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Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;17(4,supl.3): 1134-1141, 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-776602


RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito alelopático e o rótulo dos produtos vegetais contidos nas garrafadas comercializadas no mercado municipal de Montes Claros - MG. Adquiriram-se oito garrafadas que foram utilizadas para tratar, cada uma, 20 sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) dispostas em placas de Petri sobre papel saturado com 4mL do conteúdo de cada garrafada em 04 concentrações: 12,5; 25; 50; e 75%. O controle positivo foi realizado com solução de sulfato de zinco a 1%, além dos controles: água mineral, água da torneira, e água destilada. As placas de Petri foram lacradas com filme plástico, cobertas com saco plástico e incubadas em escuro por sete dias à temperatura média de 27,2°C e na umidade média de 54%. Após 7 dias, mediu-se o comprimento da radícula e do hipocótilo (mm) de cada uma das plântulas e quantificou-se o número de sementes que germinaram. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo software Sisvar, sendo os resultados comparados pelo Teste Scott-Knott ao nível nominal de 5%. Os resultados do teste de germinação indicaram que houve efeito significativo das garrafadas sobre a germinação das sementes de Lactuca sativa L., onde o percentual de germinação das sementes foi inversamente proporcional ao aumento da concentração das garrafadas. Portanto, observou-se que as garrafadas apresentaram potencial alelopático ao inibirem a germinação das sementes de alface.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the allelopathic effect and label of plant products put in bottles commercialized in the municipal market of Montes Claros - MG. Eight bottles were employed to treat, each one, 20 lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) placed at Petri plaques over saturated paper with 4mL of the content of each bottle in 04 concentrations of 12.5; 25; 50; 75% for each bottle, 1% of zinc sulfate solution (positive control) and 3 negative control groups (containing mineral water, tap water and distilled water). The Petri plaques were sealed with plastic film, covered with plastic bag and incubated in the dark for seven days at an average temperature of 27.2°C and average humidity of 54%. After 7 days, it was measured the length of the radicle and the hypocotyl (mm) of each one of the seedlings and the number of seeds that germinated was quantified. The data were submitted to analysis of variance by Sisvar software and the results were compared by Scot-Knott Test at a nominal level of 5%. The results of the germination test indicated that there was a significant impact of the bottles in the germination of the lactuca sativa L. seeds, where the percentage of seeds germination was inversely proportional to the concentration increase in the analyzed bottles. Therefore, it has been observed that the bottles presented allelopathic potential when they inhibited the germination of lettuce seeds.

Product Labeling/classification , Allelopathy , Plants, Medicinal/classification , Lactuca/classification
Funct Plant Biol ; 40(9): 931-939, 2013 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32481162


Heavy metal concentrations present in the above- and beowground tissues of Scirpus maritimus L., Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald and Zostera noltii Hornem were analysed seasonally in the Mondego Estuary, Portugal. The sediments of the estuary were confirmed to contain only low concentrations of heavy metals. The belowground tissues of all three species showed higher heavy metal concentrations than the aboveground tissues. Although the sediments only contained low levels of contamination, because the area occupied by S. maritimus and Z. noltii was large, significant quantities of heavy metals were accumulated and exported to the surrounding water bodies. In contrast with observations of highly contaminated estuaries, it was found that in spite of the low level of contaminants in the sediments of the Mondego Estuary, aquatic vegetation functioned as a source of metals for nearby systems.

Arch. bronconeumol. (Ed. impr.) ; 45(12): 577-584, dic. 2009. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-75964


IntroducciónLa apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) se ha vinculado de forma creciente con las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los procesos inflamatorios asociados a la AOS pueden contribuir a esta morbilidad. Algunos estudios han señalado que las concentraciones séricas de proteína C reactiva de alta sensibilidad (PCR-as) y de interleucina-6 (IL-6) están aumentadas en estos pacientes. El objetivo principal del estudio has sido investigar la repercusión a corto y largo plazo del tratamiento de presión positiva automática en la vía aérea (APAP) sobre las concentraciones séricas de PCR-as e IL-6 en pacientes con AOS clasificada entre moderada y grave. Como objetivo secundario, nos propusimos evaluar las concentraciones basales de PCR-as e IL-6 en los pacientes con AOS y su posible relación con la gravedad de dicho síndrome, independientemente de los factores de confusión, y comparar las concentraciones de PCR-as en los afectados de AOS con los de una población de control procedente de la comunidad.Pacientes y métodosSe trata de un estudio prospectivo que ha incluido a 98 pacientes varones con AOS de moderada a grave, confirmada mediante un estudio domiciliario del sueño. Las neoplasias malignas y las enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas fueron criterios de exclusión. Se evaluaron las concentraciones séricas de PCR-as y de IL-6 antes de la APAP, a los 9 días y a los 6 meses del tratamiento. Los controles de la comunidad (n=103), que se seleccionaron mediante llamadas telefónicas aleatorias, se emparejaron por edad e índice de masa corporal (IMC) con el grupo de pacientes con objeto de comparar las concentraciones de PCR-as al inicio del estudio(AU)

