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Cad Saude Publica ; 40(8): e00064919, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39258680


This study estimates gestational diabetes mellitus prevalence in Brazil. A systematic review was conducted with articles published between 2010 and 2021 on the PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, SciELO, LILACS and Virtual Health Library databases, as well as gray literature. Data were extracted using a standardized instrument together with the risk of bias assessment tool proposed by Hoy et al. A meta-analysis with robust variance and random effects was developed. Heterogeneity was verified using I2 and publication bias was assessed using funnel plot and Egger's test. Prevalence according to risk of bias, diagnostic criteria and country's regions was determined by subgroup analyses. A total of 32 studies were included, representing 21,942 women. gestational diabetes mellitus pooled prevalence was 14% (95%CI: 11.0; 16.0), considerably higher than estimates from previous studies. Regarding risk of bias, studies with low, medium, and high risk showed a pooled prevalence of 12%, 14% and 14%, respectively. Overall GRADE certainty of evidence rating was low. Most studies used the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) criteria or the adapted IADPSG, showing a pooled prevalence of 15% and 14%, respectively. As for region, the pooled prevalence was higher in the Southeast (14%) and lower in the Central-West (9%). This is the first systematic review to provide evidence on gestational diabetes mellitus prevalence at a national level and to demonstrate considerable heterogeneity among articles and the influence of region, diagnostic criteria and study quality on the referred indicator.

Diabetes, Gestational , Humans , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Female , Pregnancy , Prevalence , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e053, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559440


RESUMO Introdução: A monitoria acadêmica é uma ferramenta complementar à construção do conhecimento dos discentes do ensino superior. Apresenta-se como mecanismo de auxílio e de orientação para os monitorados ao mesmo tempo que desenvolve as habilidades comunicacionais para além dos saberes essenciais do monitor. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar uma experiência de monitoria com diferentes estratégias de ensino e de avaliação por meio de metodologias ativas, aplicando atividades teóricas e práticas interdisciplinares para estudantes de Medicina. Relato de experiência: Este relato de monitoria, realizado em um componente curricular de saúde coletiva da graduação em Medicina de uma universidade pública federal do Rio Grande do Sul, apresenta dados quantitativos e discute os conhecimentos adquiridos com a aplicação das atividades do projeto de ensino. Discussão: Analisaram-se quatro semestres, em que se compararam registros realizados em formulários on-line sem identificação dos respondentes referentes à participação das monitorias de caráter teórico e prático, sendo a maior adesão de participantes nas atividades práticas (42,31% versus 25,55%). Depreenderam-se as principais motivações dos discentes para buscar a monitoria, sendo a elucidação de uma etapa da simulação de pesquisa a mais requisitada. Houve predominância dos valores próximos ao máximo em monitorias práticas em relação às teóricas na avaliação geral delas, sendo considerados três aspectos: importância da atividade; clareza e didática da monitora; esclarecimento de dúvidas. Percebeu-se que o tempo destinado aos encontros variou de forma considerável, sendo mais frequente destinar 60 minutos às atividades teóricas e 30 minutos às atividades práticas. A comparação da proposta de atividades práticas e teóricas aplicadas por meio de metodologias ativas no projeto de monitoria evidenciou o quanto o discente, monitor ou monitorando, beneficia-se do processo de ensino-aprendizagem quando inserido como responsável principal pela própria educação. Conclusão: Na perspectiva da monitora, houve um fortalecimento das próprias competências relacionadas ao saber científico, assim como se observaram um nivelamento da turma em relação aos conteúdos de base e a progressão gradual da aquisição de um raciocínio crítico do estudante da área da saúde.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Academic monitoring is used as a complementary tool for knowledge construction among higher education students. It works as a mechanism to aid and guide the students, as well as to develop the communication skills beyond the essential knowledge of the monitor. This study aims to report a monitoring experience using different teaching and evaluation strategies through active forms of learning, applying interdisciplinary theoretical and practical activities for medical students. Experience report: This experience report, developed in a public health curricular component of a medical undergraduate course at a federal public university in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, presents quantitative data and debates the knowledge acquired through the implementation of education project activities. Discussion: Four semesters were analyzed, comparing records obtained from online forms without identification of the respondents related to the participation of the theoretical and practical monitoring sessions, with a higher participation rate in practical activities (42.31% vs. 25.55%). The main motivations for students looking for monitoring meetings were identified, with explanation of a research simulation stage being the most requested one. Practical monitoring sessions received higher evaluations compared to theoretical ones, considering three aspects: activity importance, clarity and didactics of the monitor, and elucidation of doubts. It was observed a relevant variation in the time assigned to the meetings, with a more frequent duration session of 60 minutes for theoretical activities and 30 minutes for practical activities. The comparison of the proposed practical and theoretical activities implemented through active forms of learning in the monitoring project evidenced the knowledge addition for both students, monitor or monitored, in the teaching-learning process when they are actively engaged in their own education. Conclusion: From the monitor's perspective, there was a strengthening of their own competencies related to scientific knowledge. Furthermore, a leveling of the class was observed regarding the basic content and a gradual progression towards critical thinking among health area students.

