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Glob Bioeth ; 35(1): 2322208, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38476503


The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and epidemiology undoubtedly has many benefits for the population. However, due to its environmental impact, the use of AI can produce social inequalities and long-term environmental damages that may not be thoroughly contemplated. In this paper, we propose to consider the impacts of AI applications in medical care from the One Health paradigm and long-term global health. From health and environmental justice, rather than settling for a short and fleeting green honeymoon between health and sustainability caused by AI, it should aim for a lasting marriage. To this end, we conclude by proposing that, in the upcoming years, it could be valuable and necessary to promote more interconnected health, call for environmental cost transparency, and increase green responsibility. Highlights Using AI in medicine and epidemiology has some benefits in the short term.AI usage may cause social inequalities and environmental damage in the long term.Health justice should be rethought from the One Health perspective.Going beyond anthropocentric and myopic cost-benefit analysis would expand health justice to include an environmental dimension.Greening AI would help to reconcile public and global health measures.

J Agric Environ Ethics ; 36(1): 1, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36467858


The context of accelerated climate change, environmental pollution, ecosystems depletion, loss of biodiversity and growing undernutrition has led human societies to a crossroads where food systems require transformation. New agricultural practices are being advocated in order to achieve food security and face environmental challenges. Cultivated meat has recently been considered one of the most desired alternatives by animal rights advocates because it promises to ensure nutrition for all people while dramatically reducing ecological impacts and animal suffering. It is therefore presented as one of the fairest means of food production for the coming decades, according to utilitarian arguments. However, food security, environmental concerns and animal welfarism guided by a short-term utilitarianism could have techno-optimism bias and could result in some forms of oppression such as anthropocentrism. I argue that there are still deep-rooted moral issues in food systems that are not addressed primarily by lab-grown meat, mainly derived from a loss of sovereignty. Food practices developed in high-tech labs with artificial interventionism constrain the ability of living entities (that are used as food) to flourish on their own terms. This paper aims to explore how sovereignty entitlements for humans and nonhumans are often overlooked by advocates of cultivated meat and the moral challenges it may pose. Accordingly, a more than utilitarian approach framed by ecological and republican justice is proposed here to shed light on some pitfalls of food chains based on cellular agriculture.

Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 962022 Oct 05.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36196643


The aim of this article is to explore a philosophical perspective on health linked to the restoration of wild nature, especially on the basis of some lessons that can be drawn from the spread of recent zoonotic diseases. The first section presents the relationship that the COVID-19 pandemic has maintained with social justice, venturing the thesis that ecological justice is a dimension that should be incorporated with deeper attention. To justify this, the following sections propose, first at the conceptual level, to approach a concept of health that is plural, dynamic and interdependent, and, then at the pragmatic level, to take as a reference the casuistry that shows an inverse correlation between the presence of wild biodiversity in a territory and contagion by zoonoses. In sum, these thoughts may lead to justify anticipatory duties for future pandemics and a responsibility for global health that deserve to be analyzed from an ethical point of view.

Este artículo trata de explorar una perspectiva filosófica de la salud vinculada a la restauración de la naturaleza salvaje, especialmente a raíz de algunos aprendizajes que podemos extraer de la propagación de enfermedades zoonóticas recientes. En el primer apartado se presenta la relación que ha mantenido la pandemia de la COVID-19 con la justicia social, aventurando la tesis de que la justicia ecológica es una dimensión que debería ser incorporada con mayor atención. Para justificar esto, en los siguientes apartados se propone, primero a nivel conceptual, abordar un concepto de salud que sea plural, dinámico e interdependiente, y, luego a nivel pragmático, tomar como referencia la casuística que muestra una correlación inversa entre la presencia de biodiversidad salvaje en un territorio y el contagio por zoonosis. En suma, estos pensamientos pueden llevar a justificar deberes anticipatorios de futuras pandemias y a una responsabilidad por la salud global que merecen ser analizados desde la ética.

