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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(4): 850-860, july/aug. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-966246


The tomato crop has social, food, and economic importance both in Brazil and internationally for generating high employment opportunities in the productive sector and offering high nutritional value of the fruits. Given the importance of this tomato culture, there is a constant search for improved varieties that meet the needs of producers in the processing industry. The objective of this study was to characterize strains of the industrial tomato in the absorption of macronutrients and micronutrients, in level of chlorophyll content in leaves, in productivity, and in uniformity of maturation fruits. The experiment was conducted in 2014 in the experimental area of the Federal University of Goiás in Goiânia. The design was a randomized block with 25 treatments (22 lines and three commercial hybrids) and four replications. We evaluated the chlorophyll content in leaves, macronutrient content, foliar macro and micronutrient content, fruit yield, and uniformity of maturation. The lineages CVR 1, CVR 3, CVR4, CVR 5, CVR21, and CVR 22 have high productivity, as well as being uniform in maturation. The lineages CVR 2, CVR 5, CVR 7, CVR 8, CVR 9, CVR 10, CVR 11, CVR 12, CVR 13, CVR 14, CVR 15, CVR 16, CVR 17, CVR 18, CVR 19 and CVR 20 are uniform in maturation. The lines have different potentials regarding the absorption of P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn. There is a positive correlation between the chlorophyll content and the amount of nitrogen present in the leaves.

A cultura do tomateiro possui importância social, alimentar e econômica tanto no cenário brasileiro quanto no internacional pela alta empregabilidade do setor produtivo e alto valor nutritivo dos frutos. Diante da relevância da cultura, é constante a busca por cultivares melhoradas que atendam as necessidades dos produtores, bem como das indústrias de processamento. Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar linhagens de tomateiro industrial quanto à absorção de macronutrientes e micronutrientes, teor de clorofila, produtividade e uniformidade de maturação. O experimento foi conduzido no ano de 2014, em área experimental da Universidade Federal de Goiás, em Goiânia. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com 25 tratamentos (22 linhagens e três híbridos comerciais) e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados o teor de clorofila presente nas folhas, teores de macro e micronutrientes foliares, produtividade de frutos e a uniformidade de maturação. As linhagens CVR 1, CVR 3, CVR 4, CVR 5, CVR 21 e CVR 22 apresentam alta produtividade, além de serem uniformes quanto a maturação. As linhagens CVR 2, CVR 5, CVR 7, CVR 8, CVR 9, CVR 10, CVR 11, CVR 12, CVR 13, CVR 14, CVR 15, CVR 16, CVR 17, CVR 18, CVR 19 e CVR 20 são uniformes na maturação. As linhagens têm potenciais diferentes quanto à absorção de P, K, Ca, Mg e Zn. Há uma correlação positiva entre o teor de clorofila e a quantidade de nitrogênio presente nas folhas.

Soil , Food , Solanum lycopersicum , Genotype
Plant Dis ; 100(10): 2126-2133, 2016 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30682998


Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) is a plant activator that triggers systemic acquired resistance that is labeled for use in Brazil for managing tomato bacterial spot. The aim of this study was to define the optimum relationship between interval and number of applications of ASM for the most efficacious control of bacterial spot on processing tomato. Four intervals between applications (4, 7, 10, and 14 days) and four application frequencies (4, 6, 8, and 10 applications) were evaluated in five trials performed between 2010 and 2011 in Brasília, Distrito Federal, and in Morrinhos, in the state of Goiás. Copper hydroxide (CH) was applied after ASM applications to complete 13 applications per growing season. Two check treatments were added: standard CH weekly applications and untreated. The following variables were evaluated: severity of bacterial spot, yield, percentage of ripe and rotten fruit, soluble solids content, and the benefit/cost ratio. Disease severity varied between treatments in three trials and yield varied in two trials. A greater number of applications resulted in a reduction of bacterial spot, and the ideal interval between applications was between 8 to 10 days. However, there was a reduction in yield with 10 ASM applications. The temporal effect of ASM applications on bacterial spot severity was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Reduction in disease severity was observed up to 6 days following ASM application. Additionally, the weekly treatment of seven applications of ASM followed by six applications of CH was compared with a standard program of CH under commercial production conditions in Itaberaí, Goiás, where bacterial spot occurred naturally. The program with ASM and CH resulted in significantly less foliar disease severity than the standard program, which did not result in yield gains. In addition, no differences were detected between the two programs for soluble solids content, industrial yield, plant height, and percentage of ripe and rotten fruit.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(6): 1878-1886, nov./dec. 2013. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-948428


