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Acta méd. peru ; 39(1): 7-14, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383380


RESUMEN La deficiencia de yodo (DI) causa daño a través de todos los ciclos de la vida, la vulnerabilidad es mayor durante la gestación y la infancia. La yodación universal de la sal (IUS) para consumo humano es la estrategia más costo-efectiva y sostenible para su control. Perú ha logrado la eliminación sostenida de los desórdenes por deficiencia de yodo (DDI) desde 1994. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad del programa nacional de control de los DDI y la estrategia IUS para satisfacer el mayor requerimiento de yodo y asegurar la nutrición óptima de yodo de las mujeres embarazadas de la sierra, una región con severa deficiencia natural de yodo. Material y Métodos: El estudio ha incluido a 489 mujeres embarazadas de la sierra, seleccionadas entre las asistentes a control pre natal en los centros asistenciales. En cada sujeto se verificó el consumo de sal yodada y se colectó una muestra casual de orina para el análisis de la concentración de yodo y creatinina. Resultados: Según la encuesta de admisión el 99.6 % de los hogares consumen sal yodada. La mediana global de la concentración urinaria de yodo (CUI) 209 µg/L está dentro del rango adecuado para gestantes y demuestra un estado nutricional de yodo normal. La concentración de creatinina en la orina es normal. Conclusión: Estos resultados confirman la eficiencia y el éxito del programa nacional para la eliminación sostenida de los DDI, garantizando la nutrición normal de yodo durante la gestación y, por lo tanto, previniendo el riesgo de daño cerebral de los recién nacidos cada año en la sierra.

ABSTRACT Iodine is an essential element for synthesizing thyroid hormones, it is also essential for cell metabolism and tissue development, especially in the brain. Iodine requirements are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Iodine deficiency (ID) is a widespread condition all over the world; it is frequent in Peruvian highlands and rainforest. ID causes damage in all life periods, and vulnerability for this is greater during pregnancy and infancy. Universal salt iodination (USI) for human use is the most cost-effective and sustainable strategy for controlling ID. Peru has achieved the sustained elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) since 1994. Objective. To determine the effectiveness of the national program for controlling IDDs and the USI strategy for complying with the increased iodine requirement and to assure optimal iodine nutrition in pregnant women from the Peruvian highlands, a region with severe natural iodine deficiency. Material and Methods. The study included 489 pregnant women from the highlands, who were selected from those attending prenatal assessment in healthcare centers. Iodinated salty consumption was verified in each subject and a casual urine sample was collected for measuring iodine and creatinine concentration. Results. According to the admission survey, 99.6% of household use iodinated salt. The overall mean of iodine urine concentration (IUC) was 209 µg/L, which is well within the adequate range for pregnant women, and it shows a normal iodine nutrition status. The creatinine urinary concentration was normal. Conclusion. These results confirm the efficiency and success of the national program for the sustained elimination of IDDs, assuring normal iodine nutritional supply during pregnancy; and, therefore, preventing the risk for brain damage in newborns every year in the highlands.

Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 24(3): e6637, mayo.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124183


RESUMEN Fundamento: los tumores del urotelio se originan a partir del epitelio de revestimiento mucoso de tipo transicional y constituyen la casi totalidad de los tumores de las vías excretoras, altos. El adenocarcinoma primario de las vías urinarias, son extremadamente infrecuentes y suelen tener un comportamiento agresivo, con un pronóstico sombrío. Objetivo: exponer la forma de presentación de un paciente con carcinoma urotelial mostrando algunas características de los mismos. Presentación de caso: paciente masculino de 70 años de edad, jubilado, fumador inveterado y con antecedentes de ingerir café en grandes cantidades, acudió a consulta por hematuria macroscópica, dolor lumbar, a veces fijo, otras veces en forma de cólicos ureterales y fiebre de 39 grados. El estudio analítico solo mostró velocidad de deshidrogenasa láctica alterada. El estudio imagenológico con ecografía mostró hidronefrosis e ilio derecho agrandado con imagen heterogénea de 2 cm en el riñón, a nivel de la unión uretero pélvica, lo cual fue corroborado por la tomografía axial computarizada. El resto de los exámenes como endoscopia, colonoscopía, cistoscopia y de diferentes regiones fueron todos negativos. Se practicó nefroureterectomía derecha, encontrándose el paciente asintomático. Conclusiones: los tumores del urotelio superior son neoplasias infrecuentes, en las vías urinarias se debe descartar un origen extraurológicos. El diagnóstico diferencial debe de realizarse con el tumor de células renales o el de vejiga.

