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Hum Mov Sci ; 95: 103214, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38547792


OBJECTIVES: This study tested the effects of combining two bandwidth knowledge of performance (KP) on a complex sports motor skill. METHOD: Twenty-two elementary students were divided into combined wide and narrow bandwidth KP (WNG) and control group (CG). The task was the volleyball serve, whose goal was to hit the bull's eye center of a target lying on the floor on the opposite side of the court. The study was composed of a pre-test, acquisition phase and retention test, and had three measures (pre-test, intermediate test, and retention test) with 15 serves recorded each. The acquisition phase consisted of 252 trials. The WNG had a wide bandwidth KP in the first half of the acquisition phase and a narrow one in the second. The CG received KP in all trials. The effects of bandwidth KP were analyzed separately to infer parameters and skill structure learning. RESULTS: Both groups improved the skill structure from the first to the intermediate test, but only WNG also improved on the retention test. The parameters accuracy improved only on retention compared to the pre-test and intermediate test but had no difference between groups. CONCLUSION: Providing information using the bandwidth KP led to an initial engagement and prioritization of skill structure learning.

Athletic Performance , Motor Skills , Volleyball , Humans , Male , Female , Psychomotor Performance , Child , Retention, Psychology , Practice, Psychological , Orientation , Learning
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2685-2698, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435001


A dengue é uma das doenças virais mais distribuídas pelo mundo. Por meio de uma revisão integrativa, este estudo busca identificar os possíveis fatores socioambi- entais associados à prevalência dos casos de dengue. Foi realizada uma pesquisa em es- tudos indexados nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Literatura La- tino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), no período de 2017 a 2023, utilizando-se os seguintes descritores (DeCS): dengue, aedes aegypti e infecções por ar- bovírus. Em seguida, foram selecionados quinze trabalhos, que foram publicados em por- tuguês e espanhol. Os resultados mostraram que a dengue está relacionada a diversos fatores, ligados a esfera social e ambiental. Inicialmente, observou-se que o crescimento urbano desordenado desencadeou uma série de questões que contribuem para o aumento dos casos de dengue e o consequente impacto sobre a saúde pública. Entre os principais fatores sociais, verificou-se um crescimento populacional nas cidades, o que levou ao agravamento da desigualdade social, elevação das moradias precárias e necessidade de melhor infraestrutura. Entre os principais fatores ambientais, pode-se destacar a deficiên- cia no fornecimento de água, o que costuma levar as pessoas a buscarem armazenar água em reservatórios descobertos. Além disso, é comum a ocorrência do manejo inadequado dos resíduos sólidos. Portanto, o trabalho evidenciou os fatores que estão associados à prevalência da dengue, assim como mostrou a necessidade de investimento em diversas áreas, no intuito de diminuir a desigualdade social.

Dengue is one of the most widespread viral diseases in the world. Through an integrative review, this study seeks to identify possible socio-environmental factors associated with the prevalence of dengue cases. A search was carried out on studies in- dexed in the databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), from 2017 to 2023, using the following de- scriptors (DeCS): dengue, aedes aegypti and arbovirus infections. Then, fifteen works were selected, which were published in Portuguese and Spanish. The results showed that dengue is related to several factors, linked to the social and environmental sphere. Ini- tially, it was observed that disorderly urban growth has triggered a series of issues that contribute to the increase in dengue cases and the consequent impact on public health. Among the main social factors, there was a population growth in the cities, which led to the worsening of social inequality, an increase in precarious housing and the need for better infrastructure. Among the main environmental factors, we can highlight the defi- ciency in the water supply, which usually leads people to seek to store water in uncovered reservoirs. In addition, the occurrence of inadequate management of solid waste is com- mon. Therefore, the work highlighted the factors that are associated with the prevalence of dengue, as well as showing the need for investment in several areas, in order to reduce social inequality.

