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Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3217, 2019 Jul 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31324788


Over 50 years ago, Anderson and Blount proposed that ferroelectric-like structural phase transitions may occur in metals, despite the expected screening of the Coulomb interactions that often drive polar transitions. Recently, theoretical treatments have suggested that such transitions require the itinerant electrons be decoupled from the soft transverse optical phonons responsible for polar order. However, this decoupled electron mechanism (DEM) has yet to be experimentally observed. Here we utilize ultrafast spectroscopy to uncover evidence of the DEM in LiOsO3, the first known band metal to undergo a thermally driven polar phase transition (Tc ≈ 140 K). We demonstrate that intra-band photo-carriers relax by selectively coupling to only a subset of the phonon spectrum, leaving as much as 60% of the lattice heat capacity decoupled. This decoupled heat capacity is shown to be consistent with a previously undetected and partially displacive TO polar mode, indicating the DEM in LiOsO3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(22): 227601, 2017 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29286798


The symmetric splitting of two spin-wave branches in an antiferromagnetic resonance (AFR) experiment has been an essential measurement of antiferromagnets for over half a century. In this work, circularly polarized time-domain THz spectroscopy experiments performed on the low symmetry multiferroic hexagonal HoMnO_{3} reveal an AFR of the Mn sublattice to split asymmetrically in an applied magnetic field, with an ≈50% difference in g factors between the high and low energy branches of this excitation. The temperature dependence of the g factors, including a drastic renormalization at the Ho spin ordering temperature, reveals this asymmetry to unambiguously stem from Ho-Mn interactions. Theoretical calculations demonstrate that the AFR asymmetry is not explained by conventional Ho-Mn exchange mechanisms alone and is only reproduced if quartic spin interactions are also included in the spin Hamiltonian. Our results provide a paradigm for the optical study of such novel interactions in hexagonal manganites and low symmetry antiferromagnets in general.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(20): 207201, 2015 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26047249


Theoretical models of the spin-orbital liquid (SOL) FeSc2S4 have predicted it to be in close proximity to a quantum critical point separating a spin-orbital liquid phase from a long-range ordered magnetic phase. Here, we examine the magnetic excitations of FeSc2S4 through time-domain terahertz spectroscopy under an applied magnetic field. At low temperatures an excitation emerges that we attribute to a singlet-triplet excitation from the SOL ground state. A threefold splitting of this excitation is observed as a function of applied magnetic field. As singlet-triplet excitations are typically not allowed in pure spin systems, our results demonstrate the entangled spin and orbital character of singlet ground and triplet excited states. Using experimentally obtained parameters we compare to existing theoretical models to determine FeSc2S4's proximity to the quantum critical point. In the context of these models, we estimate the characteristic length of the singlet correlations to be ξ/(a/2)≈8.2 (where a/2 is the nearest neighbor lattice constant), which establishes FeSc2S4 as a SOL with long-range entanglement.
