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Atmos Pollut Res ; 12(3): 292-301, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33994823


This study characterizes the hygroscopic and chemical nature of aerosols originating from ten locations (4 outdoors and 6 indoors) around the Gol-E-Gohar (GEG) iron ore mine (Iran), including an assessment of how hygroscopic growth alters particulate deposition in the respiratory system. Aerosols collected on filters in three diameter (Dp) ranges (total suspended particulates [TSP], Dp ≤ 10 µm [PM10], and Dp ≤ 2.5 µm [PM2.5]) were analyzed for chemical and hygroscopic characteristics. The water-soluble aerosol composition is dominated by species associated with directly emitted crustal matter such as chloride, sodium, calcium, and sulfate. There was minimal contribution from organic acids and other secondarily formed species such as inorganic salts. Aerosol growth factors at 90% relative humidity varied between 1.39 and 1.72 and exceed values reported for copper mines in the United States where similar data are available. Values of the hygroscopicity parameter kappa (0.19 to 0.45) were best related to the mass fraction of chloride among all the studied species. Kappa values were generally similar when comparing the three types of samples (TSP, PM2.5, PM10) at each site and also when comparing each of the ten sampling sites. Accounting for hygroscopic growth yields an increase in the deposition fraction for aerosols with a dry Dp between 0.2 and 2 µm based on International Commission on Radiological Protection model calculations, with more variability when examining each of the three individual head airway regions.

Geophys Res Lett ; 48(23)2021 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35136274


Leveraging aerosol data from multiple airborne and surface-based field campaigns encompassing diverse environmental conditions, we calculate statistics of the oxalate-sulfate mass ratio (median: 0.0217; 95% confidence interval: 0.0154-0.0296; R = 0.76; N = 2,948). Ground-based measurements of the oxalate-sulfate ratio fall within our 95% confidence interval, suggesting the range is robust within the mixed layer for the submicrometer particle size range. We demonstrate that dust and biomass burning emissions can separately bias this ratio toward higher values by at least one order of magnitude. In the absence of these confounding factors, the 95% confidence interval of the ratio may be used to estimate the relative extent of aqueous processing by comparing inferred oxalate concentrations between air masses, with the assumption that sulfate primarily originates from aqueous processing.

Atmos Chem Phys ; 20(13): 7645-7665, 2020 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33273899


Aerosol-cloud interactions are the largest source of uncertainty in quantifying anthropogenic radiative forcing. The large uncertainty is, in part, due to the difficulty of predicting cloud microphysical parameters, such as the cloud droplet number concentration (N d). Even though rigorous first-principle approaches exist to calculate N d, the cloud and aerosol research community also relies on empirical approaches such as relating N d to aerosol mass concentration. Here we analyze relationships between N d and cloud water chemical composition, in addition to the effect of environmental factors on the degree of the relationships. Warm, marine, stratocumulus clouds off the California coast were sampled throughout four summer campaigns between 2011 and 2016. A total of 385 cloud water samples were collected and analyzed for 80 chemical species. Single- and multispecies log-log linear regressions were performed to predict N d using chemical composition. Single-species regressions reveal that the species that best predicts N d is total sulfate ( R adj 2 = 0.40 ). Multispecies regressions reveal that adding more species does not necessarily produce a better model, as six or more species yield regressions that are statistically insignificant. A commonality among the multispecies regressions that produce the highest correlation with N d was that most included sulfate (either total or non-sea-salt), an ocean emissions tracer (such as sodium), and an organic tracer (such as oxalate). Binning the data according to turbulence, smoke influence, and in-cloud height allowed for examination of the effect of these environmental factors on the composition-N d correlation. Accounting for turbulence, quantified as the standard deviation of vertical wind speed, showed that the correlation between N d with both total sulfate and sodium increased at higher turbulence conditions, consistent with turbulence promoting the mixing between ocean surface and cloud base. Considering the influence of smoke significantly improved the correlation with N d for two biomass burning tracer species in the study region, specifically oxalate and iron. When binning by in-cloud height, non-sea-salt sulfate and sodium correlated best with N d at cloud top, whereas iron and oxalate correlated best with N d at cloud base.