El dengue es una de las enfermedades virales más extendidas en el mundo. A través de una revisión integradora, este estudio busca identificar posibles factores so- cioambientales asociados a la prevalencia de casos de dengue. Se realizó una búsqueda en estudios indexados en las bases de datos: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) y Litera- tura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS), de 2017 a 2023, utilizando los siguientes descriptores (DeCS): dengue, aedes aegypti y arbovirus infec- ciones Luego, quince obras fueron seleccionadas, que fueron publicadas en portugués y español. Los resultados mostraron que el dengue está relacionado con varios factores, vinculados a las esferas social y ambiental. Inicialmente, se observó que el crecimiento urbano desordenado desencadenó una serie de problemas que contribuyen al aumento de casos de dengue y el consecuente impacto en la salud pública. Entre los principales fac- tores sociales, hubo un crecimiento de la población en las ciudades, lo que condujo al recrudecimiento de la desigualdad social, aumento de la vivienda precaria y la necesidad de mejorar la infraestructura. Entre los principales factores ambientales, se puede destacar la deficiencia en el suministro de agua, lo que suele llevar a las personas a buscar alma- cenar agua en reservorios descubiertos. Además, es común la ocurrencia de un inade- cuado manejo de los residuos sólidos. Por lo tanto, el trabajo destacó los factores que están asociados a la prevalencia del dengue, además de mostrar la necesidad de inversión en varias áreas, con el fin de reducir la desigualdad social.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2699-2715, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435003


O abandono do tratamento de tuberculose é uma questão relevante e preocu- pante na saúde pública mundial. Mediante uma revisão integrativa, esse estudo busca identificar os possíveis fatores que levam ao abandono do tratamento. Foi realizada pes- quisa em estudos indexados nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), no período de 2017 a 2021, utilizando-se os seguintes descritores (DeCS): tuberculose, agente antituberculose e tuberculose pul- monar. Ao fim, foram selecionados onze estudos, publicados nos idiomas português, es- panhol e inglês. Os resultados mostraram que o abandono está relacionado a fatores de diversas esferas, com destaque para as esferas social, da saúde e a do próprio tratamento. Como perfil das pessoas dos casos de abandono, em geral, observou-se que elas são eco- nomicamente ativas, com faixa etária entre 15 e 49 anos, possuem baixa escolaridade, baixa renda e é comum que os usos abusivos de álcool e drogas sejam apresentados como comorbidades relevantes. Portanto, o trabalho evidenciou os principais fatores associados ao abandono do tratamento de tuberculose e a importância da participação de diferentes atores como forças que somarão para diminuir a ocorrência do problema em questão.

The abandonment of tuberculosis treatment is a relevant and worrisome issue in public health worldwide. Through an integrative review, this study seeks to iden- tify the possible factors that lead to treatment dropout. A search was carried out in studies indexed in the databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), from 2017 to 2021, using the following descriptors (DeCS): tuberculo- sis, antitubercular agentes and pulmonary tuberculosis. Finally, eleven studies, published in Portuguese, Spanish and English, were selected. The results showed that abandonment is related to factors from different spheres, with emphasis on the social, health and treat- ment spheres. As for the profile of people in cases of abandonment, in general, it was observed that they are economically active, aged between 15 and 49 years old, have low education, low income and it is common for alcohol and drug abuse to be presented as relevant comorbidities. Therefore, the work highlighted the main factors associated with the abandonment of tuberculosis treatment and the importance of the participation of dif- ferent actors as forces that will add to reduce the occurrence of the problem in question. KEYWORDS: Tuberculosis; Antitubercular Agents; Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

El abandono del tratamiento de la tuberculosis es un tema relevante y pre- ocupante en la salud pública mundial. A través de una revisión integradora, este estudio busca identificar los posibles factores que conducen al abandono del tratamiento. Se rea- lizó una búsqueda en estudios indexados en las bases de datos: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) y Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), de 2017 a 2021, utilizando los siguientes descriptores (DeCS): tuberculosis, agente antituberculoso y tuberculosis pul- monar. Al final, fueron seleccionados once estudios, publicados en portugués, español e inglés. Los resultados mostraron que el abandono está relacionado con factores en dife- rentes esferas, con énfasis en las esferas social, de salud y de tratamiento. Como perfil de las personas en casos de abandono, en general, se observó que son económicamente acti- vas, con edades entre 15 y 49 años, baja escolaridad, bajos ingresos y es común que el abuso de alcohol y drogas se presenten como comorbilidades relevantes. Por lo tanto, el trabajo destacó los principales factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento de la tuber- culosis y la importancia de la participación de diferentes actores como fuerzas que se sumarán para disminuir la ocurrencia del problema en cuestión.

