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Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 69(6): 747-755, 2024 Mar 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38331706


The realization of spin-orbit-coupled ultracold gases has driven a wide range of research and is typically based on the rotating wave approximation (RWA). By neglecting the counter-rotating terms, RWA characterizes a single near-resonant spin-orbit (SO) coupling in a two-level system. Here, we propose and experimentally realize a new scheme for achieving a pair of two-dimensional (2D) SO couplings for ultracold fermions beyond RWA. This work not only realizes the first anomalous Floquet topological Fermi gas beyond RWA, but also significantly improves the lifetime of the 2D-SO-coupled Fermi gas. Based on pump-probe quench measurements, we observe a deterministic phase relation between two sets of SO couplings, which is characteristic of our beyond-RWA scheme and enables the two SO couplings to be simultaneously tuned to the optimum 2D configurations. We observe intriguing band topology by measuring two-ring band-inversion surfaces, quantitatively consistent with a Floquet topological Fermi gas in the regime of high Chern numbers. Our study can open an avenue to explore exotic SO physics and anomalous topological states based on long-lived SO-coupled ultracold fermions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(6): 066602, 2024 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394559


It is commonly believed that topologically nontrivial one-dimensional systems support edge states rather than bulk states at zero energy. In this work, we find an unanticipated case of topological Anderson insulator (TAI) phase where two bulk modes are degenerate at zero energy, in addition to degenerate edge modes. We term this "ungapped TAI" to distinguish it from the previously known gapped TAIs. Our experimental realization of both gapped and ungapped TAIs relies on coupled photonic resonators, in which the disorder in coupling is judiciously engineered by adjusting the spacing between the resonators. By measuring the local density of states both in the bulk and at the edges, we demonstrate the existence of these two types of TAIs, together forming a TAI plateau in the phase diagram. Our experimental findings are well supported by theoretical analysis. In the ungapped TAI phase, we observe stable coexistence of topological edge states and localized bulk states at zero energy, highlighting the distinction between TAIs and traditional topological insulators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(17): 176401, 2023 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37955469


The disorder systems host three types of fundamental quantum states, known as the extended, localized, and critical states, of which the critical states remain being much less explored. Here we propose a class of exactly solvable models which host a novel type of exact mobility edges (MEs) separating localized states from robust critical states, and propose experimental realization. Here the robustness refers to the stability against both single-particle perturbation and interactions in the few-body regime. The exactly solvable one-dimensional models are featured by a quasiperiodic mosaic type of both hopping terms and on-site potentials. The analytic results enable us to unambiguously obtain the critical states which otherwise require arduous numerical verification including the careful finite size scalings. The critical states and new MEs are shown to be robust, illustrating a generic mechanism unveiled here that the critical states are protected by zeros of quasiperiodic hopping terms in the thermodynamic limit. Further, we propose a novel experimental scheme to realize the exactly solvable model and the new MEs in an incommensurate Rydberg Raman superarray. This Letter may pave a way to precisely explore the critical states and new ME physics with experimental feasibility.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(13): 133601, 2023 Sep 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37831993


Berry curvature is a fundamental element to characterize topological quantum physics, while a full measurement of Berry curvature in momentum space was not reported for topological states. Here we achieve two-dimensional Berry curvature reconstruction in a photonic quantum anomalous Hall system via Hall transport measurement of a momentum-resolved wave packet. Integrating measured Berry curvature over the two-dimensional Brillouin zone, we obtain Chern numbers corresponding to -1 and 0. Further, we identify bulk-boundary correspondence by measuring topology-linked chiral edge states at the boundary. The full topological characterization of photonic Chern bands from Berry curvature, Chern number, and edge transport measurements enables our photonic system to serve as a versatile platform for further in-depth study of novel topological physics.

Light Sci Appl ; 12(1): 81, 2023 Mar 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36977678


Measuring topological invariants is an essential task in characterizing topological phases of matter. They are usually obtained from the number of edge states due to the bulk-edge correspondence or from interference since they are integrals of the geometric phases in the energy band. It is commonly believed that the bulk band structures could not be directly used to obtain the topological invariants. Here, we implement the experimental extraction of Zak phase from the bulk band structures of a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model in the synthetic frequency dimension. Such synthetic SSH lattices are constructed in the frequency axis of light, by controlling the coupling strengths between the symmetric and antisymmetric supermodes of two bichromatically driven rings. We measure the transmission spectra and obtain the projection of the time-resolved band structure on lattice sites, where a strong contrast between the non-trivial and trivial topological phases is observed. The topological Zak phase is naturally encoded in the bulk band structures of the synthetic SSH lattices, which can hence be experimentally extracted from the transmission spectra in a fiber-based modulated ring platform using a laser with telecom wavelength. Our method of extracting topological phases from the bulk band structure can be further extended to characterize topological invariants in higher dimensions, while the exhibited trivial and non-trivial transmission spectra from the topological transition may find future applications in optical communications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(4): 043201, 2023 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36763419