Aerosol Sci Technol ; 54(12): 1542-1555, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33204049


A particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS) was coupled to a flow-through conductivity cell to provide a continuous, nondestructive, online measurement in support of offline ion chromatography analysis. The conductivity measurement provides a rapid assessment of the total ion concentration augmenting slower batch-sample data from offline analysis and is developed primarily to assist airborne measurements, where fast time-response is essential. A conductivity model was developed for measured ions and excellent closure was derived for laboratory-generated aerosols (97% conductivity explained, R2 > 0.99). The PILS-conductivity measurement was extensively tested throughout the NASA Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes: Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex) during nineteen research flights. A diverse range of ambient aerosol was sampled from biomass burning, fresh and aged urban pollution, and marine sources. Ambient aerosol did not exhibit the same degree of closure as the laboratory aerosol, with measured ions only accountable for 43% of the conductivity. The remaining fraction of the conductivity was examined in combination with ion charge balance and found to provide additional supporting information for diagnosing and modeling particle acidity. An urban plume case study was used to demonstrate the utility of the measurement for supplementing compositional data and augmenting the temporal capability of the PILS.

Sci Data ; 7(1): 128, 2020 04 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32350280


Size-resolved aerosol samples were collected in Metro Manila between July 2018 and October 2019. Two Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactors (MOUDI) were deployed at Manila Observatory in Quezon City, Metro Manila with samples collected on a weekly basis for water-soluble speciation and mass quantification. Additional sets were collected for gravimetric and black carbon analysis, including during special events such as holidays. The unique aspect of the presented data is a year-long record with weekly frequency of size-resolved aerosol composition in a highly populated megacity where there is a lack of measurements. The data are suitable for research to understand the sources, evolution, and fate of atmospheric aerosols, as well as studies focusing on phenomena such as aerosol-cloud-precipitation-meteorology interactions, regional climate, boundary layer processes, and health effects. The dataset can be used to initialize, validate, and/or improve models and remote sensing algorithms.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 124(22): 12301-12318, 2019 Nov 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33274175


This study reports on airborne measurements of stratocumulus cloud properties under varying degrees of influence from biomass burning (BB) plumes off the California coast. Data are reported from five total airborne campaigns based in Marina, California, with two of them including influence from wildfires in different areas along the coast of the western United States. The results indicate that subcloud cloud condensation nuclei number concentration and mass concentrations of important aerosol species (organics, sulfate, nitrate) were better correlated with cloud droplet number concentration (N d) as compared to respective above-cloud aerosol data. Given that the majority of BB particles resided above cloud tops, this is an important consideration for future work in the region as the data indicate that the subcloud BB particles likely were entrained from the free troposphere. Lower cloud condensation nuclei activation fractions were observed for BB-impacted clouds as compared to non-BB clouds due, at least partly, to less hygroscopic aerosols. Relationships between N d and either droplet effective radius or drizzle rate are preserved regardless of BB influence, indicative of how parameterizations can exhibit consistent skill for varying degrees of BB influence as long as N d is known. Lastly, the composition of both droplet residual particles and cloud water changed significantly when clouds were impacted by BB plumes, with differences observed for different fire sources stemming largely from effects of plume aging time and dust influence.

Sci Total Environ ; 633: 42-49, 2018 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29573690


Lake Urmia (LU) once was the second largest hypersaline lake in the world, covering up to 6000km2, but has undergone catastrophic desiccation in recent years resulting in loss of 90% of its area and extensive coverage by playas and marshlands that represent a source of salt and dust. This study examines daily Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) between 2001 and 2015 over northwestern Iran, which encompasses LU. Intriguingly, salt emissions from the LU surface associated with ongoing desiccation do not drive the study region's AOD profile, whereas pollution transported from other regions and emissions around LU are more important. Signatures of increasing local crustal emissions are most evident outside of the peak dust season (January, February, and October) and on the periphery of LU. AOD has generally increased in the latter half of the study period with the onset of the AOD ramp-up starting a month earlier in the spring season when comparing 2009-2015 versus earlier years. Results indicate that suppression of emissions on the LU border is critical as the combined area of salt and salty soil bodies around LU have increased by two orders of magnitude in the past two decades, and disturbing these areas via activities such as grazing and salt harvesting on the lake surface can have more detrimental impacts on regional pollution as compared to benefits. These results have important implications for public health, climate, the hydrological cycle, and pollution control efforts.

