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Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(3)2024 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38338286


Repatterning is a term that can be used in different fields, including genetics, molecular biology, neurology, psychology, or rehabilitation. Our aim is to identify the key concept of neuromuscular repatterning in somatic training programmes for dancers. A systematic search of eight databases was conducted using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) guidelines. The Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies and the Oxford Levels of Evidence scales were used. The search yielded 1218 results, of which 5 met the inclusion criteria. Five studies (n = 5) were related to psychosomatic health (n = 5), two studies highlighted integration and inter-articular connectivity in movement (n = 2), four studies investigated the neurological component of alignment and efficiency in dance practice (n = 4), and two studies investigated self-confidence (n = 2). Five studies (n = 5) used imagery based on the anatomical and physiological experience of body systems as the main analytical method. Four studies (n = 4) used developmental movement through Bartenieff fundamentals as the main technique for this methodology. Developmental movement and imagery are two methodologies strongly connected to the concept of neuromuscular repatterning in somatic training programmes for dancers. The acquisition of further quantitative experimental or quasi-experimental studies is warranted to better define the level of improvement or impact of neuromuscular repatterning in dancers.

Arch. med. deporte ; 40(4): 200-207, Juli. 2023. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-226576


It is our contention that Aikido may have sufficient support for its use in complementary therapies in the field of clinicaltreatment. However, as far as we are aware, no extensive scientific studies highlighting the application of Aikido as a psycho-somatic therapy in the field of psychological behavioural disorders has been carried out. Our aim here was to conduct asystematic review of scientific studies associated with the possible psychosomatic benefits of Aikido practice and to examinewhether there is any theoretical basis for this psychosomatic health connection. In terms of methodology, a systematic reviewof published scientific literature on health and Aikido was conducted in adherence with PRISMA guidelines. Three aspectsof the application of Aikido were identified, one corresponding to phases more susceptible to psycho-emotional instabilitysuch as during the period of adolescence; another aspect related to the treatment of overcoming trauma in subjects withpost-traumatic stress disorder and the final aspect related to the improvements as a result of the practical intervention ofmindfulness. It is evident from our review, that the treatment of Aikido as a discipline with psychotherapeutic potential requiresfurther expert analysis from a cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, which would involve establishing a suitableintervention model in order to attain a deeper understanding of the discipline of Aikido. Moreover, a mastery of the field ofpsychology and psychiatry is required to understand the internal cognitive processes of the subjects studied.(AU)

Hasta donde tenemos conocimiento no existe un campo de carácter científico extenso de la aplicación terapéutica derelación psicosomática en el Aikido, en el entorno de los trastornos y afecciones psicológicas del comportamiento. Partimosde la hipótesis de que el Aikido podría tener un respaldo suficiente en su uso en terapias complementarias al ámbito de lostratamientos clínicos. Nuestra finalidad fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre los estudios de carácter científico asociadosa los posibles beneficios psicosomáticos de la práctica del Aikido y comprobar si hay una teoría entre esta conexión de saludpsicosomática. Metodológicamente se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica publicada en materia de saludy Aikido. Para su elaboración se han seguido las directrices de la declaración PRISMA. Se observan tres vertientes de aplicacióndel Aikido, una correspondiente a fases más susceptibles de inestabilidad psicoemocional como es la adolescencia. Otravertiente relacionada con el tratamiento de superación de traumas en sujetos con trastorno por estrés postraumático y unaúltima relacionada con la mejora de los aspectos relacionado con la intervención práctica de mindfulness. Se evidencia queel tratamiento del Aikido como una disciplina con potencial psicoterapéutico que requiere de un mayor análisis de expertosdesde una perspectiva transdisciplinar e interdisciplinar, que permita encontrar un modelo de intervención idóneo para tenerun conocimiento más profundo de la disciplina del Aikido. Además, se requiere un dominio del campo de la psicología y dela psiquiatría que permita entender los procesos cognitivos internos de los sujetos estudiados.(AU)

Humans , Martial Arts/psychology , Proprioception , Mindfulness , Complementary Therapies , Psychosomatic Medicine , Athletes/psychology , Sports Medicine , Sports , Psychiatry , Psychology, Sports , Psychology , Cognition
Arch. med. deporte ; 40(4): 208-216, Juli. 2023. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-226577