ABSTRACT Background: the urothelial carcinomas originate from the epithelium of mucous revetment of transitional type and constitute almost totality of the tumors of the excretory, high routes. The primary adenocarcinoma of the urinary tract, are extremely infrequent and they usually have an aggressive behavior, with a shaded prognosis. Objective: to express the way of presenting a patient with urothelial carcinoma showing some aspects from the sicknesses. Case report: a 70-years-old male patient, retired, inveterate smoker and with a history of ingesting coffee in large quantities, attended consultation for gross hematuria, lumbar pain, sometimes fixed, other times in the form of ureteral colic and fever of 39 degrees. The analytical study only showed altered lactic dehydrogenase rate. The imaging study with ultrasound showed hydronephrosis and enlarged right ilium with heterogeneous image of 2 cm in the kidney, at the level of the pelvic ureter junction, which was corroborated by computerized axial tomography. The rest of the examinations such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, and cystoscopy of different regions were all negative. Right nephroureterectomy was performed, and the patient is still asymptomatic. Conclusions: the tumors of the upper urothelium are infrequent neoplasias, in the urinary tract an extraurological origin must be ruled out. The differential diagnosis must be made with the renal cell tumor or the bladder tumor.

Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 24(2): e6636, mar.-abr. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124168


RESUMEN Fundamento: el carcinoma escamoso del pene es uno de los tumores menos frecuentes del aparato urogenital, que por su localización trae como consecuencias serias afectaciones de la calidad de vida de los pacientes, ocasiona daños tanto físicos, psíquicos como sexuales, por lo que su prevención resulta muy importante. Objetivo: exponer un caso de cuerno cutáneo peneano por lo poco frecuente de su aparición y de su potencial relacionado con la enfermedad neoplásica, en especial el carcinoma escamoso. Presentación del caso: se presenta el caso de un paciente de 74 años de edad, blanco, jubilado con antecedentes de ser fumador de dos cajetillas de cigarros desde la juventud diariamente, además de presentar hipertensión arterial controlada con tratamiento, que desde hace un año presenta lesión en el glande, indurada no dolorosa que ha ido en aumento, además de secreción con mal olor, la lesión hace relieve, paciente no circuncidado. Conclusiones: la presentación clínica de este tipo de tumores ha variado de manera sustancial al asemejarse en ocasiones lesiones benignas, por ello el diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad suelen retrasarse implicando un menor tiempo en la supervivencia de los pacientes.

ABSTRACT Background: scamous cell carcinoma of the Penis is one of the less frequent tumors of the urogenital apparatus, which due to its location has serious consequences for the quality of life of patients, causing physical, psychological and sexual damage, so that its prevention is very important. Objective: to present a case of cutaneous penis horn due to infrequency of its appearance and its potential related to neoplastic disease, especially squamous carcinoma. Case report: 74-year-old patient, retiree with antecedents of being an inveterate smoker of two daily packets since youth, and hypertension controlled with treatment, who presented 1 year ago a glans lesion, indurated painless that has been increasing, as well as discharge with a bad odor, the lesion is protruded, not circumcised patient. Conclusions: the clinical presentation of this type of tumors has varied substantially resembling sometimes benign lesions, so the diagnosis and treatment of this disease are usually delayed implying a shorter time in the survival of patients.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 150: 110603, 2020 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31784267


In 2016, a massive harmful algal bloom (HAB) of Alexandrium catenella around Chiloé island caused one of the major socio-ecological crisis in Chilean history. This red tide occurred in two distinct pulses, the second, most anomalous, bursting with extreme toxicity on the Pacific coast, weeks after the highly controversial dumping off Chiloé of 4,700 t of rotting salmons, killed by a previous HAB of Pseudochattonella verruculosa. We study the transport of this pollution, analyzing the physical oceanographic conditions during and after the dumping. We find that a cyclonic gyre was present between the dumping site and the coast, visible in satellite altimetry and sea surface temperature data. Using Lagrangian simulations, we confirm that near-surface currents could have brought part of the pollution to the coast, and fueled the bloom. This scenario explains also the anomalous later finding of ammonium near Chiloé. Finally we discuss the mismanagement of risk throughout the events.