J. nurs. health ; 13(3): 13323579, dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1538097


Objetivo: compreender e mensurar os conhecimentos sobre Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis e seus fatores associados entre estudantes de uma universidade federal. Método:realizou-se uma pesquisa transversal, quantitativa, de amostragem não aleatória. Os critérios de seleção foram ser estudante da universidade e possuir maioridade. Coletou-se os dados entre outubro e dezembro de 2020, através de um questionário online. Na análise de dados realizou-se as frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis e verificou-se associações pelo teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: dos 284estudantes universitários do sul do Brasil participantes,40,1% obtiveram sete acertos, 38,4%, seis acertos e 21,5%, cinco acertos ou menos. Observou-se que alguns fatores influenciam no conhecimento no assunto: renda; sexo; área do curso de graduação; e conhecer alguém com Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Conclusão:estudantes ainda carecem de conhecimentos no assunto, existindo necessidade de organizar políticas públicas dos serviços de saúde em direção a esse tema nas abordagens comportamental e biomédica.

Objective:to understand and measure knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and their associated factors among students at a federal university. Method:a cross-sectional, quantitative, non-random sampling survey was made. The selection criteria were being an undergraduate student in adulthood. Data were collected between October and December 2020, through an online questionnaire. In the data analysis, the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables were executed and associations were verified using thechi-square test. Results:of the 284undergraduate students of southern Brazil, 40.1% had 7 points, 38.4% 6 points, and 21.5% 5 points or fewer. It was observed that some factors influence the knowledge on the subject: income; sex; undergraduate course area; and knowing someone with sexually transmitted diseases. Conclusion:students still lack knowledge on the subject, showing a need to organize public policies in health services toward this topic in behavioral and biomedical approaches.

Objetivo: comprender y medir el conocimiento sobre enfermedades de transmisión sexual y sus factores asociados entre estudiantes de una universidad federal. Método:encuesta transversal, de muestreo no aleatorio. Los criterios de selección eran ser estudiante y ser mayor de edad. Los datos se recogieron entre octubre y diciembre de 2020 por cuestionario online. Los análisis se realizaron con las frecuencias absolutasy relativas de las variables con prueba del cuádruple. Resultados:de los 284 estudiantes del sur de Brasil participantes, 40,1% obtuvo 7 aciertos, 38,4% con 6 aciertos y 21,5% 5 aciertos o menos. Se observó que algunos factores influyen en el conocimiento del tema: renda, sexo, área de la graduación y contacto con alguien sobre enfermedades sexualmente transmisible. Conclusión:los estudiantes aún carecen de conocimientos sobre el tema, habiendo la necesidad de organizar las políticas públicas de los servicios de salud en los enfoques comportamental y biomédico.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Sex Education , Students
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 13(2): 85-91, abr.-jun. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513147


Background and objective: the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has high rates of detection and death in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to better understand such deaths, in December 2017, the Uruguaiana Municipal Department of Health implemented the AIDS Mortality Committee (CMaids). This study aimed to analyze the impact of an CMaids implementation in Uruguaiana through municipal health indicators. Methods: an ecological time-series study that used secondary data from the official platforms of the Ministry of Health from 2008 to 2020. Results: a reduction in the indicators number of deaths (from 28 in 2008 to 9 in 2020), mortality rate (from 22.0 in 2008 to 7.1 deaths/100,000 inhabitants in 2020), and fatality rate (from 46.74 in 2008 to 9.61 deaths/1,000 inhabitants in 2020) was observed. Moreover, trend lines were verified between 2017-2020 through the logarithmic regression model with join points. A relevant Annual Percent Change in mortality and fatality indicators was verified, with a reduction of 59.1% and 73.4%, respectively, in 2020, when comparing the observed and expected values. Conclusion: the findings enable us to conjecture that CMaids contributed to health indicator improvement, evidencing this as a relevant strategy to handle HIV/AIDS endemic at the local level.(AU)