The Floquet engineering opens the way to create new topological states without counterparts in static systems. Here, we report the experimental realization and characterization of new anomalous topological states with high-precision Floquet engineering for ultracold atoms trapped in a shaking optical Raman lattice. The Floquet band topology is manipulated by tuning the driving-induced band crossings referred to as band inversion surfaces (BISs), whose configurations fully characterize the topology of the underlying states. We uncover various exotic anomalous topological states by measuring the configurations of BISs that correspond to the bulk Floquet topology. In particular, we identify an unprecedented anomalous Floquet valley-Hall state that possesses anomalous helical-like edge modes protected by valleys and a chiral state with high Chern number.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 67(12): 1236-1242, 2022 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36546153


The free-fermion topological phases with Z2 invariants cover a broad range of topological states, including the time-reversal invariant topological insulators, and are defined on the equilibrium ground states. Whether such equilibrium topological phases have universal correspondence to far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics is a fundamental issue of both theoretical and experimental importance. Here we uncover the universal topological quench dynamics linking to these equilibrium topological phases of different dimensionality and symmetry classes in the tenfold way, with a general framework being established. We show a novel result that a generic d-dimensional topological phase represented by Dirac type Hamiltonian and with Z2 invariant defined on high symmetry momenta can be characterized by topology reduced to certain arbitrary discrete momenta of Brillouin zone called the highest-order band-inversion surfaces. Such dimension-reduced topology has unique correspondence to the topological pattern emerging in far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics by quenching the system from trivial phase to the topological regime, rendering the dynamical hallmark of the equilibrium topological phase. This work completes the dynamical characterization for the full tenfold classes of topological phases, which can be partially extended to even broader topological phases protected by lattice symmetries and in non-Dirac type systems, and shall advance widely the research in theory and experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(4): 046401, 2022 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35939012


Topological insulators host topology-linked boundary states, whose spin and charge degrees of freedom could be exploited to design topological devices with enhanced functionality. We experimentally observe that dissipationless chiral edge states in a spin-orbit coupled anomalous Floquet topological phase exhibit topological spin texture on boundaries, realized via a two-dimensional quantum walk. Our experiment shows that, for a walker traveling around a closed loop along the boundary in real space, its spin evolves and winds through a great circle on the Bloch sphere, which implies that edge-spin texture has nontrivial winding. This topological spin winding is protected by a chiral-like symmetry emerging for the low-energy Hamiltonian. Our experiment confirms that two-dimensional anomalous Floquet topological systems exhibit topological spin texture on the boundary, which could inspire novel topology-based spintronic phenomena and devices.

Nanoscale ; 14(2): 325-332, 2022 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34749392


The development of cost-effective, high-performance and flexible electrocatalysts for hydrogen production is of scientific and technological importance. Catalysts with a core-shell structure for water dissociation have been extensively investigated. However, most of them are nanoparticles and thus their catalytic properties are inevitably limited by the use of binders in practice. Herein, this work reports a physical-metallurgy-based structural design strategy to develop a self-supported and unique nanoporous structure with core-shell-like ligaments, i.e., a Cu core surrounded by a NiO shell, formed on a metallic glass (MG) substrate. These newly developed noble metal-free catalysts exhibit outstanding HER performance; the overpotential reaches 67 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm-2, accompanied by a low Tafel slope of 40 mV dec-1 and good durability. More importantly, the current strategy could be readily applied to fabricate other nanoporous metals, which opens a new space for designing advanced catalysts as cost-effective electrode materials.

Light Sci Appl ; 10(1): 209, 2021 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34620837


The notion of topological phases extended to dynamical systems stimulates extensive studies, of which the characterization of nonequilibrium topological invariants is a central issue and usually necessitates the information of quantum dynamics in both the time and momentum dimensions. Here, we propose the topological holographic quench dynamics in synthetic dimension, and also show it provides a highly efficient scheme to characterize photonic topological phases. A pseudospin model is constructed with ring resonators in a synthetic lattice formed by frequencies of light, and the quench dynamics is induced by initializing a trivial state, which evolves under a topological Hamiltonian. Our key prediction is that the complete topological information of the Hamiltonian is encoded in quench dynamics solely in the time dimension, and is further mapped to lower-dimensional space, manifesting the holographic features of the dynamics. In particular, two fundamental time scales emerge in the dynamical evolution, with one mimicking the topological band on the momentum dimension and the other characterizing the residue time evolution of the state after the quench. For this, a universal duality between the quench dynamics and the equilibrium topological phase of the spin model is obtained in the time dimension by extracting information from the field evolution dynamics in modulated ring systems in simulations. This work also shows that the photonic synthetic frequency dimension provides an efficient and powerful way to explore the topological nonequilibrium dynamics.

