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PNAS Nexus ; 2(7): pgad232, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37497047


The inherent coupling of chemical and mechanical behavior in fluid-filled microchambers enables the fluid to autonomously perform work, which in turn can direct the self-organization of objects immersed in the solution. Using theory and simulations, we show that the combination of diffusioosmotic and buoyancy mechanisms produce independently controlled, respective fluid flows: one generated by confining surfaces and the other in the bulk of the solution. With both flows present, the fluid can autonomously join 2D, disconnected pieces to a chemically active, "sticky" base and then fold the resulting layer into regular 3D shapes (e.g. pyramids, tetrahedrons, and cubes). Here, the fluid itself performs the work of construction and thus, this process does not require extensive external machinery. If several sticky bases are localized on the bottom surface, the process can be parallelized, with the fluid simultaneously forming multiple structures of the same or different geometries. Hence, this approach can facilitate the relatively low-cost, mass production of 3D micron to millimeter-sized structures. Formed in an aqueous solution, the assembled structures could be compatible with biological environments, and thus, potentially useful in medical and biochemical applications.

ACS Nano ; 17(1): 251-262, 2023 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36321936


Through experiments and simulations, we show that fuel-free photoactive TiO2 microparticles can form mobile, coherent swarms in the presence of UV light, which track the subsequent movement of an irradiated spot in a fluid-filled microchamber. Multiple concurrent propulsion mechanisms (electrolyte diffusioosmotic swarming, photocatalytic expansion, and photothermal migration) control the rich collective behavior of the swarms, which provide a strategy to reversely manipulate cargo. The active swarms can autonomously pick up groups of inert particles, sort them by size, and sequentially release the sorted particles at particular locations in the microchamber. Hence, these swarms overcome three obstacles, limiting the utility of self-propelled particles. Namely, they can (1) undergo directed, long-range migration without the addition of a chemical fuel, (2) perform diverse collective behavior not possible with a single active particle, and (3) repeatedly and controllably isolate and deliver specific components of a multiparticle "cargo". Since light sources are easily fabricated, transported, and controlled, the results can facilitate the development of portable devices, providing broader access to the diagnostic and manufacturing advances enabled by microfluidics.

Langmuir ; 36(34): 10022-10032, 2020 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32787023


The design of remotely programmable microfluidic systems with controlled fluid flow and particle transport is a significant challenge. Herein, we describe a system that harnesses the intrinsic thermal response of a fluid to spontaneously pump solutions and regulate the transport of immersed microparticles. Irradiating a silver-coated channel with ultraviolet (UV) light generates local convective vortexes, which, in addition to the externally imposed flow, can be used to guide particles along specific trajectories or to arrest their motion. The method provides the distinct advantage that the flow and the associated convective patterns can be dynamically altered by relocating the source of UV light. Moreover, the flow can be initiated and terminated "on-demand" by turning the light on or off.

Langmuir ; 36(25): 7124-7132, 2020 06 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32073864


The development of microscale devices that autonomously perform multistep processes is vital to advancing the use of microfluidics in industrial applications. Such advances can potentially be achieved through the use of "chemical pumps" that transduce the energy from inherent catalytic reactions into fluid flow within microchambers, without the need for extraneous external equipment. Using computational modeling, we focus on arrangements of multiple chemical pumps that are formed by anchoring patches of different enzymes onto the floor of a fluid-filled chamber. With the addition of the appropriate reactants, only one of the enzymatic patches is activated and thereby generates fluid flow centered about that patch. These flows drive the self-assembly of microparticles in the solution and localize the particles onto the activated patches. By varying the spatial arrangement of the enzymatic patches, and the sequence in which the appropriate reactants are added to the solution, we realize spatiotemporal control over the fluid flow and the sequential transport of microparticles from one patch to another. The order in which the particles visit the different patches can be altered by varying the sequence in which the reactants are added to the solution. By harnessing catalytic cascade reactions, where the product of one reaction is the reactant for the next, we achieve directed transport between the patches with the addition of just one reactant, which initiates the catalytic cascade. Through these studies, we show how the trajectory of the particles' motion among different "stations" can be readily regulated through intrinsic catalytic reactions and thus, provide guidelines for creating fluidic devices that perform multistep reactions in an autonomous, self-sustained manner.

