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Enferm. intensiva (Ed. impr.) ; 32(1): 3-10, ene.-mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-202295


INTRODUCCIÓN: La práctica colaborativa es un proceso interpersonal en el que interactúan diferentes disciplinas profesionales que comparten objetivos, participan en la toma de decisiones y proporcionan una atención integral y de calidad. Las sesiones clínicas conjuntas ofrecen la oportunidad de interactuar y mejorar la comunicación entre profesionales y optimizar los resultados en la práctica. OBJETIVOS: Explorar las percepciones de enfermeras y médicos sobre la práctica colaborativa en las sesiones clínicas conjuntas en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. MÉTODO: Estudio de análisis crítico del discurso, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y diarios de campo, usando como referencial teórico los conceptos de Campus, Capital y Habitus planteados por Pierre Bourdieu. PARTICIPANTES: enfermeras y médicos de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, reclutados mediante muestreo intencional. Las entrevistas fueron codificadas por todos los investigadores, posteriormente se hizo una puesta en común y se interpretaron los datos en el contexto en el que fueron recogidos. RESULTADOS: Emergieron 5 categorías: 1) Concepto: integración e implicación de un equipo con aportaciones colectivas y objetivos compartidos, 2) importancia: aumenta la seguridad del paciente, mejora la satisfacción de los profesionales y la calidad de atención, 3) factores: la ausencia de cultura de organizaciones dificulta la práctica colaborativa, 4) rol: la enfermera percibió que tiene un rol pasivo (oyente) durante las sesiones clínicas y el médico un papel activo (comunicador), y 5) estrategias de mejora: establecer horario y conciliación de tareas interprofesionales. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una necesidad de empoderamiento en la participación activa por parte de las enfermeras en las sesiones clínicas conjuntas. El colectivo médico debe tener más en cuenta las percepciones humanísticas que pueden aportar otros profesionales. Fomentar la escucha activa en los médicos, mejorar la comunicación real por parte de las enfermeras y generar un espacio donde impere el respeto y la confianza, favorecerán la dinámica de trabajo interprofesional

INTRODUCTION: Collaborative practice is an interpersonal process in which different professional disciplines that share objectives interact, participate in decision-making and provide comprehensive and quality care. The joint clinical sessions offer the opportunity to interact and improve communication between professionals and optimise results in practice. AIM: To explore perceptions of nurses and physicians about collaborative practice in joint Intensive Care Unit clinical sessions. METHOD: Critical discourse analysis, through semi-structured interviews and field journals, using as theoretical reference the concepts of Campus, Capital and Habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. PARTICIPANTS: nurses and physicians of the Intensive Care Unit, who were recruited by intentional sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and a discourse analysis was then performed. The interviews were coded by all the researchers, then shared and the data were interpreted in the context in which they were collected. RESULTS: Five categories emerged: 1) Concept: integration and involvement of a team with collective contributions and shared objectives, 2) importance: it increases patient safety, improves professional satisfaction and quality of care, 3) factors: the absence of culture organisations make collaborative practice difficult, 4) role: the nurse perceived that she plays a passive role (listener) during the clinical rounds and the physician an active role (communicator) and, 5) improvement strategies: to establish a schedule and balance interprofessional tasks. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for empowerment in active participation by nursing staff in joint clinical sessions. The medical group should be more aware of the humanistic perceptions that other professionals can bring. Encouraging active listening in physicians, improving real communication by nursing staff and generating a space where respect and confidence prevail, will favour interprofessional work dynamics

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Critical Care/standards , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration , Critical Care Nursing/organization & administration , Interdisciplinary Communication , Teaching Rounds/organization & administration , Nurse's Role , Interprofessional Relations , Integral Healthcare Practice/organization & administration , Intersectoral Collaboration , Hospitalists/statistics & numerical data
Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 32(1): 3-10, 2021.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32389439


