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J Stat Phys ; 176(6): 1480-1499, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31555015


We investigate the Edge-Isoperimetric Problem (EIP) for sets with n elements of the cubic lattice by emphasizing its relation with the emergence of the Wulff shape in the crystallization problem. Minimizers M n of the edge perimeter are shown to deviate from a corresponding cubic Wulff configuration with respect to their symmetric difference by at most O ( n 3 / 4 ) elements. The exponent 3 / 4 is optimal. This extends to the cubic lattice analogous results that have already been established for the triangular, the hexagonal, and the square lattice in two space dimensions.

Calc Var Partial Differ Equ ; 57(5): 127, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30393443


We consider macroscopic descriptions of particles where repulsion is modelled by non-linear power-law diffusion and attraction by a homogeneous singular kernel leading to variants of the Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis. We analyse the regime in which diffusive forces are stronger than attraction between particles, known as the diffusion-dominated regime, and show that all stationary states of the system are radially symmetric non-increasing and compactly supported. The model can be formulated as a gradient flow of a free energy functional for which the overall convexity properties are not known. We show that global minimisers of the free energy always exist. Further, they are radially symmetric, compactly supported, uniformly bounded and C ∞ inside their support. Global minimisers enjoy certain regularity properties if the diffusion is not too slow, and in this case, provide stationary states of the system. In one dimension, stationary states are characterised as optimisers of a functional inequality which establishes equivalence between global minimisers and stationary states, and allows to deduce uniqueness.
