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ACS Nano ; 17(8): 7170-7179, 2023 Apr 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37036127


2D materials with ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties are of interest for energy harvesting, memory storage and electromechanical systems. Here, we present a systematic study of the ferroelectric properties in NbOX2 (X = Cl, I) across different spatial scales. The in-plane ferroelectricity in NbOX2 was investigated using transport and piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) measurements, where it was observed that NbOCl2 has a stronger ferroelectric order than NbOI2. A high local field, exerted by both PFM and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tips, was found to induce 1D collinear ferroelectric strips in NbOCl2. STM imaging reveals the unreconstructed atomic structures of NbOX2 surfaces, and scanning tunneling spectroscopy was used to probe the electronic states induced at defect (vacancy) sites.

Small ; 18(38): e2201975, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35989096


Central to the application of spintronic devices is the ability to manipulate spins by electric and magnetic fields, which relies on a large Landé g-factor. The self-intercalation of layered transitional metal dichalcogenides with native metal atoms can serve as a new strategy to enhance the g-factor by inducing ferromagnetic instability in the system via interlayer charge transfer. Here, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) are performed to extract the g-factor and characterize the electronic structure of the self-intercalated phase of 2H-TaS2 . In Ta7 S12 , a sharp density of states (DOS) peak due to the Ta intercalant appears at the Fermi level, which satisfies the Stoner criteria for spontaneous ferromagnetism, leading to spin split states. The DOS peak shows sensitivity to magnetic field up to 1.85 mV T-1 , equivalent to an effective g-factor of ≈77. This work establishes self-intercalation as an approach for tuning the g-factor.

Nano Lett ; 22(8): 3245-3251, 2022 Apr 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35416679


For multiband superconductors, the orbital multiplicity yields orbital differentiation in normal-state properties and can lead to orbital-selective spin-fluctuation Cooper pairing. The orbital-selective phenomenon has become increasingly pivotal in clarifying the pairing "enigma", particularly for multiband high-temperature superconductors. Meanwhile, in one-unit-cell (1-UC) FeSe/SrTiO3, since the standard electron-hole Fermi pocket nesting scenario is inapplicable, the actual pairing mechanism is subject to intense debate. Here, by measuring high-resolution Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference, we report observations of highly anisotropic magnetic Cooper pairing in 1-UC FeSe. Theoretically, it is important to incorporate orbitally selective effects of electronic correlations within a spin-fluctuation pairing calculation, where the dxy orbital becomes coherence-suppressed. The resulting pairing gap is compatible with the experimental findings, which suggests that high-Tc Cooper pairing with orbital selectivity applies to 2D-limit 1-UC FeSe. Our findings imply the general existence of orbital selectivity in iron-based superconductors and the universal significance of electron correlations in high-Tc superconductors.

Nano Lett ; 21(21): 9285-9292, 2021 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34677982


Pursuing the confinement of linearly dispersive relativistic Fermions is of interest in both fundamental physics and potential applications. Here, we report strong STM evidence for the equally spaced, strikingly sharp, and densely distributed quantum well states (QWSs) near Fermi energy in Pb(111) nanoislands, van der Waals epitaxially grown on graphitized 6H-SiC(0001). The observations can be explained as the quantized energies of confined linearly dispersive [111] electrons, which essentially "simulate" the out-of-plane relativistic quasiparticles. The equally spaced QWSs with an origin of confined relativistic electrons are supported by phenomenological simulations and Fabry-Pérot fittings based on the relativistic Fermions. First-principles calculations further reveal that the spin-orbit coupling strengthens the relativistic nature of electrons near Fermi energy. Our finding uncovers the unique equally spaced quantum states in electronic systems beyond Landau levels and may inspire future studies on confined relativistic quasiparticles in flourishing topological materials and applications in structurally simpler quantum cascade laser.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 13572, 2021 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34193952


The superfluid properties of attractive Hubbard model in dice lattice are investigated. It is found that three superfluid order parameters increase as the interaction increases. When the filling factor falls into the flat band, due to the infinite large density of states, the resultant superfluid order parameters are proportional to interaction strength, which is in striking contrast with the exponentially small counterparts in usual superfluid (or superconductor). When the interaction is weak, and the filling factor is near the bottom of the lowest band (or the top of highest band), the superfluid density is determined by the effective mass of the lowest (or highest) single-particle band. When the interaction is strong and filling factor is small, the superfluid density is inversely proportional to interaction strength, which is related to effective mass of tightly bound pairs. In the strong interaction limit and finite filling, the asymptotic behaviors of superfluid density can be captured by a parabolic function of filling factor. Furthermore, when the filling is in flat band, the superfluid density shows a logarithmic singularity as the interaction approaches zero. In addition, there exist three undamped collective modes for strong interactions. The lowest excitation is gapless phonon, which is characterized by the total density oscillations. The two others are gapped Leggett modes, which correspond relative density fluctuations between sublattices. The collective modes are also reflected in the two-particle spectral functions by sharp peaks. Furthermore, it is found that the two-particle spectral functions satisfy an exact sum-rule, which is directly related to the filling factor (or density of particle). The sum-rule of the spectral functions may be useful to distinguish between the hole-doped and particle-doped superfluid (superconductor) in experiments.