Justificativa e objetivo: a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (aids) apresenta elevadas taxas de detecção e óbito no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A fim de compreender melhor tais óbitos, em dezembro de 2017, a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Uruguaiana implementou o Comitê de Mortalidade por aids (CMaids). O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o impacto da implantação do CMaids de Uruguaiana por meio de indicadores de saúde municipais. Métodos: estudo ecológico de série temporal, utilizando dados secundários das plataformas oficiais do Ministério da Saúde entre o período de 2008 a 2020. Resultados: observou-se redução dos indicadores número de óbitos (de 28 em 2008 para 9 em 2020), taxa de mortalidade (de 22,0 em 2008 para 7,1 óbitos/100.000 habitantes em 2020) e taxa de letalidade (de 46,74 em 2008 para 9,61 óbitos/1.000 habitantes em 2020). Ainda, verificaram-se linhas de tendência entre 2017-2020 por meio do modelo de regressão logarítmica com pontos de junção. Averiguou-se relevante mudança percentual anual nos indicadores de mortalidade e letalidade, com redução de 59,1% e 73,4%, respectivamente, em 2020, ao comparar-se o valor observado e o esperado. Conclusão: os achados permitem conjecturar que o CMaids contribuiu para melhorias dos indicadores de saúde, evidenciando essa como uma estratégia relevante para o enfrentamento do HIV/aids em nível local.(AU)

Justificación y objetivo: el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (sida) presenta altas tasas de detección y muerte en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Para entender mejor esas muertes, en diciembre de 2017, la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de Uruguaiana implementó el Comité de Mortalidad por SIDA (CMaids). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de la implementación del CMaids de Uruguaiana a través de los indicadores de salud municipales. Métodos: estudio ecológico de series temporales, utilizando datos secundarios de las plataformas oficiales del Ministerio de Salud desde 2008 hasta 2020. Resultados: se observó la reducción de los indicadores de número de óbitos (de 28 en 2008 a 9 en 2020), tasa de mortalidad (de 22,0 en 2008 a 7,1 muertes/100.000 habitantes en 2020) y tasa de letalidad (de 46,74 en 2008 a 9,61 muertes/1.000 habitantes en 2020). Además, se verificaron líneas de tendencia entre 2017-2020 a través del modelo de regresión logarítmica con puntos de unión. Se verificó un cambio porcentual anual relevante en los indicadores de mortalidad y letalidad, con una reducción de 59,1% y 73,4%, respectivamente, en 2020, al comparar los valores observados y esperados. Conclusión: los resultados permiten conjeturar que el CMaids contribuye a mejorar los indicadores de salud, evidenciando que es una estrategia relevante para la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA a nivel local.(AU)

Humans , Health Status Indicators , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/mortality , HIV , Ecological Studies
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023220, 14 fev. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516696


INTRODUCTION: In face of the COVID-19 crisis, classroom activities at universities were interrupted in Brazil, following the guidelines of health agencies to minimize coronavirus contamination levels, with implications for students' and professors' mental health. OBJECTIVE: To identify the coping strategies used by students and professors of a Brazilian university during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the associated sociodemographic and institutional/academic variables. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out using an online questionnaire with questions on socioeconomic aspects and applying the Ways of Coping Scale. RESULTS: 671 students and 231 professors from a public university in the south of Brazil enrolled in the study. Students and professors used more problem-focused coping strategies followed by searching for social support. Regarding the professors, the variables frequency of leaving home and gender were positively associated with the problem and emotion-focused strategies and religion/fanciful thought strategies, respectively. Regarding the students, women used predominantly emotion-focused and religious/fanciful thought strategies. Students aged 27 or more used more problem-focused and 18-20 and 21-26 years old used predominantly emotion-focused strategies. Living with family and leaving home for 8 days or more were associated with the religious/fanciful thought strategy. CONCLUSION: Attention chould be given to gender, age, and frequency of leaving home, when planning mental health actions to foster the use of a wider range of coping strategies adopted by university students and professors throughout moments of developmental crisis, such as the ones that emerged across pandemics.

INTRODUÇÃO: Mediante a crise sanitária instaurada pela Pandemia de COVID-19, no Brasil, atividades presenciais nas universidades foram interrompidas, seguindo diretrizes para minimizar níveis de contaminação por coronavírus, com implicações para a saúde mental de estudantes e professores. OBJETIVO: Identificar estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por alunos e professores de uma universidade brasileira durante a pandemia de COVID-19, e variáveis sociodemográficas e institucionais/acadêmicas associadas. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um levantamento transversal, com questionário online contendo questões sobre aspectos socioeconômicos e a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento. RESULTADOS: 671 alunos e 231 professores de uma universidade pública do sul do Brasil utilizaram mais estratégias de enfrentamento focadas no problema, seguidas de busca de apoio social. Para os docentes, as variáveis frequência que saíram de casa e gênero associaram-se positivamente a estratégias focadas no problema, na emoção e religião/pensamento fantasioso, respectivamente. Quanto aos estudantes, as mulheres usaram predominantemente estratégias focadas na emoção e estratégias voltadas à religião/pensamento fantasioso. Os estudantes com 27 anos ou mais usaram mais estratégias focadas no problema e pessoas com 18-20 anos e 21-26 anos, usaram predominantemente estratégias focadas na emoção. Viver com a família e sair de casa 8 dias ou mais associaram-se à estratégia focada na religião/pensamento fantasioso. CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se atenção às variáveis gênero, idade e frequência de saída de casa no planejamento de ações de saúde mental para fomentar o uso ampliado de estratégias de enfrentamento por estudantes e professores universitários ao longo de momentos de crise de desenvolvimento, como os que emergiram na pandemia