It is our contention that Aikido may have sufficient support for its use in complementary therapies in the field of clinicaltreatment. However, as far as we are aware, no extensive scientific studies highlighting the application of Aikido as a psycho-somatic therapy in the field of psychological behavioural disorders has been carried out. Our aim here was to conduct asystematic review of scientific studies associated with the possible psychosomatic benefits of Aikido practice and to examinewhether there is any theoretical basis for this psychosomatic health connection. In terms of methodology, a systematic reviewof published scientific literature on health and Aikido was conducted in adherence with PRISMA guidelines. Three aspectsof the application of Aikido were identified, one corresponding to phases more susceptible to psycho-emotional instabilitysuch as during the period of adolescence; another aspect related to the treatment of overcoming trauma in subjects withpost-traumatic stress disorder and the final aspect related to the improvements as a result of the practical intervention ofmindfulness. It is evident from our review, that the treatment of Aikido as a discipline with psychotherapeutic potential requiresfurther expert analysis from a cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, which would involve establishing a suitableintervention model in order to attain a deeper understanding of the discipline of Aikido. Moreover, a mastery of the field ofpsychology and psychiatry is required to understand the internal cognitive processes of the subjects studied.(AU)

Hasta donde tenemos conocimiento no existe un campo de carácter científico extenso de la aplicación terapéutica derelación psicosomática en el Aikido, en el entorno de los trastornos y afecciones psicológicas del comportamiento. Partimosde la hipótesis de que el Aikido podría tener un respaldo suficiente en su uso en terapias complementarias al ámbito de lostratamientos clínicos. Nuestra finalidad fue realizar una revisión sistemática sobre los estudios de carácter científico asociadosa los posibles beneficios psicosomáticos de la práctica del Aikido y comprobar si hay una teoría entre esta conexión de saludpsicosomática. Metodológicamente se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica publicada en materia de saludy Aikido. Para su elaboración se han seguido las directrices de la declaración PRISMA. Se observan tres vertientes de aplicacióndel Aikido, una correspondiente a fases más susceptibles de inestabilidad psicoemocional como es la adolescencia. Otravertiente relacionada con el tratamiento de superación de traumas en sujetos con trastorno por estrés postraumático y unaúltima relacionada con la mejora de los aspectos relacionado con la intervención práctica de mindfulness. Se evidencia queel tratamiento del Aikido como una disciplina con potencial psicoterapéutico que requiere de un mayor análisis de expertosdesde una perspectiva transdisciplinar e interdisciplinar, que permita encontrar un modelo de intervención idóneo para tenerun conocimiento más profundo de la disciplina del Aikido. Además, se requiere un dominio del campo de la psicología y dela psiquiatría que permita entender los procesos cognitivos internos de los sujetos estudiados.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Martial Arts/psychology , Proprioception , Mindfulness , Complementary Therapies , Psychosomatic Medicine , Athletes/psychology , Sports Medicine , Sports , Psychiatry , Psychology, Sports , Psychology , Cognition
MHSalud ; 19(2)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405522


Resumen Las redes sociales son herramientas para mejorar los eventos deportivos. Por ello, el objetivo principal del presente estudio fue analizar los datos estadísticos de participación e impacto de los medios sociales (Facebook, Twitter e Instagram), del evento deportivo ''Gimnastrada de Extremadura'', y conocer la influencia de la situación de emergencia y confinamiento provocada por la crisis de la COVID-19 en los mismos para la edición prevista del año 2020. Se analizaron los datos de participación e interacción en las redes sociales, entre los periodos 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 y 2019-2020. Siempre se utilizó la misma estrategia de marketing en todos los medios por internet. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y exploratorio de los datos. Los resultados mostraron que el número de participantes ha aumentado significativamente, así como los seguidores desde la utilización de las redes sociales, siendo las mujeres las principales participantes y seguidoras. La red social Facebook es el medio utilizado principalmente por los usuarios para conocer y difundir la Gimnastrada de Extremadura en edad escolar y adulta. Por tanto, los resultados evidencian la importancia de conocer las interacciones de seguidores en los medios sociales, con la finalidad de planificar nuevas estrategias de marketing online. Además, a pesar de aplazarse el evento previsto para marzo de 2020, como consecuencia de la pandemia COVID-19, los datos estadísticos de las redes sociales del evento van aumentando cada año. Siendo, el momento de publicación del cartel o suspensión del evento, los instantes que reciben el mayor número de interacciones en las redes sociales.

