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J Geophys Res Atmos ; 125(7): e2019JD031848, 2020 Apr 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32714721


Three years of reanalysis and ground-based observations collected at the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) observatory are analyzed to document the properties of rain and boundary layer clouds and their relationship with the large-scale environment during general subsidence conditions and following cold front passages. Clouds in the wake of cold fronts exhibit on average a 10% higher propensity to precipitate and higher rain-to-cloud fraction than cloud found in general subsidence conditions. Similarities in the seasonal cycle of rain and of large-scale properties suggest that the large-scale conditions created by the cold front passage are responsible for the unique properties of the rain forming in its wake. The identification of monotonic relationships between rain-to-cloud fraction and rain rate with surface forcing and boundary layer stability parameters as well as between virga base height with stability and humidity measures further supports that large-scale conditions impact precipitation variability. That being said, these relationships between the large-scale and rain properties are less clear than those established between cloud and rain properties, suggesting that cloud macrophysics have a more direct impact on the properties of rain than the large-scale environment. The applicability of previously documented relationships between cloud thickness and rain properties is tested and the relationships adjusted to accommodate the complex shallow clouds and melting precipitation observed to occur in the ENA region. Establishing these relationships opens up opportunities for parametrization development and suggests that a realistic representation of precipitation properties in models relies on the accurate representation of both clouds and the large-scale environment.

Mon Weather Rev ; 146(8): 2417-2432, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30344344


The present study explores the ability of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model to accurately reproduce the passage of extratropical cold fronts at the DOE-ARM Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) observation site on the Azores Islands. An analysis of three case studies is performed in which the impact of the WRF domain size, position of the model boundary relative to the ENA site, grid spacing, and spectral nudging conditions are explored. The results from these case studies indicate that model biases in the timing and duration of cold front passages change with the distance between the model domain boundary and the ENA site. For these three cases, if the western model boundary is further than 1500 km from the site, the front becomes too meridional and fails to reach the site, making 1000 km or 1500 km the optimal distances. In contrast, integrations with small distances (e.g., 500 km) between the site and domain boundaries have inadequate spatial spin-up, i.e. the domain is too small for the model to properly stabilize. For all 3 cases, regardless of domain size, the model has biases in its upper-level circulation that impact the position and timing of the front. However, this issue is most serious for 4000 km2 domains and larger. For these domains, prolonged spectral nudging can correct cold front biases. As such, this analysis provides a framework to optimize the WRF model configuration necessary for a realistic hindcast of a cold front passage at a fixed location centered in a domain as large as computationally possible.

J Clim ; 31(6): 2345-2360, 2018 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29576685


The representation of extratropical cyclones (ETCs) precipitation in general circulation models (GCMs) and a weather research and forecasting (WRF) model is analyzed. This work considers the link between ETC precipitation and dynamical strength and tests if parameterized convection affects this link for ETCs in the North Atlantic Basin. Lagrangian cyclone tracks of ETCs in ERA-Interim reanalysis (ERAI), the GISS and GFDL CMIP5 models, and WRF with two horizontal resolutions are utilized in a compositing analysis. The 20-km resolution WRF model generates stronger ETCs based on surface wind speed and cyclone precipitation. The GCMs and ERAI generate similar composite means and distributions for cyclone precipitation rates, but GCMs generate weaker cyclone surface winds than ERAI. The amount of cyclone precipitation generated by the convection scheme differs significantly across the datasets, with GISS generating the most, followed by ERAI and then GFDL. The models and reanalysis generate relatively more parameterized convective precipitation when the total cyclone-averaged precipitation is smaller. This is partially due to the contribution of parameterized convective precipitation occurring more often late in the ETC life cycle. For reanalysis and models, precipitation increases with both cyclone moisture and surface wind speed, and this is true if the contribution from the parameterized convection scheme is larger or not. This work shows that these different models generate similar total ETC precipitation despite large differences in the parameterized convection, and these differences do not cause unexpected behavior in ETC precipitation sensitivity to cyclone moisture or surface wind speed.

J Clim ; 29(22): 8129-8149, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29983481


Using NASA-Aqua MODIS and AIRS data, the relationship between low-level cloud cover (cloud top below the 700 hPa level) and boundary layer stability is explored in post-cold frontal conditions. A linear relationship is found between seasonal cloud cover and two separate measures of inversion strength, the lower tropospheric stability (LTS) and the estimated inversion strength (EIS), for two specific regions in the north Atlantic and Pacific in quiescent and weakly subsiding conditions. The relationship barely changes when considering dynamically active and subsiding post-cold frontal conditions for the same regions. To explore the generality of this result and increase sample size, cold front centered composites of cloud cover and stability are constructed. The northern and southern hemisphere seasonal cloud cover and stability distributions in the post-cold frontal regions are then compared. A fairly good correlation between cloud cover and EIS is found in both hemispheres across all seasons, suggesting that a linear relationship between cloud cover and inversion strength proposed for quiescent conditions exists also in more dynamically active subsiding post-cold frontal conditions. However, for a given season and hemisphere, the correlation between cloud cover and EIS degrades in post-cold frontal regions, especially in the northern hemisphere. At these scales, other large scale factors tend to correlate better with cloud cover.
