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Infect Dis Poverty ; 11(1): 89, 2022 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35945552


BACKGROUND: Since the late twentieth century, Chagas disease gained global attention to suppress the vector burden as a main control strategy in endemic countries. In Central America, multi-national initiative successfully achieved significant reduction in the estimated disease prevalence as well as elimination of the region's principal vector species at the time in 2012. While the last decade has witnessed significant changes in ecosystem-such as urbanization and replacement of the main vector species-that can possibly affect the vector's habitation and residual transmission, the up-to-date vector burden in the region has not been evaluated thoroughly due to the cessation of active vector surveillance. The aim of this study was to update the risk of vector-borne Trypanosoma cruzi infection in El Salvador, the top Chagas disease-endemic country in Central America. METHODS: A nationwide vector survey was conducted in the domestic environment of El Salvador from September 2018 to November 2020. The selection of the houses for inspection was based on expert purposeful sampling. Infection for T. cruzi was examined by microscopic observation of the insects' feces, followed by a species confirmation using PCR. The data were analyzed using R software version 4.1.3. Proportion estimates with 95% confidence intervals were inferred using the Jeffrey's method provided under the epiR package. RESULTS: A total of 1529 Triatoma dimidiata was captured from 107 houses (infestation rate, 34.4%; 107/311) in all the fourteen departments of the country visited within the period; prevalence of T. cruzi infection was as high as 10% (153/1529). In the country, domestic T. dimidiata infestation was distributed ubiquitously, while T. cruzi infection rates varied across the departments. Five out of fourteen departments showed higher infection rates than the average, suggesting sporadic high-risk areas in the country. CONCLUSIONS: Our comprehensive study revealed substantial T. cruzi infection of T. dimidiata across the country, indicating potential active transmission of the disease. Therefore, strengthened surveillance for both vector and human infection is required to truly eliminate the risk of T. cruzi transmission in Central America.

Chagas Disease , Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Animals , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Ecosystem , El Salvador/epidemiology , Humans , Insect Vectors
VozAndes ; 23(1): 15-22, 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016389


El síndrome del túnel del carpo (STC) ocurre por la compresión del nervio mediano en el túnel carpiano en la muñeca y produce dolor, pérdida de sensibilidad y debilidad de los músculos tenares en la mano. Diversas técnicas quirúrgicas están disponibles y existen discusiones al respecto de cuál puede ser la más efectiva Objetivo Determinar los resultados alcanzados en el corto plazo con la técnica de mini-abordaje con microcirugía para la liberación del retináculo más epineurotomía. Diseño Cohorte prospectiva. Lugar y sujetos Pacientes con síntomas clínicos, signos positivos y hallazgos de electromiografía consistentes con STC, ingresados en el Hospital General No 1 de las Fuerzas Armadas (Quito-Ecuador), entre octubre de 2008 y abril de 2010. Mediciones principales Controles clínicos efectuados a los 7, 15, 30, 60 y 90 días del postoperatorio. Se evaluaron los resultados en alivio del dolor (mediante escala visual aná- loga), mejoría en la sensibilidad (mediante la escala de Omer) y aumento de la fuerza muscular (mediante la escala del Medical Research Council), así como el grado de satisfacción del paciente respecto al alivio sintomatológico. Resultados Se estudiaron 139 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente con la técnica de mini-abordaje con microcirugía. La proporción de mujeres fue mayor a la de hombres (79.1% vs. 20.9%; p<0.001). La edad media fue 51.6 ± 22.5 años y el grupo etario más frecuente fue de 51 a 60 años (48.9%; IC95%= 40.4% ­ 57.5%). La localización del STC fue generalmente la mano derecha (n=102; 73.4%). No hubo complicaciones quirúrgicas. A los tres meses del postoperatorio, la mayoría de los pacientes alcanzaron una importante mejoría clínica. La frecuencia global de éxitos quirúrgicos fue de 97%. En el 92.1% (IC95%= 86.3% - 96.0%) de los pacientes el alivio del dolor fue completo. La sensibilidad mejoró hasta la normalidad en 93.5% (IC95%= 87.2% - 96.5%) y 94.9% (IC95%= 89.9% - 98.0%) recuperaron totalmente la fuerza muscular. El 94.3% (IC95%= 89.0% - 97.5%) de los pacientes refrieron una elevada satisfacción respecto al éxito de la cirugía. Dos pacientes tuvieron un resultado postoperatorio malo y debieron ser posteriormente reintervenidos. Conclusión Con la técnica de mini-abordaje con microcirugía utilizada para la liberación del túnel del carpo se alcanzan resultados clínicos favorables en el corto plazo. Los procedimientos microquirúrgicos permiten conservar la integridad de la arteria del nervio mediano y efectuar una epineurotomía segura durante la descompresión quirúrgica completa del nervio mediano.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, represents a signifcant source of morbidity and Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel at the wrist and produces pain, loss of sensitivity as well as weakness of the thenar muscles in the hand. Various surgical techniques are available and there is a discussion about which method is the most effective. Objective To determine the outcomes in the short term after treatment based on a mini-open technique with microsurgical procedures for carpal tunnel release with epineurotomy. Design Prospective cohort study. Subjects and setting Patients with clinical symptoms, positive signs, and electrodiagnostic fndings consistent with CTS, admitted at "Hospital General No 1 de las Fuerzas Armadas" (Quito-Ecuador) between October 2008 and April 2010. Main measurements Patients were followed up at 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days after surgery. The clinical outcomes were pain relief (assessed by analogue visual scale), improvement in sensitivity (assessed by Omer scale), increase in muscular strength (assessed by Medical Research Council scale), and patient satisfaction in terms of symptom relief. Results 139 patients who underwent a mini-open technique with microsurgical procedures for carpal tunnel release were studied. Females were more than males (79.1% vs. 20.9%; p<0.001). Mean age was 51.6 ± 22.5 years and the most frequent age group was 51 ­ 60 years old (48.9%; 95%CI= 40.4% ­ 57.5%). Right hand was the commonest location of CTS (n=102; 73.4%). None surgical complication was identified. Three months after surgery patients had a significant clinical improvement. Global surgical success was 97%. A total pain relief was present in 92.1% (95%CI= 86.3% - 96.0%). A complete recovery in sensitivity was reached in 93.5% (95%CI%= 87.2% - 96.5%), and an increase to normal muscular strength was observed in 94.9% (95%CI= 89.9% - 98.0%). 94.3% (95%CI= 89.0% - 97.5%) patients showed a high satisfaction about the surgical success. Two patients had bad postoperative outcomes and a new surgery had to be performed. Conclusion Favorable clinical outcomes are achieved in the short term when a treatment based on a mini-open technique with microsurgical procedures is used for carpal tunnel release.

