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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39127912


Despite efforts to reduce stillbirths and neonatal deaths, inconsistent definitions and reporting practices continue to hamper global progress. Existing data frequently being limited in terms of quality and comparability across countries. This paper addresses this critical issue by outlining the new International Classification of Disease (ICD-11) recommendations for standardized recording and reporting of perinatal deaths to improve data accuracy and international comparison. Key advancements in ICD-11 include using gestational age as the primary threshold to for reporting, clearer guidance on measurement and recording of gestational age, and reporting mortality rates by gestational age subgroups to enable country comparisons to include similar populations (e.g., all births from 154 days [22+0 weeks] or from 196 days [28+0 weeks]). Furthermore, the revised ICD-11 guidance provides further clarification around the exclusion of terminations of pregnancy (induced abortions) from perinatal mortality statistics. Implementing standardized recording and reporting methods laid out in ICD-11 will be crucial for accurate global data on stillbirths and perinatal deaths. Such high-quality data would both allow appropriate regional and international comparisons to be made and serve as a resource to improve clinical practice and epidemiological and health surveillance, enabling focusing of limited programmatic and research funds towards ending preventable deaths and improving outcomes for every woman and every baby, everywhere.

PLoS One ; 19(5): e0300429, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38696513


This article offers four key lessons learned from a set of seven studies undertaken as part of the collection entitled, "Improving Maternal Health Measurement to Support Efforts toward Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality". These papers were aimed at validating ten of the Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality initiative indicators that capture information on distal causes of maternal mortality. These ten indicators were selected through an inclusive consultative process, and the research designs adhere to global recommendations on conducting indicator validation studies. The findings of these papers are timely and relevant given growing recognition of the role of macro-level social, political, and economic factors in maternal and newborn survival. The four key lessons include: 1) Strengthen efforts to capture maternal and newborn health policies to enable global progress assessments while reducing multiple requests to countries for similar data; 2) Monitor indicator "bundles" to understand degree of policy implementation, inconsistencies between laws and practices, and responsiveness of policies to individual and community needs; 3) Promote regular monitoring of a holistic set of human resource metrics to understand how to effectively strengthen the maternal and newborn health workforce; and 4) Develop and disseminate clear guidance for countries on how to assess health system as well as broader social and political determinants of maternal and newborn health. These lessons are consistent with the Kirkland principles of focus, relevance, innovation, equity, global leadership, and country ownership. They stress the value of indicator sets to understand complex phenomenon related to maternal and newborn health, including small groupings of complementary indicators for measuring policy implementation and health workforce issues. They also stress the fundamental ethos that maternal and newborn health indicators should only be tracked if they can drive actions at global, regional, national, or sub-national levels that improve lives.

Infant Health , Maternal Health , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Female , Maternal Mortality , Politics , Social Responsibility , Pregnancy , Health Policy , Infant , Maternal Health Services/standards
Lancet Glob Health ; 12(2): e306-e316, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38070536


The reduction of maternal mortality and the promotion of maternal health and wellbeing are complex tasks. This Series paper analyses the distal and proximal determinants of maternal health, as well as the exposures, risk factors, and micro-correlates related to maternal mortality. This paper also examines the relationship between these determinants and the gradual shift over time from a pattern of high maternal mortality to a pattern of low maternal mortality (a phenomenon described as the maternal mortality transition). We conducted two systematic reviews of the literature and we analysed publicly available data on indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically, estimates prepared by international organisations, including the UN and the World Bank. We considered 23 frameworks depicting maternal health and wellbeing as a multifactorial process, with superdeterminants that broadly affect women's health and wellbeing before, during, and after pregnancy. We explore the role of social determinants of maternal health, individual characteristics, and health-system features in the production of maternal health and wellbeing. This paper argues that the preventable deaths of millions of women each decade are not solely due to biomedical complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period, but are also tangible manifestations of the prevailing determinants of maternal health and persistent inequities in global health and socioeconomic development. This paper underscores the need for broader, multipronged actions to improve maternal health and wellbeing and accelerate sustainable reductions in maternal mortality. For women who have pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum complications, the health system provides a crucial opportunity to interrupt the chain of events that can potentially end in maternal death. Ultimately, expanding the health sector ecosystem to mitigate maternal health determinants and tailoring the configuration of health systems to counter the detrimental effects of eco-social forces, including though increased access to quality-assured commodities and services, are essential to improve maternal health and wellbeing and reduce maternal mortality.

