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J Anim Breed Genet ; 114(1-6): 419-34, 1997 Jan 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21395836


SUMMARY: Replicated lines of mice were selected High and Low for adjusted food intake and contemporaneous control lines were maintained. The selection criterion was food intake between 8 and 10 weeks, adjusted by phenotypic regression on mean body weight at 8 and 10 weeks of age to reduce correlated changes in body weight. Responses are given for the first 23 generations of selection, after which adjusted food intake had diverged by a factor of 1.7-1.95. A small correlated response in body weight occurred and mice from the High line were slightly heavier: at 10 weeks of age body weight had diverged by a factor of 1.09-1.11. The realized within-family heritability varied between the replicates from 0.16-0.27 from which a mean estimated mass selection heritability (h(2) = 0.35±0.05) was derived. Mice from the Low line were fatter, however not significantly, because of a High between replicate variance (p > 0.05). Differences in growth over the selection period may account for around 5% of the divergence and increased maintenance costs associated with the larger lean mass of the high lines may explain a further 5%. Mice from the High lines spilled significantly (p < 0.05) more food which accounted for 23% of the divergence in apparent food intake. The heat increment of feeding, brown adipose tissue activity and locomotor activity all appear to be unchanged. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Auswirkungen der Selektion auf Futteraufnahme in der adulten Maus In einem Experiment mit Wiederholungen wurden Mäuselinien auf hohe und niedrige korrigierte Futteraufnahme selektiert und korrespondierende Konttrollen gehalten. Das Selektionskriterium war die Futteraufnahme im Alter von 8 bis 10 Wochen, die mittels phänotypischer Regression korrigiert wurde, um die Körpermasse möglichst konstant zu halten. Der direkte Selektionserfolg über die ersten 23 Generationen ist beschrieben. Die Linien divergierten zu diesem Zeitpunkt bezüglich des Selektionsmerkmals um 70 bis 95%. In der Körpermasse trat ein geringfügiger korrelierter Selektionserfolg auf. Die Tiere der 'high'-Linie waren im Alter von 8 bis Wochen ca. um 6 bis 11% schwerer. Die realisierte Intra-Familien-Heritabilität variierte zwischen den Wiederholungen zwischen 0.16 und 0.27, woraus sich eine mittlerer Heritabilitätskoeffizient von h(2) = 0.35±0.05 für die Massenselektion ergab. Mäuse der 'low'-Linie hatten mit 10 Wochen 2.4% (P > 0.05) und mit 17 Wochen ca. 7% (P < 0.05%) mehr Fett. Mit Unterschieden im Wachstum lassen sich weniger als 5% der Linienunterschiede in der Futteraufnahme erklären. Der höhere Erhaltungsbedarf, der aus einer höheren fett-freien Körpermasse in der 'high'-Linie resultiert, könnte weitere 5% erklären. Tiere der 'high'-Linie verstreuten deutlich (P < 0.05) mehr Futter, worauf sich 23% der Divergenz in der scheinbaren Futteraufnahme zurückführen ließen. Die Aktivät des braunen Fettgewebes, die lokomotorische Aktivität und die fütterungsbedingte Wàrmeproduktion sind scheinbar unverändert.

Theor Appl Genet ; 79(1): 131-6, 1990 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24226132


The aim of this study was to examine the differences in physical activity and their contribution to differences in energy utilization in mice, selected either high or low for food intake, adjusted for body weight, which show correlated responses in lean content and metabolic rate. Simultaneous measurements of fasting metabolic rate and activity were made in lines of mice selected at either: a young age, 4-to 6-week food intake corrected for 4-week body weight; or an older age, 8- to 10-week food intake corrected for mean weight at 8 and 10 weeks of age. Correlated response in metabolic rate was found to have been accompanied by changes in locomotor activity near the ages at selection in both sets of lines. Activity, however, accounted for only a small proportion of variation in fasting heat production, generally less than 5%, although a highly positive correlation (r=0.63) between the two traits was found. It was concluded that selection for food intake adjusted for body weight has led to correlated response in physical activity. In consequence, mice selected in the upward direction expend some of the excess energy intake rather than assimilating it as body mass and are, therefore, slightly leaner than their counterparts selected in the downward direction.
