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Licere (Online) ; 24(3): 29-65, set.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293131


Este estudo versa sobre os sentidos atribuídos pelos frequentadores de um projeto denominado "Forró na Praça" à vivência da dança no espaço público da praça, sendo este espaço parte constitutiva da cidade, presente na realidade com seus objetos e formado pela contínua interação humana. Para desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram realizadas observações simples das aulas de dança do projeto e aplicadas entrevistas semiestruturadas ao coordenador do projeto e a três participantes. Os dados coletados foram analisados segundo análise qualitativa do conteúdo, sendo constatado que o dançar na praça promove sociabilidade e novas experiências, podendo se constituir em uma vivência de lazer significativa para os participantes. A praça, pública e aberta, convida "facilmente" aqueles que ocupam e percorrem a cidade a viver a dança neste espaço/paisagem.

This investigation discusses the meanings attributed by the participants of a project called "Forró na Praça" to the experience of dance in the public space of the square. This space is a constituent part of the city, present in reality with its objects and formed by continuous human interaction. For the development of this research, simple observations were made of the dance classes held in the project and semi-structured interviews were applied to the project coordinator and to three participants. The collected data were interpreted according to the qualitative content analysis procedures. From this analysis, it was possible to verify that the possibility of dancing in the square promotes sociability and new experiences, which can constitute a significant leisure experience for the participants. The square, public and open, invites "easily" those who occupy and travel the city to live the dance in this space/landscape.

Motriz (Online) ; 27: e1021007121, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287347


Abstract Aim: This study contextualizes the establishment of Montes Claros Sports Square, in Minas Gerais, through the look of Gazeta do Norte newspaper, and its alignment with a nation project to be established by the government of Getúlio Vargas, who took office in 1930. He formulated actions for a 'national reconstruction' project, for which, from society, it was necessary to emerge both physically and morally healthy subjects, fundamental conditions for the construction of the aforementioned new nation, and which could reach the Brazilians in the hinterlands. Thus, this study aimed to narrate a history of the construction of Montes Claros Sports Square, from the end of the 1930s until 1945, during Getúlio Vargas' first term as President of the Republic, with Benedito Valadares as Governor of Minas Gerais. Methods: The study was based on the extensive collection of data researched in Gazeta do Norte newspaper. Results: Symbol of a modern project for sports, the Sports Square was announced by the governor during his visit to the city, in January 1939, and established on the Oswaldo Cruz meadow. It is possible to verify that, notably, in the 15 years of Getúlio Vargas' first term, the practice of sports is developed and consolidates itself as an 'actor' in the social space of Montes Claros. Conclusion: In this city, in addition to the construction of the Sports Square, it was necessary to educate and inform the individuals. It can be said that the newspaper Gazeta do Norte firmly contributed to Vargas' nation project.

Licere (Online) ; 22(1): i:91-f:121, mar.2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-996586


O uso das redes sociais, em especial do Facebook (FB), tem permitido aos seus usuários realizar trocas significativas no plano virtual. Nesta pesquisa, esse cenário foi perscrutado por meio da aplicação de entrevistas estruturadas a moradores da região central da cidade de Montes Claros, polo econômico e cultural do Norte de Minas Gerais. Tal iniciativa procurou traçar, a partir dos sujeitos pesquisados, uma compreensão do FB como possibilidade de uso do tempo disponível buscando o entendimento acerca dos impactos desse processo na construção/consolidação de sociabilidades, problematizando as transformações dos interesses do lazer rumo àqueles vivenciados virtualmente. Os dados sinalizam a "força" que o FB tem alcançado na forja de identidades e representações, dando pistas dos processos de constituição do sujeito contemporâneo nesses espaços de sociabilidade virtuais e, precisamente por isso, tão reais.

The use of social networks, especially Facebook (FB), has allowed its users to make significant interactions in the virtual field. In this research, this context was examined through the application of structured interviews to residents of the central region of Montes Claros, a city which is the economic and cultural center in the north of Minas Gerais. This initiative sought to outline, from the subjects researched, an uptake of FB as a possibility of using leisure time, searching an understanding of the results of this process in the construction/consolidation of sociabilities, problematizing the transformations of the aims of leisure towards those experienced virtually. The data point to the "strength" that the FB has reached in the minting of identities and representations, building clues about the processes of constitution of the contemporary subject in these spaces of virtual sociability, and precisely because of this, so real.

Humans , Social Media , Online Social Networking , Leisure Activities , Interpersonal Relations