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Universities , Adaptation, Psychological , Faculty/psychology , COVID-19 , Mental Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Social Determinants of Health , Sociodemographic Factors
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) ; 55(4)dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417597


Medical schools are known to be stressful environments for students, and hence medical students have been believed to experience greater incidences of depression and anxiety than the general population or students from other spe-cialties. The present study investigates the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms together with factors as-sociated with them among medical students in a federal public university in the south of Brazil. A descriptive study was performed using self-administered questionnaires to access socio-demographic, institutional, and health variables in association with two scales - Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) - designed to assess depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. The research sample consisted of 152 subjects. The depres-sive symptoms prevalence was 65.1% (BDI > 9), state-anxiety was 98.6%, and trait-anxiety was 97.4% (STAI > 33). Among women, 37.8% demonstrated moderate/severe depressive symptoms. High levels of state-anxiety symptoms and trait-anxiety symptoms were found in 44.7% of students under the age of 20. In the group with the lowest month-ly income, it was observed the highest distributions for moderate/severe depressive symptoms, high state and high trait-anxiety symptoms, corresponding to 47.4%, 57.9%, and 47.4%, respectively. Students attending the third term of medical school had the highest percentage of moderate/severe depressive symptoms (62.5%) and high state-anxiety symptoms (50%). In addition, students who had both financial aid programs presented the highest percentages of moderate/severe depressive symptoms (46.2%), highstate-anxiety symptoms (61.5%), and high trait-anxiety symptoms (46.2%). We also observed a correlationbetween depression and trait-anxiety symptoms (P = 0.037). In conclusion, it was identified as risk factors for depressive symptoms the previous depression diagnosis, previous search for health service due to psychological symptoms, being in financial aid programs, dissatisfaction with the medical school, and inadequate psychological help offered by it. For state-anxiety symptoms and trait-anxiety outcome, there is an increased risk among low-income or students who have financial help from financial aid programs and younger age students. (AU)

Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e fatores associados a eles entre es-tudantes de medicina de uma universidade pública do sul do Brasil. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo através de questionários autoaplicáveis para avaliar variáveis sociodemográficas, institucionais e de saúde, associa-das a duas escalas - Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e Inventário de Traço-Estado de Ansiedade (STAI) - para avaliar os sintomas de depressão e ansiedade, respectivamente. Resultados: A prevalência de sintomas depres-sivos foi de 65,1% (BDI > 9), estado de ansiedade foi de 98,6% e traço de ansiedade de 97,4% (STAI > 33). Uma correlação significativa foi encontrada entre depressão e traço de ansiedade. Diagnóstico prévio de depressão, busca prévia por serviços de saúde, insatisfação com o curso de medicina e ter auxílio de baixa renda e bolsa de iniciação científica foram identificados como fatores de risco para depressão. Estudantes com baixa renda mensal e menores de 25 anos apresentaram maior risco para estado de ansiedade. Idade, ano da faculdade de medicina e programa de ajuda financeira provaram ser um fator de risco para traço de ansiedade. Conclusão: Esses resultados mostram fatores significativos relacionados à saúde mental de estudantes de uma faculdade de medicina recém-fundada no interior do Brasil. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety/diagnosis , Students, Medical/psychology , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Depression/diagnosis
Syst Rev ; 11(1): 243, 2022 11 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36397111


BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the need for evidence on third-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) for adults living with HIV/AIDS, given that some controversy remains as to the best combinations of ART for experienced HIV-1-infected patients. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to (i) assess the efficacy of third-line therapy for adults with HIV/AIDS based on randomized controlled trials (RCT) that adopted the "new antiretroviral (ARV) + optimized background therapy (OBT)" approach and (ii) address the key issues identified in WHO's guidelines on the use of third-line therapy. METHODS: MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched for RCTs assessing third-line ARV therapy that used an OBT approach between 1966 and 2015. Data was extracted using an Excel-structured datasheet based on the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) recommendations. The primary outcome of this meta-analysis was the proportion of patients reaching undetectable HIV RNA levels (< 50 copies/mL) at 48 weeks of follow-up. Included studies were evaluated using the Cochrane's Risk of Bias assessment tool. Summarized evidence was rated according to the GRADE approach. RESULTS: Eighteen trials assessing 9 new ARV + OBT combinations defined as third-line HIV therapy provided the efficacy data: 7 phase IIb trials and 11 phase III trials. Four of the 18 trials provided extension data, thus resulting in 14 trials providing 48-week efficacy data. In the meta-analysis, considering the outcome regarding the proportion of patients with a viral load below 50 copies/ml at 48 weeks, 9 out of 14 trials demonstrated the superiority of the new combination being studied (risk difference = 0.18, 95% CI 0.13-0.23). The same analysis stratified by the number of fully active ARVs demonstrated a risk difference of 0.29 (95% CI 0.12-0.46), 0.28 (95% CI 0.17-0.38) and 0.17 (95% CI 0.10-0.24) respectively from zero, one, and two or more active drugs strata. Nine of the 18 trials were considered to have a high risk of bias. CONCLUSIONS: Efficacy results demonstrated that the groups of HIV-experienced patients receiving the new ARV + OBT were more likely to achieve viral suppression when compared to the control groups. However, most of these trials may be at a high risk of bias. Thus, there is still not enough evidence to stipulate which combinations are the most effective for therapeutic regimens that are to be used sequentially due to documented multi-resistance.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Anti-HIV Agents , HIV Infections , Adult , Humans , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/drug therapy , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV-1 , Viral Load , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Clinical Trials, Phase II as Topic , Clinical Trials, Phase III as Topic
World Allergy Organ J ; 14(3): 100529, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33850603


