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Front Oncol ; 9: 1326, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31850214


Endometrial cancer is the fourth most frequent neoplasia for women worldwide, and over the past two decades it incidence has increased. The most common histological type of endometrial cancer is endometrioid adenocarcinoma, also known as type 1 endometrial cancer. Endometrioid endometrial cancer is associated with diverse epidemiological risk factors including estrogen use, obesity, diabetes, cigarette smoking, null parity, early menarche, and late menopause. Clinical effectiveness of chemotherapy is variable, indicating that novel molecular therapies against specific cellular processes associated to cell survival and resistance to therapy, such as autophagy, urged to ameliorate the rates of success in endometrial cancer treatment. Autophagy (also known as macroautophagy) is a specialized mechanism that maintains cell homeostasis which is activated in response to cellular stressors including nutrients deprivation, amino acids starvation, hypoxia, and metabolic stress to prolong cell survival via lysosomal degradation of cytoplasmic macromolecules and organelles. However, in human cancer cells, autophagy has a controversial function due to its dual role as self-protective or apoptotic. Conventional antitumor therapies including hormones, chemotherapy and ionizing radiation, may activate autophagy as a pro-survival tumor response contributing to treatment resistance. Intriguingly, if autophagy continues above reversibility of cell viability, autophagy can result in apoptosis of tumor cells. Here, we have reviewed the mechanisms of autophagy described in endometrial cancers, including the role of PI3K/AKT/mTOR, AMPK-mTOR, and p53 signaling pathways that trigger or inhibit the process and thus representing potential molecular targets in therapeutic clinical approaches. In addition, we discussed the recent findings indicating that autophagy can be modulated using repurposing drugs which may leads to faster experimentation and validation, as well as more easy access of the medications to patients. Finally, the promising role of dietary compounds and microRNAs in autophagy modulation is also discussed. In conclusion, although the research about autophagy is scarce but ongoing in endometrial cancer, the actual findings highlight the promising usefulness of novel molecules for directing targeted therapies.

Summa psicol. UST ; 11(2): 57-68, 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-783366


Las poblaciones indígenas en México son las más vulnerables, debido a que viven en condiciones de pobreza extrema y menor cumplimiento de sus derechos fundamentales. Se ha demostrado que los niños son el grupo que recibe mayor impacto sobre el desarrollo psicológico y físico. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la relación entre el nivel socioeconómico (NSE), habilidades intelectuales evaluadas con la Batería Woodcock-Muñoz y desnutrición en niños indígenas Tenek y Nahúa que viven en condiciones alta marginación. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre los niños y niñas de nivel NSE bajo, NSE muy bajo y el rendimiento en las pruebas cognitivas que evalúan habilidad intelectual, inteligencia cristalizada e inteligencia visual. Respecto de los indicadores de desnutrición se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para desnutrición aguda entre el NSE bajo y NSE muy bajo. Los efectos del nivel socioeconómico sobre las habilidades intelectuales y el estado nutricional han sido demostrados ampliamente, pero pocos estudios se han realizado con indígenas. Los hallazgos con estas poblaciones son un llamado urgente para las políticas públicas, considerando que el decremento en puntuaciones de habilidades intelectuales, y la desnutrición, en mediano y largo plazo representan graves costos en la calidad de vida, economía y desarrollo humano...

Indigenous populations in Mexico are the most vulnerable in the country, due to the extreme poverty conditions in which they develop and the lessened observance of their fundamental rights. There is proof that children is the group that receives a higher impact on psychological and physical development. The objective of the present work is to describe the relation among the socioeconomic level (NSE), intellectual Abilities evaluated with the Woodcock Muñoz Battery and malnutrition in Tenek and Nahua indigenous children that live under high marginalization conditions. Findings show significant differences among males and females with low NSE, very low NSE and lower performance in the cognitive tests that assess intellectual skills, crystallized intelligence and visual intelligence. In regards to the malnutrition indicators, a statistically significant difference was observed for acute malnutrition between the low NSE and the very low NSE. The effects of the socioeconomic level on intellectual skills and the nutritional condition have been widely demonstrated, but few studies have been performed with indigenous. The findings with these populations are an urgent call for public policy, considering that the decrease in the intellectual Abilities scores, and malnutrition, in the mid and long term represents severe costs to the quality of life, economy and human development...

