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Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 10(3): 18-28, jul.-set.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291450


Procuramos identificar os critérios que conduzem à seleção para investigação de determinadas patologias. O objetivo é verificar se tais critérios são adequados às necessidades de investigação em saúde e respondem aos problemas globais de saúde pública. Tentámos confrontar o que diz a informação científica publicada com a nossa experiência na Comissão de Ética para a Investigação Clínica. Na maioria dos repositórios consultados, há poucas referências a prioridades ou seleção de prioridades, reportando-se a aspetos concretos de patologias específicas. O motor de busca EuropePMC identifica perto de 40 milentradas, sendo o mais significativo que encontrámos. Analisámos alguns dos artigos pela abordagem ética, metodológica para a investigação médica e suas prioridades, nomeadamente, a participação dos pacientes. A interação entre medicamentos antirretrovirais e o consumo de drogas injetáveis e a inclusão de pacientes utilizadores de injetáveis (UDI) em ensaios clínicos só foram investigadas pelas companhias farmacêuticas (e pelos próprios investigadores), pelo confronto e pressão dos principais Community Advisory Boards (CAB), nomeadamente o European CAB. A seleção e arbitragem entre patologias para a investigação não parecem despertar muito interesse por parte de investigadores e da Academia. São os financiadores da investigação, entidades, públicas ou privadas, com ou sem fins lucrativos, que selecionam as áreas a investigar. Nas empresas farmacêuticas, é o retorno económico: doenças de países e regiões de baixos recursos ou raras não têm um mercado. Têm sido as organizações multilaterais e fundações de âmbito global, com os seus financiamentos, a definir as prioridades das investigações em áreas de maior impacto global e social.

We try to identify the criteria leadingto the selection for investigation of certain pathologies. Its goal is to verify whether these criteria are adequate to the global health research needs and respond to the main global public health problems.We tried to confrontwhat the published scientific information says with our own experience as a member of the Ethics Committee for Clinical Research.Most of the open access repositories consulted, refers, mostly, to specificpathologies, with few references to priorities or selection of priorities.The EuropePMC search engine, the most significant of which wehave found,identifies nearly 40.000 entries. We analyzed some of the articles by the ethical, methodological approach to medical research and its priorities, namely, patient participation.Interactionsbetween antiretroviral drugs and injecting drug use and the inclusion of drug user patients in clinical trials where only be investigated by pharmaceutical companies (and the researchers themselves), with the confrontation and pressure from the main Community Advisory Boards(CAB), in particular European CAB.The selection and arbitration between pathologies for research does not seem, comparatively, to raiseinterest on the part of researchers and the Academy. The research funders define the financeable areas.In pharmaceutical companies, it is the economic return, with little interest and social impact of the research results. Diseases in low-resource or rare countries and regions are not an interestingmarket.Multilateral organizations and global foundations have been responsible for prioritizing funding for research in areas of greatest global and social impact.

Buscamos identificar los criterios conducentesa la selecciónpara la investigación de determinadas patologías. Su objetivo último es verificar si dichos criterios son adecuados a las necesidades de investigación en salud y a los problemas de salud pública global.Intentamos confrontarlo que dice la información científica publicada con nuestra experiencia en el Comité de Ética para la Investigación Clínica.La mayoría de los repositorios de acceso abierto consultadosse refieren a patologías concretas,contienen pocas referencias a prioridades o selección de prioridades.El motor de búsqueda EuropePMC,lo más significativoque hemosencontrado,identifica cerca de 40.000 entradas. Analizamos algunos de los artículos por el enfoque ético, metodológico de la investigación médica y sus prioridades, a saber, la participación de los pacientes. Lasinteraccionesentre los medicamentos antirretrovirales y el uso de drogas inyectables y la inclusión de pacientes UDI enensayos clínicos solo fueron investigadas por loenfrentamiento ypresión de los principales Community Advisory Boards(CAB), en particular European CAB.La selección y arbitraje entre patologías para la investigación no parecedespertar mucho interés por parte de los investigadores y de la Academia. Los financiadores de investigación definen las áreas financiables.En las empresas farmacéuticas es el retorno económico, con poco interés e impacto social de los resultados de la investigación. Los países y regiones de recursos escasos o raros no tienen interés económico, no tienen mercado.Las organizacionesy fundaciones multilaterales a nivel global se han encargado de priorizar la financiación de la investigación en áreas de mayor impacto global y social.

BMJ Open ; 7(12): e018647, 2017 Dec 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29247106


OBJECTIVES: We examined major issues associated with sharing of individual clinical trial data and developed a consensus document on providing access to individual participant data from clinical trials, using a broad interdisciplinary approach. DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a consensus-building process among the members of a multistakeholder task force, involving a wide range of experts (researchers, patient representatives, methodologists, information technology experts, and representatives from funders, infrastructures and standards development organisations). An independent facilitator supported the process using the nominal group technique. The consensus was reached in a series of three workshops held over 1 year, supported by exchange of documents and teleconferences within focused subgroups when needed. This work was set within the Horizon 2020-funded project CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services) and coordinated by the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network. Thus, the focus was on non-commercial trials and the perspective mainly European. OUTCOME: We developed principles and practical recommendations on how to share data from clinical trials. RESULTS: The task force reached consensus on 10 principles and 50 recommendations, representing the fundamental requirements of any framework used for the sharing of clinical trials data. The document covers the following main areas: making data sharing a reality (eg, cultural change, academic incentives, funding), consent for data sharing, protection of trial participants (eg, de-identification), data standards, rights, types and management of access (eg, data request and access models), data management and repositories, discoverability, and metadata. CONCLUSIONS: The adoption of the recommendations in this document would help to promote and support data sharing and reuse among researchers, adequately inform trial participants and protect their rights, and provide effective and efficient systems for preparing, storing and accessing data. The recommendations now need to be implemented and tested in practice. Further work needs to be done to integrate these proposals with those from other geographical areas and other academic domains.

Biomedical Research/standards , Clinical Trials as Topic , Consensus , Information Dissemination/methods , Advisory Committees , Humans