Prev Vet Med ; 193: 105399, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34118647


Cardiomegaly is the main imaging finding for canine heart diseases. There are many advances in the field of medical diagnosing based on imaging with deep learning for human being. However there are also increasing realization of the potential of using deep learning in veterinary medicine. We reported a clinically applicable assisted platform for diagnosing the canine cardiomegaly with deep learning. VHS (vertebral heart score) is a measuring method used for the heart size of a dog. The concrete value of VHS is calculated with the relative position of 16 key points detected by the system, and this result is then combined with VHS reference range of all dog breeds to assist in the evaluation of the canine cardiomegaly. We adopted HRNet (high resolution network) to detect 16 key points (12 and four key points located on vertebra and heart respectively) in 2274 lateral X-ray images (training and validation datasets) of dogs, the model was then used to detect the key points in external testing dataset (396 images), the AP (average performance) for key point detection reach 86.4 %. Then we applied an additional post processing procedure to correct the output of HRNets so that the AP reaches 90.9 %. This result signifies that this system can effectively assist the evaluation of canine cardiomegaly in a real clinical scenario.

Cardiomegaly/veterinary , Deep Learning , Dog Diseases , Animals , Cardiomegaly/diagnostic imaging , Dog Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Dogs , Heart , Reference Values
Sci Adv ; 6(13): eaax7547, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32232145


Majorana zero modes (MZMs) that obey the non-Abelian statistics have been intensively investigated for potential applications in topological quantum computing. The prevailing signals in tunneling experiments "fingerprinting" the existence of MZMs are the zero-energy bound states (ZEBSs). However, nearly all of the previously reported ZEBSs showing signatures of the MZMs are observed in difficult-to-fabricate heterostructures at very low temperatures and additionally require applied magnetic field. Here, by using in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we detect the ZEBSs upon the interstitial Fe adatoms deposited on two different high-temperature superconducting one-unit-cell iron chalcogenides on SrTiO3(001). The spectroscopic results resemble the phenomenological characteristics of the MZMs inside the vortex cores of topological superconductors. Our experimental findings may extend the MZM explorations in connate topological superconductors toward an applicable temperature regime and down to the two-dimensional (2D) limit.

Nano Lett ; 20(3): 2056-2061, 2020 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32045257


The electron pairing mechanism has always been one of the most challenging problems in high-temperature superconductors. Fe(Te,Se), as the superconductor with intrinsic topological property, may host Majorana bound states and has attracted tremendous interest. While in bulk Fe(Te,Se) the pairing mechanism has been experimentally investigated, it remains little understood in its two-dimensional limit counterpart. Here, by in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we show clear evidence of the bosonic mode Ω beyond the superconducting gap Δ in monolayer FeTe0.5Se0.5/SrTiO3(001) high-temperature superconductor. Statistically, Ω shows an obvious anticorrelation with Δ and appears below 2Δ, consistent with the spin-excitation nature. Furthermore, the in-gap bound states induced by two types of magnetically different impurities support the sign-reversing pairing scenario. Our results not only suggest that the spin-excitation-like bosonic mode within a sign-reversing pairing plays an essential role in monolayer FeTe0.5Se0.5/SrTiO3(001) but also offer the crucial information for investigating the high-temperature superconductivity in interfacial iron selenides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(3): 036801, 2019 Jul 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386432


The absence of holelike Fermi pockets in the heavily electron-doped iron selenides (HEDISs) challenges the s_{±}-wave pairing originally proposed for iron pnictides, which consists of opposite signs of the gap function on electron and hole pockets. While the HEDIS compounds have been investigated extensively, a consistent description of the superconducting pairing therein is still lacking. Here, by in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy and theoretical calculations, we study the effects of strong scatterings from nonmagnetic Pb adatoms on the epitaxially grown HEDIS, one-unit-cell FeSe/SrTiO_{3}(001). Systematic tunneling spectra measured on the Pb adatoms show comprehensive signals of quasiparticle bound states, which can be well explained theoretically within the sign-reversing pairing scenarios. The finding implies that, in addition to previously detected phonons, spin fluctuations play an important role in driving the Cooper pairing in FeSe/SrTiO_{3}(001). The sign reversal in the gap function we revealed here is a significant ingredient in a unified understanding of the high-temperature superconductivity in HEDISs.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3633, 2019 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31406114


