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Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21254480


Dynamic models are used to assess the impact of three types of face masks-cloth masks, surgical/procedure masks and respirators-in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. We showed that the pandemic would have failed to establish in the US if a nationwide mask mandate, based on using respirators with moderately-high compliance, had been implemented during the first two months of the pandemic. The other mask types would fail to prevent the pandemic from becoming established. When mask usage compliance is low to moderate, respirators are far more effective in reducing disease burden. Using data from the third wave, we showed that the epidemic could be eliminated in the US if at least 40% of the population consistently wore respirators in public. Surgical masks can also lead to elimination, but requires compliance of at least 55%. Daily COVID-19 mortality could be eliminated in the US by June or July 2021 if 95% of the population opted for either respirators or surgical masks from the beginning of the third wave. We showed that the prospect of effective control or elimination of the pandemic using mask-based strategy is greatly enhanced if combined with other nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) that significantly reduce the baseline community transmission. By slightly modifying the model to include the effect of a vaccine against COVID-19 and waning vaccine-derived and natural immunity, this study shows that the waning of such immunity could trigger multiple new waves of the pandemic in the US. The number, severity and duration of the projected waves depend on the quality of mask type used and the level of increase in the baseline levels of other NPIs used in the community during the onset of the third wave of the pandemic in the US. Specifically, no severe fourth or subsequent wave of the pandemic will be recorded in the US if surgical masks or respirators are used, particularly if the mask-use strategy is combined with an increase in the baseline levels of other NPIs. This study further emphasizes the role of human behavior towards masking on COVID-19 burden, and highlights the urgent need to maintain a healthy stockpile of highly-effective respiratory protection, particularly respirators, to be made available to the general public in times of future outbreaks or pandemics of respiratory diseases that inflict severe public health and socio-economic burden on the population. Author summaryWe developed and used dynamic models to assess the role of highly-effective face coverings on the control and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. The study indicates that implementing and sustaining mask mandates is useful in containing diseases like COVID-19. Additionally, the study suggests that prioritizing the use of respirators is more effective in combating the disease than using other mask types. Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic would have been prevented from being established in the US if four in every five Americans started wearing respirators during the first two months of the pandemic. The study further shows that COVID-19 can be eliminated in the US if a universal masking strategy that emphasizes respirators, requiring only 23% compliance, is combined with other nonpharmaceutical interventions that can reduce community transmission by 20%. Furthermore, the daily COVID-19 death rate can be completely suppressed by June 2021 if 95% of the population consistently use respirators. The elimination will extend to January 2022 if cloth masks were adopted instead. We conclude that stockpiling and distributing highly-efficient face coverings, notably respirators, will be vital in effectively curtailing future epidemics and pandemics of respiratory diseases.

Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20149195


The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc globally, and there has been a particular concern for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where models suggest that the majority of the population will become infected. Conventional wisdom suggests that the continent will bear a higher burden of COVID-19 for the same reasons it suffers high burdens of other infectious diseases: ecology, socio-economic conditions, lack of water and sanitation infrastructure, and weak health systems. However, so far SSA has reported lower incidence and fatalities compared to the predictions of standard models and the experience of other regions of the world. There are three leading explanations, each with very different implications for the final epidemic burden: (1) low case detection, (2) differences in COVID-19 epidemiology (e.g. low R0), and (3) policy interventions. The low number of cases to date have led some SSA governments to relax these policy interventions. Will this result in a resurgence of cases? To understand how to interpret the lower-than-expected COVID-19 case data in Madagascar, we use a simple age-structured model to explore each of these explanations and predict the epidemic impact associated with them. We show that the current incidence of COVID-19 cases can be explained by any combination of the late introduction of first imported cases, early implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), and low case detection rates. This analysis reinforces that Madagascar, along with other countries in SSA, remains at risk of an impending health crisis. If NPIs remain enforced, up to 50,000 lives may be saved. Even with NPIs, without vaccines and new therapies, COVID-19 could infect up to 30% of the population, making it the largest public health threat in Madagascar until early 2021, hence the importance of conducting clinical trials and continually improving access to healthcare. ResumeLa pandemie de COVID-19 a eu des consequences nefastes partout dans le monde, et il y a une preoccupation particuliere pour lAfrique subsaharienne (ASS), ou des modeles suggerent que la majorite de la population sera infectee. Il est craint que le continent supportera un fardeau plus elevee de COVID-19 pour les memes raisons quil souffre davantage dautres maladies infectieuses: ecologie, conditions socio-economiques, manque dinfrastructures deau et dassainissement, et faiblesse des systemes de sante. Cependant, jusqua present, lASS a rapporte une incidence et une mortalite bien inferieure a celle des previsions des modeles pour cette region, ainsi quau nombre observe dans dautres regions du monde. Il y a trois explications principales pour ce phenomene, chacune ayant des implications tres differentes pour le fardeau epidemique final: (1) detection faible des cas, (2) differences dans lepidemiologie COVID-19 (par exemple faible R0), et (3) interventions et politiques mises en place. Le faible nombre de cas a ce jour a conduit certains gouvernements dASS a assouplir ces interventions. Cela entrainera-t-il une resurgence de cas? Pour comprendre comment interpreter le fait que les cas COVID-19 rapportes sont plus faibles que prevu a Madagascar, nous utilisons un modele de transmission structure par groupe dage pour explorer chacune de ces explications et predire limpact epidemique qui leur est associe. Nous montrons que lincidence actuelle des cas de COVID-19 peut sexpliquer par leffet cumule de lintroduction tardive des premiers cas importes, la mise en uvre rapide dinterventions non pharmaceutiques (INP) et de faibles taux de detection des cas. Cette analyse renforce le fait que Madagascar, ainsi que dautres pays dAfrique subsaharienne, reste a risque dune crise sanitaire imminente. Si les INP restent appliques, jusqua 50 000 vies pourraient etre sauvees. Meme avec des INP, tant quil ny aura pas des vaccins ni des nouvelles therapies efficaces, COVID-19 pourrait infecter jusqua 30% de la population, ce qui constituerait la plus grande menace pour la sante publique a Madagascar jusquau debut de 2021, dou limportance de la realisation des essais cliniques et de lamelioration continuelle de lacces aux soins. Summary BoxO_LIThe lower-than-expected number of reported cases of COVID-19 in Madagascar can be explained by a combination of the relatively late introduction of the disease, low detection rates, and low transmission rates due to the early and effective implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions that reduced contact rates. C_LIO_LICOVID-19 is predicted to be the largest public health problem in Madagascar in 2020, but non-pharmaceutical interventions at an effectiveness similar to those seen in the first few months could save up to 50,000 lives. C_LIO_LIHealth systems in SSA remain at risk of an impending health crisis due to COVID-19, stressing the importance of ongoing clinical trials and improving health care access. C_LI

Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20066480


A pandemic of a novel Coronavirus emerged in December of 2019 (COVID-19), causing devastating public health impact across the world. In the absence of a safe and effective vaccine or antivirals, strategies for controlling and mitigating the burden of the pandemic are focused on non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as social-distancing, contact-tracing, quarantine, isolation and the use of face-masks in public. We develop a new mathematical model for assessing the population-level impact of the aforementioned control and mitigation strategies. Rigorous analysis of the model shows that the disease-free equilibrium is locally-asymptotically stable if a certain epidemiological threshold, known as the reproduction number (denoted by [R]c), is less than unity. This equilibrium is globally-asymptotically stable, for a special case of the model where quarantined-susceptible individuals do not acquire COVID-19 infection during quarantine, when [R]c is less than unity. The epidemiological consequence of this theoretical result is that, the community-wide implementation of control interventions that can bring (and maintain) [R]c to a value less than unity will lead to the effective control (or elimination) of COVID-19 in the community. Simulations of the model, using data relevant to COVID-19 transmission dynamics in the US state of New York and the entire US, show that the pandemic burden will peak in mid and late April, respectively. The worst-case scenario projections for cumulative mortality (based on baseline levels of interventions) are 105, 100 for New York state and 164, 000 for the entire US by the end of the pandemic. These numbers dramatically decreased by 80% and 64%, respectively, if adherence to strict social-distancing measures is improved and maintained until the end of May or June. The duration and timing of the relaxation or termination of the strict social-distancing measures are crucially-important in determining the future trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study shows that early termination of the strict social-distancing measures could trigger a devastating second wave with burden similar to those projected before the onset of the strict social-distance measures were implemented. The use of efficacious face-masks (such as surgical masks, with estimated efficacy [≥] 70%) in public could lead to the elimination of the pandemic if at least 70% of the residents of New York state use such masks in public consistently (nationwide, a compliance of at least 80% will be required using such masks). The use of low efficacy masks, such as cloth masks (of estimated efficacy less than 30%), could also lead to significant reduction of COVID-19 burden (albeit, they are not able to lead to elimination). Combining low efficacy masks with improved levels of the other anti-COVID-19 intervention strategies can lead to the elimination of the pandemic. This study emphasizes the important role social-distancing plays in curtailing the burden of COVID-19. Increases in the adherence level of social-distancing protocols result in dramatic reduction of the burden of the pandemic, and the timely implementation of social-distancing measures in numerous states of the US may have averted a catastrophic outcome with respect to the burden of COVID-19. Using face-masks in public (including the low efficacy cloth masks) is very useful in minimizing community transmission and burden of COVID-19, provided their coverage level is high. The masks coverage needed to eliminate COVID-19 decreases if the masks-based intervention is combined with the strict social-distancing strategy.
