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Rev Biol Trop ; 58(2): 707-16, 2010 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20527470


River floodplains have a high biological diversity that is intensely influenced by vegetation dynamics, changes in space and time scales, and the river's hydrological regime. The vegetation composition of the medium and lower Paraná River has been analyzed previously, with different approaches and criteria that cannot be compared. The aim of this study is to analyze the diversity of the herbaceous vegetation over long time spans, from its regeneration after a catastrophic flood to its recovery, in the North and South sites of the flooding valley of the Medium Paraná River. The first sampling of a pioneer community was performed after the 1982-83 catastrophic flood, and included the surveillance of two plots in two successive recovery stages. Floristic composition and cover-abundance of all species were recorded per plot. Floristic richness, using jackknife, Shannon and Hurlbert diversity and Simpson dominance curves were calculated for each site and for each survey, using EcoSim (software). Floristic richness was higher in the North of Medium Paraná, while dominance was higher in the South. Diversity indexes did not varied significantly and resulted in relatively stable values, because its components compensate each other.

Biodiversity , Floods , Plants/classification , Rivers , Argentina , Plant Development
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(2): 707-716, jun. 2010. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638035


Diversity of vegetation during its recovery from a catastrophic flood of the Medium Paraná River (Argentina). River floodplains have a high biological diversity that is intensely influenced by vegetation dynamics, changes in space and time scales, and the river`s hydrological regime. The vegetation composition of the medium and lower Paraná River has been analyzed previously, with different approaches and criteria that cannot be compared. The aim of this study is to analyze the diversity of the herbaceous vegetation over long time spans, from its regeneration after a catastrophic flood to its recovery, in the North and South sites of the flooding valley of the Medium Paraná River. The first sampling of a pioneer community was performed after the 1982-83 catastrophic flood, and included the surveillance of two plots in two successive recovery stages. Floristic composition and cover-abundance of all species were recorded per plot. Floristic richness, using jackknife, Shannon and Hurlbert diversity and Simpson dominance curves were calculated for each site and for each survey, using EcoSim (software). Floristic richness was higher in the North of Medium Paraná, while dominance was higher in the South. Diversity indexes did not varied significantly and resulted in relatively stable values, because its components compensate each other. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (2): 707-716. Epub 2010 June 02.

La diversidad florística en las planicies de inundación está ligada a la dinámica de la vegetación, por lo que su comprensión depende de las escalas espacial y temporal el régimen hidrológico del río. La planicie de inundación del Río Paraná, Argentina, tiene una alta diversidad biológica, aolo conocida a través de estudios puntuales no comparables entre si. El objetivo de esta contribución fue analizar la diversidad de la vegetación herbácea a largo plazo, desde su reinstalación después de una inundación catastrófica hasta su recuperación, en dos áreas (norte y sur) del Paraná Medio. Cuando el nivel del agua disminuyó después de la creciente catastrófica de 1982-83, se realizó el primer muestreo en una comunidad pionera, y en años posteriores, otros dos en etapas avanzadas de recuperación de la vegetación. Se registraron las especies presentes y se estimó su abundanciacobertura. Se calcularon las curvas de riqueza florística, de diversidad de Shannon y Hurlbert y de dominancia de Simpson en ambas áreas, utilizando el programa EcoSim. La riqueza florística resultó mayor en el norte del Paraná Medio, mientras que la dominancia lo fue en el sur. Los índices de diversidad no reflejan estas variaciones, pues al compensarse entre sí sus componentes, dan como resultado valores relativamente estables.

