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Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 41(3): 181-184, 2009. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-544438


A sifilis congenita, por ser considerada importante causa de morbimortalidade perinatal e resultar em sequelas ao neonato, tornou-se uma doenca de notificacao compulsoria no Brasil e meta de erradicacao. Portanto, visando diagnosticar casos de sifilis entre gestantes da rede publica de Anapolis-Goias e avaliar o perfil socioeconomico das mesmas, aplicou-se um questionario e coletou-se sangue para realizacao do VDRL nas gestantes da Unidade de Saude do Progresso. A amostragem foi composta por 59 gestantes com idade media de 23 anos, casadas, com residencia propria e consideravel nivel de instrucao. Foram identificadas 44,1% de gestantes no primeiro trimestre gestacional, sendo que 49,2% nao relatavam teste anterior para a infeccao e 35,6% desconheciam sua sorologiapara HIV/AIDS. A frequencia da utilizacao de preservativos e o conhecimento geral sobre a sifilis mostraram-se insatisfatorios. Apenas uma gestante foi soro-reagente puro no VDRL. Os dados da Secretaria Municipal de Saude e do SINAN sobre a sifilis congenita apresentaram divergencias (p<0,05). Portanto, torna-se evidente a necessidade de fortalecer a vigilancia epidemiologica do municipio,atraves da implementacao de medidas capazes de prevenir a sifilis congenita e erradica-la.

The congenital syphilis, for being considered an important cause of newborn morbidity and mortality, became an illness of obligatory notification in Brazil and purpose of eradication of the Health department. Therefore, aiming at to diagnosis cases of gestational syphilis in women attended in a public unit at Anápolis city-Goiás and to evaluate the socioeconomic profile of them, it was applied a socioeconomic questionnaire to the pregnants and collected a blood sample to make the non-treponemic test (VDRL - Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory) for diagnosis of syphilis. The group of study was composed by 59 pregnant women with averageage 23 years, married, with own residence, and a good educational level. 44.1% of pregnants were in the first trimester of gestational age, 49.2% of those ones had never carried through previous test for the infection and 35.6% were unaware of their HIV serology. Among them the frequency of use of condoms was very low, as well as the common knowledge of syphilis. A pregnant was identified as pure serum-reagent in test VDRL. The data gotten in the City department of Health on of notification of congenital syphilishad shown different when compared with the data of the referring SINAN. Therefore, becomes evident the necessity to improve the epidemiological vigilance through the implementation of capable measures to prevent congenital syphilis and to promote its eradication.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test , Pregnant Women , Serologic Tests , Syphilis, Congenital/diagnosis , Syphilis, Congenital/prevention & control