Maternal Health Services , Maternal Health , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Maternal Mortality , Ecosystem , Women's Health
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(11): 723-729, 2023 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961052


Access to emergency obstetric care, including assisted vaginal birth and caesarean birth, is crucial for improving maternal and childbirth outcomes. However, although the proportion of births by caesarean section has increased during the last few decades, the use of assisted vaginal birth has declined. This is particularly the case in low- and middle-income countries, despite an assisted vaginal birth often being less risky than caesarean birth. We therefore conducted a three-step process to identify a research agenda necessary to increase the use of, or reintroduce, assisted vaginal birth: after conducting an evidence synthesis, which informed a consultation with technical experts who proposed an initial research agenda, we sought and incorporated the views of women's representatives of this agenda. This process has allowed us to identify a comprehensive research agenda, with topics categorized as: (i) the need to understand women's perceptions of assisted vaginal birth, and provide appropriate and reliable information; (ii) the importance of training health-care providers in clinical skills but also in respectful care, effective communication, shared decision-making and informed consent; and (iii) the barriers to and facilitators of implementation and sustainability. From women's feedback, we learned of the urgent need to recognize labour, childbirth and postpartum experiences as inherently physiological and dignified human processes, in which interventions should only be implemented if necessary. The promotion and/or reintroduction of assisted vaginal birth in low-resource settings requires governments, policy-makers and hospital administrators to support skilled health-care providers who can, in turn, respectfully support women in labour and childbirth.

L'accès aux soins obstétriques d'urgence, y compris l'accouchement vaginal assisté et la césarienne, est essentiel pour améliorer les effets de la maternité et de l'accouchement. Toutefois, bien que la proportion de césariennes ait augmenté ces dernières décennies, le recours à l'accouchement vaginal assisté a diminué. C'est particulièrement le cas dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire, bien que l'accouchement vaginal assisté soit souvent moins risqué qu'une césarienne. Nous avons donc mené un processus en trois étapes afin d'imaginer un programme de recherche qui permettrait d'augmenter le recours à l'accouchement vaginal assisté ou de le réintroduire. Après avoir réalisé une synthèse des données probantes, qui a servi de base à une consultation avec des experts techniques qui ont proposé un programme de recherche initial, nous avons sollicité et incorporé les avis des représentantes des femmes pour ce programme. Ce processus nous a permis d'imaginer un programme de recherche complet, avec des sujets classés comme suit: (i) la nécessité de comprendre la perception qu'ont les femmes de l'accouchement vaginal assisté et de fournir des informations appropriées et fiables; (ii) l'importance de la formation des prestataires de soins de santé en matière de compétences cliniques, mais aussi de respect dans les soins de santé, de communication efficace, de prise de décision partagée et de consentement éclairé; ou (iii) les obstacles à la mise en œuvre et à la durabilité et les facteurs qui les facilitent. Les réactions de femmes nous ont appris qu'il était urgent de reconnaître que l'accouchement, la naissance et le post-partum sont des processus humains intrinsèquement physiologiques et dignes au cours desquels les interventions ne devraient être mises en œuvre qu'en cas de nécessité. La promotion et/ou la réintroduction de l'accouchement vaginal assisté dans les régions à faibles ressources nécessitent que les pouvoirs publics, les décideurs politiques et les administrations d'hôpitaux soutiennent les prestataires de soins de santé qualifiés, qui pourront à leur tour soutenir respectueusement les femmes pendant l'accouchement.