Abstract Social networks are useful and effective as a tool for improving sporting events. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the statistical data of participation and the impact of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) of ''Gimnastrada de Extremadura'' (Gymnastics of Extremadura). It also sought to know the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on this sporting event. The study analyzed the participation and interaction data on social networks in the periods 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020. The same marketing strategy was always used in all online media. Therefore, a descriptive and exploratory analysis of the data was performed. The results showed that the number of participants in the event had increased significantly since the use of social networks, with women being the main followers. Facebook was the social medium mainly used by users to know the Gymnastics of Extremadura in school and adult ages. The results also demonstrated the importance of understanding the followers' interactions on social media to plan new online marketing strategies. Besides, even though the event was suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the statistical data of the event's social networks increased every year, and the publication of the poster of the event or its suspension were the moments that received the greatest number of actions on social networks such as Like or Share / Retweet the news.

Resumo As redes sociais são ferramentas para melhorar os eventos esportivos. Portanto, o objetivo principal deste estudo é analisar os dados estatísticos de participação e impacto das mídias sociais (Facebook, Twitter e Instagram), do evento esportivo "Gimnastrada de Extremadura", e conhecer a influência da situação de emergência e confinamento causada pela crise da COVID-19 sobre elas para a edição de 2020. Os dados de participação e interação em redes sociais foram analisados, entre os períodos 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 e 2019-2020. A mesma estratégia de marketing foi usada em todos os meios de comunicação on-line. Foi feita uma análise descritiva e exploratória dos dados. Os resultados mostraram que o número de participantes aumentou significativamente, assim como os seguidores desde o uso de redes sociais, sendo as mulheres as principais participantes e seguidoras. A rede social Facebook é o meio utilizado principalmente pelos usuários para conhecer e divulgar a ''Gimnastrada de Extremadura'' na idade escolar e adulta. Portanto, os resultados mostram a importância de conhecer as interações dos seguidores nas mídias sociais, a fim de planejar novas estratégias de marketing on-line. Além disso, apesar do adiamento do evento, previsto para março de 2020, causado pela pandemia da COVID-19, as estatísticas da mídia social do evento estão aumentando a cada ano. O momento da publicação do cartaz ou da suspensão do evento são os momentos que recebem o maior número de interações nas redes sociais.

Humans , Social Networking , COVID-19 , Gymnastics/psychology , Spain
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35886678


Five-a-side football for blind people is the only adapted football modality present at the Paralympic games. Fa5 is a collaborative-opposition sport in which its participants play with no vision, which causes numerous impacts. At the London 2012 Paralympic Games, it was the sport with the highest incidence of sports injuries. The main objective of this work is to analyse the association between pain perception; spatio-temporal, mechanical, and metabolic workload with injuries; and wellness in players during an international Fa5 competition. The following variables, monitored during an International Fa5 Tournament, were analysed: general well-being, perception of pain and injuries, and the spatio-temporal and metabolic workload. The results show that the incidence of injuries increases as the tournament progresses, where injured players reported greater muscle pain and stress before the matches started. Besides, the players' internal and external load did not explain the incidence of injury. Still, the values obtained in the wellness questionnaire, the perception of pain, and stress suggested they contributed to the incidence of injury.