J. Phys. Educ. ; 32: e3255, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356392


ABSTRACT Motor Behavior (MB) is the study of neuropsychological processes with regard to the motor response organization in terms of learning, control, and motor development. Three research sub-areas emerged from MB, that is, Motor Learning (ML), Motor Control (MC), and Motor Development (MD). The present study aimed at describing the intellectual production related to ML, MC and MD sub-areas in 2018, in addition to identifying the current profile of the MB area. The intellectual production of the MB sub-areas was organized according to stratum, type of task, and adherence to the journals of area 21 (CAPES). Fifty three articles on MB, published by 51 researchers, were found. All these studies were produced by the Graduate Programs of Physical Education in 2018. The distribution of the articles in sub-areas was represented as follows: 30.18% ML, 54.72% MC, and 15.10% MD. The MC sub-area had 86% of its articles published in the upper strata; the ML sub-area had 37%, followed by the MD sub-area with 13%. The average of the three sub-areas resulted in 83.02% of studies with simple tasks and only 16.98% with complex tasks. The greater number of publications with low adherence combined with the greater number of investigations with simple tasks seems to show the researchers' difficulty in approaching the knowledge produced in the MB area for undergraduate Physical Education students.

RESUMO A área de Comportamento Motor (CoM) investiga os processos neuropsicológicos da organização da resposta motora em termos de aprendizagem, controle e desenvolvimento motor, de onde emergiram. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a produção intelectual da área de Comportamento Motor (CoM), e as especificidades das suas subáreas de investigação denominadas Aprendizagem Motora (AM), Controle Motor (CM) e Desenvolvimento Motor (DM) produzidos pelos programas de Pós-graduação em Educação Física no ano de 2018. A produção intelectual nas subáreas do CoM foi organizada, por estrato, tipo de tarefa e aderência com os periódicos da área 21 da CAPES. Foram encontrados 53 artigos publicados por 51 pesquisadores. A distribuição dos artigos por subáreas foi representada por 30,18% AM, 54,72% CM e 15,10% DM. A subárea CM apresentou 86% de publicação dos artigos nos estratos superiores, a subárea AM com 37%, seguida da subárea DM com 13%. A média das três subáreas resultou em 83,02% de estudos com tarefa simples construída em laboratório e somente 16,98% com tarefa complexa. O maior número de publicações com baixa aderência aliado ao maior número de pesquisas com tarefas simples parece demonstrar a dificuldade dos pesquisadores de aproximar os conhecimentos produzidos na área de CoM com a formação de um corpo de conhecimento específico da Educação Física.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 24: e220140, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143570


Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre a configuração subjetiva da profissão sinalizando a importância de processos de formação continuada que sejam mobilizadores de novos recursos subjetivos. Aborda a relação entre o processo de formação continuada e os modos de atuação profissional, numa perspectiva que considera a subjetividade como elemento a ser considerado nos espaços formativos. Para dialogar com os pressupostos da Teoria da Subjetividade, utilizaram-se os princípios epistemológicos e metodológicos da Epistemologia Qualitativa para a construção de um conhecimento concebido como um processo de construção interpretativa. Na participante da pesquisa, a configuração subjetiva da profissão pode ser reconhecida pela abertura às novas aprendizagens e ao próprio processo de desenvolvimento, pelo movimento de ação orientado pelo outro, pelo envolvimento/compromisso com a Educação Inclusiva, pela crença na potencialidade do estudante, pela crença no trabalho coletivo e pelos valores pessoais que possibilitam uma relação positiva e saudável com a vida.

En este artículo se presenta una discusión sobre la configuración subjetiva de la profesión señalando la importancia de procesos de formación continuada que sean movilizadores de nuevos recursos subjetivos. Aborda la relación entre el proceso de formación continuada y los modos de actuación profesional, en una perspectiva que considera la subjetividad como elemento a ser considerado en los espacios formativos. Para dialogar con los presupuestos de la Teoría de la Subjetividad, se utilizaron los principios epistemológicos y metodológicos de la Epistemología Cualitativa para la construcción de un conocimiento concebido como un proceso de construcción interpretativa. En la participante de la investigación, la configuración subjetiva de la profesión puede ser reconocida por la abertura a los nuevos aprendizajes y al propio proceso de desarrollo, por el movimiento de acción orientado por el otro, por el involucramiento/compromiso con la Educación Inclusiva, por la creencia en la potencialidad del estudiante, por la creencia en la labor colectiva y por los valores personales que posibilitan una relación positiva y sano con la vida.