El acceso a la atención obstétrica de emergencia, incluido el parto vaginal asistido y el parto por cesárea, es crucial para mejorar los resultados de la maternidad y el parto. No obstante, aunque el porcentaje de partos por cesárea ha aumentado en las últimas décadas, el uso del parto vaginal asistido ha disminuido. Esto ocurre especialmente en los países de ingresos bajos y medios, a pesar de que un parto vaginal asistido suele ser menos arriesgado que un parto por cesárea. Por lo tanto, llevamos a cabo un proceso de tres pasos para identificar un programa de investigación necesario para aumentar el uso del parto vaginal asistido o volver a incorporarlo: tras realizar una síntesis de la evidencia, que sirvió de base para una consulta con expertos técnicos que propusieron un programa de investigación inicial, buscamos e integramos las opiniones de las representantes de las mujeres sobre este programa. Este proceso nos ha permitido identificar un programa de investigación exhaustivo, con temas categorizados como: (i) la necesidad de comprender las percepciones de las mujeres sobre el parto vaginal asistido, y proporcionar información adecuada y fiable; (ii) la importancia de formar a los profesionales sanitarios en habilidades clínicas, pero también en atención respetuosa, comunicación efectiva, toma de decisiones compartida y consentimiento informado; o (iii) las barreras y los facilitadores de la implementación y la sostenibilidad. A partir de las opiniones de las mujeres, nos enteramos de la urgente necesidad de reconocer las experiencias del parto, el alumbramiento y el posparto como procesos humanos inherentemente fisiológicos y dignos, en los que las intervenciones solo deben aplicarse si son necesarias. La promoción o la reincoporación del parto vaginal asistido en regiones de escasos recursos exige que los gobiernos, los responsables de formular políticas y los administradores de hospitales apoyen a los profesionales sanitarios capacitados que, a su vez, pueden ayudar a las mujeres en el trabajo de parto y el alumbramiento de manera respetuosa.

Cesarean Section , Labor, Obstetric , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Incidence , Delivery, Obstetric , Postpartum Period
J Glob Health ; 13: 04176, 2023 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37997894


Background: Postnatal care (PNC) has the potential to prevent a substantial burden of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. This scoping review aimed to identify and synthesise themes related to facilitators and barriers of implementation of guidelines on routine PNC for women (postpartum care) in all settings. Methods: This is a scoping review guided by the standard principles of Arksey & O'Malley's framework. We used the critical interpretive synthesis method to synthesise the whole body of evidence. We searched four databases (Medline, Embase, Global Health, CINAHL Plus) using a combination of search terms comprising four key concepts: postnatal care, routine care, guidelines and implementation. No restrictions on country or language of publication were applied. We excluded studies not presenting findings about PNC for women. We thematically charted the themes of studies included based on title and abstract screening. All studies included after full text screening were described and their results synthesised using the socio-ecological model framework. We did not conduct a risk of bias analysis or quality assessment of included studies. Results: We identified a total of 8692 unique records and included 43 studies which identified facilitators and barriers to implementing routine guidelines in provision of PNC to women. Three quarters of studies pertained to PNC provision in high-income countries. Specific facilitators and barriers were identified and thematically presented based on whether they affect the provision of PNC or the intersection between provision of PNC and its use by women and families. We applied a critical global health lens to synthesise three constructs in the literature: finding a balance between standardisation and individualisation of PNC, the fragmented PNC provision landscape complicating the experiences of women with intersecting vulnerabilities, and the heavy reliance on the short postpartum period as an opportunity to educate and retain women and newborns in the health system. Conclusions: This interpretive synthesis of evidence shows that the fragmented and narrow nature of PNC provision presents specific challenges to developing, adapting and implementing routine PNC guidelines. This results in a lack of linkages to social support and services, fails to address intersecting vulnerabilities and inequities among women, and negatively influences care seeking. There is a lack of evidence on how processes of individualising PNC provision can be applied in practice to support health workers in providing woman-centered PNC in various global settings. Registration:

Postnatal Care , Postpartum Period , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Health Personnel , Social Support
Lancet ; 402(10409): 1261-1271, 2023 10 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37805217


BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and is associated with long-term physical, neurodevelopmental, and socioeconomic effects. This study updated national preterm birth rates and trends, plus novel estimates by gestational age subgroups, to inform progress towards global health goals and targets, and aimed to update country, regional, and global estimates of preterm birth for 2020 in addition to trends between 2010 and 2020. METHODS: We systematically searched population-based, nationally representative data on preterm birth from Jan 1, 2010, to Dec 31, 2020 and study data (26 March-14 April, 2021) for countries and areas with no national-level data. The analysis included 679 data points (86% nationally representative administrative data [582 of 679 data points]) from 103 countries and areas (62% of countries and areas having nationally representative administrative data [64 of 103 data points]). A Bayesian hierarchical regression was used for estimating country-level preterm rates, which incoporated country-specific intercepts, low birthweight as a covariate, non-linear time trends, and bias adjustments based on a data quality categorisation, and other indicators such as method of gestational age estimation. FINDINGS: An estimated 13·4 million (95% credible interval [CrI] 12·3-15·2 million) newborn babies were born preterm (<37 weeks) in 2020 (9·9% of all births [95% CrI 9·1-11·2]) compared with 13·8 million (12·7-15·5 million) in 2010 (9·8% of all births [9·0-11·0]) worldwide. The global annual rate of reduction was estimated at -0·14% from 2010 to 2020. In total, 55·6% of total livebirths are in southern Asia (26·8% [36 099 000 of 134 767 000]) and sub-Saharan Africa (28·7% [38 819 300 of 134 767 000]), yet these two regions accounted for approximately 65% (8 692 000 of 13 376 200) of all preterm births globally in 2020. Of the 33 countries and areas in the highest data quality category, none were in southern Asia or sub-Saharan Africa compared with 94% (30 of 32 countries) in high-income countries and areas. Worldwide from 2010 to 2020, approximately 15% of all preterm births occurred at less than 32 weeks of gestation, requiring more neonatal care (<28 weeks: 4·2%, 95% CI 3·1-5·0, 567 800 [410 200-663 200 newborn babies]); 28-32 weeks: 10·4% [9·5-10·6], 1 392 500 [1 274 800-1 422 600 newborn babies]). INTERPRETATION: There has been no measurable change in preterm birth rates over the last decade at global level. Despite increasing facility birth rates and substantial focus on routine health data systems, there remain many missed opportunities to improve preterm birth data. Gaps in national routine data for preterm birth are most marked in regions of southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, which also have the highest estimated burden of preterm births. Countries need to prioritise programmatic investments to prevent preterm birth and to ensure evidence-based quality care when preterm birth occurs. Investments in improving data quality are crucial so that preterm birth data can be improved and used for action and accountability processes. FUNDING: The Children's Investment Fund Foundation and the UNDP, United Nations Population Fund-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.

Premature Birth , Child , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Bayes Theorem , Birth Rate , Global Health , Infant Mortality , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Premature Birth/epidemiology
Lancet Glob Health ; 11(7): e1024-e1031, 2023 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37349032


BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality, stillbirths, and neonatal mortality account for almost 5 million deaths a year and are often analysed separately, despite having overlapping causes and interventions. We propose a comprehensive five-phase mortality transition model to improve analyses of progress and inform strategic planning. METHODS: In this empirical data-driven study to develop a model transition, we used UN estimates for 151 countries to assess changes in maternal mortality, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths. On the basis of ratios of maternal to stillbirth and neonatal mortality, we identified five phases of transition, in which phase 1 has the highest mortality and phase 5 has the lowest. We used global databases to examine phase-specific characteristics during 2000-20 for causes of death, fertility rates, abortion policies, health workforce and financing, and socioeconomic indicators. We analysed 326 national surveys to assess service coverage and inequalities by transition phase. FINDINGS: Among 116 countries in phases 1 to 4 in 2000, 73 (63%) progressed at least one phase by 2020, six advanced two phases, and three regressed. The ratio of stillbirth and neonatal deaths to maternal deaths increased from less than 10 in phase 1 to well over 50 in phase 4 and phase 5. Progression was associated with a declining proportion of deaths caused by infectious diseases and peripartum complications, declining total and adolescent fertility rates, changes in health-workforce densities and skills mix (ie, ratio of nurses or midwives to physicians) from phase 3 onwards, increasing per-capita health spending, and reducing shares of out-of-pocket health expenditures. From phase 1 to 5, the median coverage of first antenatal care visits increased from 66% to 98%, four or more antenatal care visits from 44% to 94%, institutional births from 36% to 99%, and caesarean section rates from 2% to 25%. The transition out of high-mortality phases involved a major increase in institutional births, primarily in lower-level health facilities, whereas subsequent progress was characterised by rapid increases in hospital births. Wealth-related inequalities reduced strongly for institutional birth coverage from phase 3 onwards. INTERPRETATION: The five-phase maternal mortality, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality transition model can be used to benchmark the current indicators in comparison to typical patterns in the transition at national or sub-national level, identify outliers to better assess drivers of progress, and inform strategic planning and investments towards Sustainable Development Goal targets. It can also facilitate programming for integrated strategies to end preventable maternal mortality and neonatal mortality and stillbirths. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Perinatal Death , Stillbirth , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Stillbirth/epidemiology , Maternal Mortality , Cesarean Section , Infant Mortality
J Glob Health ; 13: 04024, 2023 Mar 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867415


Background: We aimed to describe the availability of newborn health policies across the continuum of care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and to assess the relationship between the availability of newborn health policies and their achievement of global Sustainable Development Goal and Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) neonatal mortality and stillbirth rate targets in 2019. Methods: We used data from World Health Organization's 2018-2019 sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (SRMNCAH) Policy Survey and extracted key newborn health service delivery and cross-cutting health systems policies that align with the WHO health system building blocks. We constructed composite measures to represent packages of newborn health policies for five components along the continuum of care: antenatal care (ANC), childbirth, postnatal care (PNC), essential newborn care (ENC), and management of small and sick newborns (SSNB). We used descriptive analyses to present the differences in the availability of newborn health service delivery policies by World Bank income group in 113 LMICs. We employed logistic regression analysis to assess the relationship between the availability of each composite newborn health policy package and achievement of global neonatal mortality and stillbirth rate targets by 2019. Results: In 2018, most LMICs had existing policies regarding newborn health across the continuum of care. However, policy specifications varied widely. While the availability of the ANC, childbirth, PNC, and ENC policy packages was not associated with having achieved global NMR targets by 2019, LMICs with existing policy packages on the management of SSNB were 4.4 times more likely to have reached the global NMR target (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 4.40; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.09-17.79) after controlling for income group and supporting health systems policies. Conclusions: Given the current trajectory of neonatal mortality in LMICs, there is a dire need for supportive health systems and policy environments for newborn health across the continuum of care. Adoption and implementation of evidence-informed newborn health policies will be a crucial step in putting LMICs on track to meet global newborn and stillbirth targets by 2030.

Developing Countries , Infant Health , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Stillbirth , Health Policy , World Health Organization
J Glob Health ; 13: 04025, 2023 May 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36892948