ResultadosLa población estudiada presentaba una media (± desviación estándar) de edad de 55,3±10,7 años, un IMC medio de 33,2±5,0kg/m2, un índice medio de apneas-hipopneas de 51,7±21,3/h y un índice de desaturación de 86,3±5,3/h. El cumplimiento del tratamiento con APAP fue bueno, con un uso de un 91,27±20,45% de los días y de 5,76±1,59h/noche.Al inicio del estudio, los valores séricos medios de PCR-as e IL-6 fueron de 0,52±0,53 y 17,7±22,5μg/l, respectivamente. Los de PCR-as se correlacionaban de forma significativa con el índice de apneas-hipopneas, el índice de desaturación y la saturación de oxígeno mínima durante la noche, y los de IL-6 estaban correlacionados de forma significativa y negativa con la saturación de oxígeno mínima durante la noche. Al ajustar por los factores de confusión encontrados en el estudio, todas estas relaciones perdieron significación.La PCR-as se encontraba significativamente elevada en los pacientes respecto a los controles (p=0,002). Al considerar las categorías de estratificación del riesgo cardiovascular mediante la PCR-as, en el grupo de pacientes era significativamente mayor el número de personas con riesgo elevado de episodios cardiovasculares en comparación con el grupo control (p=0,002).Tras el ajuste por IMC e hipertensión arterial, el grupo de pacientes presentaba un riesgo moderado casi 2 veces superior y un riesgo importante más de 2 veces superior de desarrollar episodios cardiovasculares en comparación con el grupo de control(AU)

Background and objectivesObstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) has been increasingly linked to cardiovascular disease. Inflammatory processes associated with OSA may contribute to this morbidity. Some studies have reported serum levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to be increased in these patients. Primary objective: investigate the impact of short and long-term autoadjusting positive airway pressure (APAP) therapy on IL-6 and hs-CRP serum levels in patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea. Secundary Objective: evaluate the basal hs-CRP and IL-6 levels in OSA patients and its possible relation to OSA severity, independently of confounders and compare the hs-CRP levels in OSA patients with those in community controls.Patients and methodsThis is a prospective study including 98 male patients with moderate to severe OSA confirmed by domiciliary sleep study. Malignancy and chronic inflammatory diseases were exclusion criteria. hs-CRP and IL-6 serum levels were evaluated before APAP, 9 days and 6 months after therapy. Community controls (n=103) were selected using random digit dialling, and matched by age and body mass index (BMI) for comparison of hs-CRP levels at baseline(AU)

ResultsThe studied population had a mean age of 55.3±10.7 years, mean BMI 33.2±5.0kg/m2, mean apnoea-hypopnoea index 51.7±21.3/h and mean desaturation index 86.3±5.3/h. The APAP compliance was good: 91.27&%#x000B1;20.45 days usage and 5.76±1.59h/night of usage.Mean basal hs-CRP and IL-6 serum values were 0.52±0.53μg/l and 17.7±22.5μg/l, respectively. CRP levels at baseline correlated significantly with apnoea-hypopnoea index, desaturation index and minimum nocturnal oxygen saturation. IL-6 levels at baseline correlated significantly and negatively with minimum nocturnal oxygen saturation. When adjusting for confounding factors found in this study, all these relations lost significance.CRP is significantly increased in patients when compared to controls (p=0.002) and when considering hs-CRP cardiovascular risk stratified categories, cases had significantly more patients at high risk of cardiovascular events than controls (p=0.002).After adjustment for BMI and arterial hypertension, cases had an almost twofold moderate risk of cardiovascular events and more than a twofold severe risk of cardiovascular events when compared to controls(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , C-Reactive Protein , C-Reactive Protein , C-Reactive Protein/genetics , C-Reactive Protein/therapeutic use , Sleep Apnea Syndromes , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/therapy , Interleukin-6 , Interleukin-6 , Interleukin-6/therapeutic use