This article presents a discussion on the subjective configuration of the psychological professional practice, which hints at the importance of continuous education processes that mobilize new subjective resources. It also addresses the relationship between the process of continuous education and the modes of professional activity, in a perspective that considers subjectivity as an element to be approached in training spaces. In order to dialogue with the assumptions of the Theory of Subjectivity, the epistemological and methodological principles of Qualitative Epistemology were used for the production of knowledge conceived as an interpretative construction process. Concerning the research participant, this subjective, professional configuration can be recognized by means of the participant's openness to new learning experiences and the development process itself, of her movement of action as a response to the needs of students, of her involvement / commitment to Inclusive Education, of her belief in the students' potential, and of her belief in the power of teamwork and personal values when it comes to nurturing positive and healthy relationships for life.

Psychology , Education, Continuing , Human Development
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 12(1): 7-10, ene.-mar. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-184487


Objetivo: Elaborar, validar e testar a confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores de escalas observacionais para exame das técnicas motoras do saque flutuante com apoio, bloqueio ofensivo simples e defesa de manchete. Método: Participaram da validação de conteúdo e testagem da confiabilidade dezesseis (16) treinadores de voleibol com mais de 10 anos de experiência. Foram avaliadas cinco ações de cada uma das técnicas motoras, executadas por cinco atletas de voleibol federados. Foi utilizado o teste Kappa Múltiplo (KM) para análise estatística da força de concordância intra e interavaliadores e o nível de significância foi de p<0.05. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que as três escalas obtiveram índices de concordância (≥87.5%) para a validade de conteúdo. Quanto à confiabilidade intra-avaliadores, os resultados demonstraram que as escalas observacionais saque, bloqueio e defesa obtiveram força de concordância boa (0.40≤KM≤0.59). A análise da confiabilidade interavaliadores das escalas observacionais saque (KM=0.75) e defesa (KM=0.66) obtiveram força de concordância muito boa e a escala observacional bloqueio (KM=0.82) obteve força de concordância excelente. Conclusões: As escalas criadas são confiáveis e adequadas para a análise das técnicas motoras saque flutuante com apoio, bloqueio ofensivo simples e defesa de manchete

Objetivo: Elaborar, validar y probar la confiabilidad intra e inter-evaluadores de escalas de observación para el examen de las técnicas motoras del saque flotante con apoyo, bloqueo ofensivo sencillo y defensa baja. Método: Participar en la validación del contenido y prueba de confiabilidad dieciséis entrenadores de voleibol con más de diez años de experiencia. Fueron evaluadas cinco acciones de cada una de las técnicas motoras, ejecutadas por cinco atletas de voleibol federados. Se utilizó la prueba Kappa Múltiple (KM) para el análisis estadístico de las fuerzas de concordancia intra e inter-evaluadores y el nivel de significancia fue de p<0.05. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las tres escalas obtuvieron índices de concordancia de (≥87.5%) para la validez de contenido. En cuanto a la confiabilidad intra-evaluadores, los resultados demostraron que las escalas de observación de saque, bloqueo y defensa obtuvieron fuerza de concordancia buena (0.40≤KM≤0.59). El análisis de la confiabilidad inter-evaluadores de las escalas de observación saque (KM= 0.75) y defensa (KM=0.66) obtuvieron fuerza de concordancia muy buena y la escala de observación de bloqueo (KM=0.82) obtuvo fuerza de concordancia excelente. Conclusiones: Las escalas creadas son confiables y adecuadas para el análisis de las técnicas motoras de saque flotante con apoyo, bloqueo ofensivo simple y defensa baja

