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Rev Sci Tech ; 38(1): 71-89, 2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564739


Multisectoral, One Health collaboration is essential for addressing national and international health threats that arise at the human-animal-environment interface. Thanks to the efforts of multiple organisations, countries now have an array of One Health tools available to assess capacities within and between sectors, plan and prioritise activities, and strengthen multisectoral, One Health coordination, communication, and collaboration. By doing so, they are able to address health threats at the human-animal-environment interface, including emerging zoonotic and infectious diseases, more efficiently. However, to ensure optimal outcomes for the countries using these One Health tools, the partners responsible for implementation should regularly collaborate and share information such as implementation timelines, results and lessons learned, so that one process can inform the next. This paper presents a consensus framework on how commonly implemented One Health tools might align to best support countries in strengthening One Health systems. Twelve One Health tools were selected based on their high implementation rates, authors' experience with these tools and their focus on multisectoral, One Health coordination. Through a four-step process, the authors: a) jointly carried out a landscape analysis of One Health tools, using a Cloudbased spreadsheet to share the unique characteristics and applications of each tool; b) performed an implementation analysis to identify and share implementation dynamics and identify respective outcomes and synergies; c) jointly created a consensus conceptual model of how the authors suggest the tools might logically work together; and d) extrapolated from steps 1-3 an agreed-upon overarching conceptual framework for how current and future One Health tools could be categorised to best support One Health system strengthening at the national level. Highlighted One Health tools include the States Parties Annual Reporting Tool under the International Health Regulations (IHR), the World Organisation for Animal Health Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway, the Joint External Evaluation process, IHR/PVS National Bridging Workshops, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Tool, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Laboratory Mapping Tool, the FAO Assessment Tool for Laboratories and Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Systems, the FAO Surveillance Evaluation Tool, the One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit, the National Action Plan for Health Security, and IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework tools for After Action Reviews and Simulation Exercises. A new guidance document entitled, Taking a Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries was also included as a framework that provides guidance to support the implementation of the outputs of the tools described.

La collaboration multisectorielle suivant l'approche Une seule santé est essentielle pour répondre aux menaces sanitaires survenant à l'interface homme­animal­ environnement à l'échelle nationale et internationale. Grâce aux efforts conjugués de nombreuses organisations, les pays disposent désormais d'une gamme d'outils Une seule santé permettant à la fois d'évaluer les capacités intra et intersectorielles, de planifier et prioriser les activités, et de renforcer la coordination, la communication et la collaboration multisectorielles suivant cette approche. Grâce à ces outils, les pays sont mieux armés pour faire face avec efficacité aux menaces sanitaires à l'interface homme­animal­environnement, en particulier celles liées aux maladies zoonotiques et infectieuses émergentes. Néanmoins, pour optimiser les retombées pour les pays du recours aux outils Une seule santé, les partenaires chargés de leur mise en oeuvre devraient régulièrement collaborer et partager leurs informations, notamment le calendrier de mise en oeuvre, les résultats obtenus et les enseignements tirés, afin que chaque processus contribue à l'amélioration des suivants. Les auteurs présentent un cadre consensuel sur la manière dont les outils Une seule santé les plus courants peuvent converger afin d'aider le mieux possible les pays à renforcer leurs systèmes basés sur cette approche. Douze outils ont été choisis en fonction de leur fréquence d'utilisation, de l'expérience acquise par les auteurs et de l'accent mis sur la coordination multisectorielle Une seule santé. Les auteurs ont ensuite procédé à un examen en quatre étapes, comme suit : a) analyse générale des outils sélectionnés, au moyen d'un tableur sur serveur dématérialisé permettant de saisir et de partager les caractéristiques et les applications spécifiques de chaque outil ; b) analyse de la mise en oeuvre des outils, visant à déterminer et à partager la dynamique et les caractéristiques de mise en oeuvre, ainsi que les résultats respectifs et les synergies qui en ressortent ; c) création d'un modèle conceptuel consensuel contenant les propositions des auteurs en vue d'une convergence raisonnée des fonctionnalités de ces outils ; d) à partir des trois étapes précédentes, conception d'un cadre conceptuel transversal destiné à catégoriser les outils Une seule santé actuels et futurs afin d'apporter un soutien optimal au renforcement des systèmes Une seule santé à l'échelle des pays. Parmi les outils examinés figurent l'Outil d'autoévaluation pour l'établissement de rapports annuels par les États Parties de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), qui concerne l'application du Règlement sanitaire international (RSI) ; le Processus sur les Performances des Services vétérinaires (PVS) de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) ; le processus d'Évaluation extérieure conjointe ; les ateliers nationaux de liaison RSI/PVS ; l'outil Une seule santé de priorisation des maladies zoonotiques des Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (CDC) ; l'Outil de cartographie des laboratoires de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) ; l'Outil d'évaluation de la FAO pour les laboratoires et les systèmes de surveillance de l'antibiorésistance ; l'Outil d'évaluation de la FAO sur la surveillance ; la Boîte à outils cartographiques et analytiques sur les systèmes Une seule santé ; les Plans d'action nationaux de sécurité sanitaire ; et enfin les outils d'examen après action et protocoles de simulation du Cadre de suivi et d'évaluation du RSI. Le document d'orientation récemment publié sous le titre Taking a multisectoral One Health approach: a Tripartite guide to addressing zoonotic diseases in countries [Adopter une approche multisectorielle Une seule santé : Guide tripartite pour lutter contre les maladies zoonotiques] est également présenté, en tant qu'il fournit un cadre directeur en appui de la mise en oeuvre des résultats des outils d'évaluation ci-dessus.