Athletic Injuries , Football , Soccer , Athletes , Athletic Injuries/epidemiology , Humans , Incidence , Myalgia/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Soccer/injuries
MHSalud ; 19(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386168


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión de la bibliografía, estructurada en torno a la influencia del equilibrio en la calidad de vida de las personas con síndrome de Down en edad escolar y adulta. Para la búsqueda, se introdujo en las bases de datos WOS, Scopus y SPORTDiscus las palabras clave "Down Syndrome", "Balance" y "Quality of life". Para ello, se ha seguido la propuesta de revisión literaria de Gamonales, Muñoz-Jiménez, León & Ibáñez (2018), con cuatro criterios de inclusión: i) Mencionar la influencia del equilibrio en la CDV de las personas con SD (mínimo 20 palabras), ii) Seleccionar exclusivamente artículos científicos, iii) Tener acceso al texto completo o Resumen, y iv) Estar escrito en inglés, portugués o español. Los documentos revisados sobre la influencia del equilibrio en personas con síndrome de Down abordan tópicos de investigación diferentes. De los treinta y siete artículos localizados en la primera búsqueda, siete de ellos cumplen con los criterios de inclusión. Los textos científicos revisados muestran que la práctica de ejercicio físico específico produce mejoras en el equilibrio y en la calidad de vida de las personas con síndrome de Down, lo que permite establecer recomendaciones básicas de actividad física para este colectivo.

Abstract The study aims to conduct a bibliographic and structured review based on the results found around the influence of balance on the quality of life of people with Down Syndrome (DS) in school and adult ages. For references searching, the following keywords were used as descriptors: "Down Syndrome," "Balance," and "Quality of life". The words were always introduced in English and computerized databases; SCOPUS, WOS, and SPORTDiscus were used. Four inclusion criteria were introduced to limit the search: i) mentioning the influence of balance on the QOL of people with DS, ii) taking exclusively into consideration scientific articles, iii) having access to the full text or abstract, and iv) being written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. In conclusion, the documents about the influence of balance in people with Down Syndrome address different research topics. Of the thirty-four articles located in the first search, seven of them meet the inclusion criteria. The reviewed scientific literature shows that the practice of physical exercise and specific training produce improvements in balance and the quality of life of people with Down syndrome, which allows establishing the recommendation to specifically train balance during physical activity sessions since there is evidence of positive effects for this group.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica, estruturada sobre a influência do equilíbrio na qualidade de vida das pessoas com síndrome de Down na idade escolar e adulta. Para a pesquisa, as palavras-chave "Down Syndrome," "Balance," e " Quality of life " foram introduzidas nas bases de dados WOS, Scopus e SPORTDiscus. Foi seguida a proposta de revisão de literatura de Gamonales, Muñoz-Jiménez, León & Ibáñez (2018), com quatro critérios de inclusão: i) Mencionar a influência do equilíbrio na CDV das pessoas com SD (mínimo 20 palavras), ii) Selecionar exclusivamente artigos científicos, iii) Ter acesso ao texto completo ou resumo, e iiii) Ser escrito em inglês, português ou espanhol. Os artigos analisados sobre a influência do equilíbrio nas pessoas com síndrome de Down abordam diferentes tópicos de pesquisa. Dos trinta e sete artigos localizados na primeira busca, sete deles atendem aos critérios de inclusão. Os textos científicos analisados mostram que a prática de exercício físico específico produz melhorias no equilíbrio e na qualidade de vida das pessoas com síndrome de Down, o que permite estabelecer recomendações básicas de atividade física para este grupo.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Quality of Life/psychology , Down Syndrome/epidemiology
MHSalud ; 18(1)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386147


Resumen La presente investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar las variables pedagógicas que se incluyen en las tareas de entrenamiento diseñadas por el entrenador de fútbol-base, categoría Benjamín (edad comprendida entre 9 y 10 años), respecto a la presencia o no del portero. Con tal fin, se analizaron un total de 46 tareas de entrenamiento desarrolladas durante 2 meses de la etapa formativa. Se utilizó́ la herramienta SIATE para la categorización y análisis de las siguientes variables pedagógicas de dichas tareas: presencia de portero (POR), situación de juego (SJ), fase de juego (FJ), tipo de contenido (CONT-G), medio de iniciación deportiva (MIE), nivel de oposición (NO) y línea de juego (LJ). Los resultados muestran que el entrenador diseña tareas de entrenamiento de 8 x 8, mixta y competitivas con presencia de portero, y tareas de entrenamiento 1 x 0, así como ejercicio de aplicación compleja para el calentamiento sin presencia de portero. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la variable presencia de portero y el modo de actuar del entrenador.