Objective: Elaborate, validate and test the intra and inter-expert reliability of observational scales for the examination of the volleyball techniques, floating serve with support, simple offensive blocking and underhand defense. Methods: Sixteen coaches of the brazilian national volleyball team with more than ten years of practice in this sport, participated in the validation. Each coach evaluated five actions of each volleyball technique, performed by five federated volleyball athletes. Multiple Kappa test (KM) was used for statistical analysis of inter and intra-expert agreement strength and the significance level adopted was p <0.05. Results: The three scales obtained agreement indexes (≥87.5%) for content validity. Regarding intra-expert reliability, the results demonstrated that the observational, blocks, and defense scales had good agreement strength (0.40≤KM≤0.59). Regarding the inter-expert reliability, the observational scales serve (KM=0.75) and defense (KM=0.66) presente very good agreement strength and the observational scale block (KM=0.82) obtained excellent concordance strength. Conclusions: The scales are reliable and suitable for the analysis of motor skills floating serve with support, simple offensive blocking and underhand defense

Humans , Volleyball/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Motor Skills/physiology , Behavior Observation Techniques/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Exercise Test/methods , Physical Fitness/physiology
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 20(6): 598-606, Nov.-Dec. 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990557


Abstract The type of practice can influence what is learned from a motor skill. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the constant and random practice on the learning of Generalized Motor Program and parameters of the volleyball serve. The sample was composed of 20 children between 10 and 12 years old. The participants performed a pre-test whose score was adopted to counterbalance two groups (n=10), random practice and constant practice. During the acquisition phase, the random group performed 252 serves from three different positions, always indicated at the end of each serve, and the constant group performed all serves from only a specific position. The retention test showed that both groups learned the Generalized Motor Program, but random practice conducted to higher parameterization learning, resultant from the variable of practice. During practice of a sport motor skills, although the constant and random practice improve the learning of Generalized Motor Program, only the random practice improves learning of parameters of the motor skill.

Resumo O tipo de prática pode influenciar o que é aprendido de uma habilidade motora. Objetivou-se investigar os efeitos da prática constante e aleatória na aprendizagem do Programa Motor Generalizado e parâmetros do saque do voleibol. A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças entre 10 e 12 anos. Os participantes realizaram um pré-teste, cujo escore foi utilizado para contrabalançar dois grupos (n=10), prática constante e aleatória. Durante a fase de aquisição, o grupo aleatório realizou 252 saques de três posições diferentes, sempre indicada ao final de cada saque e o grupo controle realizou todos os saques somente de uma posição específica. O teste de retenção mostrou que ambos os grupos aprenderam o Programa Motor Generalizado, mas a prática aleatória conduziu para uma melhor aprendizagem dos parâmetros, resultante da prática variada. Durante a prática de habilidades motoras esportivas, apesar de as práticas constante e aleatória melhorarem a aprendizagem do Programa Motor Generalizado, somente a prática aleatória melhora a aprendizagem dos parâmetros da habilidade motora.

Humans , Child , Volleyball/education , Motor Skills , Physical Education and Training/methods , Practice, Psychological , Retention, Psychology
Acta fisiátrica ; 25(4)dez. 2018.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-999747


É da natureza dos seres humanos apresentarem preferências na realização de tarefas do dia-a-dia. Esta preferência está associada à lateralidade. Um dos campos de estudo sobre a lateralidade é a assimetria lateral, que está presente tanto na dimensão da preferência quanto no desempenho. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a assimetria de força de preensão manual entre os sexos, e identificar se há associação entre assimetria de desempenho e assimetria de preferência. Método: A amostra foi composta por 50 estudantes universitários que realizaram teste de força de preensão manual máxima. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que o os homens apresentaram valores absolutos maiores, maior índice de assimetria e menor consistência quando comparados às mulheres. Além disso, a mão preferida apresentou valores maiores de força em ambos os sexos. Conclusão: Em linhas gerais, sugere-se que fatores genéticos, sociais, culturais e sexo influenciam o comportamento motor dos indivíduos e, consequentemente, as assimetrias de desempenho.