Background: The extent to which a favorable policy environment influences health care utilization and outcomes for pregnant and postpartum women is largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to describe the maternal health policy environment and examines its relationship with maternal health service utilization in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods: We used data from World Health Organization's 2018-2019 sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (SRMNCAH) policy survey linked with key contextual variables from global databases, as well as UNICEF data on antenatal care (ANC), institutional delivery, and postnatal care (PNC) utilization in 113 LIMCs. We grouped maternal health policy indicators into four categories - national supportive structures and standards, service access, clinical guidelines, and reporting and review systems. For each category and overall, we calculated summative scores accounting for available policy indicators in each country. We explored variations of policy indicators by World Bank income group using χ2 tests and fitted logistic regression models for ≥85% coverage for each of four or more antenatal care visits (ANC4+), institutional delivery, PNC for the mothers, and for all ANC4+, institutional delivery, and PNC for mothers, adjusting for policy scores and contextual variables. Results: The average scores for the four policy categories were as follows: 3 for national supportive structures and standards (score range = 0-4), 5.5 for service access (score range = 0-7), 6. for clinical guidelines (score range = 0-10), and 5.7 for reporting and review systems (score range = 0-7), for an average total policy score of 21.1 (score range = 0-28) across LMICs. After adjusting for country context variables, for each unit increase in the maternal health policy score, the odds of ANC4+>85% increased by 37% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.13-1.64) and the odds of all ANC4+, institutional deliveries and PNC>85% by 31% (95% CI = 1.07-1.60). Conclusions: Despite the availability of supportive structures and free maternity service access policies, there is a dire need for stronger policy support for clinical guidelines and practice regulations, as well as national reporting and review systems for maternal health. A more favorable policy environment for maternal health can improve adoption of evidence-based interventions and increase utilization of maternal health services in LMICs.

Maternal Health Services , Maternal Health , Infant, Newborn , Child , Adolescent , Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Developing Countries , Prenatal Care , Health Policy
PLOS Glob Public Health ; 3(1): e0000739, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36962773


Data from national health information systems are essential for routinely tracking progress, programmatic decision-making and to improve quality of services. Understanding the data elements captured in patient registers which are building blocks of national HMIS indicators, enables us to standardize data collection and measurement of key indicators for tracking progress towards achieving maternal and newborn health goals. This analysis was done through a review of antenatal care (ANC), childbirth and postnatal care (PNC) registers from 21 countries across five geographic regions. Between July and October 2020, country-based maternal and newborn experts, implementing agencies, program managers, and ministry of health personnel were asked to share the registers in use. Both paper-based and electronic registers were obtained. Twenty ANC registers, eighteen childbirth and thirteen PNC were available and analyzed. Both longitudinal and cross-sectional ANC and PNC registers were obtained, while the childbirth registers included in the analysis were all cross-sectional. Fifty-five percent (11/20) ANC registers and 54% (7/13) PNC registers were longitudinal. In four countries, the registers were electronic, while the rest were paper-based (17 countries). Sub-analysis of registers from four countries (Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia) where the 2017/2018 and 2019/2020 registers were available showed that the latest versions included 21/27 (78%) of data elements that are critical in the computation of key maternal and newborn care indicators. This analysis highlights some areas in where there are data gaps in data on pregnancy and childbirth. Program managers and health workers should use data gathered routinely to monitor the performance of their national health system and to guide the continuous improvement of health care services for women and newborns. The findings can help to inform the standardization of pregnancy and childbirth registers, and provide information for other countries seeking to introduce indicators in their health systems.

PLOS Glob Public Health ; 3(2): e0001384, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36963034


High quality postnatal care is key for the health and wellbeing of women after childbirth and their newborns. In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) published global recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal care experience in a new WHO PNC guideline. Evidence regarding appropriate measures to monitor implementation of postnatal care (PNC) according to the WHO PNC guideline is lacking. This scoping review aims to document the measures used to assess the quality of postnatal care and their validity. The review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Five electronic bibliographic databases were searched together with a grey literature search. Two reviewers independently screened and appraised identified articles. All data on PNC measures were extracted and mapped to the 2022 WHO PNC recommendations according to three categories: i) maternal care, ii) newborn care, iii) health system and health promotion interventions. We identified 62 studies providing measures aligning with the WHO PNC recommendations. For most PNC recommendations there were measures available and the highest number of recommendations were found for breastfeeding and the assessment of the newborn. No measures were found for recommendations related to sedentary behavior, criteria to be assessed before discharge, retention of staff in rural areas and use of digital communication. Measure validity assessment was described in 24 studies (39%), but methods were not standardized. Our review highlights a gap in existing PNC measures for several recommendations in the WHO PNC guideline. Assessment of the validity of PNC measures was limited. Consensus on how the quality of PNC should be measured is needed, involving a selection of priority measures and the development of new measures as appropriate.

