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Sci Data ; 10(1): 181, 2023 03 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37002235


We introduce a new dataset of high-resolution gridded total soil organic carbon content data produced at 30 m × 30 m and 90 m × 90 m resolutions across Australia. For each product resolution, the dataset consists of six maps of soil organic carbon content along with an estimate of the uncertainty represented by the 90% prediction interval. Soil organic carbon maps were produced up to a depth of 200 cm, for six intervals: 0-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm and 100-200 cm. The maps were obtained through interpolation of 90,025 depth-harmonized organic carbon measurements using quantile regression forest and a large set of environmental covariates. Validation with 10-fold cross-validation showed that all six maps had relatively small errors and that prediction uncertainty was adequately estimated. The soil carbon maps provide a new baseline from which change in future carbon stocks can be monitored and the influence of climate change, land management, and greenhouse gas offset can be assessed.

PeerJ ; 7: e6451, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30828486


The conditioned Latin hypercube sampling (cLHS) algorithm is popularly used for planning field sampling surveys in order to understand the spatial behavior of natural phenomena such as soils. This technical note collates, summarizes, and extends existing solutions to problems that field scientists face when using cLHS. These problems include optimizing the sample size, re-locating sites when an original site is deemed inaccessible, and how to account for existing sample data, so that under-sampled areas can be prioritized for sampling. These solutions, which we also share as individual R scripts, will facilitate much wider application of what has been a very useful sampling algorithm for scientific investigation of soil spatial variation.

PeerJ ; 6: e5722, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30310751


BACKGROUND: The use of visible-near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy for rapid soil characterisation has gained a lot of interest in recent times. Soil spectra absorbance from the visible-infrared range can be calibrated using regression models to predict a set of soil properties. The accuracy of these regression models relies heavily on the calibration set. The optimum sample size and the overall sample representativeness of the dataset could further improve the model performance. However, there is no guideline on which sampling method should be used under different size of datasets. METHODS: Here, we show different sampling algorithms performed differently under different data size and different regression models (Cubist regression tree and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR)). We analysed the effect of three sampling algorithms: Kennard-Stone (KS), conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling (cLHS) and k-means clustering (KM) against random sampling on the prediction of up to five different soil properties (sand, clay, carbon content, cation exchange capacity and pH) on three datasets. These datasets have different coverages: a European continental dataset (LUCAS, n = 5,639), a regional dataset from Australia (Geeves, n = 379), and a local dataset from New South Wales, Australia (Hillston, n = 384). Calibration sample sizes ranging from 50 to 3,000 were derived and tested for the continental dataset; and from 50 to 200 samples for the regional and local datasets. RESULTS: Overall, the PLSR gives a better prediction in comparison to the Cubist model for the prediction of various soil properties. It is also less prone to the choice of sampling algorithm. The KM algorithm is more representative in the larger dataset up to a certain calibration sample size. The KS algorithm appears to be more efficient (as compared to random sampling) in small datasets; however, the prediction performance varied a lot between soil properties. The cLHS sampling algorithm is the most robust sampling method for multiple soil properties regardless of the sample size. DISCUSSION: Our results suggested that the optimum calibration sample size relied on how much generalization the model had to create. The use of the sampling algorithm is beneficial for larger datasets than smaller datasets where only small improvements can be made. KM is suitable for large datasets, KS is efficient in small datasets but results can be variable, while cLHS is less affected by sample size.

PeerJ ; 6: e4659, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29682425


Soil colour is often used as a general purpose indicator of internal soil drainage. In this study we developed a necessarily simple model of soil drainage which combines the tacit knowledge of the soil surveyor with observed matrix soil colour descriptions. From built up knowledge of the soils in our Lower Hunter Valley, New South Wales study area, the sequence of well-draining → imperfectly draining → poorly draining soils generally follows the colour sequence of red → brown → yellow → grey → black soil matrix colours. For each soil profile, soil drainage is estimated somewhere on a continuous index of between 5 (very well drained) and 1 (very poorly drained) based on the proximity or similarity to reference soil colours of the soil drainage colour sequence. The estimation of drainage index at each profile incorporates the whole-profile descriptions of soil colour where necessary, and is weighted such that observation of soil colour at depth and/or dominantly observed horizons are given more preference than observations near the soil surface. The soil drainage index, by definition disregards surficial soil horizons and consolidated and semi-consolidated parent materials. With the view to understanding the spatial distribution of soil drainage we digitally mapped the index across our study area. Spatial inference of the drainage index was made using Cubist regression tree model combined with residual kriging. Environmental covariates for deterministic inference were principally terrain variables derived from a digital elevation model. Pearson's correlation coefficients indicated the variables most strongly correlated with soil drainage were topographic wetness index (-0.34), mid-slope position (-0.29), multi-resolution valley bottom flatness index (-0.29) and vertical distance to channel network (VDCN) (0.26). From the regression tree modelling, two linear models of soil drainage were derived. The partitioning of models was based upon threshold criteria of VDCN. Validation of the regression kriging model using a withheld dataset resulted in a root mean square error of 0.90 soil drainage index units. Concordance between observations and predictions was 0.49. Given the scale of mapping, and inherent subjectivity of soil colour description, these results are acceptable. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of soil drainage predicted in our study area is attuned with our mental model developed over successive field surveys. Our approach, while exclusively calibrated for the conditions observed in our study area, can be generalised once the unique soil colour and soil drainage relationship is expertly defined for an area or region in question. With such rules established, the quantitative components of the method would remain unchanged.