Science ; 372(6539): 271-276, 2021 04 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33859030


Weyl semimetals are three-dimensional (3D) gapless topological phases with Weyl cones in the bulk band. According to lattice theory, Weyl cones must come in pairs, with the minimum number of cones being two. A semimetal with only two Weyl cones is an ideal Weyl semimetal (IWSM). Here we report the experimental realization of an IWSM band by engineering 3D spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms. The topological Weyl points are clearly measured via the virtual slicing imaging technique in equilibrium and are further resolved in the quench dynamics. The realization of an IWSM band opens an avenue to investigate various exotic phenomena that are difficult to access in solids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(8): 080602, 2021 Feb 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33709721


The transition between ergodic and many-body localization (MBL) phases lies at the heart of understanding quantum thermalization of many-body systems. Here, we predict a many-body critical (MBC) phase with finite-size scaling analysis in the one-dimensional extended Aubry-André-Harper-Hubbard model, which is different from both the ergodic phase and MBL phase, implying that the quantum system hosts three different fundamental phases in the thermodynamic limit. The level statistics in the MBC phase are well characterized by the so-called critical statistics, and the wave functions exhibit deep multifractal behavior only in the critical region. We further study the half-chain entanglement entropy and thermalization properties and show that the former, in the MBC phase, manifest a volume law scaling, while the many-body states violate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. The results are confirmed by the state-of-the-art numerical calculations with system size up to L=22. This work unveils a novel many-body phase which is extended but nonthermal.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(19): 196604, 2020 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216579


The mobility edges (MEs) in energy that separate extended and localized states are a central concept in understanding the localization physics. In one-dimensional (1D) quasiperiodic systems, while MEs may exist for certain cases, the analytic results that allow for an exact understanding are rare. Here we uncover a class of exactly solvable 1D models with MEs in the spectra, where quasiperiodic on-site potentials are inlaid in the lattice with equally spaced sites. The analytical solutions provide the exact results not only for the MEs, but also for the localization and extended features of all states in the spectra, as derived through computing the Lyapunov exponents from Avila's global theory and also numerically verified by calculating the fractal dimension. We further propose a novel scheme with experimental feasibility to realize our model based on an optical Raman lattice, which paves the way for experimental exploration of the predicted exact ME physics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(18): 183001, 2020 Oct 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33196215


The conventional characterization of periodically driven systems usually necessitates the time-domain information beyond Floquet bands, hence lacking universal and direct schemes of measuring Floquet topological invariants. Here we propose a unified theory, based on quantum quenches, to characterize generic d-dimensional Floquet topological phases in which the topological invariants are constructed with only minimal information of the static Floquet bands. For a d-dimensional phase that is initially static and trivial, we introduce the quench dynamics by suddenly turning on the periodic driving. We show that the quench dynamics exhibits emergent topological patterns in (d-1)-dimensional momentum subspaces where Floquet bands cross, from which the Floquet topological invariants are directly obtained. This result provides a simple and unified characterization in which one can extract the number of conventional and anomalous Floquet boundary modes and identify the topologically protected singularities in the phase bands. These applications are illustrated with one- and two-dimensional models that are readily accessible in cold-atom experiments. Our study opens a new framework for the characterization of Floquet topological phases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(7): 073204, 2020 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32857567


The critical phases, being delocalized but nonergodic, are fundamental phases different from both the many-body localization and ergodic extended quantum phases, and have so far not been realized in experiment. Here we propose an incommensurate topological insulating model of AIII symmetry class to realize such critical phases through an optical Raman lattice scheme, which possesses a one-dimensional (1D) spin-orbit coupling and an incommensurate Zeeman potential. We show the existence of both noninteracting and many-body critical phases, which can coexist with the topological phase, and show that the critical-localization transition coincides with the topological phase boundary in noninteracting regime. The dynamical detection of the critical phases is proposed and studied in detail based on the available experimental techniques. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed critical phases can be achieved within the current ultracold atom experiments. This work paves the way to observe the novel critical phases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(2): 020504, 2020 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32701334