Environ Sci Technol ; 52(5): 2527-2537, 2018 03 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29401398


Water samples from marine stratus clouds were collected during 16 aircraft flights above the Pacific Ocean near the Central California coast during the summer of 2016. These samples were analyzed for total mercury (THg), monomethyl mercury (MMHg), and 32 other chemical species in addition to aerosol physical parameters. The mean concentrations of THg and MMHg in the cloudwater samples were 9.2 ± 6.0 ng L-1 (2.3-33.8 ng L-1) ( N = 97) and 0.87 ± 0.66 ng L-1 (0.17-2.9 ng L-1) ( N = 22), respectively. This corresponds to 9.5% (3-21%) MMHg as a fraction of THg. Low and high nonsea salt calcium ion (nss-Ca2+) concentrations in cloudwater were used to classify flights as "marine" and "continental", respectively. Mean [MMHg]marine was significantly higher ( p < 0.05) than [MMHg]continental consistent with an ocean source of dimethyl Hg (DMHg) to the atmosphere. Mean THg in cloudwater was not significantly different between the two categories, indicating multiple emissions sources. Mean [THg]continental was correlated with pH, CO, NO3-, NH4+, and other trace metals, whereas [THg]marine was correlated with MMHg and Na+. THg concentrations were negatively correlated with altitude, consistent with ocean and land emissions, coupled with removal at the cloud-top due to drizzle formation.

Mercury , Methylmercury Compounds , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Aircraft , California , Environmental Monitoring , Pacific Ocean
Sci Data ; 5: 180026, 2018 02 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29485627


Airborne measurements of meteorological, aerosol, and stratocumulus cloud properties have been harmonized from six field campaigns during July-August months between 2005 and 2016 off the California coast. A consistent set of core instruments was deployed on the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Twin Otter for 113 flight days, amounting to 514 flight hours. A unique aspect of the compiled data set is detailed measurements of aerosol microphysical properties (size distribution, composition, bioaerosol detection, hygroscopicity, optical), cloud water composition, and different sampling inlets to distinguish between clear air aerosol, interstitial in-cloud aerosol, and droplet residual particles in cloud. Measurements and data analysis follow documented methods for quality assurance. The data set is suitable for studies associated with aerosol-cloud-precipitation-meteorology-radiation interactions, especially owing to sharp aerosol perturbations from ship traffic and biomass burning. The data set can be used for model initialization and synergistic application with meteorological models and remote sensing data to improve understanding of the very interactions that comprise the largest uncertainty in the effect of anthropogenic emissions on radiative forcing.

Atmos Meas Tech ; 11(9): 5025-5048, 2018 Aug 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33868504


A new aircraft-mounted probe for collecting samples of cloud water has been designed, fabricated, and extensively tested. Following previous designs, the probe uses inertial separation to remove cloud droplets from the airstream, which are subsequently collected and stored for offline analysis. We report details of the design, operation, and modelled and measured probe performance. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to understand the flow patterns around the complex interior geometrical features that were optimized to ensure efficient droplet capture. CFD simulations coupled with particle tracking and multiphase surface transport modelling provide detailed estimates of the probe performance across the entire range of flight operating conditions and sampling scenarios. Physical operation of the probe was tested on a Lockheed C-130 Hercules (fuselage mounted) and de Havilland Twin Otter (wing pylon mounted) during three airborne field campaigns. During C-130 flights on the final field campaign, the probe reflected the most developed version of the design and a median cloud water collection rate of 4.5 mL min-1 was achieved. This allowed samples to be collected over 1-2 min under optimal cloud conditions. Flights on the Twin Otter featured an inter-comparison of the new probe with a slotted-rod collector, which has an extensive airborne campaign legacy. Comparison of trace species concentrations showed good agreement between collection techniques, with absolute concentrations of most major ions agreeing within 30 %, over a range of several orders of magnitude.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 123(7): 3704-3723, 2018 Apr 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025449