Nanoscale ; 11(22): 10944-10951, 2019 Jun 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31139774


To navigate in complex fluid environments, swimming organisms like fish or bacteria often reorient their bodies antiparallel or against the flow, more commonly known as rheotaxis. This reorientation motion enables the organisms to migrate against the fluid flow, as observed in salmon swimming upstream to spawn. Rheotaxis can also be realized in artificial microswimmers - self-propelled particles that mimic swimming microorganisms. Here we study experimentally and by computer simulations the rheotaxis of self-propelled gold-platinum nanorods in microfluidic channels. We observed two distinct modes of artificial rheotaxis: a high shear domain near the bottom wall of the microfluidic channel and a low shear regime in the corners. Reduced fluid drag in the corners promotes the formation of many particle aggregates that rheotax collectively. Our study provides insight into the biomimetic functionality of artificial self-propelled nanorods for dynamic self-assembly and the delivery of payloads to targeted locations.

Computer Simulation , Gold , Hydrodynamics , Models, Theoretical , Motion , Nanotubes
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(19): 9257-9262, 2019 05 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31019092


Biological species routinely collaborate for their mutual benefit or compete for available resources, thereby displaying dynamic behavior that is challenging to replicate in synthetic systems. Here we use computational modeling to design microscopic, chemically active sheets and self-propelled particles encompassing the appropriate synergistic interactions to exhibit bioinspired feeding, fleeing, and fighting. This design couples two different mechanisms for chemically generating motion in fluid-filled microchambers: solutal buoyancy and diffusiophoresis. Catalyst-coated sheets, which resemble crabs with four distinct claws, convert reactants in solution into products and thereby create local variations in the density and chemical composition of the fluid. Via the solutal buoyancy mechanism, the density variations generate fluid flows, which modify the shape and motility of the crabs. Concomitantly, the chemical variations propel the motion of the particles via diffusiophoresis, and thus, the crabs' and particles' motion becomes highly interconnected. For crabs with restricted lateral mobility, these two mechanisms can be modulated to either drive a crab to catch and appear to feed on all of the particles or enable the particles to flee from this sheet. Moreover, by adjusting the sheet's size and the catalytic coating, two crabs can compete and fight over the motile, diffusiophoretic particles. Alternatively, the crabs can temporally share resources by shuttling the particles back and forth between themselves. With completely mobile sheets, four crabs can collaborate to perform a function that one alone cannot accomplish. These findings provide design rules for creating chemically driven soft robotic sheets that significantly expand the functionality of microfluidic devices.

Sci Adv ; 4(12): eaav1745, 2018 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30588495


Catalyst-coated, hard particles can spontaneously generate fluid flows, which, in turn, propel the particles through the fluid. If the catalyst-coated object were a deformable sheet, then the self-generated flows could affect not only the sheet's motion but also its shape. By developing models that capture the interrelated chemical, hydrodynamic, and mechanical interactions, we uncover novel behavior emerging from the previously unstudied coupling between active, soft sheets and the surrounding fluid. The chemically generated flows "sculpt" the sheet into various forms that yield different functionalities, which can be tailored by modifying the sheet's geometry, patterning the sheet's surface with different catalysts, and using cascades of chemical reactions. These studies reveal how to achieve both spatial and temporal controls over the position and shape of active sheets and thus use the layers to autonomously and controllably trap soft objects, perform logic operations, and execute multistage processes in fluid-filled microchambers.

Front Chem ; 6: 152, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29780800


The recent interest in self-propulsion raises an immediate challenge in facile and single-step synthesis of active particles. Here, we address this challenge and synthesize soft oxometalate nanomotors that translate ballistically in water using the energy released in a redox reaction of hydrazine fuel with the soft-oxometalates. Our motors reach a maximum speed of 370 body lengths per second and remain motile over a period of approximately 3 days. We report measurements of the speed of a single motor as a function of the concentration of hydrazine. It is also possible to induce a transition from single-particle translation to collective motility with biomimetic bands simply by tuning the loading of the fuel. We rationalize the results from a physicochemical hydrodynamic theory. Our nanomotors may also be used for transport of catalytic materials in harsh chemical environments that would otherwise passivate the active catalyst.

