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Rev. arg. morfol ; 3(1): 13-15, 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776942


El granuloma reparativo central de células gigantes(GRCCG) es una lesión osteolítica poco frecuente, localizadageneralmente en los huesos maxilares. Aunquesu patogenia continúa siendo controversial, se creeque se origina tras una irritación o traumatismo crónico.Se manifiesta en forma de nódulo circunscripto rojo-púrpura,de crecimiento lento e histológicamente está constituidopor células gigantes multinucleadas inmersas enuna estroma de células ovaladas y fusiformes, planteandodiagnósticos diferenciales con otras lesiones de cé-lulas gigantes.A pesar de sus características histológicas benignas, elcomportamiento de esta lesión suele ser agresivo localmente.Mujer de 31 años de edad con una lesiónosteolítica en maxilar inferior, que resultó tener un componentepredominante de células gigantes que motivóun minucioso análisis anatomopatológico y clínico delesiones de células gigantes de los maxilares, llegándoseal diagnóstico de GRCCG.En nuestro caso la edad, el sexo y la localización de lalesión se correspondieron con la bibliografía consultada.También concordó la clínica, la presentación de lalesión como única, el hallazgo de células gigantesmultinucleadas en una estroma fibrocelularvascularizada y la observación de áreas hemorrágicas ypigmento hemosiderínico. No encontramos antecedentesde irritación o traumatismo en la zona tumoral.A pesar del gran número de lesiones de células gigantesmultinucleadas de los maxilares llegamos al diagnósticode GRCCG por la clínica y los hallazgos morfológicos.Nuestra paciente no presentó signos de recurrencia hastael momento de esta comunicación.Es nuestro objetivo indicar la importancia clínico-patoló-gica del GRCCG, que obliga a plantear diagnósticosdiferenciales con todas las lesiones que en esta localizaciónpresentan células gigantes...

The central reparative granuloma giant cell (GRCCG) isa rare osteolytic lesion, usually located on the jawbone.Although its pathogenesis remains controversial, isbelieved to have originated after irritation or chronic trauma.It manifests as red-purple nodule circumscribed, slowgrowing and histologically is composed of multinucleatedgiant cells embedded in a stroma of spindle and ovalcells, suggesting differential diagnosis with other giantcell lesions.Their benign histological features, the behavior of theselesions are usually locally aggressive. Case report 31 yearsof age with an osteolytic lesion in the mandible. Thehistopathological study showed the same predominantgiant cell component, arriving after a thorough differentialanalysis and clinical pathology of giant cell lesions of thejaws, the diagnosis of GRCCG.Discussion: In our case the age, sex and location of thelesion were consistent with the literature. They alsoagreed the presentation of the lesion as unique, the findingof multinucleated giant cells in a fibrocellular stroma vascularand hemorrhagic areas observing and hemosiderinpigment. No irritation or trauma to the tumor area.Our patient had no signs of recurrence. It is our objectiveto indicate the importance of GRCCG clinicopathological,which requires raising the differential diagnosisfor all lesions in this location have giant cells, takinginto account both clinical and morphology...

Humans , Female , Granuloma, Giant Cell , Mandible , Maxillofacial Injuries , Osteolysis/pathology
Rev. arg. morfol ; 3(1): 19-22, 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776944


La endometriosis es la presencia de glándulas y estromaendometriales fuera del útero, siendo la localizaciónapendicular extremadamente rara y generalmenteasintomática, llegándose al diagnóstico incidentalmente,luego de una intervención quirúrgica por apendicitisaguda. A veces simula patologías del tracto digestivo odel aparato genital, incluyendo masas tumorales sospechosasde malignidad. Presentamos tres casos de endometriosisapendicular, dos con clínica de apendicitisaguda. En el tercero había dolor abdominal tipo cólicoen hipogastrio durante la menstruación, con imagentomográfica de tumor pericecal, demostrándose en elestudio histopatológico endometriosis tanto en apéndicececal como en ciego. En los otros dos casos, la anatomíapatológica demostró en uno apendicitis aguda juntoa la endometriosis y en el otro periapendicitis reactiva ala endometriosis. Es nuestro objetivo indicar la importanciaclínico-patológica de la endometriosis a nivel delapéndice cecal, que si bien es de baja incidencia y generalmentese halla incidentalmente, obliga a tenerla encuenta, debido a que en algunos casos puede simulardiversos procesos patológicos abdominales, especialmentetumores...

Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial glands andstroma outside the uterus, appendix location beingextremely rare and usually asymptomatic, incidentallyleading to the diagnosis, after surgery for acuteappendicitis. Sometimes simulated digestive tractdiseases or genital tract, including tumor massessuspicious of malignancy. We present three cases ofappendiceal endometriosis, two with symptoms of acute appendicitis. In the third had abdominal cramping painin lower abdomen during menstruation, with pericecaltomographic imaging of tumor, histopathologydemonstrated in the Appendix both cecal endometriosisas ceccum. In the other two cases, the pathologydemonstrated in an acute appendicitis with endometriosisand other reactive periappendicitis endometriosis. Itis our objective to indicate the clinicopathologicalsignificance of endometriosis at the appendix, whichalthough low incidence and is usually incidentally,requires it to account, because in some cases cansimulate different pathological processes abdominalespecially tumors...

Humans , Female , Appendix , Appendix/pathology , Endometriosis/complications , Endometriosis/pathology
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21781614


Primary lung paragangliomas are rare. They are 1-2% of the paragangliomas, and most of them occur in patients of 43-61 years. They clinically appear as solitary tumors and are in general asymptomatic. These tumors show a nesting pattern (Zellballen) of chief polygonal cells locked by fibrovascular trabeculae with subtenticular cells. The main cells have uniform nuclei with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, and they are positive for neuroendocrinal markers (Neuron Specific Enolase, sinaptofisine and cromogranine A). Sustentacular cells are positive for protein S-100 and neurofibrilar protein. A differential diagnosis with the carcinoid tumor can be very difficult. The surgical treatment is mandatory , specially high blood pressure and the chances of malignization.

Lung Neoplasms/pathology , Paraganglioma/pathology , Humans , Incidental Findings , Lung Neoplasms/surgery , Male , Middle Aged , Paraganglioma/surgery
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21138670


UNLABELLED: Heterotopic pancreas in the gallbladder is uncommon.condition and its clinical presentation is as an intramural nodule near the cystic duct, with an incidental finding in most cases. OBJECTIVE: to update Heterotopic pancreas condition in the gallbladder. We reported a case of a 18-year-old female, suffering with biliar colic who was operated on with diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Six mixed gallstones were found in the surgery and the gallbladder was distended and edematous with serosal exudate and the serosa appeared discolored and hemorrhagic. The wall was thickened with edema and hemorrhage. Microscopic findings were: congestive mucosa , edema, acute inflammatory cells and fibrin deposition on the wall and a subtle (myo)-fibroblastic proliferation. The nodule was diagnosed as macroscopic heterotopic pancreatic tissue in the gallbladder wall thickness, without neoplastic changes. Clinical presentation as acute cholecystitis has been rarely reported in the presence of heterotopic pancreatic tissue.

Choristoma/pathology , Gallbladder Diseases/pathology , Pancreas , Adolescent , Female , Humans
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20806555


Primary tumors of the small intestine are rare; 15-20% of the cases are extranodal lymphomas from B or T cells. Higher Incidence occurs in patients between 21 and 50 years. The clinical symptoms are pain, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, bleeding or perforated peritonitis. In high-grade lymphomas, the cells are large and pleomorphic, with immunoblastic and plasmacytoid features, and immunopositive for alpha chain immunoglobulins. We reported the case of a 56-year-old patient presented with abdominal pain associated with intestinal perforation. Resections of a 9-centimetres-long segment in the small intestine was performed, which was covered by purulent plaques, with a perforation of 5 mm, surrounded by a greyish-white thick intestinal wall. It can be observed in the microscopy a proliferation of neoplastic cells arranged diffusely and with frequent mitosis. Large areas of immunoblastic and plasmacytoid configuration were evident. The immunomarcation was consistent with a lymphoma of large cells, immunophenotype B, with plasmacytoid development. We highlighted the clinical presentation like acute abdominal pain and its clinical and pathological characteristics, especially in the plasmacytoid development that should differ of the true plasmocytoma.

Intestinal Neoplasms/pathology , Intestinal Perforation/etiology , Intestine, Small/pathology , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/pathology , Peritonitis/etiology , Humans , Intestinal Neoplasms/complications , Intestinal Neoplasms/surgery , Intestinal Perforation/diagnosis , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/complications , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/surgery , Middle Aged , Peritonitis/diagnosis