Humans , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Treatment Outcome , Decompression, Surgical , Therapeutics , Patient Satisfaction , Recovery of Function
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 17(3): 186-190, jul.-sep. 2010. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636835


Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 34 años con cuadro clínico crónico de úlceras cutáneas y monoparesia inferior izquierda. Electromiografía que evidencia neuropatía sensitiva del nervio fibular superficial izquierdo; estudios ecográficos sin evidencia de enfermedad arteriovenosa. El paciente no presentó mejoría de lesiones cutáneas con inmunosupresión agresiva. En la biopsia de piel y de nervio sural se encontraron trombos y ausencia de infiltrado inflamatorio compatibles con vasculopatía y neuropatía trombóticas. Se documentó la presencia de anticoagulante lúpico, TPT prolongado y anticuerpos anti-B2 glicoproteína 1 positivos.

This following case report describes a 34 years-old man with chronic clinical skin ulcers and left lower monoparesis. Electromyography revealed sensory neuropathy of the left superficial fibular nerve; the ecographic studies showed absence of artery or venous disorder. The patient showed no improvement of skin lesions with aggressive immunosuppression. The biopsy of the skin and the sural nerve reported thrombi and absence of inflammatory infiltrates; findings that support the diagnosis of thrombotic vasculopathy and neuropathy. The presence of lupus anticoagulant, prolonged PTT and positive anti-B2 glycoprotein antibodies were documented.

Humans , Male , Adult , Ulcer , Antiphospholipid Syndrome , Skin Ulcer , Thrombosis , Wounds and Injuries , Diagnosis , Electromyography
Salud UNINORTE ; 23(2): 251-275, dic. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-480342


Colombia, along with 188 countries, committed itself to achieve the so-called Millennium Development Goals. This depends on the performance of the Colombian “departamentos” (provinces) with respect to the basic indicators. Though the central government and local administrations have agreed to pursue these objectives, it is not clear that they will be successful. This paper focuses on the case of the Departamento of Atlántico. The analysis of the basic indicators for this section of the country shows that it is likely that five of the eight objectives pursued will not be reached. There is no information system with which to develop indicators to gauge the effectiveness of government action. Finally, it was found that there is no clear overall policy for the attainment of the declared goals.

Al igual que otros 188 países, Colombia se comprometió con los denominados Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. El logro del compromiso nacional dependerá del desempeño que los departamentos tengan en los indicadores básicos. Aunque se han firmado acuerdos entre el orden central y los gobiernos locales, no se observa un camino claro para alcanzar estos objetivos. Este trabajo se enfoca en el caso del departamento del Atlántico. El análisis de la información disponible muestra que existe un alto riesgo de no lograr por lo menos cinco de los ocho objetivos planteados. Además, no se cuenta con un sistema de información clara para la construcción a futuro de los indicadores necesarios. Finalmente, no existe una política global clara para redireccionar el camino.