INTRODUCTION: Collaborative practice is an interpersonal process in which different professional disciplines that share objectives interact, participate in decision-making and provide comprehensive and quality care. The joint clinical sessions offer the opportunity to interact and improve communication between professionals and optimise results in practice. AIM: To explore perceptions of nurses and physicians about collaborative practice in joint Intensive Care Unit clinical sessions. METHOD: Critical discourse analysis, through semi-structured interviews and field journals, using as theoretical reference the concepts of Campus, Capital and Habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. PARTICIPANTS: nurses and physicians of the Intensive Care Unit, who were recruited by intentional sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and a discourse analysis was then performed. The interviews were coded by all the researchers, then shared and the data were interpreted in the context in which they were collected. RESULTS: Five categories emerged: 1) Concept: integration and involvement of a team with collective contributions and shared objectives, 2) importance: it increases patient safety, improves professional satisfaction and quality of care, 3) factors: the absence of culture organisations make collaborative practice difficult, 4) role: the nurse perceived that she plays a passive role (listener) during the clinical rounds and the physician an active role (communicator) and, 5) improvement strategies: to establish a schedule and balance interprofessional tasks. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for empowerment in active participation by nursing staff in joint clinical sessions. The medical group should be more aware of the humanistic perceptions that other professionals can bring. Encouraging active listening in physicians, improving real communication by nursing staff and generating a space where respect and confidence prevail, will favour interprofessional work dynamics.

Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 18(6): 321-325, nov. 2008.
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-71326


Este artículo es la continuación de otros 2 publicados con anterioridad en Enfermería Clínica que describen la evolución clínica de María, una mujer de 26 años con síndrome de Down. En el primero se describía su ingreso en una unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) con el diagnóstico de neumonía atípica, durante el cual la paciente presentaba una situación de suplencia total. En el segundo se describía la evolución del proceso de destete, en el que presentó el problema de independencia de ansiedad, pero que se consiguió resolver favorablemente. María fue dada de alta a la unidad de hospitalización convencional con un informe de alta de enfermería en el que se registraron los cuidados llevados a cabo durante su ingreso en la UCI. Este tercer artículo presenta el seguimiento del caso por parte del equipo de la unidad de hospitalización a domicilio. El equipo de asistencia especializada le propuso a María continuar el ingreso con la posibilidad de estar en su domicilio, hasta que pudiera ser dada de alta y que se continuara su seguimiento desde atención primaria. Se exponen las valoraciones realizadas en 2 fases, una previa al ingreso en domicilio, en la que se evalúa la adecuación del ingreso extrahospitalario, y la otra en el propio domicilio, en la que se planifican los cuidados con María y su familia. Se identifica un problema de autonomía en higiene y el problema de independencia de manejo inefectivo del régimen terapéutico familiar. Ambos se abordan desde la asistencia especializada en el contexto del domicilio, en el que resulta fundamental el trabajo con la familia (AU)

The present article is a continuation of two previously published articles in ENFERMERíA CLíNICA that describe the clinical course of María, a 26-year-old woman with Down syndrome. The first article described the patient’s admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) with a diagnosis of atypical pneumonia. During admission, the patient was completely dependent. The second article described the weaning process when the patient showed anxiety, which was favorably resolved. Maria was discharged to a conventional ward with a nursing discharge report that contained the nursing careperformed during her stay in the ICU. The present article describes the patient’s follow-up by the hospital-at-hometeam.The specialized team suggested to María that she continue admission with the possibility of being at home until she could be discharged and followed-up by primary care. The evaluations were performed in 2 phases: a first evaluation before the patient’s return to home, in which the suitability of domiciliary care was evaluated, and a second evaluation in which care was planned with María and her family. A hygiene deficit and ineffective management of the family therapeutic regimen were identified. Both problems were approached by the specialized healthcare team within the context of domiciliary care, in which work with the family is essential (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Down Syndrome/complications , Pneumonia/rehabilitation , Nursing Care/methods , Home Care Services, Hospital-Based , Follow-Up Studies
Rev. Rol enferm ; 30(6): 424-432, jun. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-79751


En este estudio la autoras analizan la aportación de las Hermanas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl a los cuidados enfermeros en Mallorca durante el siglo XIX. Se han trabajado dos fuentes documentales: Las Reglas de Vida y un registro censal de la orden llamado Libro de Curia. En las Reglas se ha tratado de identificar la forma de actuar de las religiosas, buscando los aspectos de posible influencia en la salud de la población a la que asistían y los referentes a su dedicación como maestras, enfermeras y/o gestoras. En el Libro de Curia analizamos los datos sociales de las 320 primeras profesas que aparecen, valorando edad de ingreso, permanencia, ocupación y mortalidad de las hermanas, para compararlas, según fueran maestras o enfermeras(AU)