BACKGROUND: The Global Asthma Network (GAN) aims to find out the current status of the prevalence and severity of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema using global surveillance to achieve worldwide recognition and improve the management of asthma, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The aim of this study was to verify the associated factors for asthma in adolescents and their respective parents/caregivers. METHODS: Adolescents (13-14 years old; n = 1058) and their respective parents/caregivers (mean age = 42.1 years, n = 896) living in the town of Uruguaiana, Southern Brazil fulfilled the standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Although the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was higher among adults than adolescents (18.4% vs. 15.8%, respectively), adolescents showed more severe wheezing and worse control over the disease revealed by higher consumption of short-acting beta-2 agonists; going to the emergency room; hospitalization in the last year and dry night cough. Smoking and paracetamol use were associated with risk for developing asthma symptoms and consuming seafood/fish was protective. For the adults smoking (10 or more cigarettes/day) and exposure to mould in the house were associated with risk for asthma symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents have a high prevalence of asthma symptoms and few have an action plan. Adults do not have their disease under control and they use more relief than preventive medication. Differences in associated factors could determine the outcomes in asthma control among adolescents and their parents.

Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 24(suppl 1): e210018, 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33886891


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the characteristics and trends of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, between 2005 and 2015 through indicators related to infection and the cascade of care of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). METHODS: Descriptive study performed with data from the Health Information Systems of the Ministry of Health. Historical sets of indicators related to detection of HIV/AIDS cases and deaths were developed, comparing with national and state data from 2005 to 2015. Also, the cascades of care for PLWHA were elaborated for the municipality between 2013 and 2015. RESULTS: AIDS detection rates of Uruguaiana were higher in comparison to the country and state, the same happened with the mortality and lethality indicators, which varied between 35.1 and 17.7 deaths/100,000 inhabitants and 6.5 and 2.7 deaths/100 inhabitants, respectively. The cascades of care for PLWHA showed an increase in individuals diagnosed with HIV in the period (from 1,125 to 1,527). The main gap occurred between the "diagnosed" and "connected" categories, expanding over time (78, 48 and 43.4%, respectively). There was a low proportion of individuals in the "undetectable viral load" category in the three years, ranging from 32 to 22.9%. CONCLUSION: Indicators of detection, mortality, and lethality due to HIV/AIDS are high in Uruguaiana, with an increase in the number of people diagnosed with HIV and decrease in their link with health services, suggesting the need for advances in strategies to attract and link PLWHA to the health care network.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Epidemics , HIV Infections , Health Information Systems , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Humans
Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 11: e46, 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1252836


Objetivo: identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico dos pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva do interior do Brasil e caracterizar os óbitos e os seus fatores preditores. Método: estudo transversal realizado a partir da análise documental de prontuários de amostra aleatória de pacientes em cuidados intensivos. Foram coletados dados entre 2016 e 2018 utilizando instrumento padronizado. Análise descritiva realizada comparando óbitos e sobreviventes. Utilizou-se regressão multivariável para identificação dos preditores do óbito. Resultados: considerando os 259 pacientes analisados, ocorreram 231 mortes (89,2%). Entre os óbitos, predominaram o sexo feminino (55,4%), raça branca (75,3%) e baixa escolaridade (66,7%). As variáveis idade avançada, insuficiência cardíaca e infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana adquirida foram consideradas preditores do óbito. Conclusão: evidenciou-se a caracterização dos pacientes atendidos na terapia intensiva, assim como a identificação de sujeitos com maior risco de morte, fornecendo subsídios para a elaboração de estratégias efetivas de prevenção do óbito.