Humans , Human Development , Social Planning , Health Care Economics and Organizations , Health Policy , Education, Primary and Secondary , Infant Mortality , Poverty
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 17(4): 357-365, jul.-ago. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-548507


En Venezuela, la incidencia de enfermedades respiratorias virales e inmunosupresoras son dos de los mayores problemas en la industria avícola nacional, y hasta el momento no se cuenta con suficiente información epidemiológica al respecto que ayude a establecer medidas de control, por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar serológicamente la presencia de anemia infecciosa aviar, reovirus y gumboro, y su relación entre ellas, así como determinar el nivel de anemia en las aves evaluadas. Se tomaron muestras de aproximadamente 14 a 15 aves, de forma semanal a diferentes edades (1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 y 42 días), en tres granjas comerciales, tomándose un total de 295 aves. Los títulos de anticuerpos se midieron a través de la prueba ELISA, y el nivel de anemia, por la técnica de microhematocrito. Se detectaron porcentajes de anticuerpos séricos: 90,8 por ciento (268/295) para anemia infecciosa aviar; 82,4 por ciento (244/295) para reovirus y 97 por ciento (286/295) para la enfermedad infecciosa de la bursa. En cuanto a los valores de hematocrito se encontró en forma general que, el 19,6 por ciento (58/295) de las aves evaluadas presentaron anemia, mostrando valores de hematocrito entre 20 y 27 por ciento. Se observó una correlación positiva altamente significativa entre la anemia infecciosa aviar y los otros virus inmunosupresores estudiados, con gumboro (r=0,437; P<0,0001) y reovirus (r=0,312; P<0,0001). Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo permiten demostrar la presencia del virus de la anemia infecciosa aviar en pollos de engorde en la región, de manera aislada o asociada con reovirus y gumboro, que pudiesen estar afectando en forma subclínica o clínica las granjas avícolas zulianas.

The incidence of viral respiratory and immunosuppressant diseases are two of the biggest problems in the Venezuelan poultry industry, however in the country, there is not enough epidemiological information that helps to establish control measures. The aim of this research was to determine the presence of serological chicken anemia virus, reovirus and gumboro, and it´s correlation between them as well as to determine the level of anemia in the evaluated birds. In this research, approximately fourteen or fifteen (14 or 15) birds were tested weekly and at different ages (1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 y 42 days), in three commercial farms. The samples were taken from a total of 295 birds. The viral antibodies were determined by ELISA test and the anemia levels by micro-hematocrit. The presence of seropositivity was 90.8% (268/295) for the chicken anemia virus, 82.4% (244/295) for reovirus and 97% (286/295) for gumboro. Of the total, 9.6% (58/295) of the evaluated birds presented anemia, showing values of hematocrits between 20% and 27%. A positive correlation was found between chicken anemia virus and the other immunosuppressor viruses studied, gumboro (r=0.437; P<0.0001) and reovirus (r=0.312; P<0.0001). The obtained results in this research demonstrated the presence of viral anemia, in broilers, in the Zulia Region, with or without the presence of reovirus and/or gumboro. That could have an effect, in either sub-clinical or clinical forms.

Animals , Antibodies , Chicken anemia virus , Chickens , Suppressor Factors, Immunologic/analysis , Poultry Products , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/methods , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Animal Feed/adverse effects
Vet Res ; 38(3): 481-92, 2007.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17425935


One hundred and seven fattening pig units randomly selected in Catalonia (Spain) were surveyed during 2001-2003, in order to determine the frequency of the prophylactic use of antimicrobials and mass treatments against respiratory and enteric disease outbreaks. Logistic regression and regression tree analysis were done to determine the factors associated with the on-farm mass antimicrobial usage. Fifty-eight per cent of the surveyed farms used mass antimicrobial prophylaxis; among them, 39% used two or more antimicrobials. The more frequently administered drugs were colistin, beta-lactams and tetracyclines. Fattening units from strict finishing farms were more likely to use antimicrobials than farrow-to-finish farms (Odds Ratio = 11.7) and farms with changing facilities were less likely to use these compounds (OR = 0.17). In the event of a respiratory disease outbreak, most farms applied mass treatment and 46% used two or more compounds, with tetracyclines, beta-lactams and sulphonamides being the most popular ones. Mass treatment with several compounds in case of respiratory problems was significantly related to the use of growth promoters on the farm (OR = 4.3). If an outbreak of an enteric disease occurred, most farms resorted also to a mass treatment and 48% used two or more drugs. The most frequent antimicrobial agent for the treatment of enteric disease was colistin. Fattening farms (OR = 6.9) and operations that perform routine antimicrobial prophylaxis (OR = 2.0) were more likely to use more than one antimicrobial agent for enteric diseases.

Animal Husbandry/methods , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Gastrointestinal Diseases/veterinary , Respiratory Tract Diseases/veterinary , Swine Diseases/prevention & control , Animals , Confidence Intervals , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Disease Outbreaks/veterinary , Female , Gastrointestinal Diseases/prevention & control , Male , Odds Ratio , Population Density , Regression Analysis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Spain , Swine/growth & development