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Ciênc. rural ; 44(12): 2228-2235, 12/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729815


Visando avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares e analgésicos de dois protocolos epidurais em felinos submetidos à OSH, 16 gatas mestiças, adultas, que, após indução à anestesia geral, receberam anestesia epidural (L7 - S1) com 0,26mL kg-1 de ropivacaína 0,75%, isolada (GR) ou associada a 0,1mg kg-1 morfina (GRM). A ETCO2, f, FC, PAS, T°R e relaxamento muscular foram avaliados no momento basal, 30 minutos após epidural, após incisão de pele, ligadura dos pedículos ovarianos e cérvix, final da celiorrafia e cirurgia, sendo administrado fentanil, caso ocorresse aumento de 20% na PAS, FC ou f em relação ao momento basal. Ao final do procedimento, foram avaliados, com auxílio de uma escala multidimensional de dor aguda em felinos, durante 12 horas, e, quando a pontuação fosse ≥8, era realizado resgate analgésico com morfina 0,2mg kg-1. Não ocorreram diferenças entre ETCO2, f, T°C e relaxamento muscular. A PAS aumentou em ambos os grupos durante o pinçamento dos pedículos ovarianos e cérvix, quando 100% dos animais do GR e 87,5% do GRM necessitaram fentanil transoperatório. Em 100% dos animais do GR, houve necessidade de morfina pós-operatória às 2 e 4 horas de avaliação, comparados com 50% e 37,5% no GRM. Nos momentos seguintes aos resgates, o somatório de pontos foi semelhante entre grupos. Conclui-se que a administração epidural de ropivacaína associada à morfina em gatas submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia reduz o requerimento analgésico pós-operatório em até 56,2%, durante as primeiras 4 horas, e promove analgesia adequada durante 12 horas, quando comparado à ropivacaína isolada.

Seeking to evaluate the cardiovascular and analgesic effects of two epidural protocols in cats undergoing OH, 16 female adult mixed-breed cats were induced to general anesthesia, and then epidural was achieved with 0,26mL kg-1 of isolated ropivacaine (GR) (0,75%) or associated with 0,1mg kg-1 morphine (GRM). ETCO2, RR, HR, SAP, T° and muscular relaxation were evaluated in baseline, 30 minutes after epidural; after skin incision, ovarian pedicles and uterine cervix ligation; end of laparohraphy; and end of surgery. They received fentanyl if SAP, HR or f, rise in 20% of baseline. At the end of OH, a multidimensional pain scale for cats was used during 12 hours, and rescued with morphine 0,2mg kg-1, when the scale score was ≥8 points. There were no differences in ETCO2, RR, T°C and muscular relaxation. SAP increased in both groups during the ovarian pedicle and cervix clamping. In 100% of the animals in GR and 87.5% of the GRM, it was necessary fentanyl during surgery. In 100% of GR animals was required analgesic rescue with morphine at 2 and 4 hours of postoperative evaluation, compared with 50% and 37,5% in GRM, where after the analgesic rescue, in the next hours, the sum of points was similar between groups. It was concluded that epidural administration of morphine and ropivacaine in cats submitted to OH, reduces post operatory analgesic requirements to 56,2% during the first four hours, and promote adequate analgesia for 12 hours in cats submitted to OH, when compared to ropivacaine alone.