BMJ Open ; 13(2): e065358, 2023 02 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36731934


OBJECTIVES: While service integration has gained prominence as an objective of many global initiatives, there is no widely recognised single definition of integration nor a clear understanding of how programmes are integrated into health systems to achieve improved health outcomes. This study aims to review measurement approaches for integrated antenatal care (ANC) services, propose and operationalise indicators for measuring ANC service integration and inform an integrated ANC indicator recommendation for use in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). DESIGN: Feasibility study. SETTING: Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal and Sierra Leone. METHODS: Our six-step approach included: (1) conceptualise ANC service integration models; (2) conduct a targeted literature review on measurement of ANC service integration; (3) develop criteria for ANC service integration indicators; (4) propose indicators for ANC service integration; (5) use extant data to operationalise the indicators; and (6) synthesise information to make an integrated ANC indicator recommendation for use in LMICs. RESULTS: Given the multidimensionality of integration, we outlined three models for conceptualising ANC service integration: integrated health systems, continuity of care and coordinated care. Looking across ANC service integration estimates, there were large differences between estimates for ANC service integration depending on the model used, and in some countries, the ANC integration indicator definition within a model. No one integrated ANC indicator was consistently the highest estimate for ANC service integration. However, continuity of care was consistently the lowest estimate for ANC service integration. CONCLUSIONS: Integrated ANC services are foundational to ensuring universal health coverage. However, our findings demonstrate the complexities in monitoring indicators of ANC service quality using extant data in LMICs. Given the challenges, it is recommended that countries focus on monitoring measures of service quality. In addition, efforts should be made to improve data collection tools and routine health information systems to better capture measures of service integration.

Prenatal Care , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Kenya , Malawi , Burkina Faso , Senegal , Feasibility Studies , Sierra Leone
Soc Sci Med ; 321: 115765, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36801755


BACKGROUND: Political, social, economic, and health system determinants play an important role in creating an enabling environment for maternal and newborn health. This study assesses changes in health systems and policy indicators for maternal and newborn health across 78 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) during 2008-2018, and examines contextual factors associated with policy adoption and systems changes. METHODS: We compiled historical data from WHO, ILO, and UNICEF surveys and databases to track changes in ten maternal and newborn health systems and policy indicators prioritized for tracking by global partnerships. Logistic regression was used to examine the odds of systems and policy change based on indicators of economic growth, gender equality, and country governance with available data from 2008 to 2018. RESULTS: From 2008 to 2018, many LMICs (44/76; 57·9%) substantially strengthened systems and policies for maternal and newborn health. The most frequently adopted policies were national guidelines for kangaroo mother care, national guidelines for use of antenatal corticosteroids, national policies for maternal death notification and review, and the introduction of priority medicines in Essential Medicines Lists. The odds of policy adoption and systems investments were significantly greater in countries that experienced economic growth, had strong female labor participation, and had strong country governance (all p < 0·05). CONCLUSIONS: The widespread adoption of priority policies over the past decade is a notable step in creating an environment supportive for maternal and newborn health, but continued leadership and resources are needed to ensure robust implementation that translates into improved health outcomes.

Developing Countries , Kangaroo-Mother Care Method , Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Infant Health , Poverty , Health Policy
Dialogues Health ; 1: None, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36569812