Dinoflagellida , Harmful Algal Bloom , Salmon , Animals , Chile , Oceans and Seas , Refuse Disposal , Water Pollution
Arch Esp Urol ; 60(5): 571-6, 2007 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17718213


OBJECTIVE: To present a case of infantile myofibromatosis of visceral location and a review of the literature. METHOD/RESULTS: We report the case of an 11-year-old Caucasian girl hospitalized for abdominal tumorous mass, weight loss and lack of appetite. Physical examination showed: cutaneous-mucous paleness and a painless, palpable tumorous mass of 8-10cm in the right abdominal flank, of firm consistency with defined edges and extending past the midline. Blood test showed hemoglobin 90 mg/l and erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 130 mm/hour. Chest x-ray and bone study were normal, while abdominal x-ray showed intratumorous calcification, intravenous urographyc showed light displace downwards and outwards of the right kidney. Ultrasound showed a solid echogenic mass with a diameter of 11cm in the right abdominal flank, above and extending towards the lower portion of the right kidney. Surgical treatment for possible neuroblastoma was initiated, during which various tumorous growths were observed in the mesocolon, the largest measuring 7cm, which were removed. Macroscopic examination showed whitish well-defined tumorous growths of firm consistency with focal calcifications. Microscopic examination showed a proliferation of fibroblastic type cells, with some areas having smooth muscle cell characteristics. Diagnosis was myofibromatosis. CONCLUSIONS: Infantile myofibromatosis is the most common fibrous disorder of infancy and childhood, more commonly found between birth and two years of age, may also appear later in life. Etiology is unclear, but certain studies report estrogen involvement in its pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms depend on the location and extension of the lesion and age at presentation. Spontaneous relapse may occur. Prognosis is good in the absence of visceral damage, although generalized congenital myofibromatosis with visceral damage is associated with high mortality especially in the first months of life, due to its destructive capacity, obstruction of vital organs, growth inhibition or infection. Urologic concerns include possible infiltration of genito-urinary organs (kidney, corpus spongiosum) and its association with urologic abnormalities. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies show that the tumor is composed of myofibroblasts, with estrogen receptors, displaying vimentin and smooth muscle actin immunoreactivity. Strict follow up is recommended in patients with congenital myofibromatosis to avoid or detect possible complications that may be life-threatening (Bone survey abdominal-pelvic ultrasound, echocardiogram, chest-abdominal CT and biopsy). The treatment of choice is surgical removal, with extensive excision to avoid possible relapse.

Colonic Diseases , Female Urogenital Diseases , Myofibromatosis , Child , Colonic Diseases/diagnosis , Colonic Diseases/surgery , Female , Female Urogenital Diseases/diagnosis , Female Urogenital Diseases/surgery , Humans , Myofibromatosis/diagnosis , Myofibromatosis/surgery
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 4(4): 0-0, jul.-ago. 2000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-838522


Se presentan dos casos de hematoma perirrenal debido a adenocarcinoma renal en su forma subcapsular, intervenidos quirúrgicamente a las pocas horas de iniciarse el proceso, con excelente recuperación clínica y diagnóstico diferencial, así como los exámenes de mayor rentabilidad en esta enfermedad, catalogando los casos estudiados dentro de los secundarios.

Two cases of perirenal hematoma due to renal adenocarcinoma in its capsular form are presentedm, they were surgically intervened a few hours after the beginning of the process and with successful clinical recuperation. Authors analyze ethiologies, pathophysiologies, clinical and differential diagnosis, as well as the examinations of greater rentability in this disease, cataloguin the studied cases the secondary ones.