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Bioengineering (Basel) ; 9(12)2022 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36550951


There is a deep need to navigate within our genomic data to find, understand and pave the way for disease-specific treatments, as the clinical diagnostic journey provides only limited guidance. The human genome is enclosed in every nucleated cell, and yet at the single-cell resolution many unanswered questions remain, as most of the sequencing techniques use a bulk approach. Therefore, heterogeneity, mosaicism and many complex structural variants remain partially uncovered. As a conceptual approach, nanopore-based sequencing holds the promise of being a single-molecule-based, long-read and high-resolution technique, with the ability of uncovering the nucleic acid sequence and methylation almost in real time. A key limiting factor of current clinical genetics is the deciphering of key disease-causing genomic sequences. As the technological revolution is expanding regarding genetic data, the interpretation of genotype-phenotype correlations should be made with fine caution, as more and more evidence points toward the presence of more than one pathogenic variant acting together as a result of intergenic interplay in the background of a certain phenotype observed in a patient. This is in conjunction with the observation that many inheritable disorders manifest in a phenotypic spectrum, even in an intra-familial way. In the present review, we summarized the relevant data on nanopore sequencing regarding clinical genomics as well as highlighted the importance and content of pre-test and post-test genetic counselling, yielding a complex approach to phenotype-driven molecular diagnosis. This should significantly lower the time-to-right diagnosis as well lower the time required to complete a currently incomplete genotype-phenotype axis, which will boost the chance of establishing a new actionable diagnosis followed by therapeutical approach.

Mol Cytogenet ; 15(1): 47, 2022 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36320065


BACKGROUND: Neurodevelopmental disorders are genetically heterogeneous pediatric conditions. The first tier diagnostic method for uncovering copy number variations (CNVs), one of the most common genetic etiologies in affected individuals, is chromosomal microarray (CMA). However, this methodology is not yet a routine molecular cytogenetic test in many parts of the world, including Hungary. Here we report clinical and genetic data of the first, relatively large Hungarian cohort of patients whose genetic testing included CMA. METHODS: Clinical data were retrospectively collected for 78 children who were analyzed using various CMA platforms. Phenotypes of patients with disease-causing variants were compared to patients with negative results using the chi squared/Fisher exact tests. RESULTS: A total of 30 pathogenic CNVs were identified in 29 patients (37.2%). Postnatal growth delay (p = 0.05564), pectus excavatum (p = 0.07484), brain imaging abnormalities (p = 0.07848), global developmental delay (p = 0.08070) and macrocephaly (p = 0.08919) were more likely to be associated with disease-causing CNVs. CONCLUSION: Our results allow phenotypic expansion of 14q11.2 microdeletions encompassing SUPT16H and CHD8 genes. Variants of unknown significance (n = 24) were found in 17 patients. We provide detailed phenotypic and genetic data of these individuals to facilitate future classification efforts, and spotlight two patients with potentially pathogenic alterations. Our results contribute to unraveling the diagnostic value of rare CNVs.

Orv Hetil ; 163(1): 21-30, 2022 01 02.
Article in Hungarian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34974426


Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A sokszínu tünetspektrummal jellemezheto DiGeorge-szindróma leggyakoribb oka a 22q11.2-microdeletio; incidenciája 1/4000-6000. Célkituzés: A DiGeorge-szindrómára gyanús hazai betegcsoport 22q11.2-microdeletióval társult tüneteinek/panaszainak részletes feltérképezése, a betegség incidenciájának becslése és egy magyarországi 22q11.2-microdeletiós szindróma regiszter létrehozása. Módszer: 2005 és 2019 között a Semmelweis Egyetem II. Gyermekgyógyászati Klinikájára DiGeorge-szindróma gyanújával beutalt és a Veleszületett Rendellenességek Országos Nyilvántartása által regisztrált DiGeorge-szindrómás betegek adatait dolgoztuk fel. A fenotípusjegyeket a Humán Fenotípus Ontológia kódrendszer alapján határoztuk meg. Eredmények: A vizsgálatba 114, igazolt DiGeorge-szindrómás és 113, FISH-vizsgálattal microdeletiót nem hordozó, de klinikailag a DiGeorge-szindróma tüneteit mutató beteget vontunk be. A diagnózis felállításakor a betegek átlagéletkora 5,88 (± 9,66 SD) év volt, eddig a betegek 54,9%-a legalább egy szívmutéten átesett. A betegek leggyakoribb tünetei a kamrai sövényhiány, a mélyen ülo fülek, a gótikus szájpad, a motoros fejlodési elmaradás és a visszatéro fertozések voltak. Megbeszélés: A DiGeorge-szindróma becsült incidenciája hazánkban 1/12 500, közöttük magas a többszörösen veszélyeztetett újszülöttek és a mutéti korrekcióra szorulók aránya. A diagnózis hazánkban 2-3 évvel korábban történik a nemzetközi átlaghoz viszonyítva. Következtetés: A létrehozott regiszterünk alapján Magyarországon a kórkép aluldiagnosztizált. Minden conotruncalis szívfejlodési rendellenesség vagy jelentos kamrai sövényhiány esetén citogenetikai vizsgálat javasolt a DiGeorge-szindróma felmerülo gyanúja miatt. Negatív lelet esetén az atípusos töréspontú microdeletiók azonosítására komparatív genomiális hibridizáció vagy multiplex ligatiofüggo próbaamplifikációs vizsgálat javasolt. A betegek számára multidiszciplináris ellátás szükséges, III-as progresszivitási szintu újszülött intenzív részlegen, gyermekkardiológus és klinikai genetikus részvételével. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(1): 21-30. INTRODUCTION: The 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome is the most common cause of DiGeorge syndrome, showing a wide phenotypic spectrum and has an estimated incidence of 1/4000-6000 livebirths. OBJECTIVE: Detailed characterization of the clinical signs/symptoms associated with 22q11.2 deletion, estimation of the national incidence via establishing a Hungarian register. METHOD: Retrospective data between 2005 and 2019 from the 2nd Department of Paediatrics, Semmelweis University and from national database of congenital anomalies were obtained. Phenotypic abnormalities were described using the Human Phenotype Ontology nomenclature. RESULTS: A cohort of 114 DiGeorge patients and 113 patients negative for FISH testing were included. The mean age of patients at diagnosis was 5.88 (± 9.66 SD) years and 54.9% of patients had at least one heart surgery until diagnosis. The main identified symptoms were ventricular septal defect, low-set ears, recurrent infections, high narrow palate and motor development delay. DISCUSSION: The estimated incidence of DiGeorge syndrome in Hungary is 1/12 500 births, the frequency of infants at high risk and in need for surgery is high. Diagnosis is established 2-3 years earlier as compared to the international average. CONCLUSION: Based on the established Hungarian register, the incidence is lower compared to international data. In the case of conotruncal heart anomaly and ventricular septal defects, cytogenetic testing is recommended for the increased probability of DiGeorge syndrome. For second-tier testing, comparative genome hybridization or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification are recommended to identify atypical microdeletions. Newborns with DiGeorge syndrome require special care in perinatal intensive centers including pediatric cardiology and genetic counseling. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(1): 21-30.

Retrospective Studies , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Hungary , Incidence , Infant, Newborn , Syndrome