COVID-19 , Pandemics , Animals , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Humans , Pandemics/prevention & control , Regeneration , Social Justice , Spain , Zoonoses
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 96: e202210065-e202210065, Oct. 2022.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-211609


Este artículo trata de explorar una perspectiva filosófica de la salud vinculada a la restauración de la naturaleza salvaje, especial-mente a raíz de algunos aprendizajes que podemos extraer de la propagación de enfermedades zoonóticas recientes. En el primerapartado se presenta la relación que ha mantenido la pandemia de la COVID-19 con la justicia social, aventurando la tesis de que lajusticia ecológica es una dimensión que debería ser incorporada con mayor atención. Para justificar esto, en los siguientes apartadosse propone, primero a nivel conceptual, abordar un concepto de salud que sea plural, dinámico e interdependiente, y, luego a nivelpragmático, tomar como referencia la casuística que muestra una correlación inversa entre la presencia de biodiversidad salvaje enun territorio y el contagio por zoonosis. En suma, estos pensamientos pueden llevar a justificar deberes anticipatorios de futuraspandemias y a una responsabilidad por la salud global que merecen ser analizados desde la ética.(AU)

The aim of this article is to explore a philosophical perspective on health linked to the restoration of wild nature, especially on thebasis of some lessons that can be drawn from the spread of recent zoonotic diseases. The first section presents the relationship thatthe COVID-19 pandemic has maintained with social justice, venturing the thesis that ecological justice is a dimension that should beincorporated with deeper attention. To justify this, the following sections propose, first at the conceptual level, to approach a conceptof health that is plural, dynamic and interdependent, and, then at the pragmatic level, to take as a reference the casuistry that showsan inverse correlation between the presence of wild biodiversity in a territory and contagion by zoonoses. In sum, these thoughtsmay lead to justify anticipatory duties for future pandemics and a responsibility for global health that deserve to be analyzed froman ethical point of view.(AU)

Humans , Global Health , Zoonoses , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Betacoronavirus , Coronavirus Infections , Pandemics , Nature , Health Resources , Public Health
AI Soc ; : 1-15, 2022 Mar 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35370366


Given the pervasiveness of AI systems and their potential negative effects on people's lives (especially among already marginalised groups), it becomes imperative to comprehend what goes on when an AI system generates a result, and based on what reasons, it is achieved. There are consistent technical efforts for making systems more "explainable" by reducing their opaqueness and increasing their interpretability and explainability. In this paper, we explore an alternative non-technical approach towards explainability that complement existing ones. Leaving aside technical, statistical, or data-related issues, we focus on the very conceptual underpinnings of the design decisions made by developers and other stakeholders during the lifecycle of a machine learning project. For instance, the design and development of an app to track snoring to detect possible health risks presuppose some picture or another of "health", which is a key notion that conceptually underpins the project. We take it as a premise that these key concepts are necessarily present during design and development, albeit perhaps tacitly. We argue that by providing "justificatory explanations" about how the team understands the relevant key concepts behind its design decisions, interested parties could gain valuable insights and make better sense of the workings and outcomes of systems. Using the concept of "health", we illustrate how a particular understanding of it might influence decisions during the design and development stages of a machine learning project, and how making this explicit by incorporating it into ex-post explanations might increase the explanatory and justificatory power of these explanations. We posit that a greater conceptual awareness of the key concepts that underpin design and development decisions may be beneficial to any attempt to develop explainability methods. We recommend that "justificatory explanations" are provided as technical documentation. These are declarative statements that contain at its simplest: (1) a high-level account of the understanding of the relevant key concepts a team possess related to a project's main domain, (2) how these understandings drive decision-making during the life-cycle stages, and (3) it gives reasons (which could be implicit in the account) that the person or persons doing the explanation consider to have plausible justificatory power for the decisions that were made during the project.

Rev. bioét. derecho ; (51): 173-191, 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228061


La ingente demanda global de proteínas de origen animal junto al colapso ecológico y las subsiguientes desigualdades alimentarias ha estimulado a académicos, científicos y empresarios de todo el mundo a buscar alternativas. Una de éstas es la investigación con células animales para producir carne cultivada de laboratorio. Este proceso de generación de alimentos cárnicos in vitro se presenta como una solución ante los crecientes problemas socio-ecológicos. Sin embargo, en este artículo se cuestionarán algunas de sus promesas de contribuir a una mayor sostenibilidad, bienestar animal y justicia alimentaria. Más aún, se explorarán qué desafíos bioéticos plantea el polémico medio de cultivo donde se usan fetos bovinos para desarrollar este tipo de carne sintética. Desde una ética no antropocéntrica se abordarán cuatro tipos de argumentos diferentes a fin de dilucidar algunas de las limitaciones morales que conlleva esta investigación alimentaria: desde una posición deontológica, desde criterios utilitaristas, desde el enfoque de las capacidades y desde una ética de las virtudes. La suma de estos planteamientos filosóficos, orientados a reflexionar sobre la carne cultivada, conducirán a la conclusión de que una defensa a ultranza de este proceso es, razonablemente, controvertido (AU)

