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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 18(Pt 4): 637-48, 2011 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21685682


The commissioning and performance characterization of a position-sensitive detector designed for fast X-ray powder diffraction experiments on beamline I11 at Diamond Light Source are described. The detecting elements comprise 18 detector-readout modules of MYTHEN-II silicon strip technology tiled to provide 90° coverage in 2θ. The modules are located in a rigid housing custom designed at Diamond with control of the device fully integrated into the beamline data acquisition environment. The detector is mounted on the I11 three-circle powder diffractometer to provide an intrinsic resolution of Δ2θ approximately equal to 0.004°. The results of commissioning and performance measurements using reference samples (Si and AgI) are presented, along with new results from scientific experiments selected to demonstrate the suitability of this facility for powder diffraction experiments where conventional angle scanning is too slow to capture rapid structural changes. The real-time dehydrogenation of MgH(2), a potential hydrogen storage compound, is investigated along with ultrafast high-throughput measurements to determine the crystallite quality of different samples of the metastable carbonate phase vaterite (CaCO(3)) precipitated and stabilized in the presence of amino acid molecules in a biomimetic synthesis process.

Dalton Trans ; 40(24): 6401-10, 2011 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21384006


The effect of cation valency on the complex structures of divalent and trivalent transition metal gallates has been examined using a combination of neutron and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, single-crystal X-ray diffraction and XANES spectroscopy. In the divalent frameworks, M(C(7)H(4)O(5))·2H(2)O (M = Mn, Co and Ni), it was found that charge balance was achieved via the presence of protons on the meta-hydroxyl groups. It was also established that these compounds undergo a discontinuous phase transition at lower temperatures, which is driven by the position of the extra-framework water molecules in these materials. By contrast, in the trivalent Fe gallate, Fe(C(7)H(3)O(5))·2H(2)O, it was found that the stronger bonding between the meta-hydroxy oxygen and the cations leads to a weakening of the bond between this oxygen and its proton. This is turn is thought to lead to stronger hydrogen bonding with the extra-framework water. The lattice water is disordered in the Fe(III) case, which prevents the phase transition found in the M(II) gallates. Refinement against the neutron diffraction patterns also revealed that the relatively mild microwave synthesis of gallate frameworks in D(2)O led to an extensive deuteration of the ortho-hydrogen sites on the aromatic ring, which may suggest a more versatile method of deuterating aromatic organics. The antiferromagnetic structure of Co gallate has also been determined.

Dalton Trans ; 39(30): 7004-11, 2010 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20571624


The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of the coordination polymer [Gd(PhCOO)(3)(DMF)](n) has been studied to 5.0 GPa. At ambient pressure the structure is tetragonal (space group P4(2)/n) with the polymers extending along the c-direction of the unit cell; successive Gd atoms are alternately bridged by four benzoates and by two benzoates; the coordination spheres of the metal atoms are completed by DMF ligands. This results in two different Gd...Gd repeats, measuring 3.8953(3) and 5.3062(3) A, respectively. The polymer chains interact with each other via dispersion interactions, including a number of CH...pi contacts to phenyl rings in which the H...ring-centroid distances are 3.19 to 3.28 A. Up to 3.7 GPa the crystal remains in a compressed form of its ambient-pressure phase. The a-axis shortens by 7.7%, and the c-axis by 2.9%, the difference reflecting the greater ease of compression along the crystallographic directions mediated by weak intermolecular interactions. At ambient pressure the Gd-O distances span 2.290(2)-2.559(2) A, with an average of 2.39(3) A. At 3.7 GPa the corresponding parameters are 2.259(3) to 2.509(4) and 2.36(3) A. The Gd...Gd distances shortened by 0.0467(4) and 0.1851(4) A, and the CH...pi distances span the range 2.76-2.90 A. During compression a number of H...H contacts develop, the shortest measuring 1.84 A at 3.7 GPa. On increasing the pressure to 5.0 GPa a phase transition occurred in which the shortest H...H contact is relieved by conversion of an edge-to-edge phenyl-phenyl contact into a pi...pi stacking interaction. The new phase is also tetragonal, space group P4, the inversion symmetry present in phase-I being lost in phase-II. The phase transition allows more efficient packing of ligands, and while the a-axis decreases in length the c-axis increases. This leads to Gd...Gd distances of 3.8373(4) and 5.3694(4) A, the latter being longer than at ambient pressure. Gd-O distances at 5.0 GPa span the range 2.265(5) to 2.516(5) A, with a mean of 2.36(2) A.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 46(11): 1881-3, 2010 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20198240


Pressure-induced switching of a fast-relaxing single-molecule magnet to a slow-relaxing isomer is observed for the first time by using a combination of high pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction and high pressure magnetic measurements.