Abstract This research aims to analyze the pedagogical variables included in the training tasks designed by the soccer-base coach, Benjamin category (age between 9 and 10 years), regarding the presence or not of the goalkeeper. To do this, a total of 46 training tasks framed during 2 months of the training stage were analyzed. For the categorization of tasks, the SIATE tool was used, to analyze the pedagogical variables: presence of goalkeeper (PG), game situation (GS), game phase (GP), content type (CONT-T), sports initiation medium (SIM), opposition level (OL) and line of play (LJ). The results show that the coach designs 8 x 8, mixed and competitive training tasks with the presence of a goalkeeper, and 1 x 0 training tasks, complex application exercise for warm-up without the presence of a goalkeeper. Also, there are significant differences between the variable presence of goalkeeper and the coach's way of acting.

Resumo A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as variáveis ​​pedagógicas que integram as tarefas de treinamento elaboradas pelo técnico de futebol juvenil da categoria Benjamin (idade entre 9 e 10 anos), no que se refere à presença ou não do goleiro. Para isso, foram analisadas 46 tarefas de treinamento desenvolvidas durante 2 meses da etapa de treinamento. A ferramenta SIATE foi utilizada para a categorização e análise das seguintes variáveis ​​pedagógicas dessas tarefas: presença do goleiro (POR), situação do jogo (SJ), fase do jogo (FJ), tipo de conteúdo (CONT-G), meio esporte de iniciação (MIE), nível de oposição (NO) e linha de jogo (LJ). Os resultados mostram que o técnico projeta tarefas de treinamento 8 x 8, mistas e competitivas com a presença de goleiro, e tarefas de treinamento 1 x 0, além de um complexo exercício de aplicação para aquecimento sem a presença de goleiro. Conclui-se que existem diferenças significativas entre a variável presença do goleiro e a forma de atuação do técnico.

Humans , Male , Child , Soccer , Exercise , Proprioception
Arch. med. deporte ; 38(203): 198-208, May. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217903


El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica y estructurada basada en los resultados encontradosen torno a los términos Hipoterapia y Personas mayores. Para la búsqueda de referencias, se utilizó como descriptores lassiguientes palabras clave en inglés, Hippotherapy y Elderly, siendo estas palabras clave siempre introducidas en las bases dedatos del mismo idioma. Se utilizaron las bases de datos informatizadas SCOPUS, WOS, SPORTDiscus. PubMed y Cochrane. Paralimitar la búsqueda de documentos, se introdujeron cuatro criterios de inclusión: i) Mencionar al menos alguna de las carac-terísticas de la Hipoterapia para personas mayores (mínimo 20 palabras que mencionen la temática), ii) Seleccionar solamentedocumentos científicos (Artículos de revistas), pudiendo tener estos manuscritos un diseño experimental o ser estudio derevisión, iii) Ser accesible y estar disponible a texto completo o con acceso al resumen, y iiii) Estar escrito en el idioma español,inglés o portugués. Los resultados muestran que los documentos sobre Hipoterapia en personas mayores abordan tópicosde investigación diferentes, y muestran que las terapias ecuestres tienen efectos terapéuticos beneficiosos en la poblaciónde edad avanzada. Las intervenciones con Hipoterapia mejoran el equilibrio estático y el equilibrio dinámico, el equilibriopostural, la movilidad funcional, la flexibilidad, la fuerza muscular, el modo de andar y la cadencia de pasos. Disminuyen laespasticidad, provocando una disminución del riesgo de caída y una mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas de edadavanzada. Además, provocan beneficios a nivel psicológico, reduciendo los niveles de estrés y depresión, lo que produce unamejora en la calidad del sueño e influye positivamente en el estado de ánimo.(AU)