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Female , Child , Aptitude , American Indian or Alaska Native , Intelligence , Cognition , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Social Marginalization , Mexico , Indigenous Peoples , Poverty , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Child Nutrition Disorders
Acta toxicol. argent ; 19(1): 5-15, ene.-jun. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633176


En la actualidad los niños en América Latina enfrentan viejas y nuevas amenazas químicas, físicas, biológicas y sociales que aumentan los riesgos en salud. Por ejemplo, los niños se exponen a numerosas sustancias químicas (contaminantes) y ahora además enfrentan a los compuestos de la nanotecnología; se exponen a las radiaciones solares y electromagnéticas junto al incremento en la temperatura dado por la nueva crisis climática; asimismo, mantienen su exposición a la contaminación biológica presente sobre todo en el agua no potable pero ya enfrentan el riesgo de los organismos transgénicos. Finalmente, la violencia familiar o social representa un factor de riesgo para la seguridad humana y los niños son un sector de la población particularmente vulnerable a ella. Para enfrentar estas amenazas nuestro grupo ha creado una propuesta de trabajo denominada CHICOS que incluye el trabajo bajo aspectos Comunitarios, Hospitalarios, de Investigación, con énfasis en la Capacitación, la Orientación a la comunidad y la Seguridad humana. Con esta estructura pueden generarse Programas de Intervención Basados en Evidencia (PIBE) que necesariamente deben ser multidisciplinarios a fin de atender amenazas de tan distinto origen. El fin último es reproducir la estrategia para que paulatinamente vayan estableciéndose grupos de salud ambiental infantil en América Latina.

In Latin America children today are facing new and old chemical, physical, biological and social threats. They are exposed to chemical pollutants, to solar and electromagnetic radiations, to biological contaminants and now to new threats such as: nanotechnological products, an increase in the ambient temperature due to the climate crisis, and to transgenic organisms. Furthermore, violence either within the family or in the society is also a risk factor for which children are a vulnerable population. In order to design multidisciplinary Evidence-Based Intervention Programs (PIBE) our group is proposing a new academic structure: CHICOS. This structure includes activities in different areas: the Community, the Hospital, Research, Capacity Building, community Orientation (risk communication), and human Safety. The idea is to build groups around this structure in different countries with one goal: to start working in Children's Environmental Health Issues.

Humans , Child , Child Health , Early Medical Intervention , Environmental Health , Environmental Pollution , Health Promotion , Latin America
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 68(1): 48-53, ene.-feb. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-700878


Introducción. El síndrome de Landau-Kleffner se caracteriza por afasia adquirida y anormalidades electroencefalográficas durante la vigilia y el sueño. El tratamiento con anticonvulsivos controla las crisis convulsivas pero en los problemas de lenguaje y comportamiento su eficacia es menor. Algunos reportes señalan mejoría de lenguaje con el uso de corticoesteroides en etapas tempranas y a dosis altas. Otra opción terapéutica es el uso de calcioantagonistas. Caso clínico. Paciente de 5 años de edad con evolución normal hasta los 2 años hasta que los padres observaron la pérdida espontánea del lenguaje previamente adquirido. En la evaluación neurológica se encontraron abundantes ecolalias e indiferencia a estímulos externos. El electroencefalograma mostró brotes intermitentes de ondas agudas y complejos punta-onda lenta de 3-4 Hz generalizados durante el sueño. Se inició tratamiento con prednisona por un mes y ácido valproico. Se continuó con el ácido valproico y después de 4 meses se añadió flunarizina, con lo que se observó mejoría en el lenguaje. Conclusiones. Este caso presenta los hallazgos clínicos y electroencefalográficos del síndrome; se observó que la mejor respuesta al tratamiento se obtuvo al agregar flunarizina. Esta evidencia contribuye a apoyar su uso y fundamenta la realización posterior de estudios controlados para concluir certeramente sobre su utilidad en el padecimiento.

Background. Landau-Kleffner syndrome is characterized by acquired aphasia and electroencephalographic abnormalities during wake-fulness and sleep. These abnormalities can be solved with anticonvulsive medications, but speech and behavioral problems cannot be treated using this therapy. Instead, there are reports that indicate that treatment with high-dose corticosteroids during early stages of the disease improves the speech difficulties. Use of calcium antagonists has also been proposed as possible treatment. Case report. We report the case of a 5-year-old patient with normal development until the age of 2 years. At that time, the parents observed loss of spontaneous acquired speech. During neurological evaluation, the child showed abundant echolalia and indifference to external stimuli. Electroencephalogram showed sharp waves and generalized slow spike-wave complexes of 3-4 Hz during sleep. We began treatment with prednisone and valproic acid for 1 month; flunarizine was added. After 4 months of treatment, the patient showed speech improvement. Conclusions. Our case has the characteristic clinical and electroencephalographic findings of Landau-Kleffner syndrome. We observed significant symptom improvement when flunarizine was added to the treatment. This evidence offers support for the use of a calcium antagonist as possible therapy, which may help setting the way for future controlled studies in order to finally establish its utility with this illness.