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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1194177, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37600173


Tree source-sink ratio has a predominant and complex impact on tree performance and can affect multiple physiological processes including vegetative and reproductive growth, water and nutrient use, photosynthesis, and productivity. In this study, we manipulated the branch level source-sink ratio by reduction of photosynthetic activity (partial branch defoliation) or thinning branch fruit load early in the growing season (after fruit set) in pistachio (Pistacia vera) trees. We then characterized the leaf photosynthetic light response curves through leaf aging. In addition, we determined changes in leaf non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. In leaves with high source-sink ratios, there was a gradual decrease in maximum net photosynthetic rate (ANmax) over the growing season, while in branches with low source-sink ratios, there was a sharp decline in ANmax in the first two weeks of August. Branches with high-sink showed an up-regulation (increase) in photosynthesis toward the end of July (at 1,500 growing degree days) during the period of rapid kernel growth rate and increased sink strength, with ANmax being about 7 µmol m-1 s-1 higher than in branches with low-sink. In August, low source-sink ratios precipitated leaf senescence, resulting in a drastic ANmax decline, from 25 to 8 µmol m-1 s-1 (70% drop in two weeks). This reduction was associated with the accumulation of NSC in the leaves from 20 to 30 mg g-1. The mechanisms of ANmax reduction differ between the two treatments. Lower photosynthetic rates of 8-10 µmol m-1 s-1 late in the season were associated with lower N levels in high-sink branches, suggesting N remobilization to the kernels. Lower photosynthesis late in the season was associated with lower respiration rates in low-source branches, indicating prioritization of assimilates to storage. These results can facilitate the adaptation of management practices to tree crop load changes in alternate bearing species.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(13)2022 Jun 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35807647


This study aimed to characterize the physiological and structural responses of potted one-year-old olive trees belonging to two olive cultivars­'Nocellara del Belice' and 'Cerasuola'­exposed to prolonged drought under greenhouse conditions. Two irrigation treatments based on evapotranspiration (ET) were imposed for 69 days, i.e., well-watered (WW, 100% ET) and drought-stressed (DS, 10−30% ET). Leaf stomatal conductance (gs), stem water potential (Ψstem), transpiration (E), photosynthetic capacity (Amax), water use efficiency (WUE), stem (Kstem) and root (Kroot) hydraulic conductance, trunk diameter variations (TDV), and leaf patch attenuated pressure fluctuations (pp, a proxy of the inverse of leaf turgor pressure) were measured in WW and DS trees at different stages of the experiment. Leaf gs did not significantly differ between cultivars under DS, whereas differences in Ψstem only became significant at the end of prolonged drought, when 'Nocellara del Belice' experienced Ψstem < −4 MPa. 'Cerasuola' trees expressed the best WUE under drought, although they were more susceptible to photoinhibition under optimal plant water status. Both cultivars tended to increase their Kstem at the end of the drought period. A marked reduction in Kroot occurred in 'Cerasuola' plants after prolonged drought; however, a similar mechanism was not observed in 'Nocellara del Belice'. The ratio between Kstem and Kroot exponentially increased towards the end of the prolonged drought period in both cultivars, but more markedly in 'Cerasuola'. TDV and pp trends suggested that 'Cerasuola' plants keep better plant water status under severe drought compared to 'Nocellara del Belice' by maintaining high leaf turgor and reduced trunk diameter fluctuations. These responses may be related to reduced cell wall elasticity and xylem vessel size and/or wall thickness­drought avoidance mechanisms. The Kstem/Kroot ratio can serve as an indicator of drought stress avoidance mechanisms to compare genotype-specific responses to drought stress.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 791711, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34899813


Midday stem water potential (SWP) is rapidly becoming adopted as a standard tool for plant-based irrigation management in many woody perennial crops. A reference or "baseline" SWP has been used in some crops (almond, prune, grape, and walnut) to account for the climatic influence of air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) on SWP under non-limiting soil moisture conditions. The baseline can be determined empirically for field trees maintained under such non-limiting conditions, but such conditions are difficult to achieve for an entire season. We present the results of an alternative survey-based approach, using a large set of SWP and VPD data collected over multiple years, from irrigation experiments in olive orchards located in multiple countries [Spain, United States (California), Italy, and Argentina]. The relation of SWP to midday VPD across the entire data set was consistent with an upper limit SWP which declined with VPD, with the upper limit being similar to that found in Prunus. A best fit linear regression estimate for this upper limit (baseline) was found by selecting the maximum R 2 and minimum probability for various upper fractions of the SWP/VPD relation. In addition to being surprisingly similar to the Prunus baseline, the olive baseline was also similar (within 0.1 MPa) to a recently published mechanistic olive soil-plant-atmosphere-continuum (SPAC) model for "super high density" orchard systems. Despite similarities in the baseline, the overall physiological range of SWP exhibited by olive extends to about -8 MPa, compared to about -4 MPa for economically producing almond. This may indicate that, despite species differences in physiological responses to low water availability (drought), there may be convergent adaptations/acclimations across species to high levels of water availability. Similar to its use in other crops, the olive baseline will enable more accurate and reproducible plant-based irrigation management for both full and deficit irrigation practices, and we present tentative SWP guidelines for this purpose.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(1)2021 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33440632