Objective: to identify the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients in an intensive care unit in the interior of Brazil and to characterize the deaths and their predictors. Method: cross-sectional study conducted from documentary analysis of medical records of a random sample of patients in intensive care. Data were collected between 2016 and 2018 using standardized instrument. Descriptive analysis performed comparing deaths and survivors. Multivariable regression was used to identify predictors of death. Results: considering the 259 patients analyzed, there were 231 deaths (89.2%). Among the deaths, female gender (55.4%), white race (75.3%) and low education (66.7%) predominated. The variables advanced age, heart failure, and human immunodeficiency virus infection were considered predictors of death. Conclusion: the characterization of patients seen in intensive care was evidenced, as well as the identification of subjects at higher risk of death, providing subsidies for the development of effective strategies to prevent death.

Objetivo: identificar el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de los pacientes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos del interior de Brasil y caracterizar las muertes y sus factores predictores. Método: estudio transversal realizado a partir de un análisis documental de las historias clínicas de una muestra aleatoria de pacientes en cuidados intensivos. Los datos se recogieron entre 2016 y 2018 utilizando un instrumento estandarizado. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo comparando las muertes y los supervivientes. Se utilizó una regresión multivariable para identificar los predictores de muerte. Resultados: considerando los 259 pacientes analizados, se produjeron 231 muertes (89,2%). Entre las muertes, predominaron el sexo femenino (55,4%), la raza blanca (75,3%) y la baja escolaridad (66,7%). Las variaciones de la edad avanzada, la insuficiencia cardíaca y la infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana adquirida se consideraron predictores de la muerte. Conclusión: se evidenció la caracterización de los pacientes atendidos en la terapia intensiva, así como la identificación de los sujetos con mayor riesgo de muerte, suministrando subsidios para la elaboración de estrategias efectivas de prevención de la muerte.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Mortality , Critical Care , Intensive Care Units , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 24(supl.1): e210018, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288499


ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze the characteristics and trends of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, between 2005 and 2015 through indicators related to infection and the cascade of care of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Methods: Descriptive study performed with data from the Health Information Systems of the Ministry of Health. Historical sets of indicators related to detection of HIV/AIDS cases and deaths were developed, comparing with national and state data from 2005 to 2015. Also, the cascades of care for PLWHA were elaborated for the municipality between 2013 and 2015. Results: AIDS detection rates of Uruguaiana were higher in comparison to the country and state, the same happened with the mortality and lethality indicators, which varied between 35.1 and 17.7 deaths/100,000 inhabitants and 6.5 and 2.7 deaths/100 inhabitants, respectively. The cascades of care for PLWHA showed an increase in individuals diagnosed with HIV in the period (from 1,125 to 1,527). The main gap occurred between the "diagnosed" and "connected" categories, expanding over time (78, 48 and 43.4%, respectively). There was a low proportion of individuals in the "undetectable viral load" category in the three years, ranging from 32 to 22.9%. Conclusion: Indicators of detection, mortality, and lethality due to HIV/AIDS are high in Uruguaiana, with an increase in the number of people diagnosed with HIV and decrease in their link with health services, suggesting the need for advances in strategies to attract and link PLWHA to the health care network.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar características e tendência da epidemia de HIV/aids em Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, entre 2005 e 2015, por meio de indicadores básicos relacionados à infecção e da cascata de cuidado de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids (PVHA). Métodos: Estudo descritivo realizado com dados dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde. Foram elaboradas séries históricas de indicadores relacionados à detecção de casos e óbitos por HIV/aids, comparando com dados nacionais e estaduais de 2005 a 2015. Também foram desenvolvidas as cascatas de cuidado das PVHA para o município entre 2013 e 2015. Resultados: As taxas de detecção de aids de Uruguaiana apresentaram valores mais altos, quando comparadas ao país e ao estado, o mesmo acontecendo com os indicadores de mortalidade e letalidade, que variaram entre 35,1 e 17,7 óbitos/100.000 habitantes e 6,5 e 2,7 óbitos/100 habitantes, respectivamente. A cascata de PVHA demonstrou aumento dos indivíduos diagnosticados com HIV no período (de 1.125 para 1.527). O principal gap ocorreu entre as categorias "diagnosticados" e "vinculados", ampliando-se no decorrer do tempo (78, 48 e 43,4%, respectivamente). Verificou-se baixa proporção de indivíduos na categoria "com carga viral indetectável" nos três anos, variando entre 32 e 22,9%. Conclusões: Os indicadores de detecção, mortalidade e letalidade por HIV/aids são elevados em Uruguaiana, observando-se aumento do número de pessoas diagnosticadas com HIV e diminuição do vínculo destas com os serviços de saúde, sugerindo a necessidade de avanços em estratégias de captação e vinculação das PVHA à rede de atenção.

