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Appl Opt ; 63(12): ROADS1-ROADS5, 2024 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38856489


Optical imaging is an ancient branch of imaging dating back to thousands of years. Radiographic imaging and tomography (RadIT), including the first use of X-rays by Wilhelm Röntgen, and then, γ-rays, energetic charged particles, neutrons, etc. are about 130 years young. The synergies between optical and radiographic imaging can be cast in the framework of these building blocks: Physics, Sources, Detectors, Methods, and Data Science, as described in Appl. Opt.61, RDS1 (2022)APOPAI0003-693510.1364/AO.455628. Optical imaging has expanded to include three-dimensional (3D) tomography (including holography), due in to part the invention of optical (including infrared) lasers. RadIT are intrinsically 3D because of the penetrating power of ionizing radiation. Both optical imaging and tomography (OIT) and RadIT are evolving into even higher dimensional regimes, such as time-resolved tomography (4D) and temporarily and spectroscopically resolved tomography (4D +). Further advances in OIT and RadIT will continue to be driven by desires for higher information yield, higher resolutions, and higher probability models with reduced uncertainties. Synergies in quantum physics, laser-driven sources, low-cost detectors, data-driven methods, automated processing of data, and artificially intelligent data acquisition protocols will be beneficial to both branches of imaging in many applications. These topics, along with an overview of the Radiography, Applied Optics, and Data Science virtual feature issue, are discussed here.

Appl Opt ; 61(6): C133-C142, 2022 Feb 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35201028


We report a design and implementation of proton deflectometry with an in situ reference x-ray image of a mesh to precisely measure non-uniform magnetic fields in expanding plasmas at the OMEGA and OMEGA EP laser facilities. The technique has been developed with proton and x-ray sources generated from both directly driven capsule implosions and short pulse laser-solid interactions. The accuracy of the measurement depends on the contrast of both the proton and x-ray images. We present numerical and analytic studies to optimize the image contrast using a variety of mesh materials and grid spacings. Our results show clear enhancement of the image contrast by factors of four to six using a high Z mesh with large grid spacing. This leads to further improvement in the accuracy of the magnetic field measurement using this technique in comparison with its first demonstration at the OMEGA laser facility [Rev. Sci. Instrum.93, 023502 (2022)RSINAK0034-674810.1063/5.0064263].

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 14061, 2019 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31575932


The double laser pulse approach to relativistic electron beam (REB) collimation in solid targets has been investigated at the LULI-ELFIE facility. In this scheme two collinear laser pulses are focused onto a solid target with a given intensity ratio and time delay to generate REBs. The magnetic field generated by the first laser-driven REB is used to guide the REB generated by a second delayed laser pulse. We show how electron beam collimation can be controlled by properly adjusting the ratio of focus size and the delay time between the two pulses. We found that the maximum of electron beam collimation is clearly dependent on the laser focal spot size ratio and related to the magnetic field dynamics. Cu-Kα and CTR imaging diagnostics were implemented to evaluate the collimation effects on the respectively low energy (≤100 keV) and high energy (≥MeV) components of the REB.