A comprehensive characterization of water stress is needed for the development of automated irrigation protocols aiming to increase olive orchard environmental and economical sustainability. The main aim of this study is to determine whether a combination of continuous leaf turgor, fruit growth, and sap flow responses improves the detection of mild water stress in two olive cultivars characterized by different responses to water stress. The sensitivity of the tested indicators to mild stress depended on the main mechanisms that each cultivar uses to cope with water deficit. One cultivar showed pronounced day to day changes in leaf turgor and fruit relative growth rate in response to water withholding. The other cultivar reduced daily sap flows and showed a pronounced tendency to reach very low values of leaf turgor. Based on these responses, the sensitivity of the selected indicators is discussed in relation to drought response mechanisms, such as stomatal closure, osmotic adjustment, and tissue elasticity. The analysis of the daily dynamics of the monitored parameters highlights the limitation of using non-continuous measurements in drought stress studies, suggesting that the time of the day when data is collected has a great influence on the results and consequent interpretations, particularly when different genotypes are compared. Overall, the results highlight the need to tailor plant-based water management protocols on genotype-specific physiological responses to water deficit and encourage the use of combinations of plant-based continuously monitoring sensors to establish a solid base for irrigation management.

Life (Basel) ; 10(8)2020 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32784922


Background: The outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and the related disease (COVID-19) has rapidly spread to a pandemic proportion, increasing the demands on health systems for the containment and management of COVID-19. Nowadays, one of the critical issues still to be pointed out regards COVID-19 treatment regimens and timing: which drug, in which phase, for how long? Methods: Our narrative review, developed using MEDLINE and EMBASE, summarizes the main evidences in favor or against the current proposed treatment regimens for COVID-19, with a particular focus on antiviral agents. Results: Although many agents have been proposed as possible treatment, to date, any of the potential drugs against SARS-CoV-2 has shown to be safe and effective for treating COVID-19. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, remdesivir remains the only antiviral with encouraging effects in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Conclusions: In such a complex moment of global health emergency, it is hard to demand scientific evidence. Nevertheless, randomized clinical trials aiming to identify effective and safe drugs against SARS-CoV-2 infection are urgently needed in order to confirm or reject the currently available evidence.

Front Plant Sci ; 11: 340, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32265975


Sustainable irrigation is crucial to reduce water use and management costs in modern orchard systems. Continuous plant-based sensing is an innovative approach for the continuous monitoring of plant water status. Olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes can respond to drought using different leaf and fruit physiological and morphological mechanisms. This study aimed to identify whether fruit and leaf water dynamics of two different olive cultivars were differently affected by water deficit and their response to changes of midday stem water potential (Ψstem), the most common indicator of plant water status. Plant water status indicators such as leaf stomatal conductance (gs) and Ψstem were measured in the Sicilian olive cultivars Nocellara del Belice (NB) and Olivo di Mandanici (MN), in stage II and III of fruit development. Fruit gauges and leaf patch clamp pressure probes were mounted on trees and their raw data were converted in relative rates of fruit diameter change (RRfruit) and leaf pressure change (RRleaf), sensitive indicators of tissue water exchanges. The analysis of diel, diurnal and nocturnal fluctuations of RRfruit and RRleaf highlighted differences, often opposite, between the two cultivars under water deficit. A combination of statistical parameters extrapolated from RRfruit and RRleaf diurnal and nocturnal curves were successfully used to obtain significant multiple linear models for the estimation of midday Ψstem. Fruit and leaf water exchanges suggest that olive cultivar can either privilege fruit or leaf water status, with MN likely preserving leaf water status and NB increasing fruit tissue elasticity under severe water deficit. The results highlight the advantages of the integration of fruit and leaf water dynamics to estimate plant water status and the need for genotype-specific models in olive.