ACS Nano ; 11(10): 10025-10031, 2017 10 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28898046


Active colloids are not constrained by equilibrium: ballistic propulsion, superdiffusive behavior, or enhanced diffusivities have been reported for active Janus particles. At high concentrations, interactions between active colloids give rise to complex emergent behavior. Their collective dynamics result in the formation of several hundred particle-strong flocks or swarms. Here, we demonstrate significant diffusivity enhancement for colloidal objects that neither have a Janus architecture nor are at high concentrations. We employ uniformly catalyst-coated, viz. chemo-mechanically, isotropic colloids and link them into a chain to enforce proximity. Activity arises from hydrodynamic interactions between enchained colloidal beads due to reaction-induced phoretic flows catalyzed by platinum nanoparticles on the colloid surface. This results in diffusivity enhancements of up to 60% for individual chains in dilute solution. Chains with increasing flexibility exhibit higher diffusivities. Simulations accounting for hydrodynamic interactions between enchained colloids due to active phoretic flows accurately capture the experimental diffusivity. These simulations reveal that the enhancement in diffusivity can be attributed to the interplay between chain conformational fluctuations and activity. Our results show that activity can be used to systematically modulate the mobility of soft slender bodies.

Phys Rev E ; 96(5-1): 050102, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29347721


The fluctuation-dissipation relation, a central result in nonequilibrium statistical physics, relates equilibrium fluctuations in a system to its linear response to external forces. Here we provide a direct experimental verification of this relation for viscously coupled oscillators, as realized by a pair of optically trapped colloidal particles. A theoretical analysis, in which interactions mediated by slow viscous flow are represented by nonlocal friction tensors, matches experimental results and reveals a frequency maximum in the amplitude of the mutual response which is a sensitive function of the trap stiffnesses and the friction tensors. This allows for its location and width to be tuned and suggests the utility of the trap setup for accurate two-point microrheology.

Soft Matter ; 11(47): 9073-85, 2015 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26497658


Slender bodies capable of spontaneous motion in the absence of external actuation in an otherwise quiescent fluid are common in biological, physical and technological contexts. The interplay between the spontaneous fluid flow, Brownian motion, and the elasticity of the body presents a challenging fluid-structure interaction problem. Here, we model this problem by approximating the slender body as an elastic filament that can impose non-equilibrium velocities or stresses at the fluid-structure interface. We derive equations of motion for such an active filament by enforcing momentum conservation in the fluid-structure interaction and assuming slow viscous flow in the fluid. The fluid-structure interaction is obtained, to any desired degree of accuracy, through the solution of an integral equation. A simplified form of the equations of motion, which allows for efficient numerical solutions, is obtained by applying the Kirkwood-Riseman superposition approximation to the integral equation. We use this form of equation of motion to study dynamical steady states in free and hinged minimally active filaments. Our model provides the foundation to study collective phenomena in momentum-conserving, Brownian, active filament suspensions.

Hydrodynamics , Models, Theoretical , Algorithms , Cytoskeleton/chemistry , Elasticity
Sci Rep ; 3: 1964, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23752497


Non-equilibrium processes which convert chemical energy into mechanical motion enable the motility of organisms. Bundles of inextensible filaments driven by energy transduction of molecular motors form essential components of micron-scale motility engines like cilia and flagella. The mimicry of cilia-like motion in recent experiments on synthetic active filaments supports the idea that generic physical mechanisms may be sufficient to generate such motion. Here we show, theoretically, that the competition between the destabilising effect of hydrodynamic interactions induced by force-free and torque-free chemomechanically active flows, and the stabilising effect of nonlinear elasticity, provides a generic route to spontaneous oscillations in active filaments. These oscillations, reminiscent of prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagellar motion, are obtained without having to invoke structural complexity or biochemical regulation. This minimality implies that biomimetic oscillations, previously observed only in complex bundles of active filaments, can be replicated in simple chains of generic chemomechanically active beads.

Biomimetics , Hydrodynamics , Molecular Motor Proteins/chemistry , Molecular Motor Proteins/physiology
Phys Rev Lett ; 109(15): 158302, 2012 Oct 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23102372


We simulate the nonlocal Stokesian hydrodynamics of an elastic filament which is active due a permanent distribution of stresslets along its contour. A bending instability of an initially straight filament spontaneously breaks flow symmetry and leads to autonomous filament motion which, depending on conformational symmetry, can be translational or rotational. At high ratios of activity to elasticity, the linear instability develops into nonlinear fluctuating states with large amplitude deformations. The dynamics of these states can be qualitatively understood as a superposition of translational and rotational motion associated with filament conformational modes of opposite symmetry. Our results can be tested in molecular-motor filament mixtures, synthetic chains of autocatalytic particles, or other linearly connected systems where chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy in a fluid environment.

Models, Chemical , Polymers/chemistry , Biomimetic Materials/chemistry , Elasticity , Hydrodynamics , Molecular Conformation , Nonlinear Dynamics , Thermodynamics , Viscosity