In this article, the authors analyze the role the «Sant Vicente de Paül» Sisters of Charity had in treating the ill in Majorca during the 19th Century. The authors carried out their research on two primary resources: The Rules of Life and a record of members of the order called the Book of the Curia. The authors tried to identify the methods the sisters followed in their work inside the Rules, searching for those aspects indicating their possible influence on the health of the population to whom they served as well as searching for references to their dedication as teachers, nurses and/or managers. In the Book of the Curia, the authors analyze the social data registered for the first 320 members of the order, evaluating their age upon entrance, their length of stay in the order, their job, and the cause of their death in order to compare these according to whether a sister was a teacher or a nurse(AU)

Humans , History of Nursing , Religion and Medicine , Nursing Care , Hospitals, Religious
Enferm. intensiva (Ed. impr.) ; 11(2): 51-58, abr. 2000.
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-7670


Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido describir el tipo de información que registran los profesionales de enfermería al ingreso del paciente crítico en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y determinar si existe relación entre el tipo de información registrada y el hecho de que el paciente ingrese con o sin intubación endotraqueal.Se estudió una muestra formada por 214 registros de ingreso realizados en nuestra unidad durante el año 1998, mediante una hoja de recogida de datos elaborada para este estudio, basada en los cuestionarios de valoración del modelo de Virginia Henderson. Se analizaron la presencia o ausencia de 71 variables clasificadas en cuatro bloques: datos de filiación, datos generales, necesidades básicas de Virginia Henderson y otros datos de valoración.La mayoría de los datos recogidos al ingreso son datos objetivos procedentes de la observación y/o exploración física del paciente. Estos datos se recogen en dos bloques: el de 'necesidades básicas de Virginia Henderson' (respirar normalmente, alimentarse e hidratarse, eliminar, moverse y mantener postura, mantener la temperatura corporal, higiene e integridad de la piel y evitar peligros) y el bloque de 'otros datos de valoración' (tratamiento médico, pruebas diagnósticas y terapéuticas y monitorización hemodinámica).La información sobre los antecedentes del paciente recogidos en el bloque de 'datos generales' se recoge en menor frecuencia.Los datos subjetivos obtenidos mediante la entrevista aparecen en una clara minoría. Estos datos se recogen en el bloque de 'necesidades básicas de Virginia Henderson' (dormir y descansar, vestirse y desvestirse, comunicarse, valores y creencias, sentirse realizado, entretenerse y aprender) (AU)

Humans , Nursing Care , Patient Admission , Hospitalization , Quality of Health Care , Critical Care
Enferm Intensiva ; 11(2): 51-8, 2000.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11272931


The type of information recorded by nurses at admission of critical patients to the Intensive Care Unit was described and the relation between the information recorded and the presence of absence of endotracheal intubation in the patient admitted was analyzed. A sample of 214 admission records of patients admitted to our unit in 1998 was studied using a data sheet based on Virginia Henderson assessment questionnaires. The presence or absence of 71 variables classified into four sections was analyzed: personal data, general data, Virginia Henderson basic needs, and other assessment data. Most data collected at admission were objective data obtained by observation and/or physical examination of the patient. These data were contained in two sections: "Virginia Henderson basic needs" (normal breathing, food and water intake, excretion, mobility, maintaining posture, conserving body temperature, skin hygiene and integrity, and avoiding danger) and "other assessment data" (medical treatment, diagnostic and therapeutic tests, and hemodynamic monitoring). Information about the patient's background in the section "general data" was obtained less frequently. Subjective data obtained from interviews was clearly limited. These data are included in the "Virginia Henderson basic needs" (sleep, rest, dressing and undressing, communicating, values and beliefs, feeling of satisfaction, absence of boredom, and intellectual stimulation).

Critical Care/methods , Hospitalization , Nursing Care , Patient Admission , Critical Care/standards , Humans , Nursing Care/standards , Quality of Health Care