La colaboración multisectorial en clave de Una sola salud es esencial para responder a las amenazas sanitarias de dimensión nacional e internacional que surgen en la confluencia de personas, animales y medio ambiente. Gracias al trabajo de numerosas organizaciones, los países disponen ahora de un repertorio de herramientas concebidas desde la óptica de Una sola salud para evaluar las capacidades existentes dentro de los sectores y entre ellos, planificar y jerarquizar actividades y potenciar las labores de coordinación, comunicación y colaboración multisectoriales en clave de Una sola salud. Gracias a todo ello, los países están en condiciones de luchar más eficazmente contra las amenazas sanitarias en la interfaz de personas, animales y medio ambiente, en particular las enfermedades infecciosas y zoonóticas emergentes. No obstante, para que los países obtengan resultados óptimos del uso de estas herramientas de Una sola salud es preciso que los distintos colaboradores encargados de aplicarlas colaboren e intercambien información periódicamente, por ejemplo sobre plazos de ejecución, resultados obtenidos y enseñanzas extraídas, de tal manera que un proceso pueda alimentar el siguiente. Los autores presentan un conjunto de principios consensuados sobre el modo en que cabría armonizar entre sí las herramientas de Una sola salud utilizadas con frecuencia para que los países cuenten con un apoyo idóneo a la hora de fortalecer los sistemas de Una sola salud. Ante todo, los autores seleccionaron doce de esas herramientas atendiendo a su (elevado) nivel de utilización, la experiencia de los propios autores con ellas y la medida en que privilegian la coordinación multisectorial en clave de Una sola salud. Después, siguiendo un proceso en cuatro etapas: a) efectuaron colectivamente un análisis general de las herramientas existentes, empleando una hoja de cálculo situada en la «nube¼ para poner en común las características y aplicaciones únicas de cada herramienta; b) analizaron la utilización práctica de esas herramientas de Una sola salud para dilucidar y poner en común la dinámica de aplicación de cada una y determinar sus respectivos resultados y sinergias; c) elaboraron de forma concertada un modelo teórico del modo en que, a su juicio, sería lógico que las herramientas funcionaran conjuntamente; y d) a partir de los pasos 1 a 3, extrapolaron consensuadamente un marco teórico global con el que se podrían clasificar las herramientas de Una sola salud, actuales y futuras, para prestar un apoyo idóneo al fortalecimiento del sistema de Una sola salud en cada país. Las herramientas de Una sola salud seleccionadas son: el instrumento de evaluación para la presentación anual de informes de los Estados Partes que forma parte del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI); el proceso PVS (Prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios) de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE); la herramienta de evaluación externa conjunta del RSI; los talleres nacionales de coordinación RSI-PVS; la herramienta de jerarquización de enfermedades zoonóticas en clave de Una sola salud de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC); la herramienta de inventario de laboratorios de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO); la herramienta de evaluación de laboratorios y sistemas de vigilancia de las resistencias a los antimicrobianos de la FAO; la herramienta de evaluación de la vigilancia de la FAO; el juego de herramientas y material de análisis y cartografía de los sistemas de Una sola salud; los planes de acción nacional de seguridad sanitaria de la OMS; las herramientas del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI para la realización de exámenes posteriores a la acción y ejercicios de simulación. También se incluyó una nueva guía de la Tripartita para combatir las enfermedades zoonóticas en los países desde la lógica multisectorial de Una sola salud (Taking a multisectoral One Health approach: a Tripartite guide to addressing zoonotic diseases in countries), en el cual se ofrecen pautas para secundar la aplicación en la práctica de los resultados obtenidos con las citadas herramientas.

