em gestantes com carcinoma gástrico. Infelizmente, os 96,7% dos casos são diagnosticados em estados avançados porque seus sintomas podem ser mal interpretados, pois a náusea e os vômitos induzidos pela gravidez são característicos da primeira metade da gravidez. A presentamos dois casos clínicos. O caso de uma mulher grávida de 34 anos com 19 semanas e 3 dias de gestação no momento do diagnóstico de carcinoma gástrico no estádio Bormann III, foi laparotomizada com intenções curativas às 21 semanas de gestação com achados intraoperatórios consistentes com doença metastática avançada e tumor de ovário esquerdo sugestivo de tumor de Krukenberg. Às 23 semanas, iniciou-se a quimioterapia paliativa com FOLFIRI e continuou até o final da gestação às 33 semanas e mais tarde no puerpério; e o caso de uma mulher grávida de 31 anos com 26 semanas e 6 dias de gestação, foi admitida para o estudo de vômitos persistentes durante a gravidez com confirmação diagnóstica de adenocarcinoma gástrico Bormann III associado à restrição de crescimento intra-uterino, foi realizada cesariana às 34 semanas. No pós-parto foi transportada gastrectomia total com dissecção dos linfonodos da área celíaca e reconstrução Roux-Y. O objetivo deste relatório decorre da ausência de estudos clínicos randomizados sobre o manejo dessa entidade durante a gravidez em conseqüência dos poucos casos disponíveis na literatura. Esta foi uma causa de discrepâncias entre a equipe médica em relação à terapêutica. Existem algumas séries de literatura disponíveis e relatos de casos que orientam o gerenciamento para uma abordagem multidisciplinar em busca de mais benefícios e menos risco no contexto da paciente grávida, com pequenos casos relatados como bem sucedidos.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Stomach Neoplasms , Teratogens , Drug Therapy , Fetal Growth Retardation
Vet Parasitol ; 247: 26-32, 2017 Nov 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29080760


Trematode blood flukes of the genus Cardicola are potentially lethal in bluefin tuna cultures. The present study proposed a new method to detect aporocotylid eggs in tuna gills. Aporocotylid eggs were detected by analysing a pair of gill filaments of five transversal areas of the eight holobranches of one hundred Atlantic bluefin tuna and observed with glycerol and a stereomicroscope with an oblique brightfield. Data were gathered according to holobranches, transversal areas and their combination. Eggs were uniformly distributed among the holobranches, but they had the highest prevalence in the second and fifth transversal areas, which is controversial with respect to previous studies of egg distribution. An abbreviated method called the T-two test, which had the highest sensitivity (96.8%), is proposed for the detection of Cardicola spp. infections instead of the analysis all the holobranches. The T-two test limits the time and cost of the egg parasite screening analysis. The analyses of ten samples could be sufficient to detect the presence of parasites in farmed bluefin tuna; fish from the wild are expected to be less infected and more samples (45) would therefore be necessary.

Fish Diseases/diagnosis , Microscopy/veterinary , Trematoda/isolation & purification , Trematode Infections/veterinary , Tuna/parasitology , Animals , Aquaculture , Female , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Gills/parasitology , Mediterranean Sea , Microscopy/instrumentation , Parasite Egg Count/veterinary , Sensitivity and Specificity , Trematode Infections/diagnosis , Trematode Infections/parasitology
Chemosphere ; 163: 562-568, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27570213


This work focuses on the disinfection actual urban wastewater by the combination of ultrasound (US) irradiation and electrodisinfection with Dimensionally Stable Anodes (DSA). First, the inactivation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) during the sonochemical disinfection was studied at increasing ultrasound power. Results showed that it was not possible to achieve a complete disinfection, even at the highest US power (200 W) dosed by the experimental device used. Next, the electrodisinfection with DSA anodes at different current densities was studied, finding that it was necessary a minimum current density of 11.46 A m(-2) to reach the complete disinfection. Finally, an integrated sonoelectrodisinfection process was studied. Results showed a synergistic effect when coupling US irradiation with DSA electrodisinfection, with a synergy coefficient higher than 200% of the disinfection rate attained for the highest US power applied. In this process, hypochlorite and chloramines were identified as the main reagents for the disinfection process (neither chlorate nor perchlorate were detected), and the presence of trihalomethanes was far below acceptable values. Confirming this synergistic effect with DSA anodes opens the door to novel efficient disinfection processes, limiting the occurrence of hazardous disinfection by-products.