Background: Reliable and rigorously collected sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent (SRMNCAH) data from humanitarian settings are often sparse and variable in quality across different settings due to the lack of a standardised set of indicators across the different agencies working in humanitarian settings. This paper aims to summarise a WHO-led global initiative to develop and scale up an SRMNCAH monitoring and evaluation framework for humanitarian settings. Methods: This research revolved around three phases. The first and the last phase involved global consultations with lead international agencies active in SRMNCAH in humanitarian settings. The second phase tested the feasibility of the proposed indicators in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Jordan, using different qualitative research methods (interviews with 92 key informants, 26 focus group discussions with 142 key stakeholders, facility assessments and observations at 25 health facilities or sites). Results: Among the 73 proposed indicators, 47 were selected as core indicators and 26 as additional indicators. Generally, there were no major issues in collecting the proposed indicators, except for those indicators that relied on death reviews or population-level data. Service availability and morbidity indicators were encouraged. Abortion and SGBV indicators were challenging to collect due to political and sociocultural reasons. The HIV and PMTCT indicators were considered as core indicators, despite potential sensitivity in some settings. Existing data collection and reporting systems across the four assessed humanitarian settings were generally fragmented and inconsistent, mainly attributed to the lack of coordination among different agencies. Interpretation: Implementing agencies need to collaborate effectively to scale up this agreed-upon set of SRMNCAH framework to enhance accountability and transparency in humanitarian settings.

Front Glob Womens Health ; 3: 909991, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36299801


The Sustainable Development Goals prioritize maternal mortality reduction, with a global average target of < 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. Current pace of reduction is far short of what is needed to achieve the global target. It is estimated that globally there are 300,000 maternal deaths, 2.4 million newborn deaths and 2 million stillbirths annually. Majority of these deaths occur in low-and-middle-income countries. Global initiatives like, Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality (EPMM) and Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP), have outlined the broad strategies for maternal and newborn health programmes. A set of coverage targets and ten milestones were launched to support low-and-middle-income countries in accelerating progress in improving maternal, perinatal and newborn health and wellbeing. WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA, undertook a scoping review to understand how country strategies evolved in different contexts over the past two decades to improve maternal survival and wellbeing, and how countries in similar settings could accelerate progress considering the changing epidemiology and demography. Case studies were conducted to inform countries in similar settings and various global initiatives. Six countries were selected based on standard criteria-Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Georgia, Guatemala, Pakistan and Sierra Leone representing different stages of the obstetric transition. A conceptual framework, encapsulating the interrelated factors impacting maternal health outcomes, was used to organize data collection and analysis. While all six countries made remarkable progress in improving maternal and perinatal health, the pace of progress and the factors influencing the successes and challenges varied across the countries. The context, opportunities and challenges varied from country to country. Two strategic directions were identified for next steps including the need to implement and evaluate innovative service delivery models using an updated obstetric transition as an organizing framework and expanding our vision to address equity and well-being.

EClinicalMedicine ; 50: 101506, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35770255


Background: Most perinatal and neonatal deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), yet, quality data on burden of adverse outcomes of pregnancy is limited in such countries. Methods: A network of 21 maternity units, across seven countries, undertook surveillance for low birthweight, preterm birth, small for gestational age (SGA), stillbirths, congenital microcephaly, in-hospital neonatal deaths, and neonatal infections in a cohort of over 85,000 births from May 2019 - August 2020. For each outcome, site-specific rates per 1,000 livebirths (or per 1,000 total births for stillbirth) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Descriptive sensitivity analysis was conducted to gain insight regarding underreporting of four outcomes at 16 sites. Findings: Estimated rates varied across countries and sites, ranging between 43·3-329·5 and 21·4-276·6/1000 livebirths for low birthweight and preterm birth respectively and 11·8-81/1,000 livebirths for SGA. No cases of congenital microcephaly were reported by three sites while the highest estimated rate was 13/1,000 livebirths. Neonatal infection and neonatal death rates varied between 1·8-73 and 0-59·9/1000 livebirths respectively while stillbirth rates ranged between 0-57·1/1000 total births across study sites. Results from the sensitivity analysis confirmed the underreporting of congenital microcephaly and SGA in our study. Interpretation: Our study establishes site-specific baseline rates for important adverse perinatal and neonatal outcomes and addresses a critical evidence gap towards improved monitoring of benefits and risks of emerging pregnancy and neonatal interventions. Funding: The study was sponsored by the World Health Organization with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.