Dalton Trans ; (1): 113-23, 2010 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20023941


A combination of high pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction and high pressure SQUID magnetometry has been used to study three hydroxo-bridged copper(II) dimers. [Cu2(OH)2(H2O)2(tmen)2](ClO4)2 (1; tmen = tetramethylethylenediamine), [Cu2(OH)2(tben)2](ClO4)2 (2; tben = di-tbutylethylenediamine) and [Cu2(OH)2(bpy)2](BF4)2 (3; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) have been structurally determined to 2.5, 0.9 and 4.7 GPa, respectively. The application of hydrostatic pressure imposes significant distortions and modifications in the structures of all three complexes. This is particularly true of the bond distances and angles between the metal centres and the bridging hydroxo groups. Compound 1 undergoes a phase transition between 1.2 and 2.5 GPa caused by the loss of a coordinated water molecule. This leads to a loss of symmetry and dramatic changes in the molecular structure of the complex. The structural changes are manifested in changes in the magnetic behaviour of the complexes as seen in dc susceptibility measurements up to approximately 0.9 GPa for 1, 2 and 3: the exchange becomes less antiferromagnetic in 1 and 2 and more ferromagnetic in 3.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 65(Pt 6): 731-48, 2009 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19923702


We report the effect of pressure on the crystal structures of betaine monohydrate (BTM), L-cysteic acid monohydrate (CAM) and S-4-sulfo-L-phenylalanine monohydrate (SPM). All three structures are composed of layers of zwitterionic molecules separated by layers of water molecules. In BTM the water molecules make donor interactions with the same layer of betaine molecules, and the structure remains in a compressed form of its ambient-pressure phase up to 7.8 GPa. CAM contains bi-layers of L-cysteic acid molecules separated by water molecules which form donor interactions to the bi-layers above and below. This phase is stable up to 6.8 GPa. SPM also contains layers of zwitterionic molecules with the waters acting as hydrogen-bond donors to the layers above and below. SPM undergoes a single-crystal to single-crystal phase transition above 1 GPa in which half the water molecules reorient so as to form one donor interaction with another water molecule within the same layer. In addition, half of the S-4-sulfo-L-phenylalanine molecules change their conformation. The high-pressure phase is stable up to 6.9 GPa, although modest rearrangements in hydrogen bonding and molecular conformation occur at 6.4 GPa. The three hydrates had been selected on the basis of their topological similarity (CAM and SPM) or dissimilarity (BTM) with serine hydrate, which undergoes a phase transition at 5 GPa in which the water molecules change orientation. The phase transition in SPM shows some common features with that in serine hydrate. The principal directions of compression in all three structures were found to correlate with directions of hydrogen bonds and distributions of interstitial voids.

Dalton Trans ; (36): 7390-5, 2009 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19727459


A combined study of the high pressure crystallography and high pressure magnetism of the complex [Mn3(Hcht)2(bpy)4](ClO4)3.Et2O.2MeCN (1.Et2O.2MeCN) (H3cht is cis,cis-1,3,5-cyclohexanetriol) is presented in an attempt to observe and correlate pressure induced changes in its structural and physical properties. At 0.16 GPa the complex 1.Et2O.2MeCN loses all associated solvent in the crystal lattice, becoming 1. At higher pressures structural distortions occur changing the distances between the metal centres and the bridging oxygen atoms making the magnetic exchange between the manganese ions weaker. No significant variations are observed in the Jahn-Teller axis of the only Mn(III) present in the structure. High pressure dc chiMT plots display a gradual decrease in both the low temperature value and slope. Simulations show a decrease in J with increasing pressure although the ground state is preserved. Magnetisation data do not show any change in |D|.

Dalton Trans ; (25): 4858-67, 2009 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19662276


The first combined high pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction and high pressure magnetism study of two polymetallic clusters is presented in an attempt to correlate the observed changes in structure with changes in magnetic response without the need for changes in external ligation. At 1.5 GPa the structure of [Mn(6)O(2)(Et-sao)(6)(O(2)CPh(Me)(2))(2)(EtOH)(6)] (1; Et-saoH(2) = 2-hydroxyphenylpropanone)--a single molecule magnet (SMM) with an effective anisotropy barrier of approximately 86 K--and of [Mn(6)O(2)(Et-sao)(6)(O(2)C-naphth)(2)(EtOH)(4)(H(2)O)(2)] 2 both undergo significant structural distortions of their metallic skeletons, which has a direct effect upon the observed magnetic response. The application of hydrostatic pressure on the two compounds (up to 1.5 GPa) flattens the Mn-N-O-Mn torsion angles weakening the magnetic exchange between the metal centres. In both compounds one interaction switches from ferro- to antiferromagnetic, with the Jahn-Teller (JT) axes compressing (on average) and re-aligning differently with respect to the plane of the three metal centres. High pressure dc chi(M)T plots display a gradual decrease in the low temperature peak height and slope, simulations showing a decrease in |J| with increasing pressure with a second antiferromagnetic J value required to simulate the data. The "ground states" change from S = 12 to S = 11 for 1 and to S = 10 for 2. Magnetisation data for both 1 and 2 suggest a small decrease in |D|, while out-of-phase (chi(M)(//)) ac data show a large decrease in the effective energy barrier for magnetisation reversal.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 14(Pt 5): 433-8, 2007 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17717386


A novel Laue focusing monochromator has been developed to provide intense X-radiation for high-pressure diffraction experiments. A beamline using this monochromator has been successfully developed on station 9.5 at the SRS, Daresbury Laboratory. Contributions to resolution from monochromator bandpass and divergence due to focusing have been quantified and are used to assess experimental diffraction data from diamond-anvil cells recorded using image plates with X-rays at approximately 30 keV. This optical and beamline design could be readily adapted to use X-rays from a bending magnet on a third-generation synchrotron source.