Disinfection/methods , Electric Conductivity , Electrochemistry/methods , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Ultrasonics , Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification , Water Purification/methods , Chloramines/analysis , Electrodes , Trihalomethanes/analysis , Wastewater/chemistry , Wastewater/microbiology , Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 23(19): 19713-22, 2016 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27406224


This work focuses on the scale-up of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical oxidation processes with diamond anodes for the removal of organic pollutants and disinfection of treated urban wastewater, two of the most important parameters for the reclaiming of wastewater. The removal of organics was studied with actual biologically treated urban wastewater intensified with 100 mg dm(-3) of caffeine, added as a trace organic pollutant. The disinfection was also studied with biologically treated urban wastewater, and Escherichia coli was used to monitor the efficiency of the process. Results obtained with a single DiaCell® 101 were compared with those obtained with a single-stack DiaCell® 1001 and with a pilot plant made up of five of these stacks. Results obtained demonstrate that scale-up is not a simple but a very complex process, in which not only the electrode and the irradiation dose are important but also mass transfer conditions. Enhanced mass transport conditions have a determining and very positive effect on the removal of organics and a negative effect on the disinfection. Likewise, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation affects in a different way in the different setups used, having a great influence on the removal of complex organics and on the speciation of oxidants produced during disinfection. This works helps to understand the key differences observed in the scale-up, and it is a first approach for future works focused on the real application of conductive diamond electrochemical oxidation.

Electrochemical Techniques , Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry , Water Purification/methods , Diamond/chemistry , Disinfection/methods , Electrodes , Electrolysis/methods , Electrolytes , Oxidants , Oxidation-Reduction , Ultraviolet Rays , Wastewater/chemistry , Water
J Hazard Mater ; 319: 93-101, 2016 Dec 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26832074


This paper analyzes the advantages and drawbacks of the combination of UV irradiation with electrolysis with the aim to give insight about the feasibility of the application of this technology for the reclaiming of conventionally-treated wastewater. The oxidation of synthetic solutions containing five selected model complex pollutants has been compared, showing that UV irradiation improves the results of electrolysis for progesterone, metoprolol and caffeine and deteriorates the performance for the degradation of sulfamethoxazole and dimethyl-phthalate. Differences observed becomes lower when mineralization is compared showing that the effects of UV irradiation are diluted when a mixture of species is oxidized. Results suggest that high ThOD/TOC (Theoretical Oxygen Demand/Total Organic Carbon) ratios improve the synergistic coupling of technologies while low values lead to a clear antagonistic effect. Because during oxidation progress this ratio is decreased, the observed effect on mineralization is much lower than in the oxidation of the raw molecule. Opposite to this low effect on the oxidation of organics, the improvement in the performance of the disinfection by coupling UV to electrolysis is much clearer. In addition, UV irradiation modifies significantly the chlorine speciation and helps to prevent the formation of hazardous species such as chlorate and perchlorate during the electrochemical processes.