Biodiversity , Floods , Plants/classification , Rivers , Argentina , Plants/growth & development
Interciencia ; 34(6): 443-447, jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630755


Los espartillares de Spartina argentinensis (Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina) se encuentran en suelos salinos pobremente drenados y con frecuencia sufren incendios. En estudios previos se observó que parcelas con distintas historias de fuego se agrupaban de acuerdo a este factor en función de la abundancia-cobertura de las especies presentes. El objeto de este trabajo fue analizar a qué especies respondían estos agrupamientos, para lo cual se usó análisis discriminante. Se utilizaron los datos de abundancia-cobertura de la Reserva Federico Wildermuth (Santa Fe), en parcelas quemadas y sin quemar, la mitad de las cuales se volvieron a quemar en agosto de 1999, con datos de tres años: 1998: A (quemada en 1996) y D (nunca quemada); 1999 y 2000: A; B (quemada en 1996 y 1999); C (quemada solo en 1999) y D. En 1998, la función discriminante incluyó a 13 de las 38 especies presentes, siendo Melilotus alba, Iresine difusa, Distichlis spicata y S. argentinensis las de mayor peso. Las variables que quedaron en la función en 1999, 16 sobre un total de 57, fueron S. argentinensis, Heliotroppium curassavicum, M. alba, Chloris cicliata, C. gayana, Apium leptophillum, y Pluchea saggitalis, mientras que en el 2000, 16 dentro de 68 especies incluyeron a I. difusa, Salicornia ambigua, Phyla canescens, Pluchea saggitalis y M. alba. A relativo corto plazo, el sistema tiende a igualarse al original sin perturbación por fuego.

The "espartillares" of Spartina argentinensis (Santa Fe province, Argentina) thrive on saline poorly drained soils with frequent natural or man-made fires. Previous data showed that plots with different fire histories were clustered according to fire and the cover-abundance of the species of the community. Our aim was to analyze which species were responsible of the clustering using discriminant analysis of cover-abundance data of burnt and non burnt plots of the Federico Wildermuth Reserve: (A) burned in July 1996, (B) burned in July 1996 and August 1999, (C) burned in August 1999, and (D) never burned. In 1998, the discriminant function included 13 out of 38 species, being Melilotus alba, Iresine difusa, Distichlis spicata y S. argentinensis the most important. S. argentinensis, Heliotroppium curassavicum, M. alba, Chloris cicliata, C. gayana, Apium leptophillum, and Pluchea saggitalis were the most important variables (16 out of 57 species) in 1999 while in 2000 I. difusa, Salicornia ambigua, Phyla canescens, Pluchea saggitalis and M. alba were considered by the function (16 out of 68 species). The effect of fire on the "espartillar" was not long-lasting and burned and non-burned plots are much alike a few years after.

Os prados de capim marinho Spartina argentinensis (província de Santa Fe, Argentina) se encontram em solos salinos pobremente drenados e com frequência sofrem incêndios. Em estudos prévios foi observado que parcelas com distintas histórias de fogo se agrupavam de acordo a este fator em função da abundância-cobertura das espécies presentes. O objeto de este trabalho foi analisar quais as espécies a que respondiam estes agrupamentos, para o qual foi usada a análise discriminante. Utilizaram-se os dados de abundância-cobertura da Reserva Federico Wildermuth (Santa Fe), em parcelas queimadas e sem queimar, a metade das quais se voltaram a ser queimadas em agosto de 1999, com dados de três anos: 1998: A (queimada em 1996) e D (nunca queimada); 1999 e 2000: A; B (queimada em 1996 e 1999); C (queimada somente em 1999) e D. Em 1998, a função discriminante incluiu 13 das 38 espécies presentes, sendo Melilotus alba, Iresine difusa, Distichlis spicata e S. argentinensis as de maior peso. As variáveis que ficaram na função em 1999, 16 de um total de 57, foram S. argentinensis, Heliotroppium curassavicum, M. alba, Chloris cicliata, C. gayana, Apium leptophillum, e Pluchea saggitalis, enquanto que em 2000, 16 de 68 espécies incluiram a I. difusa, Salicornia ambigua, Phyla canescens, Pluchea saggitalis e M. alba. Em relativo curto prazo, o sistema tende a se igualar ao original sem perturbação por fogo.