The huge global demand for animal protein, along with ecological collapse and its consequent food inequalities, have encouraged academics, scientists and entrepreneurs around the world to look for alternatives. One of these is animal cell research to produce cultured laboratory-grown meat. In vitro meat generation is presented as a solution to the growing socio-ecological problems. However, this paper will question some of their promises to contribute to greater sustainability, animal welfare and food justice. Furthermore, the bioethical discussion arising from the controversial culture medium where bovine fetuses are used to develop synthetic meat will be explored. From a non-anthropocentric ethics, four different types of arguments will be outlined in order to elucidate some of the moral limitations that this food research entails: from a deontological position, from utilitarian criteria, from the capabilities approach and from virtue ethics. The sum of these philosophical approaches, aimed at rethinking on cultured meat, will lead to the conclusion that an outright defense of this process is reasonably controversial (AU)

La ingent demanda global de proteïnes d'origen animal al costat del col·lapse ecològic i les subsegüents desigualtats alimentàries ha estimulat a acadèmics, científics i empresaris de tot el món a buscar alternatives. Una d'aquestes és la recerca amb cèl·lules animals per a produir carn cultivada de laboratori. Aquest procés de generació d'aliments carnis in vitro es presenta com una solució davant els creixents problemes socioecològics. No obstant això, en aquest article es qüestionaran algunes de les seves promeses de contribuir a una major sostenibilitat, benestar animal i justícia alimentària. Més encara, s'exploraran quins desafiaments bioéticos planteja el polèmic mitjà de cultiu on s'usen fetus bovins per a desenvolupar aquest tipus de carn sintètica. Des d'una ètica no antropocèntrica s'abordaran quatre tipus d'arguments diferents a fi de dilucidar algunes de les limitacions morals que comporta aquesta recerca alimentària: des d'una posició deontològica, des de criteris utilitaristes, des de l'enfocament de les capacitats i des d'una ètica de les virtuts. La suma d'aquests plantejaments filosòfics, orientats a reflexionar sobre la carn cultivada, conduiran a la conclusió que una defensa a ultrança d'aquest procés és, raonablement, controvertit (AU)

Humans , Animals , Morals , Bioethical Issues , Animal Welfare , Food/standards
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (42): 89-104, mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-170959


Nuestra autonomía alimentaria se ve fragmentada por la presión social de la industria cárnica, a la par que las desigualdades sociales acrecentadas. Las teorías de la justicia distributivas y contrafácticas parecen insuficientes para extender nuestros deberes éticos y políticos más allá de nuestras acotadas identidades colectivas. Sin embargo, como se tratará de mostrar, ni fomentar sólo este tipo de justicia ni comprender la solidaridad y la identidad como antinomias excluyentes son ideas que nos permiten encarar adecuadamente problemas globales como la malnutrición. Superar estos anclajes conceptuales pueden llevarnos a plantear un modelo alimentario más sostenible que el actual. Y se sugiere que una de las acciones más acertadas para paliar esta situación, es practicar una solidaridad invisible

Our food autonomy is fragmented by the social pressure of meat industry, along with increased social inequalities. Distributive and counterfactual theories of justice seem insufficient to extend our ethical and political duties beyond our limited collective identities. However, as it will try to show, neither promote this kind of justice nor understand solidarity and identity as excluding antinomies are ideas that allow us to adequately address global problems such as malnutrition. Overcoming these conceptual anchors can lead us to propose a more sustainable food model than the current one. And it is suggested that one of the most successful actions to improve this situation is practicing an invisible solidarity

La nostra autonomia alimentària es veu fragmentada per la pressió social de la industria de la carn, i les desigualtats socials acrescudes. Les teories de la justícia distributives i contrafàcticas semblen insuficients per estendre els nostres deures ètics i polítics més enllà de les nostres fitades identitats col·lectives. No obstant això, com es tractarà de mostrar, ni fomentar només aquest tipus de justícia ni comprendre la solidaritat i la identitat com antinòmies excloents són idees que ens permeten encarar adequadament problemes globals com la malnutrició. Superar aquests ancoratges conceptuals poden portar-nos a plantejar un model alimentari més sostenible que l'actual. I se suggereix que una de les accions més encertades per pal·liar aquesta situació, és practicar una solidaritat invisible

Humans , 24439 , Personal Autonomy , Malnutrition/prevention & control , Global Health/trends , 50322 , Sustainable Development , 50328