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J Patient Exp ; 7(6): 937-940, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33457524


The British Columbia Emergency Medicine Network (EM Network) has collaborated with patient partners to utilize their experiential knowledge to inform planning and implementation. Patient partners participated in several EM Network committees and initiatives. This study evaluated how patient partners and other leaders in the EM Network perceived patient engagement efforts 1 year after launch. The Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool V2.0 found that there was an appropriate level of patient engagement at this early stage, an opportunity to attract more patient partners as the EM Network grows, and a need to ensure adequate resources to support more activities.

Cureus ; 10(1): e2022, 2018 Jan 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29531875


As generalists, emergency practitioners face challenges in providing state-of-the-art care owing to the broad spectrum of practice and the rapid rate of new knowledge generation. Networks have become increasingly prevalent in health care, and it was in this backdrop, and the resulting opportunity to advance evidence-informed emergency care in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), that a new "Emergency Medicine Network" (EM Network) was launched in 2017. The EM Network consists of four programs, each led by a physician with expertise and a track record in the domain: (1) Clinical Resources; (2) Innovation; (3) Continuing Professional Development; and (4) Real-time Support. This paper provides an overview of the EM Network, including its background, purpose, programs, anticipated evolution, and impact on the BC health care system.

Curr Neuropharmacol ; 4(1): 33-40, 2006 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18615135


Status epilepticus (SE) is a major medical emergency associated with significant morbidity and mortality. SE is best defined as a continuous, generalized, convulsive seizure lasting > 5 min, or two or more seizures during which the patient does not return to baseline consciousness. The relative efficacy and safety of different drugs in the treatment of human SE should be determined in a prospective, randomized, blinded study. However, complementary animal models of SE are required to answer important questions concerning the treatment of SE because of the obvious difficulties of setting up such studies in clinical emergency conditions. This review offers an overview of the implementation and characteristics of some of the most prevalent animal models of SE currently in use. A description is also provide about how animal models of SE may facilitate the use of neurobiological techniques to successfully address critical questions in the drug treatment of SE. In particular, the experience with recently introduced drugs such as intravenous valproate will be addressed. Finally, the importance of some animal models and pharmacological approaches is explained and we discuss their impact in the development of therapeutic strategies to improve pharmacological treatment for SE is discussed.

Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2003.
in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-51592


[Prefacio]. La familia: su dinámica y tratamiento, es un libro dedicado al personal de salud –médicos de cualquier especialidad, psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y enfermeras- inte-resados en incluir en sus intervenciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas principios derivados de la teoría general de los sistemas. Es el resultado del trabajo de un grupo de terapeutas familiares que, desde el campo de la medicina y de la psicología, se han dedicado al ejer-cicio de la psicoterapia sistémica aplicada a padecimientos en los que los problemas psi-cológicos se encuentran relacionados con alteraciones médicas. En la práctica de la medicina en general, y de la psiquiatría y la medicina familiar en particular, no es posible soslayar el impacto de la convivencia dentro de la familia sobre sus integrantes, tanto en la salud como en la enfermedad. El aforismo de Ortega y Gasset "yo soy yo y mis circunstancias" alude en forma sencilla y elocuente al hecho de que para entender cabalmente al individuo se requiere conocer las condiciones ambientales donde se encuentra, siendo el entorno más íntimo y significativo su familia, sin olvidar el ambiente sociocultural. El modelo medico tradicional, individualista y predominantemen-te orientado a la curación de enfermedades ya no se considera vigente, pues vivimos inmersos en un mundo donde las influencias ambientales, tanto psicológicas como bioló-gicas y sociales, ejercen una influencia indudable como agentes de salud o de enfermedad… Este libro pretende proporcionar al personal de salud elementos útiles para dar un apoyo efectivo a los individuos enfermos y sus familias. El contar con una visión amplia e integral de éstos ayuda a comprender mejor el fenómeno de la enfermedad y proporcio-na las bases de su tratamiento. Conocer el funcionamiento de la familia del paciente per-mite al clínico sensible dar alguna orientación psicológica de primer nivel. También pro-porciona elementos para referir algún caso al terapeuta familiar especializado.

Family Therapy , Family , Family Relations