Humans , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Epidemics , Health Information Systems , Brazil/epidemiology
SciELO Preprints; dez. 2020.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-1594


Objective: To analyze the characteristics and trends of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uruguaiana/RS between 2005 and 2015 through indicators related to infection and the HIV cascade of care. Methods: Descriptive study performed with secondary data from Health Information Systems of the Ministry of Health. Historical sets of indicators related to detection of HIV/AIDS cases and deaths were developed, comparing with national and state data from 2005 to 2015. Also, the HIV cascades of care were elaborated for the municipality between 2013 and 2015. Results: AIDS detection rates of Uruguaiana were higher in comparison with the country and state, the same happened with the mortality and lethality indicators, which varied among 35.1 and 17.7 deaths/100 thousands of inhabitants and 6.5 and 2.7 deaths/100 inhabitants, respectively. The HIV cascades of care showed an increase in individuals diagnosed with HIV in the period (from 1,125 to 1,527). The main gap occurred between the "diagnosed" and "linked" categories, expanding over time (78%, 48% and 43.4% respectively). There was a low proportion of individuals in the "undetectable viral load" category in the three years, ranging from 32% to 22.9%. Conclusion: Indicators of detection, mortality and lethality due to HIV/AIDS are high in Uruguaiana, with an increase in the number of people diagnosed with HIV and decrease in their link with health services, suggesting the need for advances in strategies to attract and link people living with HIV/AIDS to the health care network.  

Objetivo: Analisar características e tendência da epidemia de HIV/aids em Uruguaiana/RS entre 2005 e 2015 por meio de indicadores básicos relacionados à infecção e da cascata de cuidado de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids (PVHA). Métodos: Estudo descritivo realizado com dados dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde. Foram elaboradas séries históricas de indicadores relacionados à detecção de casos e óbitos por HIV/aids, comparando com dados nacionais e estaduais de 2005 a 2015. Também foram desenvolvidas as cascatas de cuidado das PVHA para o município entre 2013 e 2015. Resultados: As taxas de detecção de aids de Uruguaiana apresentaram valores mais altos quando comparados ao país e estado, o mesmo acontecendo com os indicadores de mortalidade e letalidade, que variaram entre 35,1 e 17,7 óbitos/100 mil habitantes e 6,5 e 2,7 óbitos/100 habitantes, respectivamente. A cascata de PVHA demonstrou um aumento dos indivíduos diagnosticados com HIV no período (de 1.125 para 1.527). O principal gap ocorreu entre as categorias "diagnosticados" e "vinculados", ampliando-se no decorrer do tempo (78%, 48% e 43,4% respectivamente). Verificou-se baixa proporção de indivíduos na categoria "com carga viral indetectável" nos três anos, variando entre 32% e 22,9%. Conclusões: Os indicadores de detecção, mortalidade e letalidade por HIV/aids são elevados em Uruguaiana, observando-se aumento do número de pessoas diagnosticadas com HIV e diminuição do vínculo destas com os serviços de saúde, sugerindo a necessidade de avanços em estratégias de captação e vinculação das PVHA à rede de atenção.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 4(4): 441-446, out.dez.2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382044


Objetivo: Embora o objetivo da Rede Global de Asma (GAN) seja entender o estado atual do eczema atópico (EA), sua prevenção e melhoria geral em seu manejo, particularmente em países de baixa e média renda, ela permite a avaliação de outras doenças alérgicas, como a asma (A) e a rinite alérgica (RA). Nosso objetivo foi determinar a prevalência de EA e fatores associados em adolescentes e seus pais/responsáveis. Método: Adolescentes (13-14 anos; n = 1.058) e seus pais/responsáveis (média = 42,1 anos; n = 896) residentes na cidade de Uruguaiana, RS, sul do Brasil, responderam aos questionários padrão do GAN. Resultados: A prevalência de EA em adolescentes foi de 8%, e a de formas graves foi de 1,3%, com predomínio no sexo feminino (67,8%). Nos adultos, a prevalência de EA foi de 3,1%. Alguns fatores de risco associados ao EA em adolescentes incluem o consumo de azeite ou de margarina. Em adultos, a exposição à umidade e manchas no passado e atual, uso de cigarros eletrônicos/narguilé, e consumo de outros laticínios foram associados a risco, e o consumo de arroz a proteção. Conclusões: A prevalência de EA em adolescentes é alta e predomina em mulheres, assim como o diagnóstico médico de EA em adultos residentes em Uruguaiana. Fatores ambientais, especialmente hábitos alimentares e umidade no domicílio, foram associados aos achados em ambos os grupos.