This study uses airborne cloud water composition measurements to characterize the vertical structure of air-equivalent mass concentrations of water-soluble species in marine stratocumulus clouds off the California coast. A total of 385 cloud water samples were collected in the months of July and August between 2011 and 2016 and analyzed for water-soluble ionic and elemental composition. Three characteristic profiles emerge: (i) a reduction of concentration with in-cloud altitude for particulate species directly emitted from sources below cloud without in-cloud sources (e.g., Cl- and Na+), (ii) an increase of concentration with in-cloud altitude (e.g., NO2 - and formate), and (iii) species exhibiting a peak in concentration in the middle of cloud (e.g., non-sea-salt SO4 2-, NO3 -, and organic acids). Vertical profiles of rainout parameters such as loss frequency, lifetime, and change in concentration with respect to time show that the scavenging efficiency throughout the cloud depth depends strongly on the thickness of the cloud. Thin clouds exhibit a greater scavenging loss frequency at cloud top, while thick clouds have a greater scavenging loss frequency at cloud base. The implications of these results for treatment of wet scavenging in models are discussed.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 122(16): 8951-8966, 2017 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28955601


This study examines major wildfires in the western United States between 2005 and 2015 to determine which species exhibit the highest percent change in mass concentration on day of peak fire influence relative to preceding nonfire days. Forty-one fires were examined using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) data set. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) constituents exhibited the highest percent change increase. The sharpest enhancements were for the volatile (OC1) and semivolatile (OC2) OC fractions, suggestive of secondary organic aerosol formation during plume transport. Of the noncarbonaceous constituents, Cl, P, K, NO3-, and Zn levels exhibited the highest percent change. Dust was significantly enhanced in wildfire plumes, based on significant enhancements in fine soil components (i.e., Si, Ca, Al, Fe, and Ti) and PMcoarse (i.e., PM10-PM2.5). A case study emphasized how transport of wildfire plumes significantly impacted downwind states, with higher levels of fine soil and PMcoarse at the downwind state (Arizona) as compared to the source of the fires (California). A global model (Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System, NAAPS) did not capture the dust influence over California or Arizona during this case event because it is not designed to resolve dust dynamics in fires, which motivates improved treatment of such processes. Significant chloride depletion was observed on the peak EC day for almost a half of the fires examined. Size-resolved measurements during two specific fires at a coastal California site revealed significant chloride reductions for particle aerodynamic diameters between 1 and 10 µm.

Environ Sci Technol ; 51(16): 9013-9021, 2017 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28700243


This work examines particulate chloride (Cl-) and bromide (Br-) depletion in marine aerosol particles influenced by wildfires at a coastal California site in the summers of 2013 and 2016. Chloride exhibited a dominant coarse mode due to sea salt influence, with substantially diminished concentrations during fire periods as compared to nonfire periods. Bromide exhibited a peak in the submicrometer range during fire and nonfire periods, with an additional supermicrometer peak in the latter periods. Chloride and Br- depletions were enhanced during fire periods as compared to nonfire periods. The highest observed %Cl- depletion occurred in the submicrometer range, with maximum values of 98.9% (0.32-0.56 µm) and 85.6% (0.56-1 µm) during fire and nonfire periods, respectively. The highest %Br- depletion occurred in the supermicrometer range during fire and nonfire periods with peak depletion between 1.8-3.2 µm (78.8% and 58.6%, respectively). When accounting for the neutralization of sulfate by ammonium, organic acid particles showed the greatest influence on Cl- depletion in the submicrometer range. These results have implications for aerosol hygroscopicity and radiative forcing in areas with wildfire influence owing to depletion effects on composition.

Air Pollutants , Bromides , Aerosols , California , Environmental Monitoring , Fires , Particle Size