Com o objetivo de avaliar opções de produtos para o controle da mancha bacteriana em mudas de tomate, foram realizados dois ensaios independentes, em viveiro comercial, no município de Rio Verde ­ GO, nos períodos de novembro a dezembro de 2009. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, utilizando o híbrido Heinz 9553. A parcela foi representada por 450 mudas em uma bandeja comercial. O primeiro ensaio consistiu nos tratamentos: 1 - testemunha; 2 - oxicloreto de cobre; 3 - hidróxido de cobre; 4 - acibenzolar-S-metil; 5 - metiram + piraclostrobina; 6 - famoxadona + mancozebe; 7 - cloreto de benzalcônio. O segundo ensaio consistiu nos mesmos tratamentos do primeiro ensaio acrescidos da aplicação do regulador de crescimento - paclobutrazol. As aplicações foram realizadas via pulverização foliar, utilizando pulverizador costal de barra com pressão constante. Após 29 dias da semeadura, o isolado EH 2008-13 de X. perforans, foi inoculado por meio da imersão das mudas em bandeja. A severidade da mancha bacteriana foi avaliada em 15 folíolos de cada parcela aos 16 dias após a inoculação. Não houve diferenças significativas no primeiro ensaio, mas detectou-se diferença significativa no segundo onde houve a aplicação do regulador de crescimento (P= 0,001). Os tratamentos acibenzolar-S-metil e famoxadona + mancozebe apresentaram valores médios de severidade inferiores à testemunha, no entanto, não diferiram significativamente dela. O tratamento metiram + piraclostrobina apresentou maior severidade da mancha bacteriana, não demonstrando ser eficaz no controle da doença em mudas nas condições testadas neste ensaio. Os resultados indicam possível efeito do regulador de crescimento sobre a ação dos produtos testados.

With the aim of evaluate chemical options to the control of bacterial spot in tomato seedlings, two independent experiments were carried out at a commercial tomato nursery in Rio Verde, Goiás, during the periods of November to December of 2009. The hybrid Heinz 9553 was used. The trials were in a completely randomized design with three replications. The plots were represented by a commercial plantlet trays of 450 cells. The treatments were: 1 - control; 2 - copper oxicloreto; 3 - copper hydroxide; 4 - acibenzolar-S-methyl; 5 - metiram + pyraclostrobin, 6 - famoxadone + mancozebe ; 7 ­ benzalkonium chloride. The experiments differed as for the paclobutrazol application, in the second experiment. The products were applied by using a CO2 portable sprayer with constant pressure. The inoculation occurred at 29 days after sowing, with isolated EH 2008-13 of Xanthomonas perforans which was originated from Rio Verde. The aerial part of the plantlets were immersed during 1 minute in a 18 L of the bacterial suspension placed in a large plastic tray. Disease severity was evaluated on 15 leaflets per plot at 16 days after inoculation. It was expressed in terms of average percentage of foliar area with symptoms by using the computational program Quant 2002. For the experiment without use of growth regulator there were not significant differences among the treatments. Despite presenting significant differences, in the for the paclobutrazol application, except for treatment metiram + pyraclostrobin, which resulted in the higher disease value, all treatments were not significantly different from the check-control. In that trial, acibenzolar-S-methyl following by famoxadone + mancozebe, were the only ones that presented inferior values comparing with the check-control, however not being significantly different. It can be inferred that interaction between the growth regulator and some treatments should exist.

Solanum lycopersicum , Bacteria , Xanthomonas
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 28(1): 43-47, jan./feb. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-912343


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade de isolados do complexo Xanthomonas spp. associado à mancha bacteriana do tomateiro ao cloreto de dodecil dimetil amônio e a sua eficiência no controle da doença. Este produto apresentou maior inibição in vitro aos isolados avaliados em relação ao hidróxido de cobre e aos cloretos de benzalcônio. Entretanto, não se observou redução da severidade da doença quando da utilização deste produto in vivo.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride in vitro inhibition of Xanthomonas spp. and the control of tomato bacterial spot. This product showed a higher in vitro inhibition of the pathogen, compared to copper hydroxide and benzalkonium chloride. However, there was no reduction in disease severity when the product was sprayed on the plants.

Xanthomonas , Agrochemicals , Solanum lycopersicum