Communicable Disease Control , One Health , Zoonoses , Animals , Humans , International Cooperation , Intersectoral Collaboration , Laboratories , Zoonoses/prevention & control
Cell Biol Toxicol ; 18(3): 193-203, 2002.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12083425


Some colonic luminal molecules resulting from bacterial metabolism of alimentary or endogenous compounds are believed to exert various effects on the colonic epithelial cell physiology. We isolated surface epithelial cells and intact colonic crypts in order to test bacterial metabolites in the pig model, which is often considered relevant for extrapolation to the physiopathology of the human gastrointestinal tract. Using colonocytes isolated with EDTA, we found that the initial cell viability, estimated by the membrane integrity and oxidative capacity measurement, fell rapidly despite several experimental attempts to preserve it such as the use of a medium designed to increase the adherence of epithelial cells and of a coated extracellular matrix, the presence in the culture medium of the oxidative substrate butyrate, and the use of an inhibitor of the caspases involved in cell apoptosis. In contrast, using dispase and collagenase as proteolytic agents, we were able to obtain pig colonic crypts that maintain an excellent membrane integrity after 4 h. Using this preparation, we were able to test the presumably cytotoxic luminal compounds hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and deoxycholic acid on colonic crypt viability. Of these, only deoxycholic acid was found to significantly alter the cellular membrane integrity. It is concluded that pig colonic crypts can be useful for the in vitro appraisal of the cytotoxic properties of luminal compounds.

Ammonia/toxicity , Cell Membrane/drug effects , Colon/cytology , Deoxycholic Acid/toxicity , Hydrogen Sulfide/toxicity , Animals , Cell Survival/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Colon/drug effects , Colon/ultrastructure , Epithelial Cells/ultrastructure , Intestinal Mucosa/metabolism , Intestinal Mucosa/ultrastructure , Swine
Carcinogenesis ; 22(8): 1155-61, 2001 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11470743


Diallyl disulfide (DADS) is a major organosulphur compound present in garlic with an anti-mitotic potential against colon neoplastic lesions in vivo and colon tumour cell growth in vitro. Using the human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 Glc(-/+) cell line we identified sub-populations of tumoural cells with markedly different characteristics in terms of metabolic capacities, adhesion properties and distribution in the cell cycle phases. After 1 and 2 days treatment with 100 microM DADS HT-29 cells were largely released into the culture medium. These floating cells accumulated in the G(2)/M phase and were characterized by a 5-fold reduction in cell capacity for de novo protein synthesis. Polyamine metabolism, which is necessary for intestinal epithelial cell attachment and growth, was also severely affected, since 3-fold reductions in polyamine biosynthesis and net accumulation of putrescine were measured after DADS treatment. However, oxidation of L-glutamine, the main precursor of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in these cells, and de novo synthesis of glutathione, a tripeptide involved in tumoural cell chemoresistance, were not affected by DADS treatment. In contrast, the adherent sub-population of HT-29 cells, although partially accumulated in G(2)/M phase, were characterized by unaffected metabolic capacities when compared with control cells except for putrescine accumulation, which was transiently decreased, and L-glutamine oxidation, which was increased 2-fold. DADS-resistant cells selected within 5 days were then able to proliferate at a similar rate to control untreated cells. The DADS-induced changes in HT-29 metabolic capacities, adhesion properties and the cell cycle are discussed from a causal perspective.

Adenocarcinoma/metabolism , Allyl Compounds/pharmacology , Cell Adhesion/drug effects , Cell Cycle/drug effects , Colonic Neoplasms/metabolism , Sulfides/pharmacology , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Cell Division/drug effects , Cell Membrane , Colonic Neoplasms/pathology , Flow Cytometry , Garlic/chemistry , HT29 Cells , Humans , Plants, Medicinal
Biochim Biophys Acta ; 1427(3): 401-7, 1999 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10350656


Ammonia is present at high concentration in the colon lumen and is considered a colon cancer suspect. Furthermore, ammonia usually eliminated by the liver in the ornithine cycle is considered highly toxic to cerebral function when present in excess in the blood plasma. Therefore, the metabolic pathways involved in ammonia metabolism in colonocytes were studied in the present study. Rat colonocytes were found equipped with low carbamoylphosphate synthase I activity, high ornithine carbamoyltransferase and arginase activities and low argininosuccinate synthase activity. High (10 and 50 mmol/l) NH4Cl concentrations but not low concentrations (1 and 5 mmol/l) were found able to increase respectively 3- and 10-fold the conversion of radioactive L-arginine to L-citrulline. In contrast, very low capacity for L-citrulline conversion to L-arginine is found in colonocytes. It is concluded that an incomplete ornithine cycle is operative in colonocytes which results in ammonia stimulated L-citrulline production. The contribution of this metabolic pathway in relation to ammonia detoxication by colonocytes is discussed.

Ammonia/metabolism , Citrulline/biosynthesis , Colon/metabolism , Ammonia/chemistry , Ammonia/toxicity , Ammonium Chloride/pharmacology , Animals , Arginase/metabolism , Arginine/metabolism , Argininosuccinate Synthase/metabolism , Cell Survival/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Citrulline/chemistry , Colon/drug effects , Ketoglutaric Acids/metabolism , Male , Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase/metabolism , Oxidation-Reduction , Rats , Rats, Inbred F344 , Urea/metabolism