Syst Parasitol ; 91(2): 101-17, 2015 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25962459


Blood flukes of the genus Cardicola Short, 1953 are considered the most potentially pathogenic parasites in bluefin tuna cultures. Morphological study and genetic analyses of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer ITS-2 and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (cox1) gene fragments revealed the occurrence of four aporocotylid species (C. forsteri Cribb, Daintith & Munday, 2000, C. orientalis Ogawa, Tanaka, Sugihara & Takami, 2010, C. opisthorchis Ogawa, Ishimaru, Shirakashi, Takami & Grabner, 2011 and Cardicola sp.) in 421 Thunnus thynnus (L.) from the Western Mediterranean (274 fished from the wild and 147 from sea-cages). Cardicola opisthorchis was the most abundant species, with higher prevalence in the cage-reared fish than in those fished in the wild (21 vs 6%, p < 0.05). Adults of three species were recovered: C. forsteri from both gills and heart, C. opisthorchis from heart and C. orientalis from gills. The secondary gill lamellae were profusely infected by eggs of C. orientalis. A fourth species was found in four tunas, based on the molecular analyses of eggs apparently indistinguishable in size and shape from the eggs of C. orientalis. The findings provided evidence that infections with Cardicola spp. differed in relation to locality, host origin (wild vs cage-reared) and site of infection. It is necessary to estimate the possible different pathogenic effects of each species of Cardicola in order to take appropriate control measures.

Phylogeny , Trematoda/classification , Tuna/parasitology , Animals , DNA, Ribosomal Spacer/genetics , Electron Transport Complex IV/genetics , Gills/parasitology , Heart/parasitology , Mediterranean Sea , Molecular Sequence Data , Trematoda/anatomy & histology , Trematoda/genetics
Ultrason Sonochem ; 22: 493-8, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24882590


In the present work, the disinfection of actual effluents from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by a conductive diamond sono-electrochemical process was assessed. First, efficiency of single electrodisinfection process with diamond anodes (without the contribution of ultrasounds) was studied, finding that the total disinfection can be attained at current charges applied below 0.02kAhm(-3). It was also found that the main disinfection mechanism is the attack of Escherichia coli (E. coli) by the disinfectants produced in the electrochemical cell and that the production of chlorates is avoided when working at current densities not higher than 1.27Am(-2). Next, a marked synergistic effect was found when coupling ultrasound (US) irradiation to the electrochemical system (sono-electrochemical disinfection). This increase in the disinfection rate was found to be related to the suppression of the agglomeration of E. coli cells and the enhancement in the production of disinfectant species.

Diamond/chemistry , Disinfection/methods , Electric Conductivity , Sonication , Wastewater/microbiology , Water Purification/methods , Electrochemistry , Electrodes , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Oxidation-Reduction , Wastewater/chemistry
Echocardiography ; 31(5): 569-78, 2014 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24702629


BACKGROUND: The echocardiographic substudy of the OASIS-6 trial evaluated the prognostic implications of left ventricle (LV) systolic and diastolic dysfunction early postacute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in patients treated with fondaparinux versus usual care. METHODS: Comprehensive echocardiograms were performed a median of 6 days after the index STEMI in 528 patients, 258 randomized to fondaparinux and 270 to usual care (unfractionated heparin or placebo), to assess LV systolic and diastolic function, LV mass, and LV end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes. A total of 245 (46.4%) patients were followed up for 3 months and 283 (53.6%) for 6 months. Major cardiac events (MACE) were defined as the composite of death, reinfarction, heart failure, or cardiogenic shock and resuscitated cardiac arrest. RESULTS: Patients with LV ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 45% and restrictive diastolic function (RDF) were at greatly increased risk of MACE (hazard ratio [HR] = 8.85, 95% CI, 4.21­18.60) compared to patients with LVEF ≥ 45% and without RDF. RDF remained a strong predictor for MACE in patients with LVEF ≥ 45% (HR = 4.38, 95% CI, 1.52­12.60) and in multivariate models adjusted for LVEF, LV end-systolic volume, and clinical variables. CONCLUSION: In this large international trial, LV systolic and diastolic function, as determined by echocardiography early following STEMI, are incremental predictors of MACE. In addition, RDF is a strong independent predictor of MACE after STEMI across a broad range of LVEF.

Echocardiography/methods , Electrocardiography , Myocardial Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Diastole , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Fondaparinux , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Myocardial Infarction/physiopathology , Myocardial Infarction/therapy , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Polysaccharides/therapeutic use , Predictive Value of Tests , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Systole