The present work aims to carry out a structured and bibliographic review based on the results found regarding the termsHippotherapy and Elderly people. For the reference search, the following keywords in English, Hippotherapy and Elderly, wereused as descriptors, these keywords being always entered in databases of the same language. The computerized databasesSCOPUS, WOS, SPORTDiscus were used. PubMed and Cochrane. To limit the search for documents, four inclusion criteria wereintroduced: i) Mention at least some of the characteristics of Hippotherapy for the elderly (minimum 20 words that mentionthe subject), ii) Select only scientific documents (journal articles) These articles may have an experimental design or be reviewarticles, iii) Be accessible and be available in full text or with access to the abstract, and iiii) Be written in Spanish, English orPortuguese. The results show that the papers on Hippotherapy in the elderly address different research topics and show thatequestrian therapies have beneficial therapeutic effects in the elderly population. Hippotherapy interventions improve staticbalance and dynamic balance, postural balance, functional mobility, flexibility, muscular strength, gait and cadence of steps.They reduce spasticity, causing a decrease in the risk of falls and an improvement in the quality of life of the elderly. In addition,they cause benefits on a psychological level, reducing levels of stress and depression, which produces an improvement in thequality of sleep and positively influences mood.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Equine-Assisted Therapy , Movement , Muscle Strength , Accidental Falls , Walk Test , Health of the Elderly , Quality of Life
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33803780


(1) Background: Data mining has turned essential when exploring a large amount of information in performance analysis in sports. This study aimed to select the most relevant variables influencing the external and internal load in top-elite 5-a-side soccer (Sa5) using a data mining model considering some contextual indicators as match result, body mass index (BMI), scoring rate and age. (2) Methods: A total of 50 top-elite visually impaired soccer players (age 30.86 ± 11.2 years, weight 77.64 ± 9.78 kg, height 178.48 ± 7.9 cm) were monitored using magnetic, angular and rate gyroscope (MARG) sensors during an international Sa5 congested fixture tournament.; (3) Results: Fifteen external and internal load variables were extracted from a total of 49 time-related and peak variables derived from the MARG sensors using a principal component analysis as the most used data mining technique. The principal component analysis (PCA) model explained 80% of total variance using seven principal components. In contrast, the first principal component of the match was defined by jumps, take off by 24.8% of the total variance. Blind players usually performed a higher number of accelerations per min when losing a match. Scoring players execute higher DistanceExplosive and Distance21-24 km/h. And the younger players presented higher HRAVG and AccMax. (4) Conclusions: The influence of some contextual variables on external and internal load during top elite Sa5 official matches should be addressed by coaches, athletes, and medical staff. The PCA seems to be a useful statistical technique to select those relevant variables representing the team's external and internal load. Besides, as a data reduction method, PCA allows administrating individualized training loads considering those relevant variables defining team load behavior.

Athletic Performance , Soccer , Acceleration , Adult , Data Mining , Humans , Workload , Young Adult
Sportis (A Coruña) ; 6(3): 468-487, sept. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-197059


La sociedad actual vive a un ritmo frenético, la preocupación por la imagen corporal, por la calidad de vida y por los hábitos saludables, conforman nuevos estilos de vida. Múltiples estudios inciden en la necesidad de crear hábitos de vida saludables desde la infancia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue medir, el grado de disfrute al participar en una manifestación deportiva no competitivo como la Gimnastrada de Extremadura, utilizando para ello la Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES). Los resultados muestran que el grado de disfrute ha sido positivo y elevado además de confirmar la evolución en cuanto a número de participantes, procedencia y público. Es por ello, que se debe incentivar, apoyar y difundir todas aquellas actividades físicas, deportivas y artísticas que, a nivel escolar, extraescolar y fuera del ámbito educativo se promuevan, para así favorecer y asegurar la práctica posterior que procurará en el individuo un mayor bienestar físico y psicológico y por tanto ser más felices

Nowadays, society operates at a frenetic pace. Concerns about body image, quality of life, and healthy habits are giving rise to new lifestyles and habits. There are currently multiple studies that focus on the need to encourage and adopt healthy habits in early childhood. The aim of this study was to measure the joy that children experienced while participating in non-competitive sport manifestation, such as the Gimnastrada of Extremadura, by using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES). The results of this study were incredibly positive, confirming high participant enjoyment, as well as increased engagement and participation in students from diverse nationalities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Given these results, Physical Education should be incentivized both in and outside of the classroom. Professionals must take the lead by encouraging and providing support for the numerous physical, artistic, and sport-related activities that are available both in and outside of school. In this way, we may increase subsequent participation in these activities, which will contribute to greater

Humans , Male , Female , Healthy Lifestyle/physiology , Sports/psychology , Psychometrics/methods , Health Education/organization & administration , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Quality of Life