Sci Total Environ ; 631-632: 377-389, 2018 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29525716


Spatial modelling of environmental data commonly only considers spatial variability as the single source of uncertainty. In reality however, the measurement errors should also be accounted for. In recent years, infrared spectroscopy has been shown to offer low cost, yet invaluable information needed for digital soil mapping at meaningful spatial scales for land management. However, spectrally inferred soil carbon data are known to be less accurate compared to laboratory analysed measurements. This study establishes a methodology to filter out the measurement error variability by incorporating the measurement error variance in the spatial covariance structure of the model. The study was carried out in the Lower Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia where a combination of laboratory measured, and vis-NIR and MIR inferred topsoil and subsoil soil carbon data are available. We investigated the applicability of residual maximum likelihood (REML) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods to generate parameters of the Matérn covariance function directly from the data in the presence of measurement error. The results revealed that the measurement error can be effectively filtered-out through the proposed technique. When the measurement error was filtered from the data, the prediction variance almost halved, which ultimately yielded a greater certainty in spatial predictions of soil carbon. Further, the MCMC technique was successfully used to define the posterior distribution of measurement error. This is an important outcome, as the MCMC technique can be used to estimate the measurement error if it is not explicitly quantified. Although this study dealt with soil carbon data, this method is amenable for filtering the measurement error of any kind of continuous spatial environmental data.

Sci Total Environ ; 609: 621-632, 2017 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28763659


Understanding the uncertainty in spatial modelling of environmental variables is important because it provides the end-users with the reliability of the maps. Over the past decades, Bayesian statistics has been successfully used. However, the conventional simulation-based Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches are often computationally intensive. In this study, the performance of a novel Bayesian inference approach called Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation with Stochastic Partial Differential Equation (INLA-SPDE) was evaluated using independent calibration and validation datasets of various skewed and non-skewed soil properties and was compared with a linear mixed model estimated by residual maximum likelihood (REML-LMM). It was found that INLA-SPDE was equivalent to REML-LMM in terms of the model performance and was similarly robust with sparse datasets (i.e. 40-60 samples). In comparison, INLA-SPDE was able to estimate the posterior marginal distributions of the model parameters without extensive simulations. It was concluded that INLA-SPDE had the potential to map the spatial distribution of environmental variables along with their posterior marginal distributions for environmental management. Some drawbacks were identified with INLA-SPDE, including artefacts of model response due to the use of triangle meshes and a longer computational time when dealing with non-Gaussian likelihood families.

PeerJ ; 3: e1366, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26528422


Simulations are used to generate plausible realisations of soil and climatic variables for input into an enterprise land suitability assessment (LSA). Subsequently we present a case study demonstrating a LSA (for hazelnuts) which takes into account the quantified uncertainties of the biophysical model input variables. This study is carried out in the Meander Valley Irrigation District, Tasmania, Australia. It is found that when comparing to a LSA that assumes inputs to be error free, there is a significant difference in the assessment of suitability. Using an approach that assumes inputs to be error free, 56% of the study area was predicted to be suitable for hazelnuts. Using the simulation approach it is revealed that there is considerable uncertainty about the 'error free' assessment, where a prediction of 'unsuitable' was made 66% of the time (on average) at each grid cell of the study area. The cause of this difference is that digital soil mapping of both soil pH and conductivity have a high quantified uncertainty in this study area. Despite differences between the comparative methods, taking account of the prediction uncertainties provide a realistic appraisal of enterprise suitability. It is advantageous also because suitability assessments are provided as continuous variables as opposed to discrete classifications. We would recommend for other studies that consider similar FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) land evaluation framework type suitability assessments, that parameter membership functions (as opposed to discrete threshold cutoffs) together with the simulation approach are used in concert.