Quantum simulation, as a state-of-the-art technique, provides a powerful way to explore topological quantum phases beyond natural limits. Nevertheless, it is usually hard to simulate both the bulk and surface topological physics at the same time to reveal their correspondence. Here we build up a quantum simulator using nitrogen-vacancy center to investigate a three-dimensional (3D) chiral topological insulator, and demonstrate the study of both the bulk and surface topological physics by quantum quenches. First, a dynamical bulk-surface correspondence in momentum space is observed, showing that the bulk topology of the 3D phase uniquely corresponds to the nontrivial quench dynamics emerging on 2D momentum hypersurfaces called band inversion surfaces (BISs). This is the momentum-space counterpart of the bulk-boundary correspondence in real space. Further, the symmetry protection of the 3D chiral phase is uncovered by measuring dynamical spin textures on BISs, which exhibit perfect (broken) topology when the chiral symmetry is preserved (broken). Finally, we measure the topological charges to characterize directly the bulk topology and identify an emergent dynamical topological transition when varying the quenches from deep to shallow regimes. This work demonstrates how a full study of topological phases can be achieved in quantum simulators.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(11): 113601, 2020 Mar 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32242677


The prominent Dicke superradiant phase arises from coupling an ensemble of atoms to a cavity optical field when an external optical pumping exceeds a threshold strength. Here we report a prediction of the superradiant instability driven by Anderson localization, realized with a hybrid system of the Dicke and Aubry-André (DAA) model for bosons trapped in a one-dimensional (1D) quasiperiodic optical lattice and coupled to a cavity. Our central finding is that for bosons condensed in a localized phase given by the DAA model, the resonant superradiant scattering is induced, for which the critical optical pumping of the superradiant phase transition approaches zero, giving an instability driven by the Anderson localization. The superradiant phase for the DAA model with or without a mobility edge is investigated, showing that the localization driven superradiant instability is in sharp contrast to the superradiance as widely observed for a Bose-Einstein condensate in extended states, and should be insensitive to the temperature of the system. This study unveils a novel effect of localization on the Dicke superradiance, and is well accessible based on the current experiments.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 65(1): 21-26, 2020 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36659064


The metallic tip-induced superconductivity in normal Weyl semimetal offers a promising platform to study topological superconductivity, which is currently a research focus in condensed matter physics. Here we experimentally uncover that unconventional superconductivity can be induced by hard point contact (PC) method of ferromagnetic tips in TaAs single crystals. The magneto-transport measurements of the ferromagnetic tip-induced superconducting (FTISC) states exhibit the quantum oscillations, which reveal that the superconductivity is induced in the topologically nontrivial Fermi surface of the Weyl semimetal, and show compatibility of ferromagnetism and induced superconductivity. We further measure the point contact spectra (PCS) of tunneling transport for FTISC states which are potentially of nontrivial topology. Considering that the magnetic Weyl semimetal with novel superconductivity is hard to realize in experiment, our results show a new route to investigate the unconventional superconductivity by combining the topological semimetal with ferromagnetism through hard PC method.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 65(24): 2080-2085, 2020 Dec 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36732960


There is an immense effort in search for various types of Weyl semimetals, of which the most fundamental phase consists of the minimal number of i.e. two Weyl points, but is hard to engineer in solids. Here we demonstrate how such fundamental Weyl semimetal can be realized in a maneuverable optical Raman lattice, with which the three-dimensional (3D) spin-orbit (SO) coupling is synthesised for ultracold atoms. In addition, a new novel Weyl phase with coexisting Weyl nodal points and nodal ring is also predicted here, and is shown to be protected by nontrivial linking numbers. We further propose feasible techniques to precisely resolve 3D Weyl band topology through 2D equilibrium and dynamical measurements. This work leads to the first realization of the most fundamental Weyl semimetal band and the 3D SO coupling for ultracold quantum gases, which are respectively the significant issues in the condensed matter and ultracold atom physics.

Natl Sci Rev ; 7(3): 579-587, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34692077


The search for unconventional superconductivity in Weyl semimetal materials is currently an exciting pursuit, since such superconducting phases could potentially be topologically non-trivial and host exotic Majorana modes. The layered material TaIrTe4 is a newly predicted time-reversal invariant type II Weyl semimetal with the minimum number of Weyl points. Here, we report the discovery of surface superconductivity in Weyl semimetal TaIrTe4. Our scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) visualizes Fermi arc surface states of TaIrTe4 that are consistent with the previous angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy results. By a systematic study based on STS at ultralow temperature, we observe uniform superconducting gaps on the sample surface. The superconductivity is further confirmed by electrical transport measurements at ultralow temperature, with an onset transition temperature (T c) up to 1.54 K being observed. The normalized upper critical field h*(T/T c) behavior and the stability of the superconductivity against the ferromagnet indicate that the discovered superconductivity is unconventional with the p-wave pairing. The systematic STS, and thickness- and angular-dependent transport measurements reveal that the detected superconductivity is quasi-1D and occurs in the surface states. The discovery of the surface superconductivity in TaIrTe4 provides a new novel platform to explore topological superconductivity and Majorana modes.