Superconductor-insulator/metal transition (SIT/SMT) represents a prototype of quantum phase transition, where quantum fluctuation plays a dominant role and dramatically changes the physical properties of low-dimensional superconducting systems. Recent observation of quantum Griffiths singularity (QGS) offers an essential perspective to understand the subtleties of quantum phase transition in two-dimensional superconductors. Here we study the magnetic field induced SMT in ultrathin crystalline Pb films down to ultralow temperatures. The divergent critical exponent is observed when approaching zero temperature quantum critical point, indicating QGS. Distinctively, the anomalous phase boundary of SMT that the onset critical field decreases with decreasing temperatures in low temperature regime distinguishes our observation from previous reports of QGS in various two-dimensional superconductors. We demonstrate that the anomalous phase boundary originates from the superconducting fluctuations in ultrathin Pb films with pronounced spin-orbit interaction. Our findings reveal a novel aspect of QGS of SMT in two-dimensional superconductors with anomalous phase boundary.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3464-3472, 2019 06 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31117746


A "fingerprint" of Cooper pairing mediated by collective bosonic excitation mode is the reconstruction of the quasiparticle-density-of-states (DOS) spectrum with an additional "dip-hump" structure located outside the superconducting coherence peak. Here, we report an in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of one-unit-cell (1-UC) FeSe film on a SrTiO3(001) substrate. In the quasiparticle-DOS spectrum, the bosonic excitation mode characterized by the dip-hump structure is detected outside the larger superconducting gap. Statistically, the excitation mode shows an anticorrelation with pairing strength in magnitude and yields an energy scale upper-bounded by twice the superconducting gap. The observation coincides with the characteristics of magnetic resonance in cuprates and iron-based superconductors. Furthermore, the local response of superconducting spectra to magnetically distinct Se defects all exhibits the induced in-gap quasiparticle bound states, indicating an unconventional sign-reversing pairing over the Fermi surface in 1-UC FeSe. These results clarify the magnetic nature of the bosonic excitation mode and reveal a signature of electron-magnetic-excitation coupling in 1-UC FeSe/SrTiO3(001) besides the previously established pairing channel of electron-phonon interaction.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(28): 285002, 2019 Jul 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30947147


The particle-hole symmetry (PHS) of quasiparticle bound states, which is generally expected in theory, is present or absent experimentally in a seemingly irregular manner, with the physical origin little understood yet. Here, we report a study on the bound states induced by Fe clusters with different sizes on one-unit-cell (1-UC) FeSe/SrTiO3(0 0 1) by in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Statistically, on the larger-scale cluster, a pair of bias-symmetric minipeaks are detected within the superconducting-gap energies. As increasing temperature, the minipeak states show negligible energy dispersion. The temperature-independent bias-symmetric minipeaks are identified as the quasiparticle bound states that preserve the PHS. However, on the smaller-scale cluster, the bound state appears as a single resonance instead. These results reveal a geometric-size-tuning effect of the PHS, which may help reconcile the contradiction between the superconductivity theory and the PHS-breaking experiments.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(15): 153001, 2017 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28176680


Since the dramatic enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature (T c) was reported in a one-unit-cell FeSe film grown on a SrTiO3 substrate (1-UC FeSe/STO) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), related research on this system has become a new frontier in condensed matter physics. In this paper, we present a brief review on this rapidly developing field, mainly focusing on the superconducting properties of 1-UC FeSe/STO. Experimental evidence for high-temperature superconductivity in 1-UC FeSe/STO, including direct evidence revealed by transport and diamagnetic measurements, as well as other evidence from scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), are overviewed. The potential mechanisms of the enhanced superconductivity are also discussed. There are accumulating arguments to suggest that the strengthened Cooper pairing in 1-UC FeSe/STO originates from the interface effects, specifically the charge transfer and coupling to phonon modes in the TiO2 plane. The study of superconductivity in 1-UC FeSe/STO not only sheds new light on the mechanism of high-temperature superconductors with layered structures, but also provides an insight into the exploration of new superconductors by interface engineering.

Sci Rep ; 4: 4224, 2014 Feb 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24573303


Vortex is a topological defect with a quantized winding number of the phase in superfluids and superconductors. Here, we investigate the crystallized (triangular, square, honeycomb) and amorphous vortices in rotating atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) by using the damped projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The amorphous vortices are the result of the considerable deviation induced by the interaction of atomic-molecular vortices. By changing the atom-molecule interaction from attractive to repulsive, the configuration of vortices can change from an overlapped atomic-molecular vortices to carbon-dioxide-type ones, then to atomic vortices with interstitial molecular vortices, and finally into independent separated ones. The Raman detuning can tune the ratio of the atomic vortex to the molecular vortex. We provide a phase diagram of vortices in rotating atomic-molecular BECs as a function of Raman detuning and the strength of atom-molecule interaction.