Objective: Although the purpose of the Global Asthma Network (GAN) is to understand the current status of atopic eczema (AE), including prevention and general improvement in its management, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, it allows the assessment of other allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. Our objective was to determine the prevalence of AE and associated factors in adolescents and their parents/guardians. Method: Adolescents (13-14 years old; n = 1058) and their parents/guardians (mean = 42.1 years old; n = 896) living in the city of Uruguaiana, RS, southern Brazil, completed the standard GAN questionnaires. Results: The prevalence of AE in adolescents was 8%, and that of severe forms was 1.3%, with predominance in females (67.8%). In adults, the prevalence of AE was 3.1%. Some risk factors associated with AE in adolescents include the consumption of oil or margarine. In adults, exposure to moisture and stains in the past and currently, use of electronic cigarettes/ hookahs, and consumption of other dairy products were identified as risk factors, while rice consumption was considered a protective factor. Conclusions: The prevalence of AE in adolescents is high and the disease predominates in women, as well as the medical diagnosis of AE in adults living in Uruguaiana. Environmental factors, especially eating habits and moisture at home, were associated with the findings in both groups.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Dermatitis, Atopic , Parents , Asthma , Signs and Symptoms , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dairy Products , Diagnosis , Feeding Behavior , Rhinitis, Allergic , Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems , Olive Oil , Humidity
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 29(3): e2019355, 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32520119


OBJECTIVE: to characterize AIDS deaths eligible for Porto Alegre AIDS Mortality Committee (AIDSMC) investigation, Brazil, in 2015, and their therapeutic itineraries. METHODS: this was a descriptive study using secondary data from surveillance information systems and AIDSMC investigation forms. RESULTS: out of 336 deaths from AIDS-related causes, 113 (33.6%) were considered avoidable, of which 52 were analyzed by AIDSMC; there was predominance of males (30/52), low schooling level (29/52 incomplete elementary education), and less than 2 years between HIV infection diagnosis and death (28/52); tuberculosis was the most frequent cause of death (17/52); and in 50/52 cases at least one therapeutic itinerary inadequacy was identified. CONCLUSION: avoidable deaths of people with AIDS occurred mostly in men, those with low education level, those with recent HIV diagnosis and most deaths were due to tuberculosis.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/mortality , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/therapy , Brazil/epidemiology , Cause of Death , Female , Humans , Information Systems , Male , Socioeconomic Factors , Tuberculosis/mortality
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 29(3): e2019355, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101137


Objetivo: caracterizar os óbitos por aids elegíveis para investigação pelo Comitê Municipal de Mortalidade por Aids (CMAids) de Porto Alegre, Brasil, em 2015, e seus itinerários terapêuticos. Métodos: estudo descritivo, com dados secundários de sistemas de informações de vigilância e das fichas de investigação do CMAids. Resultados: entre 336 óbitos por causas relacionadas à aids, 113 (33,6%) foram considerados evitáveis, dos quais 52 foram investigados pelo CMAids; verificou-se predomínio do sexo masculino (30/52), baixa escolaridade (29/52 casos até a 8ª série incompleta) e tempo de até 2 anos entre o diagnóstico da infecção pelo HIV e a morte (28/52); a tuberculose foi a causa de morte mais frequente (17/52); em 50/52 casos, identificou-se pelo menos uma falha no itinerário terapêutico. Conclusão: os óbitos evitáveis de pessoas com aids ocorreram, majoritariamente, em pessoas do sexo masculino, de baixa escolaridade, com diagnóstico recente de HIV e em decorrência da tuberculose.

Objetivo: caracterizar los óbitos por sida elegibles para investigación por el Comité de Mortalidad por Sida (CMSida) de Porto Alegre, Brasil, en 2015, y sus itinerarios terapéuticos. Métodos: estudio descriptivo con datos secundarios de los sistemas de información de vigilancia y formulario de investigación de CMSida. Resultados entre 336 muertes por sida, 113 (33,6%) se consideraron evitables, de las cuales 52 fueron investigadas por el CMSida; predominó el sexo masculino (30/52), el bajo nivel de educación (29/52 hasta 8º grado incompleto de primaria) y hasta 2 años entre el diagnóstico de la infección por VIH y la muerte (28/52); la tuberculosis fue la causa más frecuente de muerte (17/52); y en 50/52 casos, se identificó al menos una falla en los itinerarios terapéuticos. Conclusión: las muertes evitables de personas con sida ocurrieron principalmente en hombres, con baja escolaridad, diagnóstico reciente de VIH y debido a la tuberculosis.

Objective: to characterize AIDS deaths eligible for Porto Alegre AIDS Mortality Committee (AIDSMC) investigation, Brazil, in 2015, and their therapeutic itineraries. Methods: this was a descriptive study using secondary data from surveillance information systems and AIDSMC investigation forms. Results: out of 336 deaths from AIDS-related causes, 113 (33.6%) were considered avoidable, of which 52 were analyzed by AIDSMC; there was predominance of males (30/52), low schooling level (29/52 incomplete elementary education), and less than 2 years between HIV infection diagnosis and death (28/52); tuberculosis was the most frequent cause of death (17/52); and in 50/52 cases at least one therapeutic itinerary inadequacy was identified. Conclusion: avoidable deaths of people with AIDS occurred mostly in men, those with low education level, those with recent HIV diagnosis and most deaths were due to tuberculosis.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/mortality , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , HIV/pathogenicity , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Epidemiological Monitoring