It is of the nature of human beings to have preferences to performing daily tasks. This preference is associated with the laterality. One of the fields of the laterality study is lateral asymmetry, that is present in both preference and performance dimensions. Aim: This study aimed to compare manual grip strength asymmetry between genders and to identify if there is an association between asymmetry of performance and preference asymmetry. Method: The sample consisted of 50 university students who performed maximum manual grip strength tests. Results: The results indicated that the men had higher absolute values, higher Asymmetry Index and lower consistency when compared to the women. In addition, the preferred hand presented higher strength values in both sexes. Conclusion: In general, it is suggested that genetic, social, cultural and gender factors influence the motor behavior of the individuals and consequently the appearance of the lateral asymmetries.

Humans , Male , Female , Muscle Strength , Muscle Strength Dynamometer , Functional Laterality , Dominance, Cerebral , Gender Identity
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 20(1): 95-101, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897894


Abstract This study aims to investigate the construct validity and reliability of the checklist for qualitative analysis of the overhand serve in Volleyball. Fifty-five male subjects aged 13-17 years participated in the study. The overhand serve was analyzed using the checklist proposed by Meira Junior (2003), which analyzes the pattern of serve movement in four phases: (I) initial position, (II) ball lifting, (III) ball attacking, and (IV) finalization. Construct validity was analyzed using confirmatory factorial analysis and reliability through the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The construct validity was supported by confirmatory factor analysis with the RMSEA results (0.037 [confidence interval 90% = 0.020-0.040]), CFI (0.970) and TLI (0.950) indicating good fit of the model. In relation to reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.661, being this value considered acceptable. Among the items on the checklist, ball lifting and attacking showed higher factor loadings, 0.69 and 0.99, respectively. In summary, the checklist for the qualitative analysis of the overhand serve of Meira Junior (2003) can be considered a valid and reliable instrument for use in research in the field of Sports Sciences.

Resumo O estudo tem como objetivo investigar a validade de construto e fidedignidade da lista de checagem para análise qualitativa do saque por cima do Voleibol. Participaram do estudo 55 sujeitos do sexo masculino com idades entre 13 e 17 anos. O saque por cima foi analisado utilizando a lista de checagem de Meira Junior (2003) que analisa o padrão de movimento do saque em quatro fases: posição inicial, levantamento da bola, ataque à bola e finalização. A validade de construto foi analisada utilizando análise fatorial confirmatória e a fidedignidade através do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. A validade de construto foi suportada pela análise fatorial confirmatória com os resultados do RMSEA (0,037 [Intervalo de confiança 90% = 0,020-0,040]), CFI (0,97) e TLI (0,95) indicando um bom ajuste do modelo. Em relação à fidedignidade, o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,661, sendo este valor considerado aceitável. Dentre os itens da lista de checagem, o lançamento da bola e o ataque à bola apresentaram maiores cargas fatoriais, com 0,69 e 0,99, respectivamente. Em síntese, a lista de checagem para análise qualitativa do saque por cima de Meira Junior (2003) pode ser considerada um instrumento válido e confiável para utilização em pesquisas na área das Ciências do Esporte.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Volleyball , Motor Skills
Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e1017562, 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-895009


AIMS: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the combination of constant and variable practice when both, motor program and parameters on absolute and relative dimensions of a task, are manipulated. METHOD: Twenty undergraduate students, aged between 19 and 24 years, participated in this study. Two groups practiced the task of pressing four keys of a numeric keyboard with total and relative times specified under constant conditions in the first part of the acquisition phase and under block conditions in the second part when one group varied parameters and another varied motor programs. RESULTS: Both groups improved parameters and motor program measures during the acquisition phase. In the retention test, the parameters variation resulted in higher accuracy on motor program measure that the variation of motor programs. CONCLUSION: Both combinations improve parameters and motor program accuracy. Moreover, the maintenance of GMP during the variation phase contributes to strengthening it.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Psychomotor Performance/physiology , Motor Skills/physiology , Learning
Mol Med Rep ; 12(1): 159-64, 2015 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25760982


Nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) requires investigation as a potential source of biomarkers for early diagnosis or risk assessment in breast cancer and other breast disorders. The present study demonstrated that proteins were easily extracted from dried NAF spots on Guthrie cards and were suitable for mass spectrometry analysis. NAF was obtained from 80 women, collected on Guthrie cards, between 2007 and 2010. The NAF-proteins were extracted from the card by incubating the card in water. These proteins were then quantified and separated using one-dimensional, 12% SDS-PAGE, gel electrophoresis and on high-resolution gradient gels at different concentrations (4-12, 8-16 and 4-20%). The bands with the most abundant proteins were excised from the gradient gels and the proteins were identified by liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight. Immunoglobulins, Zn-α2-glicoprotein, apoliprotein D and prolactin inducible protein were among those identified. The NAF-Guthrie card collection method has not been applied previously, however, NAF proteins have been identified using other collecting techniques, confirming the feasibility of the NAF Guthrie card collection method for analyzing the proteins within NAF. The NAF-Guthrie card collecting method has multiple advantages, including being inexpensive, non-invasive, reliable and painless, and the cards can be stored at room temperature. Examining NAF may assist in identifying individuals at a higher risk of breast cancer and in improving patient prognosis.

Biomarkers, Tumor/isolation & purification , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Nipple Aspirate Fluid/chemistry , Proteins/isolation & purification , Adult , Aged , Biomarkers, Tumor/metabolism , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Chromatography, Liquid , Early Diagnosis , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Female , Humans , Mammary Glands, Human/metabolism , Mammary Glands, Human/physiology , Mammary Glands, Human/physiopathology , Mass Spectrometry , Middle Aged , Molecular Sequence Annotation , Proteins/metabolism , Reagent Strips , Solid Phase Extraction/methods , Water
Int Braz J Urol ; 40(4): 463-73, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25251951


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of polymorphisms in GSTA1, GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 in the risk of developing Prostate Cancer (PCa) in a population of Rio de Janeiro and compare the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphisms analyzed in the present study population with other regions in the country and different ethnic groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed a sample of the Brazilian population, comprising 196 patients with PCa treated by the urology services of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) and Mario Kroeff Hospital (HMK), and 208 male blood donors from the Clementino Fraga Filho Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The polymorphisms were determined in DNA, extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). RESULTS: Our results showed that the distribution of polymorphisms can vary significantly according to the Brazilian region and ethnic groups. The distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphism GSTA1 was statistically different between cases and controls. Genotypes (A / B + B / B) were associated with protection (OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.40-0.92) for PCa in comparison to genotype A / A. CONCLUSION: The distribution of genotype frequencies of the polymorphism GSTA1 was statistically different between the case and control groups (p = 0.023), and the presence of genotypes A / B and B / B suggests a protective role against the risk of PCa compared to genotype A / A. This is the first study that reports the genotypic frequency of this polymorphism and its association with PCa in a Brazilian population sample.

Glutathione Transferase/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic/genetics , Prostatic Neoplasms/genetics , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Brazil/ethnology , Case-Control Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Female , Gene Frequency , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Glutathione S-Transferase pi/genetics , Humans , Isoenzymes/genetics , Male , Middle Aged , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Risk Factors
Int. braz. j. urol ; 40(4): 463-473, Jul-Aug/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723962


Objective To evaluate the influence of polymorphisms in GSTA1, GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 in the risk of developing Prostate Cancer (PCa) in a population of Rio de Janeiro and compare the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphisms analyzed in the present study population with other regions in the country and different ethnic groups. Materials and Methods We analyzed a sample of the Brazilian population, comprising 196 patients with PCa treated by the urology services of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) and Mario Kroeff Hospital (HMK), and 208 male blood donors from the Clementino Fraga Filho Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The polymorphisms were determined in DNA, extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Results Our results showed that the distribution of polymorphisms can vary significantly according to the Brazilian region and ethnic groups. The distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphism GSTA1 was statistically different between cases and controls. Genotypes (A / B + B / B) were associated with protection (OR = 0.61, 95 % CI = 0.40-0.92) for PCa in comparison to genotype A / A. Conclusion The distribution of genotype frequencies of the polymorphism GSTA1 was statistically different between the case and control groups (p = 0.023), and the presence of genotypes A / B and B / B suggests a protective role against the risk of PCa compared to genotype A / A. This is the first study that reports the genotypic frequency of this polymorphism and its association with PCa in a Brazilian population sample. .

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Glutathione Transferase/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic/genetics , Prostatic Neoplasms/genetics , Brazil/ethnology , Case-Control Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Gene Frequency , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Glutathione S-Transferase pi/genetics , Isoenzymes/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Risk Factors